Dordrak Rigdzin Chenpo Lekden Dudjom Dorje

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rdor brag rig 'dzin chen po legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje


Short biography

Dordrak Rigdzin Chenpo Lekden Dudjom Dorje (1512-1625), The younger brother of Ngari Penchen Pema Wangyal, he was the reincarnation of Rigdzin Godem. He studied with his father Jamyang Rinchen Gyaltsen, and also with his root teacher, Ngagchang Shakya Zangpo, from whom he received the transmission for the Northern Treasures.

He revealed the drag po dbu sku skor, the thugs rje chen po 'khor ba dbyings grol, and tshe sgrub bdud rtsi 'khyil ba revelations. Included among his students were Drigung Rinchen Phuntsok ('brig gung rin chen phun tshogs), Nesar Khyentse Wangchuk (gnas gsar mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug), and the second Yolmo Tulku Namkha Gyajin (yol mo sprul sku nam mkha' brgya byin) his chief disciple was Jangdak Tashi Tobgyal (byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal). In the later period of his life he settled at gsang sngags theg mchog gling in la stod byang.

Rigdzin Lekden Je

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