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[['jig rten mig gcig]] - [[Translator]]. The Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word Locava [lotsawa] [RY]
The formative Kings of Tibet

[[g.yu sgra snying po]] - [[Yudra Nyingpo]]. One of the twenty-five disciples of [[Guru Rinpoche]]; the reincarnation of Lekdrub of Tsang. Born in the region of Gyalmo Tsawarong, he was brought up by [[Vairochana]] and reached perfection in both learning and yogic accomplishment. He is counted among the 108 lotsawas and is one of the main lineage holders of the [[Mind Section]] of [[Dzogchen]] from the great translator Vairochana [RY]
[[Category:Early Tibet]]
[[Category: Key Terms]][[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Vajrayana]][[Category: Tantra]]

Revision as of 04:11, 9 June 2006

The formative Kings of Tibet