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glo bur bral dag gi de bzhin nyid - Thusness which is pure due to being freed from adventitious impurities [JV]

de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi de kho na nyid - Sarvatatha-gatatattvasam.graha na-ma maha-ya-nasu-tra; The Thusness of All Who Have Gone That Way [RY]

'phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po chos kyi rnam grangs le'u stong phrag brgya pa las le'u bcu drug pa ste - 'phags pa yab dang sras mjal ba zhes bya ba de kho na nges par bstan pa - A-rya pita-putrasama-gamana na-ma maha-ya-nasu-tra; The "Meeting of the Father and Son, an Explication of Thusness," being the Sixteenth Chapter of a Hundred Thousand Chapters of the Many Various Teachings of the Exalted Sutra entitled "The Stack of the Jewels" [RY]

de kho na nyid - 1) thatness, reality, suchness, thusness, natural state, real nature, real, That, what actually is, the real thing, state of being just as it is. Syn tathata {gnas lugs, stong pa nyid, de nyid, chos nyid, yang dag pa, de bzhin nyid}. can be abbreviated by {de nyid} reality; Skt. tattva or tatva, thatness itself. 2) that very same, that itself [RY]

de kho na nyid - the real, suchness, the way things are, Emptiness, Thusness, the natural state, dharmata, dharmadhatu, That, that very same, thatness, reality, reality, what actually is, the real thing (it does not always mean the Absolute truth, it can also be relative truth. There is conventional suchness and absolute suchness it can be abbreviated by {de nyid} [IW]

de bzhin nyid - Suchness {stong pa nyid/ marklessness, extreme of truth'/ Absolute truth/ dharmadhatu/ Emptiness, the markless, complete reality, the absolute, dharmadhatu just as it is, reality, "Thusness", As it is (as 1 of the four non-compounds) tathata]the simplicity of dharmadhatu [IW]

de bzhin nyid - Tathata, suchness, like-this-ness, just-this-ness, just as it is, thusness, actual state of existence, reality, identity, essence, that-ness, pure fact of being, real nature, reality as it is, de (a pointer), bzhin (continuity of what is pointed out), nyid (emphasis, forget about anything else), SA rang bzhin rnam dag gi de bzhin nyid, glo bur bral dag gi de bzhin nyid, dri bcas dang dri med kyi de bzhin nyid, transcendent reality, essential nature itself, essential nature, just like that, just so, just that way, true meaning, true nature, the state of being just as it is, natural condition, the condition as it is, fundamental nature, essential condition [JV]

de bzhin nyid - Skt tathata. suchness, just as it is, reality, thusness, as it is, state of being just as it is. Suchness, as one of the four noncompounds. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {brjod dang rtog pa las 'das de bzhin nyid/ /ngag gis brjod pa dang yid kyis rtog pa'i yul las 'das pa'i chos nyid ni de bzhin nyid de 'phags pa'i mnyam gzhag rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes kho na'i spyod yul lo} / {de'i ming gi rnam grangs kyang stong pa nyid dang, mtshan ma med pa dang, yang dag pa'i mtha' dang, don dam pa dang, chos kyi dbyings} Syn {de kho na nyid} [RY]

rang bzhin rnam dag - pure in being itself, naturally perfect, thusness which is naturally pure, SA ngo bo nyid kyi sku gi de bzhin nyid, the nature of total purity [JV]