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[[chos dbyings su bsdus pa]] - ''rupakaya'' gathered/dissolving into [[Dharmakaya]] or peace] [IW]
[[chos dbyings su bsdus pa]] - ''rupakaya'' gathered/dissolving into [[Dharmakaya]] or peace] [IW]
[[chos dbyings su bsdus pa]] - [rupakaya] gathered/dissolving into [[Dharmakaya]] [IW]

[[de bzhin gshegs pa'i gzugs sku]] - the tathagata's rupakaya/ form-body [appearing from the viewpoint of those to be tamed sangs rgyas kyi sku bzhin lag can gyi rnam par shar ba [IW]
[[de bzhin gshegs pa'i gzugs sku]] - the tathagata's rupakaya/ form-body [appearing from the viewpoint of those to be tamed sangs rgyas kyi sku bzhin lag can gyi rnam par shar ba [IW]

Revision as of 11:45, 5 March 2007

sku - kayas. 'Body' in the sense of a body or embodiment of numerous qualities. When speaking of two kayas: Dharmakaya and Rupakaya. The Three Kayas are Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya. See also 'Three Kayas.' [RY]

sku gnyis - The two bodies of a Buddha. 1] {gzugs sku}. [rupakaya] Form Body 2] The body of reality {chos sku}. [dharmakaya], Truth Body [RY]

sku gnyis - Two kayas. Dharmakaya realized for the benefit of self and rupakaya manifested for the welfare of others [RY]

sku gnyis kyi 'bras bu - Fruition of the two kayas. The state of complete and perfect buddhahood comprised of Dharmakaya and Rupakaya of which rupakaya, the form body, refers to both Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya [RY]

chu dang cod pan gyi dbang - the water and crown Abhishekas Kriya Tantra means of entering, the five vase empowerments place Dharmakaya Empowerment in one's being and Rupakaya instilling empowerment w the crown of Samayamudra [IW]

chos can rang bzhin du gnas pa'i rigs - [rupakaya, the body of form =) the enlightened family in which apparitional reality naturally abides, the naturally existing gotra (family) of the dharmin, the gotra of the dharmin existing as the nature.z (rupakaya, the body of form =] the enlightened family in which apparitional reality naturally abides, the naturally existing gotra (family) of the dharmin, the gotra of the dharmin existing as the nature, the dharmin the naturally existing gotra [IW]

chos dbyings su bsdus pa - rupakaya gathered/dissolving into Dharmakaya or peace] [IW]

de bzhin gshegs pa'i gzugs sku - the tathagata's rupakaya/ form-body [appearing from the viewpoint of those to be tamed sangs rgyas kyi sku bzhin lag can gyi rnam par shar ba [IW]

de bzhin gshegs pa'i gzugs sku - the tathagata's rupakaya/ form-body [IW]

'bras bu rdo rje 'dzin pa - the fruition of being a vajra holder [the yidam of the mantra path as rupakaya, a yoga of meditating in the developing stage] [IW]

gzhan don gzugs sku - rupakayas that benefit others [IW]

gzhan don gzugs sku'i rten 'brel bsgrigs pa - to arrange the coincidence of rupakaya for the benefit of others [RY]

bzhan don gzugs sku'i rten 'brel bsgrigs pa - arrange the coincidence of rupakaya for the benefit of others [IW]

gzugs - recollection, recollecting power, retention, substance, appearance, "form". sight objects, metaphor [in poetics]. image, figure, body, [visible / physical] form, form skandha, form-body, rupakaya. one of the {phung po lnga} the five aggregates / skandhas. object for the organ of sight {mig gi yul} statue. [dharani]. long sacred verbal formula. (visual) form; material form, solid forms [RY]

gzugs - things [capable of] having visual form/ sense qualities * [power of] recollection, retention, substance, appearance, sight objects, poetic metaphor, image, figure, body, form [skandha/ body/ realm, rupakaya, statue, dharani * [f 'dzugs], will [insert, hold, found, establish, set up, construct, hoist, plant, poke, prick, stab] [IW]

gzugs kyi sku - rupakaya, form body [RY]

gzugs kyi sku'i 'od gsal rnam pa lnga - the five kinds of luminosity of rupakaya [IW]

gzugs sku - sensible body, buddha's visible form, founding strata of apprehendable meanings, form-bodies, rupakaya, form bodies, dimension of form (longs sku & sprul sku) [JV]

gzugs sku - Rupakaya, Form Body, [rupakaya]; the body of form. rupakaya, physical manifestation, form body; rupakaya [RY]

gzugs sku gnyis - Two rupakayas. Sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya [RY]

gzugs sku gnyis - the two rupakayas/ kayas of form: sambhogak ya longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku and nirma ak ya sprul sku [IW]

Gzugs sku 'byung ba - will manifest the rupakaya [RY]

gzugs sku lhun grub kyi 'od gsal - Spontaneously present luminosity of the rupakayas. The display during the bardo of dharmata [RY]

gzugs sku'i snang ba - the display of rupakaya/form bodies [IW]

gzugs sku'i snang ba - the display of rupakaya / form bodies [RY]

rang bzhin gnas rigs - Naturally present potential applies to the mind essence present as the unobstructed potential for the qualities of Dharmakaya arising from its empty aspect and the qualities of rupakaya arising from its manifest aspect. It is called 'All-ground Wisdom' (kun gzhi'i ye shes) because of being the ground from which both samsara and nirvana arise and the 'defiled suchness' (dri bcas de bzhin nyid) because of being combined with defilement at the time of a sentient being. (YLS) (DKR) [RY]

sangs rgyas kyi gzugs sku - the buddha's rupakaya [IW]

sangs rgyas kyi gzugs sku - the rupakaya of the awakened state [RY]

lhun grub gzugs kyi sku'i 'od gsal - the spontaneously present luminosity of rupakaya [RY]

lhun grub gzugs sku'i snang ba - the spontaneously present body / display of rupakaya [RY]

lhun grub gzugs sku'i 'od gsal - spontaneously present luminosity of the rupakayas [RY]