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[[rig pa]] - <(click this for definitions)

'''[[P continued]]'''
'''Possible uses (Tibetan and English renderings):'''

'''[[P continued - P1]]'''
[[skad cig ma yi rig pa]] - instant rigpa [JV]

'''[[P continued - P2]]'''
[[skad cig rig klong]] - dimension of instant rigpa [JV]
'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)

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[[skad cig rig pa]] - instant rigpa [JV]

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[[ji bzhin rig pa]] - precise knowledge of rigpa, precisely recognizes [JV]
Pacifying (zhi byed). See Shije. [RY]

Pada. A half-line of Skt verse (usually becoming a whole line in Tib. translation). [RY]
[[rtogs pa'i rig pa]] - functioning of immediate awareness in intuitive understanding, recognition in the state of rigpa [JV]

Padampa Sangye (pha dam pa sangs rgyas, d.1117?), the great Indian siddha who came five times to Tibet and introduced there the lineage called "pacification" (zhi byed), referring to the pacification of the suffering endured in samsara. See Aziz (1980). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
[[thugs rje'i rig]] - rigpa endowed with the potentiality of energy [JV]

Padampa Sangye: 11th-12th century [MR]
[[bder gshegs snying po sems rig dbyer med]] - [[sugata essence]] of undifferentiated [[sems]] and rigpa [RY]

Padma (pad ma). 1) Same as Padmasambhava. 2) The lotus family among the five buddha families. [ZL] [RY]
[[rdo rje lu gu]] - vajra chains, the essential manifestation of the primordial state of rigpa, awareness as expanse of reality manifesting in the form of spheres of light [JV]

Padma (pad ma). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
[[snang rig bsres]] - unify rigpa with vision, unify vision & rigpa [JV]

Padma {pad ma}. Lit. Lotus. One of the names of the great Indian mahasiddha Padmasambhava, who brought the Secret Mantra Vajrayana to Tibet in the 8th century. [RY]
[[dbyer med rig]] - rigpa which is the inseparability [JV]

Padma Do-ngak Lingpa (pad ma mdo sngags gling pa). The tertön name of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. [RY]
[[ma rig pa]] - avidya, unknowing, ignorance, lack of rigpa, unawareness, imperceptive, extrinsic perception, dimmed intrinsic awareness, unenlightenment, deluded mind, nonrecognition of awareness, unawareness, not notice, to not recognize [JV]

Padma Ewam Chogar. [RY]
[[rang rig]] - svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by [[sautrantika]]s and [[yogacara]]), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own [[rig pa]], apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa [JV]

Padma Gargyi Wangpo (pad ma gar gyi dbang po). The name of Jamgön Kongtrül the first. [RY]
[[rang rig gdangs]] - [[gdangs]] energy of one's rigpa [JV]

Padma Gargyi Wangpo. See Jamgön Kongtrül [LW1] [RY]
[[rang rig pa las ma gtogs pa]] - can be understood only thanks to one's own rigpa [JV]

Padma Garwang Lodrö Thaye (pad ma gar dbang blo gros mtha' yas). The name of Jamgön Kongtrül the first. [RY]
[[rang rig pa'i dag pa]] - purity of one's rigpa so self-liberation is possible through both conceptual and non-conceptual meditation [JV]

PADMA GARWANG LODRÖ THAYE (padma gar dbang blo gros mtha' yas). Another name for Jamgön Kongtrül. Padma Garwang means 'Lotus Lord of the Dance,' and Lodrö Thaye means 'Boundless Wisdom.'[AL] [RY]
[[rang rig ma dag]] - impure rigpa [JV]

Padma Garwang Lodrö Thaye. See Jamgön Kongtrül [LW1] [RY]
[[rig klong]] - state of rigpa [JV]

Padma Garwang Lodrö Thaye; alias Jamgön Kongtrül; [LWx] [RY]
[[rig ngo]] - essence of rigpa [JV]

Padma Garwang. See Jamgön Kongtrül [LW1] [RY]
[[rig gdangs]] - the [[gdangs]] energy of rigpa, gdangs energy of rigpa, gdangs of rigpa [JV]

Padma Garwang; alias Jamgön Kongtrül; [LWx] [RY]
[[rig gdangs skad cig]] - instantaneous state of the [[gdangs]] energy of rigpa [JV]

Padma Gyalpo; [LWx] [RY]
[[rig gdangs skad cig ma]] - the [[gdangs]] energy of instantaneous rigpa [JV]

Padma Gyalpo; one of the eight manifestations [LW1] [RY]
[[rig snang]] - visions of rigpa [JV]

Padma Kathang (pad ma bka' thang) [LWx] [RY]
[[rig pa ka dag]] - primordial purity of rigpa [JV]

Padma Kathang (pad ma bka' thang). [ZL] [RY]
[[rig pa skad cig ma]] - state of instant rigpa [JV]

Padma Kathang (pad ma bka' thang). See Chronicles of Padma [LW1] [RY]
[[rig pa byang chub sems]] - one's rigpa-bodhicitta [JV]

Padma Kathang by Orgyen Lingpa. Tibetan title: o rgyan gu ru pad-ma 'byung gnas kyi skyes rabs ran par that pa rgyas pa bkod pa pad-ma bka'i thang yig. Long version in poetry, 108 chapters in 721 pages. Revealed in the Crystal Cave of Yarlung in central Tibet and therefore also known as Namthar Sheldragma, The Crystal Cave Biography. Originally translated into French by Toussaint, G.-C. as Le Dict de Padma (Padma Thang Yig MS. de Lithang). Paris: 1933. Later re-translated in to English by Kenneth Douglas and Gwendolyn M. Bays, published by Tarthang Tulku as The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava. [ZL] [RY]
[[rig pa ye shes]] - intrinsic awareness, primordial wisdom, insight-wisdom, awareness of primordial wisdom, wisdom of rigpa, 1 of phur pa bzhi [JV]

Padma Kepa. [RY]
[[rig pa gsal]] - clear rigpa [JV]

Padma Kunsang. [RY]
[[rig pa'i klong]] - rigpa dimension [JV]

Padma Ling (pad-ma gling) [LW1] [RY]
[[rig pa'i sku lnga]] - five kayas of rigpa [JV]

Padma Nyinche Wangpo. [RY]
[[rig pa'i rgyal po]] - majestic awareness, prince of learning, science, supreme rigpa [JV]

Padma Nyingtig (padma snying thig). [EMP] [RY]
[[rig pa'i ngang]] - state of rigpa [JV]

Padma Nyugu. [RY]
[[rig pa'i gdangs]] - [[gdangs]] energy of rigpa [JV]

Padma Osel Do-ngak Lingpa (pad ma 'od gsal mdo sngags gling pa). The tertön name of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. [RY]
[[rig pa'i rtsal]] - potency of awareness, energy of pure presence, power of awareness, potentiality of awareness, creative energy of awareness, visible manifestations of the energy of the state of Awareness, Tsal energy of rigpa [JV]

Padma Ösel Do-ngak Lingpa. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [LW1] [RY]
[[rig pa'i rtsal dbang]] - empowerment of the energy of rigpa [JV]

Padma Ösel Do-ngak Lingpa; alias Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo; expl. [LWx] [RY]
[[rig pa'i gshis]] - state of rigpa [JV]

Padma Raja, the Lotus King. [Daki] [RY]
[[rig rtsal]] - literature and art, expression of awareness, insight, technique, art and literature, the rtsal energy of rigpa [JV]

Padma Shelphuk. [RY]
[[rig rtsal ma 'gags]] - uninterrupted tsal energy of rigpa [JV]

Padma Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa (pad ma bstan gnyis g.yung drung gling pa). The tertön name of Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye. [RY]
[[rig gshis]] - state of rigpa [JV]

Padma Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa. See Jamgön Kongtrül [LW1] [RY]
[[rig gsal]] - clear awareness, awareness and clarity, clear rigpa [JV]

Padma Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa; alias Jamgön Kongtrül; [LWx] [RY]
[[rlung rig dwangs]] - prana and rigpa are limpid [JV]

Padma Thod Phreng rtsal - lit. 'the Lotus-one ornamented by a rosary of skulls,' an emanation of Padmasambhava. [RY]
[[sems rig]] - mind, sem and rigpa; mind [RY]

Padma Tongdröl (pad ma mthong grol). The crown that liberates through seeing worn by Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
[[sems rig dbyer med]] - undifferentiated sems and rigpa [JV]

Padma Tötreng Tsal (pad ma thod phreng rtsal). The secret name of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
[[so so rang rig]] - immediate experience, individualizing intrinsic perceptivity, discriminative self-awareness, state of rigpa of each individual [JV]

Padma Tötreng Tsal (pad ma thod phreng rtsal). The secret name of Guru Rinpoche meaning 'Powerful Lotus of the Garland of Skulls.' [ZL] [RY]
[[gsal stong rig]] - rigpa related to clarity and emptiness [JV]

Padma Tötreng Tsal, Powerful Lotus of the Garland of Skulls. [Daki] [RY]
[[gsal stong rig pa]] - rigpa of clarity and emptiness [JV]

Padma Tsuktor. [RY]
[[hrig ge ba'i rig]] - wide-awake rigpa [JV]

Padma Vajra (mtsho skyes rdo rje). [ZL] [RY]
[[hrig ger rig pa]] - wide-awake rigpa [JV]

Padma Vajra (pad ma badz ra). See Dechen Gyalpo. [RY]

Padma Wangchok, Situ XI: 1886-1952. [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]][[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Vajrayana]][[Category: Tantra]][[Category: Teachings]]
Padma Wangchuk Gyalpo, Situ XI: 1886-1952 [MR]
Padma Wangchuk Gyalpo. [RY]
Padma. The word for lotus here is "born-from-a-lake" (mtsho las skyes pa) as in the analogy of a lotus flower being untainted by the mud of the swamp in which it grows. [RY]
Padmabhasajvala. Lotus Shining-Light (pad ma 'od 'bar), literally: "Lotus Shining-Light", it is the name primarily used for Padmakara within the Ratnasamanyasamgha practice. [Peter Roberts]
Padmajala (pad ma drva ba). The name of the pure land of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Padmakara (pad ma 'byung gnas). 'Lotus-born.' Same as Guru Rinpoche. Padmakara and Padmasambhava are interchangeable in Tibetan literature, sometimes is used the Tibetan translation Pema Jungney, sometimes the Sanskrit. [ZL] [RY]
Padmakara (padma 'byung gnas), the "One who Arose from the Lotus," or Guru Padmasambhava (see Translator's Introduction, note 17). Known by many names, in this life-story he is referred to as Guru Rinpoche, Orgyen Rinpoche, the Precious Master, or the Lake-born Vajra. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Padmakara Tötreng Tsal (pad ma ka ra thod phreng rtsal). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Padmakara, See also Padmasambhava; literal meaning; meaning of Padmakara [LW1] [RY]
Padmakara, the king of the victorious ones (rgyal dbang pad ma ka ra). He is called the king of victorious ones because he conquered the enemy of the four maras. Padmakara means Lotus Born (padma 'byung gnas). [RY]
Padmakara. Padmakara, instead of the more commonly known name of Padmasambhava, is what Jamgön Kongtrül uses, and that this was the original name is a view expressed by Tibetan masters. The Tibetan name being padma 'byung gnas "lotus-origin". However, the Koncho Chidu terma itself contains the words, "I, Padmasambhava..". [Peter Roberts]
Padmakara; expl.; [LWx] [RY]
Padmakara's Stages of the Path [LW1] [RY]
Padmakara's Stages of the Path; expl. [LWx] [RY]
Padmapani, a name of Avalokitesvara, the Buddha of compassion. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Padmasambhava - Fully enlightened master who established the teachings in Tibet in eight century [RY]
Padmasambhava - the 'Lotus-born' Guru of Odiyan' his eight major manifestations are: Padma 'byung gnas, Padma rgyal po, rDo rje gro lod, Nyi ma 'od zer, Sakya seng ge, Seng ge sgra sgrog, Blo ldan mchog sred, and rDo rje 'chang. [RY]
Padmasambhava (pad ma 'byung gnas). 'Originated from a Lotus.' Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Padmasambhava (pad-ma 'byung gnas); as one of the eight manifestations; biography and instructions; names [LW1] [RY]
Padmasambhava; as one of the eight manifestations; [LWx] [RY]
Padmey Lamrim [LW1] [RY]
Padmey Lamrim; expl. [LWx] [RY]
Padyam (Skt.). Washing water. [RY]
Pagan - Capital city of northern Burma; also a kingdom which adopted Theravadin Buddhism under Anoratha [RY]
Painful bardo of dying ('chi kha sdug bsngal gyi bar do). See Bardo of dying. [RY]
Pal Gyalkar (1992) speaks of twenty-five major works. To Jigme Thekcho's catalog, he adds a list of miscellaneous writings: [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Pal Kachöpa (dpal mkha' spyod pa). Propably identical with Kachö Wangpo, the second Shamar Rinpoche (1350-1405).[EMP] [RY]
Pala Dynasty - Rulers in central India from the eight through the twelfth centuries; gave active support to the Dharma [RY]
Pala Dynasty - Rulers in central India from the eighth through the twelfth centuries; gave active support to the Dharma. [Tarthang]
palace of dharmadhatu (chos kyi dbyings kyi pho brang) [LW1] [RY]
Palace of Dharmadhatu; expl. [LWx] [RY]
Palace of Lotus Light (pad ma 'od kyi pho brang). [Daki] [RY]
Palace of Lotus Light (pho brang pad ma 'od) [LW1] [RY]
Palace of Lotus Light (pho drang pad ma 'od); [LWx] [RY]
palanquin, stretcher, Sanskrit palyanka (do li) (phebs byams) (khyogs). A covered litter for one person carried on poles on the shoulders of two or four men. [RY]
palanquin, stretcher, Sanskrit palyanka (khyogs) (phebs byams) (do li). A covered litter for one person carried on poles on the shoulders of two or four men. [RY]
palanquin, stretcher, Sanskrit palyanka (phebs byams) (khyogs) (do li). A covered litter for one person carried on poles on the shoulders of two or four men. [RY]
Palden Khyentse Özer (dpal ldan mkhyen brtse 'od zer). The reincarnation of Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye and son of the 15th Karmapa. [RY]
Palembang - City on Sumatra; major Buddhist center of study [RY]
Palgöns [LW1] [RY]
Palgye. See Paltrül Rinpoche [LW1] [RY]
Palgyi Dorje (Wangchuk) of Lhalung alias Lhalung Palgyi Dorje (lha lung dpal gyi rdo rje). Born in Upper Drom, he served as a border guard but developed renunciation and together with his two brothers received ordination from Vimalamitra. He received the bodhisattva vow from Padmasambhava as well as empowerment and oral instructions in Vajrayana. He practiced meditation in the White Gorge of Tsib and at Yerpa, where he reached the accomplishment of being able to move freely through solid rock. Years later he assassinated the evil king Langdarma. Palgyi Dorje means 'Resplendent Vajra.'[AL] [RY]
Palgyi Senge of Lang (rlangs dpal gyi seng ge). His father was Amey Jangchub Drekh"l, a powerful mantrika who could employ the eight classes of gods and demons as his servants. Palgyi Senge of Lang was one of the eight chief disciples of Padmasambhava when the empowerment of the Assemblage of Sugatas was conferred. He attained both the common and supreme accomplishments at Paro Taktsang through the practice of the Tamer of All Haughty Spirits. [ZL] [RY]
Palgyi Senge of Lang (rlangs dpal gyi seng ge). His father was Amey Jangchub Drekhöl, a mantrika powerful enough to employ the eight classes of gods and demons as his servants. Palgyi Senge of Lang was one of the eight chief disciples of Padmasambhava when the empowerment of the Assemblage of Sugatas was conferred. He attained both the common and supreme accomplishments at Paro Taktsang through the practice of the Tamer of All Haughty Spirits. The Dzogchen Rinpoches are regarded as his reincarnations. Palgyi Senge means 'Glorious Lion.'[AL] [RY]
Palgyi Senge of Shübu (shud bu dpal gyi seng ge). As one of the ministers of King Trisong Deutsen, he was sent among the first emissaries to invite Padmasambhava to Tibet. He learned translation from Padmasambhava and rendered numerous teachings of Mamo, Yamantaka and Kilaya into Tibetan. Having attained accomplishment through Kilaya and Mamo, he could split boulders and divide the flow of rivers with his dagger. [ZL] [RY]
Palgyi Senge of Shubu (shud bu dpal gyi seng ge). One of the ministers of King Trisong Deutsen, sent among the first emissaries to invite Padmasambhava to Tibet. He learned translation from Padmasambhava and rendered numerous teachings of Mamo, Yamantaka and Kilaya into Tibetan. Having attained accomplishment through Kilaya and Mamo, he could split boulders and divide the flow of rivers with his dagger. His reincarnations include the great Tertön Mingyur Dorje of the Namchö tradition. Palgyi Senge means 'Glorious Lion.'[AL] [RY]
Palgyi Senge of Shubu [LW1] [RY]
Palgyi Wangchuk of Kharchen (mkhar chen dpal gyi dbang phyug). Here in the Sanglingma, he is described as the father of Yeshe Tsogyal, but elsewhere as her brother who became a close disciple of Padmasambhava. [ZL] [RY]
Palgyi Wangchuk of Kharchen (mkhar chen dpal gyi dbang phyug). In the Sanglingma biography he is the father of Yeshe Tsogyal; elsewhere he is described as her brother, a close disciple of Padmasambhava who attained siddhi through the practice of Vajra Kilaya. Palgyi Wangchuk means 'Resplendent Lord.'. [AL] [RY]
Palgyi Wangchuk of O-Dren ('o dran dpal gyi dbang phyug). A great scholar and tantrika, he attained siddhi through practicing Guru Drakpo, the wrathful aspect of Padmasambhava. Palgyi Wangchuk means 'Resplendent Lord.'[AL] [RY]
Palgyi Yeshe (dpal gyi ye shes). Born into the Drogmi clan he was also known as Palgyi Yeshe of Drogmi. He was an adept translator and rendered numerous sutras and tantras into Tibetan including the Tantra of the Mother Deities Mamo. He received the transmission of the Mother Deities, from Padmasambhava and became an accomplished mantrika. [ZL] [RY]
Palgyi Yeshe of Lang (rlangs dpal gyi ye she). One of the first Tibetans to take ordination. He received also transmission from Hungkara in India but died on the way back. [ZL] [RY]
Palgyi Yeshe of Sogpo (sog po dpal gyi ye shes). Disciple of Padmasambhava and Jnana Kumara of Nyag. Palgyi Yeshe means 'Glorious Wisdom.'[AL] [RY]
[[Pali]] - Canonical language of the [[Theravadin tradition]]; thought by the theravadins to be the original language of the Buddha [RY]
Pali Tripitaka first written down: 80 BC [MR]
Palpung (dpal spung). The monastery in East Tibet which was the seat of Situ Rinpoche. [RY]
Palpung Monastery [LW1] [RY]
Palpung Monastery. [RY]
Palpung Monastery; [LWx] [RY]
Palpung Shri Devi Koti [LW1] [RY]
Palpung Shri Devi Koti; [LWx] [RY]
Palpung Situ Rinpoche. [RY]
Palpung Situ. [RY]
Palpung. [RY]
Paltrul Rinpoche (1808-1887) One of the foremost scholars of his time. He was known not only for his scholarship and learning but also for his example of renunciation and compassion. His most famous works include Kunsang Lamey Shellung and his commentary on Tsigsum Nedeg, the epitome of the Dzogchen teachings. [RY]
Paltrul Rinpoche (dpal sprul rin po che). A great nonsectarian master of the 19th century who was regarded as the speech emanation of Jigmey Lingpa. Author of Kunsang Lamey Shellung. [RY]
Paltrul Rinpoche (dpal sprul rin po che). A great nonsectarian Tibetan master of the nineteenth century. [RY]
Paltrul Rinpoche. [RY]
Paltrül Rinpoche; biographical details [LW1] [RY]
Pal-yang (dpal dbyangs). A Tibetan translator predicted by Padmasambhava. The first monk ordained by Khenpo Bodhisattva. He is also known as Ratna of Ba (sba ratna). [ZL] [RY]
Palyül [LW1] [RY]
Palyul Gyatrul. [RY]
Palyul Monastery. [RY]
Pancalika. A kind of clothe worn by devas; according to Dharmabhadra and Ch, 'five-colored'. [RY]
Panchen Lama / (pan chen bla ma) - Incarnation lineage of the abbots of bKra shis lhun po monastery, established in the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama [RY]
Panchen Lama 1st, (blo bzang chos kyi grags pa) = chos rgyan = chos kyi rgyal mtshan): 1570-1662. [RY]
Panchen Lama 4th, Lobsang Tenpai Nyima: 1781-. [RY]
Panchen Lama 5th, Tenpai Changchup: 1854-. [RY]
Panchen Lama 6th, Lobsang Palden Yeshe: 1738-1780 [MR]
Panchen Lama 7th, Lobsang Tenpai Nyima: 1781-1854 [MR]
Panchen Lama 9th, Chökyi Nyima: 1883-1937 [MR]
Panchen Lama Chökyi Gyaltsen 10th : 1938-1989 [MR]
Panchen Lama Lobzang Tenpai Nyima, The seventh(blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma, 1781-1859). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Panchen Lama, 4th (1rst to hold the actual title) (blo bzang chos kyi grags pa = chos rgyan = chos kyi rgyal mtshan): 1570-1662 [MR]
Panchen Lama, 5th, Lobsang Yeshe: 1663-1737 [MR]
Panchen Lama, Tenpai Wangchuk: 1854-1882 [MR]
Panchen Lobzang Chögyen; see chap.2, note 30. Possibly the first Changkya, Ngawang Chöden, (lcang skya ngag dbang chos ldan, 1642-1714) or the second, Rolpa Dorje (rol pa rdo rje, 1717-86). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Pandara-vasini (gos dkar mo), (na bza' dkar). Third of the four Sublime Mothers (see Locana), 'the White-robed Goddess', red in color and the consort of Amitabha. [RY]
Pandita - great Buddhist scholar; usually refers to the Buddhist scholars from Kashmir or India. [RY]
Pandita - Indian title conferred on especiallv learned masters. [Tarthang]
Pandita - Indian title conferred on especially learned masters [RY]
pandita (mkhas pa) [LW1] [RY]
Pandita (mkhas pa) means "learned one." [RY]
Pandita (mkhas pa). A learned master, scholar or professor in Buddhist philosophy. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
PANDITA (mkhas pa). A learned master, scholar or professor in Buddhist philosophy. [AL] [RY]
Pandita (mkhas pa). A learned master, scholar, professor in Buddhist philosophy. [RY]
Pandita (mkhas pa). A learned master, scholar, professor in Buddhist philosophy. [ZL] [RY]
Pandita (mkhas pa); explanation of literal meaning [LWx] [RY]
Pandita cycle {pan di ta'i skor}. Writings on structured expositions of basic tenets of buddhist philosophy, such as the Seven Treasures by Longchenpa. [RY]
Pandita of Yanglesho (yang le shod kyi pan di ta). One of the 12 manifestations. Same as Mawey Senge. [RY]
Pandita. [RY]
Pandita. Scholar, learned man [RY]
Pang Lotsawa (dpang lo): -1342 [MR]
Pang Lotsawa (dpang lo): -1342. [RY]
Parables (de lta bu byung ba) [LW1] [RY]
Parakkamabahu - Twelfth century king of Sri Lanka under whose reign the Theravadin school gained unquestioned supremacy [RY]
Parakkamabahu - Twelfth century king of Sri Lanka under whose reign the Theravadin school gained unquestioned supremacy. [Tarthang]
Paramartha - Indian master who came to China in sixth century introduced Cittamatra teachings [RY]
Paramartha Seva. See Approaching the Ultimate [LW1] [RY]
Paramita (pha rol phyin). Perfection. [RY]
Paramita (pha rol tu phyin pa). Literally, 'paramita' means 'reaching the other shore.' Particularly, it means transcending concepts of subject, object and action. The Paramita vehicle (phar phyin gyi theg pa) is the Mahayana system of the gradual path through the five paths and ten bhumis according to the Prajnaparamita scriptures. See also 'six paramitas.'[AL] [RY]
Paramita (pha rol tu phyin pa). 'Reaching the other shore.'Transcending concepts of subject, object and action. [RY]
Paramita vehicle (phar phyin gyi theg pa). The Sutra system of the gradual path through the five paths and ten bhumis according to the Prajnaparamita scriptures. [RY]
paramita vehicle [LWx] [RY]
paramita vehicle. See vehicle [LW1] [RY]
paramitas (phar phyin). See also six paramitas; 36 types; Mahayana; ten [LW1] [RY]
paramitas; types [LWx] [RY]
Parinirvana - The final entry into nirvana; the passing away of a fully accomplished master [RY]
Parinirvana (yongs su mya ngan las 'das pa). 'Completely passing beyond suffering.' 1) The final entry into nirvana. 2) Honorific term for the passing away of a buddha or a fully accomplished master. [ZL] [RY]
parinirvana (yongs su mya ngan las 'das pa); complete cessation. The death and hence the end of the stream of rebirths of Shakyamuni Buddha, or any enlightened being. [Rain of Wisdom]
Parmi Gonpa. [RY]
Paro Drakar. [Daki] [RY]
Paro. [RY]
Particular samayas (khyad par gyi dam tshig). [RY]
partlessness (cha med) [LW1] [RY]
partlessness [LWx] [RY]
Paryanka (skyil mo krung). A particular sitting position, some say one leg on top of the other with the soles almost hidden. [RY]
'''[[P continued]]'''
'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)
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Latest revision as of 11:06, 11 October 2006

rig pa - <(click this for definitions)

Possible uses (Tibetan and English renderings):

skad cig ma yi rig pa - instant rigpa [JV]

skad cig rig klong - dimension of instant rigpa [JV]

skad cig rig pa - instant rigpa [JV]

ji bzhin rig pa - precise knowledge of rigpa, precisely recognizes [JV]

rtogs pa'i rig pa - functioning of immediate awareness in intuitive understanding, recognition in the state of rigpa [JV]

thugs rje'i rig - rigpa endowed with the potentiality of energy [JV]

bder gshegs snying po sems rig dbyer med - sugata essence of undifferentiated sems and rigpa [RY]

rdo rje lu gu - vajra chains, the essential manifestation of the primordial state of rigpa, awareness as expanse of reality manifesting in the form of spheres of light [JV]

snang rig bsres - unify rigpa with vision, unify vision & rigpa [JV]

dbyer med rig - rigpa which is the inseparability [JV]

ma rig pa - avidya, unknowing, ignorance, lack of rigpa, unawareness, imperceptive, extrinsic perception, dimmed intrinsic awareness, unenlightenment, deluded mind, nonrecognition of awareness, unawareness, not notice, to not recognize [JV]

rang rig - svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa [JV]

rang rig gdangs - gdangs energy of one's rigpa [JV]

rang rig pa las ma gtogs pa - can be understood only thanks to one's own rigpa [JV]

rang rig pa'i dag pa - purity of one's rigpa so self-liberation is possible through both conceptual and non-conceptual meditation [JV]

rang rig ma dag - impure rigpa [JV]

rig klong - state of rigpa [JV]

rig ngo - essence of rigpa [JV]

rig gdangs - the gdangs energy of rigpa, gdangs energy of rigpa, gdangs of rigpa [JV]

rig gdangs skad cig - instantaneous state of the gdangs energy of rigpa [JV]

rig gdangs skad cig ma - the gdangs energy of instantaneous rigpa [JV]

rig snang - visions of rigpa [JV]

rig pa ka dag - primordial purity of rigpa [JV]

rig pa skad cig ma - state of instant rigpa [JV]

rig pa byang chub sems - one's rigpa-bodhicitta [JV]

rig pa ye shes - intrinsic awareness, primordial wisdom, insight-wisdom, awareness of primordial wisdom, wisdom of rigpa, 1 of phur pa bzhi [JV]

rig pa gsal - clear rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i klong - rigpa dimension [JV]

rig pa'i sku lnga - five kayas of rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i rgyal po - majestic awareness, prince of learning, science, supreme rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i ngang - state of rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i gdangs - gdangs energy of rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i rtsal - potency of awareness, energy of pure presence, power of awareness, potentiality of awareness, creative energy of awareness, visible manifestations of the energy of the state of Awareness, Tsal energy of rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i rtsal dbang - empowerment of the energy of rigpa [JV]

rig pa'i gshis - state of rigpa [JV]

rig rtsal - literature and art, expression of awareness, insight, technique, art and literature, the rtsal energy of rigpa [JV]

rig rtsal ma 'gags - uninterrupted tsal energy of rigpa [JV]

rig gshis - state of rigpa [JV]

rig gsal - clear awareness, awareness and clarity, clear rigpa [JV]

rlung rig dwangs - prana and rigpa are limpid [JV]

sems rig - mind, sem and rigpa; mind [RY]

sems rig dbyer med - undifferentiated sems and rigpa [JV]

so so rang rig - immediate experience, individualizing intrinsic perceptivity, discriminative self-awareness, state of rigpa of each individual [JV]

gsal stong rig - rigpa related to clarity and emptiness [JV]

gsal stong rig pa - rigpa of clarity and emptiness [JV]

hrig ge ba'i rig - wide-awake rigpa [JV]

hrig ger rig pa - wide-awake rigpa [JV]