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===Short biography===
===Short biography===
*'''Tulku Sungrab''' Dongak Chökyi Gyatso''' (mdo sngags chos kyi rgya mtsho) (1903-1957), was a student of both [[Gelugpa]] and [[Nyingmapa]] teachers, including, most notably, [[Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodro]] and Tertön Sogyal [[Lerab Lingpa]]. His writings have been praised by H.H. the [[Dalai Lama]] for their clear and unbiased explanations of the views, practices and terminology of the [[Nyingma]] and [[Sarma]] traditions. He wrote several works comparing the view of Dzogchen with that of Mahamudra and Anuttarayoga Tantra, and a commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way.  
*'''Tulku Sungrab Lobzang Dongak Chökyi Gyatso''' (1903-1957), was a student of both [[Gelugpa]] and [[Nyingmapa]] teachers, including, most notably, [[Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodro]] and Tertön Sogyal [[Lerab Lingpa]]. His writings have been praised by H.H. the [[Dalai Lama]] for their clear and unbiased explanations of the views, practices and terminology of the [[Nyingma]] and [[Sarma]] traditions. He wrote several works comparing the view of Dzogchen with that of Mahamudra and Anuttarayoga Tantra, and a commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way.
===Literary Works===
===Literary Works===
* pad ma 'byung gnas kyi rnam thar la 'phros pa'i 'bel gtam
* pad ma 'byung gnas kyi rnam thar la 'phros pa'i 'bel gtam
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*A Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way, The Sword to Cut Through False Views (dbu ma rgyan gyi mchan 'grel nyung ngu lta ngan gcod pa'i ral gri) <br>
*A Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way, The Sword to Cut Through False Views (dbu ma rgyan gyi mchan 'grel nyung ngu lta ngan gcod pa'i ral gri) <br>
===Main Teachers===
===Main Teachers===
*[[Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodro]]<br>
*[[Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodro]]
*[[Lobzang Palden Tendzin Nyendrak]] (blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin snyan grags)
*[[Lerab Lingpa]] (las rab gling pa)
*Payang (dpa' dbyangs)<br>
===Main Students===
===Main Students===
*Sprul-sku Blo-bzang-'phags-pa-phun-tshogs
*Sprul-sku Blo-bzang-'phags-pa-phun-tshogs
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[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Gelug Masters]]
[[Category:Gelug Masters]]
[[Category:Dzogchen Masters]]
[[Category:Rime Masters]]

Latest revision as of 01:31, 16 November 2008

sprul sku gsung rab

Short biography

  • Tulku Sungrab Lobzang Dongak Chökyi Gyatso (1903-1957), was a student of both Gelugpa and Nyingmapa teachers, including, most notably, Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodro and Tertön Sogyal Lerab Lingpa. His writings have been praised by H.H. the Dalai Lama for their clear and unbiased explanations of the views, practices and terminology of the Nyingma and Sarma traditions. He wrote several works comparing the view of Dzogchen with that of Mahamudra and Anuttarayoga Tantra, and a commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way.

Literary Works

  • pad ma 'byung gnas kyi rnam thar la 'phros pa'i 'bel gtam
  • blo gsal khu byug gi rtogs brjod
  • bsgrigs rjes kyi gtam
  • bstod tshogs ls btus pa
  • dbu ma rgyan gyi gzhung 'grel rig pa'i lam gyi snang ba
  • dge bar skul ba'i gtam ngang pa gzhon nu'i zlos gar
  • dkon mchog gsum la bstod pa
  • gangs can sgrub brgyud sngon byung gi chos babs
  • gsang sngags gsar rnying gi lta ba gcig tu sgrub pa
  • gsar rnying dgongs bzhed gcig tu sgrub pa'i rigs lam
  • gsung thor/_mdo sngags chos kyi rgya mtsho zi ling mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang
  • lam rim las brtsams te rang rgyud la bskul 'debs
  • lha'i rnal 'byor skor gyi brjed tho sogs
  • mgur gyi skor tsho
  • phyag rdzogs dbu gsum gyi lta ba'i dris lan
  • phyag rdzogs gdams pa'i skor gyi brjed tho
  • rdzogs pa chen po'i tha snyad 'ga'i 'grel pa
  • rgyal ba'i gsungs rabs ls sbyangs pa'i rtogs brjod
  • rje btsun bla ma mchog gi rnam thar gsol 'debs
  • rnying ma'i lugs kyi rdo rje theg pa'i mtshan don
  • rnying ma'i ring lugs bsre bslad med par bshad pa sogs
  • sgra tshad zung du 'brel bar dpyad pa'i sa bon
  • skyabs 'gro'i sdom tshig
  • thar lam nyams su len lugs rtags rim ston pa
  • theg pa chen po'i blo sbyong
  • theg pa rim pa dgu'i skor
  • thugs chen la gsol 'debs
  • zhal gdams 'ga' zhig
  • A Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way, The Sword to Cut Through False Views (dbu ma rgyan gyi mchan 'grel nyung ngu lta ngan gcod pa'i ral gri)

Main Teachers

Main Students

  • Sprul-sku Blo-bzang-'phags-pa-phun-tshogs
  • Dbang-mda' Sprul-sku
  • Dung-dkar Mkhan-po Dam-chos
  • Se-ra'i Yang-sprul
  • Dom-tsha Gter-ston Tshe-dbang-mgon-po
  • Rta-shul Mkhan A-bhi
  • Lcang-ma'i Mkhan-po Rgya-mtsho
  • Grub-pa'i-dbang-phyug Chen-po Sprul-sku Chos-grags
  • Sprul-sku Ka-dag
  • Skya-shul Dge-slong Thub-bstan-rgya-mtsho
  • Glo-bla Bshad-sgrub
  • Mchog-sprul 'Jam-dpal-rol-ba'i-blo-ldan
  • Sprul Rin-po-che Blo-bzang-kun-mkhyen
  • Nor-lde

Main Lineages

Alternate Names & Spellings

  • thub bstan zla ba bzang po
  • kun bzang bzhad pa'i rdo rje
  • snyan dgon sprul sku gsung rab pa
  • mchog sprul smra ba'i seng chen blo bzang mdo sngags chos kyi rgya mtsho
  • 'jam mgon bla ma dgyes pa'i 'bangs 'jam dpal dgyes pa'i blo gros tshangs sras snyems pa'i sde

Internal Links

External Links

  • The TBRC Bio link[1]