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one of the three types of exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise of a Hearer's path of seeing; see nyan thos kyi mthong lam mnyam bzhag ye shes for others  +
one of the three types of Hearer path of meditation; see nyan thos kyi mthong lam for others  +
one of the three types of Hearer path of meditation; see nyan thos kyi mthong lam for others  +
Comment: Jik-may-dam-chö-gya-tso explains that "vehicle" here means the scriptural collections of the Hearers, these being the Hearer vehicle as verbalizing words (rjod byed tshig gi theg pa).  +
definition of Hearer path of meditation (nyan thos kyi sgom lam)\nCheck synonyms! (T)  +
Comment: This is one of the five paths of Hearers: path of accumulation (tshogs lam); path of preparation (sbyor lam); path of seeing (mthong lam); path of meditation (sgom lam); and path of no more learning (mi slob lam).  +
one of the three types of exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise of a Hearer path of meditation; see nyan thos kyi sgom lam mnyam bzhag ye shes for others  +
one of the three types of yogic direct perceiver; the others are: Solitary Realizer's yogic direct perceiver (rang rgyal gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum) and MahAyAna yogic direct perceiver (theg chen gyi rnal 'byor mngon sum)  +
secondary afflictions; Comment: Secondary afflictions are one of six main groupings of mental factors (sems byung, caitta): (1) five omnipresent (kun 'gro, sarvatraga) mental factors; (2) five determining (yul nges, viSaya-pratiniyama) mental factors; (3) eleven virtuous (dge ba, kuzala) mental factors; (4) six root afflictions (rtsa nyon, mUla-kleza); (5) twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyong, upakleza); and (6) four changeable (gzhan 'gyur, anyathAbhAva) mental factors. The twenty secondary afflictions are: (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).  +
to sweep; Thumi, p.162, has: phyag / 'phyag / phyags / 'phyags for the tenses of "to sweep" (T)  +
SW added this entry. Sanskrit is from Sarat Chandra Das dictionary.  +
nye nyon; Comment: See nye nyon.  +
one of the four types of hell (dmyal ba); for others see: [[dmyal ba]]  +
one of the four types of hell; see dmyal ba for others  +
Take example from intro verse of 70 topics ? (T)  +
Check this -- p. 128 of the dictionary Alan typed says this is a book by Asanga, and cites DASI 572.2\nCheck (T)  +
Other examples: yod pa nyid du nges pa, ascertained as only existent; mnyam nyid, equality, sameness; med pa nyid du nges pa, ascertained as just non-existent  +
check tenses. Thumi (p.98) has nyald / nyal / nyal / nyold (T)  +
Comment: The afflictive emotions are commonly identified as the six root afflictions and the twenty secondary afflictions (rtsa nyon, mUlakleza). The six root afflictions are: desire ('dod chogs, rAga); (2) anger (khong khro, pratigha); (3) pride (nga rgyal, mAna); (4) ignorance (ma rig pa, avidyA); (5) doubt (the tshom, vicikitsA); (6) afflicted view (lta ba nyon mongs can, kliSTa-dRSTi). The twenty secondary afflictions (nye nyon nyi shu, upakleza): (1) belligerence (khro ba, krodha); (2) resentment ('khon 'dzin, upanAha); (3) concealment ('chab pa, mrakSa); (4) spite ('tshig pa, pradAsa); (5) jealousy (IrSyA); (6) miserliness (mAtsarya); (7) deceit (sgyu, mAyA); (8) dissimulation (g.yo, zAThya); (9) haughtiness (rgyags pa, mada); (10) harmfulness (rnam par 'tshe ba, vihiMsA); (11) non-shame (ngo tsha med pa, AhrIkya); (12) non-embarrassment (khrel med, anapatrApya); (13) lethargy (rmugs pa, styAna); (14) excitement (rgod pa, auddhatya); (15) non-faith (ma dad pa, Azraddhya); (16) laziness (le lo, kausIdya); (17) non-conscientiousness (bag med pa, pramAda); (18) forgetfulness (brjed nges pa, muSita-smRtitA); (19) non-introspection (shes bzhin ma yin pa, asaMprajanya); (20) distraction (rnam par g/yeng pa, vikSepya).  +