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Lotsawa Workbench The Lotsawa Workbench is an initiative of the Tsadra Foundation research department. Currently, this is just a test and we welcome any comments and suggestions. We hope to invite collaboration from users and stakeholders from Dharma groups as well as academia. Please contact us if you are interested in developing this project with us: research AT tsadra DOT org.

dgongs pa zang thal
Negi (Tibetan-Sanskrit) Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary <br> J.S. Negi <br> Dictionary Unit, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath (January 1993)
'byung po dgongs pa vi. bhūtabhāvanaḥ — skabs der de yi ched du ni/ /'byung po dgongs pa bcom ldan 'das/ /skye bo thams cad skyob pa la/ /dus mdzad rgyal ba yang dag byon// atrāntare tamuddeśaṃ bhagavān bhūtabhāvanaḥ jinaḥ samāyayau sarvajanatrāṇakṛtakṣaṇaḥ a.ka.297kha/39.7.
'jig rten gyi zang zing lokāmiṣam — 'jig rten gyi zang zing lhur byed pa lokāmiṣagurukaḥ ś; 'jig rten gyi zang zing kun bsdud lokāmiṣasaṃgrahaḥ lo.ko.795.
'jig rten gyi zang zing lhur byed pa vi. lokāmiṣagurukaḥ — kuhako batāyam, lapako batāyam…lokāmiṣaguruko batāyam ś
'jig rten zang zing = 'jig rten gyi zang zing/
bdag tu 'dzin pa'i gzhi la dgongs pa thams cad rtogs pa snang ba'i de kho na pā. ātmagrāhavastusarvābhisandhipraveśadṛśyatattvam, dṛśyatattvabhedaḥ — snang ba'i de kho na ni rnam pa dgu ste/ nga rgyal med pa'i snang ba'i de kho na dangbdag tu 'dzin pa'i gzhi la dgongs pa thams cad rtogs pa snang ba'i de kho na'o// dṛśyatattvaṃ navavidham—nirabhimānadṛśyatattvam … ātmagrāhavastu— sarvā'bhisandhipraveśadṛśyatattvañca ma.bhā.15kha/123.
'byung po dgongs pa vi. bhūtabhāvanaḥ — skabs der de yi ched du ni/ /'byung po dgongs pa bcom ldan 'das/ /skye bo thams cad skyob pa la/ /dus mdzad rgyal ba yang dag byon// atrāntare tamuddeśaṃ bhagavān bhūtabhāvanaḥ jinaḥ samāyayau sarvajanatrāṇakṛtakṣaṇaḥ a.ka.297kha/39.7.
'jig rten gyi zang zing lokāmiṣam — 'jig rten gyi zang zing lhur byed pa lokāmiṣagurukaḥ ś; 'jig rten gyi zang zing kun bsdud lokāmiṣasaṃgrahaḥ lo.ko.795.
'jig rten gyi zang zing lhur byed pa vi. lokāmiṣagurukaḥ — kuhako batāyam, lapako batāyam…lokāmiṣaguruko batāyam ś
'jig rten zang zing = 'jig rten gyi zang zing/
bdag tu 'dzin pa'i gzhi la dgongs pa thams cad rtogs pa snang ba'i de kho na pā. ātmagrāhavastusarvābhisandhipraveśadṛśyatattvam, dṛśyatattvabhedaḥ — snang ba'i de kho na ni rnam pa dgu ste/ nga rgyal med pa'i snang ba'i de kho na dangbdag tu 'dzin pa'i gzhi la dgongs pa thams cad rtogs pa snang ba'i de kho na'o// dṛśyatattvaṃ navavidham—nirabhimānadṛśyatattvam … ātmagrāhavastu— sarvā'bhisandhipraveśadṛśyatattvañca ma.bhā.15kha/123.
Mahāvyutpatti (Tibetan-Sanskrit) MAHONEY, Richard, ed., Sanskrit-Tibetan Buddhist Terminology based on the Mahāvyutpatti and Yogācārabhūmi: DICT version, (Oxford, North Canterbury: Indica et Buddhica, 2004)

don gzhan la dgongs pa (mvyut_1669)


'chal ba ; 'chal ba 'm 'khrugs pa ; 'chal ba 'm 'khrugs pa 'm cal col du gyur ba ; 'khrags thal 'gyur ba ; 'khrags thal 'gyur ba 'm cal ; 'khrugs pa ; 'khrugs pa 'm cal col du gyur ba ; cal ; cal col du gyur ba (mvyut_4520)


thal ches par gyur (mvyut_4723)


zang yag ; zangs yag (mvyut_7734)


zang yag (mvyut_7862)


gzhugs pa la ldem por dgongs pa (mvyut_1672)

añjalikarma, añjalikarman

thal mo sbyar ba (mvyut_1766)

bhasmitam kuryāt, bhasmīkuryāt, bhasmainaṃ kuryat

'di thal bar bklags pa ; klog pa ; klog pa 'm klog par 'gyur ; klog par 'gyur ; rlog par 'gyur (mvyut_6537)


'thal lcag ; lhal lcag (mvyut_3985)

catvāro 'bhiprāyā

dgongs pa bzhi'i ming la (mvyut_1666)

catvāro 'bhisaṃdhaya

ldem por dgongs pa bzhi'i ming la (mvyut_1671)

chayikam api na prajñāyate

thal ba yang med do (mvyut_5255)

citāntarāṃsa, cirāntarāṃsa

thal gong rgyas pa (mvyut_251)


thal yas (mvyut_7746)


thal yas (mvyut_7875)


thal thal (mvyut_7872)


mchil ma'i thal ba (mvyut_2834)


dus gzhan la dgongs pa (mvyut_1668)


ston zla tha chung la thal ba (mvyut_8412)


mtshan nyid la ldem por dgongs pa (mvyut_1673)

māludam, maludam

thal yas (mvyut_7876)


zang zing med pa (mvyut_6752)


zang zing med pa chos ston pa (mvyut_842)


bsgyur ba la ldem por dgongs pa ; sbyor ba la ldem por dgongs pa (mvyut_1675)


thal mo sbyar (mvyut_9279)


thal gyur (mvyut_4522)

prasaṅgaḥ prasajyate

thal bar 'gyur (mvyut_4724)


gnyen po la ldem por dgongs pa (mvyut_1674)


gang zag gzhan la dgongs pa (mvyut_1670)

samanvāhāra ācārya

slob dpon dgongs su gsol (mvyut_8701)


'phags yas ; thal yas (mvyut_7729)


mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa (mvyut_1667)


de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi dgongs pa yongs su rdzogs par byed pa'i ye shes kyi phyag rgya (mvyut_4304)


dgongs pa nges par 'grel ba (mvyut_1359)


thal gong (mvyut_3967)


thal phyags (mvyut_9048)

sudhā, sūdhā

rdo thal (mvyut_5939)

sukhāpi sāmiṣā duḥkhāpy aduḥkhāsukhāpi sāmiṣā

sdug bsngal ba yang ma yin bde ba yang ma yin pa yang rung ; zang zing dang bcas pa'i bde ba yang rung ; zang zing dang bcas pa'i sdug bsngal ba yang rung (mvyut_7552)


zang zing dang bcas pa (mvyut_6751)


thal ba'i sol ris gsum mtshan dan ; thal ba'i sor ris gsum mtshan dan (mvyut_4341)


'gong ba ; 'gong ba 'm smod pa ; dgongs pa ; dgongs pa 'm smad pa ; dgod ; smad pa ; smod pa (mvyut_2634)

yena bhagavāṃs tenāñjaliṃ praṇamya

bcom ldan 'das ga la ba der logs su thal mo sbyar ba btud (mvyut_6278)


dgongs pa'i (mvyut_6718)


ram kha zas chung zad kyi phir ; zang zing cung zad kyi phir (mvyut_2475)


sha ; sha 'm zas ; zang zing ; zang zing ngam sha ; zang zing ngam sha 'm zas ; zas (mvyut_6753)

śailamuktam iva kāñcanaṃ nisevita, śailamuktim iva kāñcanam niṣevita, śelamuktim iva kāñcanam niṣevita

ri las thal ba'i nyi ma bzhin du bsnyen pa (mvyut_6445)

Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary EDGERTON, F. (1953). <br> Buddhist hybrid sanskrit grammar and dictionary 2. 2. <br> New Haven, Yale Univ. Press [u.a.].
Entry: 6154
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(carpawa, carpawa)
carpaṭa¦ (m. or nt.; Skt. Lex. id.), flat of the hand: so read with WT, supported by Tib. thal mo, for KN vāpy-atha (-maṇḍakā) SP 52.1 (cited Śikṣ 93.12), read carpaṭa-maṇḍukā; see the passage, s.v. maṇḍuka. [Page226-b+ 71]
Entry: 6411
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(CAyika, CAyika)
chāyika¦, nt., or °kā, f. (cf. Pali chārikā; AMg. chāria, °ya, nt., and °yā; no form with y for r recorded), ashes: chāyikam (so Index; text, also Mironov, chayikam; short a seems clearly an error) api na prajñāyate Mvy 5255 (Tib. thal ba, dust, ashes; follows maśīr, or maśir, q.v., api…); (na maṣir) na chāyikā prajñāyate Śikṣ 246.10; in Mv ii.325.9 (vs) read, substantially with mss., na… maṣī (mss. add va; read vā? or na?) chāyikā (mss. chā-ikā, or chāyi; Senart em. chārikāṃ) vā (the first part of the line is corrupt but Senart's em. cannot be right; the nega- tive was clearly present); one of four vikṛta-bhojana, MSV i.286.8, 9 chāyikā. See also jambū-chāyaka.
ela, (1)
Entry: 4129
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(ela, ela)
ela, (1)¦ m. or nt., a high number: Mvy 7759 (m.) = Tib. yal ḥdas, ya lad; 7872 (nt.) = Tib. thal thal, cited from Gv, which has elam 133.14; (2) m., n. of a nāga king: Mvy 3263; Māy 247.28; also dual dvandva Ela- melau, two nāga kings, Māy 247.33.
Entry: 4132
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(elada, elada)
elada¦, m. or nt., a high number: Mvy 7746 (m.), 7875 (nt.), both = Tib. thal yas; the latter cited from Gv, the text of which has instead elatā or eluda, qq.v.
Entry: 6758
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(JAzayati, JAzayati)
jhāṣayati¦ (cf. Skt. Lex. jhaṣ-, jaṣ-, Pali Lex. jhas-, Childers; Vedic jasate, jāsayati), pulverizes, destroys utterly (so Tib. cited on Śikṣ 59.12, thal bar rlog): °ti Śikṣ 59.12 (pūrvāvaropitāni kuśalamūlāni), similarly 61.2, and °nti- 60.12; (svakleśāṃś ca parakleśāṃś ca) °ti 89.3.
Entry: 11483
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(maRquka, maRquka)
maṇḍuka¦, m. (nt. ?), acc. to Skt. Lex. (pw 5.262) a kind of drum; prob. read so with Kashgar rec. twice for both edd. maṇḍaka (vv.ll. Nep. mss. madduka, maḍaka, etc.; note in KN says ‘probably to read maḍḍukā’ which is also cited in Skt. Lex. in same mg.) in SP 52.1 (vs), KN vādāpitā…yehi (Śikṣ yehī) jala-maṇḍakā vāpy-atha maṇḍakā vā, cited thus (except yehī) in Śikṣ 93.(11--)12; WT carpaṭa-, q.v., for vāpy-atha, no other change; Tib. for the pāda, chu la brdabs daṅ thal mo brdabs pa daṅ, apparently striking on water and striking on the palms of the hands. That some instrument, presumably of percus- sion, was meant seems clear from vādāpitā, tho I find no record of such a mg. for Tib. brdabs. These noises were made in honor of relics of Buddhas.
Entry: 12048
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(mAluda, mAluda)
māluda¦, nt. (var maluda, but Mironov mā°), a high number: Mvy 7876 (= Tib. thal yas), cited from Gv 133.15; seems to correspond in position to mālutā Gv 106.5.
Entry: 17482
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(sPija, sPija)
sphija¦, nt., broom: Mvy 9048 = Tib. thal phyags, broom; Chin. broom for sweeping ashes. Can this be related to Pali phiya, piya, oar (glossed dabbi-padara, lit. spoon- board, Sn. comm. 330.22)?
Entry: 17419
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(sTAlaka, sTAlaka)
sthālaka¦, m., nt., sthālikā, °lika- (?) (= Pali thālaka, °likā; Skt. sthāla, °lī, plus -ka, svārthe or dim.), (little) pot: °likā-mūlyena SP 106.10 (prose; all Nep. mss. but one °lika-, Kashgar rec. different); °likāṃ, acc., Divy 123.22; 343.16; dīpa-sthālikā-(lamp-pots)-śata- RP 57.7; dīpa-sthālaka udvartavyaḥ MSV iii.97.12, the lamp-pot is to be set up; °likākāra, pot-shaped, Divy 338.9; 342.11; pānīya-sthālakam, (small) water-pot, Mvy 9029; Śikṣ 90.15 (prose); udaka-sthālakaṃ (acc.) Mvy 8592, (monk's) water- pot (for drinking out of).
Entry: 7171
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(Tala, Tala)
thala¦ (nt., = Pali id., MIndic for Skt. sthala), dry land: Mv iii.32.2,11 (v.l. sthala in both: prose).
Entry: 6236
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(cita, cita)
cita¦ (orig. ppp. of Skt. ci-), orig. piled up, heaped up; so, thick, dense (of hair), stout, large (of fingers), full, stout (of the space between the shoulders), in cpds. (1) cita-keśa, having thick, dense hair, one of the anuvyañ- jana of the Buddha: Mvy 343 = Tib. stug pa, dense, thick; Mv ii.44.10, so read with one ms., the other vivitra° (Senart em. citra°); instead Dharmas 84 has citra-keśa, which I believe is certainly a corruption; lacking in the LV list; (2) citāṅguli, with stout, large fingers, another anuvyañjana: Mvy 274 (here Tib. rgyas = large); con- firmed by Pali acc. to Burnouf, Lotus, 585; this time the corruption citrā° (above) is more widespread, being printed in Mv ii.43.9 (only one ms., lacuna in the other); Dharmas 84 (but one ms. ciṃtā°); and LV 106.12--13 (Lefm. anu- pūrvacitrāṅguliś ca, combining this with anupūrvāṅguli; most mss. have the reverse order, as does Tib., which also renders by rgyas pa = large, proving that it had citā° [Page229-b+ 71] and not citrā°); (3) citāntarāṃsa (or °śa) (= Pali citan- taraṃsa, e.g. DN ii.18.10; comm. ii.449.6 antaraṃsaṃ vuccati dvinnaṃ koṭṭhāsānaṃ antaraṃ; taṃ citaṃ pari- puṇṇaṃ assā ti), with full, well filled-in, space between the shoulders, one of the 32 lakṣaṇa: Mvy 251, Tib. thal goṅ rgyas pa = large shoulders; so also Tib. on LV 105.18; all lists of the lakṣaṇa (q.v.) intend the same form, only varying between °āṃsa and °āṃśa. In Gv 69.26 read citta with 2d ed. for cita; see s.v. avabhā. See also next.

Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource (ITLR) The Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource (ITLR) is a collaborative lexical project built around Sanskrit Headwords which are ordered under the rubrics (1) Word/Term/Phrase, (2) Place Name, (3) Personal name, or (4) Title of Scripture/Treatise. It aims to provide occurrences of these lexical items in Indic sources, attested Tibetan translations of them, modern renderings, and references to them in discussions in academic works. The ITLR involves a number of scholars from around the world in various capacities, including editors, advisors, contributors, and visiting fellows, and it cooperates with several institutions.


Click the following links to visit Hamburg University's Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource and peruse a detailed lexical resource for this term with taxonomical labels, modern renderings, attestations in the form of references to primary and secondary sources, and more.

Wylie Sanskrit ITLR Link
dgongs pa can bhāvika
thal ba bhasman
thal gong aṃsa
thal gong skandha
thal lcag gi rtsed mo pāllavā
thal thal ela
thal yas samarya
thal yas elada
thal yas elatā
zang yag atyudgata
zang yag viśiṣṭa
zang yag devala