21 mandala clusters of the gathering of the transmitted precepts. (IW)
1) Twenty-one Mandala Clusters of the Gathering of the Transmitted Precepts. [As enumerated in] bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho'i tshom bu nyer gcig. these are Glorious Chemchok Heruka in the center; Yangdag Heruka, Vajravali, Vajrapani, and rdo rje rtsal rdzogs. in the east; Vajrakapalamala, Chakrasamvara, Yamantaka, and Ratna rtsal rdzogs. in the south; Hayagriva, Hevajra, Guhyasamaja, and pad ma rtsal rdzogs. in the west. Chemchok, Kalachakra, mkha' klong 'khyil ba. and kar ma rtsal rdzogs. in the north. mngon rdzogs rgyal po. in the southeast; Vajrakumara in the southwest; dregs 'dul. in the northwest; and stobs ldan nag po. in the northeast. (RY)
See also: bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho