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Lotsawa Workbench The Lotsawa Workbench is an initiative of the Tsadra Foundation research department. Currently, this is just a test and we welcome any comments and suggestions. We hope to invite collaboration from users and stakeholders from Dharma groups as well as academia. Please contact us if you are interested in developing this project with us: research AT tsadra DOT org.

'dul ba
No matches in the Negi Dictionary.
No matches in the Mahāvyutpatti.
Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary EDGERTON, F. (1953). <br> Buddhist hybrid sanskrit grammar and dictionary 2. 2. <br> New Haven, Yale Univ. Press [u.a.].
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(akzaRa, akzaRa)
akṣaṇa¦, m. or nt. (= Pali akkhaṇa), inopportune birth, birth under such circumstances that one cannot learn from a Buddha. There are eight such in Pali, DN iii.287.12 ff.; AN iv. 225.19 ff. (9 in DN iii.263.31 ff.), viz.: (at a time when a Buddha is living) one is born (1) in a hell, (2) as an animal, (3) as a preta, (4) as one of the ‘long-lived gods’, (5) in border countries or barbarian regions, (6) with perverted, heretical mentality, (7) dull, stupid, incapable of distinguishing the gospel from what is inconsistent with it; or (8) he is born capable of profiting from the gospel but at a time when no Buddha exists to teach it. (DN iii.263 ff. adds as 9th, after No. 3, birth as an asura.) These same 8, transposing 6 and 7, are briefly listed Mvy 2299--2306: (1) narakāḥ, (2) tiryañcaḥ, (3) pretāḥ, (4) dīrghāyuṣo devāḥ, (5) pratyantajanapadam, (6) indriyavai- kalyam, (7) mithyādarśanam, (8) tathāgatānām anutpādaḥ. In Dharmas 134 No. 5 is put before 4, otherwise 1--7 as in Mvy, but 8 (obviously by a secondary change) is wholly different: (1) narakopapattis, (2) tiryagupapattir, (3) yamalokopapattiḥ, (4) pratyantajanapadopapattir, (5) dīrghāyuṣadevopapattir, (6) indriyavikalatā, (7) mithyā- dṛṣṭiś, (8) cittotpādavirāgitatā (seems to be a different version of 6, which corresponds to Pali 7, while 8 of the others is omitted). As opposed to these there is only one kṣaṇa, opportune birth; see s.v. Eight akṣaṇa Mv ii.363.3; LV 412.14; Śikṣ 2.4; 114.14; Gv 116.16; Suv 41.13. The word never means misfortune in general, but only un- favorable birth, and in most cases clearly in just the sense described above. So Śikṣ 147.14 akṣaṇagatiṃ na gacchaty anyatra sattvaparipākāt, (a Bodhisattva) is not born in an inopportune birth, except to mature creatures (the transl. misunderstands); LV 278.22 akṣaṇāni pithitāny abhūvan, and 279.19 akṣaṇāḥ pithitāḥ, are explained by Gv 112.19 sarvākṣaṇadvārakapāṭāni pithayiṣyati (or with text [Page003-a+ 71] pithapayiṣ°, see Chap. 43, s.v.) he will close the door-panels (opening into) all the inopportune births. The akṣaṇa are śodhita, purified, LV 53.6; 357.5, or made śūnya, empty, LV 358.13. Others: LV 12.3; 34.22; 275.21; 327.13; 364.7; Mv ii.358.5; 371.12; 392.5 = Śikṣ 306.1; Av i.291.12; RP 35.19; Śikṣ 69.5; Sukh 23.9; Gv 54.9 (preta-tiryaṅ- narakākṣaṇe-gatāḥ); cf. Lévi, Sūtrāl. 17.26. On SP 163.8 akṣaṇāḥ saṃvṛtā cf. Senart's note Mv i.405 f.; it is (as Senart says) certainly secondary, the original being aghā(ḥ) aghasaṃvṛtā(ḥ), miseries, surrounded by miseries (in ap- position with lokāntarikā, q.v., sc. narakāḥ or nirayāḥ); akṣaṇāḥ in SP was, in my opinion as in Senart's (if I under- stand him), a noun and a near-synonym of aghā(ḥ), (constituting) unfavorable births, see agha (2). Perhaps akṣaṇasaṃvṛtā(ḥ) was originally read after it(?). In Dbh.g. 7(343).4 read probably akṣaṇāḥ for text akṣalāḥ: sarve ti pāpapatitā 'kṣalāḥ (text) prabhonti.
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(DanDa, DanDa)
dhandha¦ (= Pali dandha; see also adhandha), slow, weak, dull: cf. Wogihara, Bbh. Lex. 28; opp. to kṣipra, Pali khippa. In Śikṣ (see note p. 395) and Divy always recorded as dhanva; as to AsP, see next two: dhandhā- bhijña Mvy 1245, 1246; Bbh 322.26; dhandham, adv., slowly Bbh 175.12 f.; other forms and cpds. Bbh 176.6, 19 f.; 193.5; 218.9; 322.26; Śikṣ 7.9; 51.6; Divy 488.27; 489.20; 490.7 f., 20; 492.21; 504.17.
dhandhāyati, °te
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(DanDAyati, DanDAyati, °te)
dhandhāyati, °te¦, denom. from dhandha, is slow, is dull (of wit); in AsP always recorded as dhanvā° (as in Śikṣ, Divy): a-dhandhāyamāna Bbh 284.7, not going slow; dhanvāyati AsP 284.4; 326.4; °yiṣyati 176.9; dhan- vāyita-tva, state of being dull of comprehension AsP 31.16; 454.9; °yita-tā 454.11 (associated with kāṅkṣāyita-tva, q.v.); dhanvāyita-tvaṃ Gv 451.7.
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(DanDIkriyate, DanDIkriyate)
dhandhīkriyate¦ (text dhanvī°), is made dull, from dhandha: Śikṣ 7.11.
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(dull, dull-)
dull-¦, see durl-.
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(dullaBa, dullaBa)
dullabha¦, adj. (= Pali id.; MIndic for Skt. durl°), hard to get: LV 113.17; 322.4; 429.1 (this last prose; two mss. and Calc. durll°); Mv i.233.19; 248.2; ii.55.8; 359.14.
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(durlamBa, durlamBa)
durlambha¦, adj. (for usual durlabha; Skt. Gr. ati- durl°; Pkt. M. dullambha), hard to get: (kāntāra-)durlam- bhaḥ piṇḍako yācanakena Av ii.83.9; °bhaḥ…Avalokite- śvaro Kv 66.22.
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(durlaNGita, durlaNGita)
durlaṅghita¦, nt., some form of hostile magic or its result (see s.v. durbhukta): Mvy 4381; Māy 220.19; 245.18 (here dull°). Acc. to Tib. on Mvy, bgo ñe(s), app. bad clothes; or sgyuṅ (which I cannot find) ñes. On the basis of Skt., laṅghita could mean violation, hostile attack; or fasting, hunger, starving.
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(durliKita, durliKita)
durlikhita¦, nt., written hostile magic: Mvy 4382 = Tib. bri(s) ñes, bad writing; Māy 220.19 and 245.18 (in both dulli°). See s.v. durbhukta.
Entry: 4098
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(eqakamUka, eqaka-mUka)
eḍaka-mūka¦, adj. = eḍa-mūka, q.v.: Śikṣ 188.8 idaṃ mayā naiva vaktavyaṃ, jaḍasamena eḍakamūka- samena mayā kalahavivādeṣu bhavitavyaṃ (so punctuate). Here perhaps the literal idea, speechless, is dominant, tho the parallel jaḍa-samena suggests that overtones of dull, stupid must also be present.
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(jihma, jihma)
jihma¦, adj. (in these senses recorded nowhere else; Skt., Pali jimha, and Pkt. jimha, jimma, regularly crooked or fig. dishonest), (1) bereft of light, obscured, not shining, dull; regularly said of entities regarded as brightly shining in themselves, but having their light eclipsed or obscured by a greater radiance, esp. that emitted or caused by the Buddha; so at the bodhi-tree Buddha causes a radiance which makes the divine abodes of the gods jihma Mv ii.316.18 or jihmavarṇa Mv ii.313.17; 316.16 and by Senart's em. (for mss. jihmabala) 295.1; 296.9; 304.1; 308.16 (in all these jihma-bala might stand, of obscured, dulled power); similarly, jihma vipaśyatha (so divide) divya ātmabhāvāṃ LV 49.12 (vs; Apsarases speak, looking at Māyā's superior beauty), see how (our) divine bodies are eclipsed (in splendor); jihma sarvatuṣitālayo bhuto (m.c. for bhūto) 54.3 (vs), the whole abode of the Tuṣita became splendorless; sarvāṇi mārabhavanāni karonti jihmā 296.16 (vs); jihma (so divide; acc. sg.) kurvati jagat sadevakam RP 6.15 (vs); also fig. of the intelligence and senses; vijñāna, in Mv ii.355.14 (vs) ye gṛddhā lābhasatkāre jihma-vijñāna-(dull intelligence)-niśritā; and Karmav 31.12 (apāyeṣūpapanno) durgandho bhavati jihmendriyo bhavaty avyaktendriyaḥ,…of dull and obscure (see avyakta) senses; (2) (cf. jihmīkṛtaḥ Mvy 5200, below s.v. jihmīkaroti, with Tib.) disappointed, depressed, saddened, despondent: in LV 193.19 (vs) read (with v.l.) jihmā-jihma (n. pl., āmreḍita) sudurmanā, very depressed and downcast; con- firmed by Tib. dman zhiṅ dman; prob. so, a-jihma in Sukh 25.16 (prose) aśaṅko 'jihmo, free from doubt and despondency (in a description of a Bodhisattva); to be sure the next words are 'śaṭho 'māyāvī, which suggest the Skt. meaning, not deceitful, but these lists of charac- teristics are apt to go in pairs, and aśaṅka suggests this BHS meaning of (a-)jihma, which is otherwise known [Page243-b+ 71] and easily develops from mg (1). See the following items, which support both mgs.
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(jihmIkaraRa, jihmIkaraRa)
jihmīkaraṇa¦, adj. (from next, with -ana), (1) ob- scuring, making (what is normally bright seem) dark or dull: candrasūryajihmīkaraṇayā prabhayā LV 41.5; indusūrya-jihmīkaraṇa-prabho Sukh 29.16; see also prec.; -tā, (jāmbūnada-suvarṇālaṃkāra-bhūtaṃ) saṃskṛtāva- cara-kuśalamūlopacaya-jihmīkaraṇa-tayā Gv 496.6, (it is like an ornament of finest gold) because it obscures (over- shadows, makes seem dull) things in the realm (see avacara) of the conditioned thru the acquisition of roots of merit; (2) disappointing (lit. darkening, so making despondent or the like), in a-ji°, not disappointing (beggars): (upasaṃ- krāntānāṃ, sc. yācanakānāṃ, cāvi) mānanājihmīkaraṇāvik- ṣepaṃ (adv.) LV 431.10, while not showing disrespect to (beggars) who come to him, not disappointing them, and not turning them away; yācanaka-maitrīkāruṇyapūrvaṃ- gamasaṃprekṣaṇājihmīkaraṇa- LV 432.5, looking upon beg- gars with love and compassion and not disappointing them.
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(jihmIkaroti, jihmIkaroti)
jihmīkaroti¦ (to jihma, q.v., in both its BHS senses), (1) obscures, makes (esp. something normally bright to appear) dark or dull: bhagavantaṃ…sūryasahasrātirekayā prabhayā sarvaparṣanmaṇḍalaṃ °kurvantam…dṛṣṭvā RP 2.16; (sarvamāramaṇḍalāni) °kurvamāṇān (to pres. kur- vate) Gv 87.5; sarvamārabhavanāni jihmīkṛtya (text jihvī°) Mmk 7.20, and (°bhavanaṃ) 78.16; ppp. °kṛta (various forms), with mārabhavanāni LV 300.9 (cf. 296.16, s.v. jihma); of Māra's host, 316.10; ābharaṇāni 122.3; jihmīkṛta (so mss., Lefm. em. jihmi°) candrasūryā 354.18 (vs); (candrasūryau…) tayā prabhayā te 'pi jihmīkṛtau nāvabhāsyante niṣprabhāṇi ca bhavanti Mmk 78.17; fig. eclipsed, overshadowed, jihmīkṛta (so mss., Lefm. em. jihmi°) śakrabrahmā (by the Bodhisattva) LV 354.2 (vs); (2) disappoints (lit. darkens, makes dull; cf. jihmīkaraṇa, 2); ppp. °kṛta, disappointed, despondent, overcome: °kṛtaḥ Mvy 5200 = Tib. (among various renderings) spa skoṅs pa, despondent, or zil gyis non pa, overcome. Cf. prec. and next.
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(kuRqa, kuRqa)
kuṇḍa¦, adj., (1) in the sense of Skt. (and Pali) kuṇṭha, dull, blunt: LV 252.2 (prose) kuṇḍayā śaktyā śiraḥka- pālam upahanyād; Tib. rtul pos, dull, blunt; despite this, and on no apparent ground, Foucaux translates both the Skt. and even the Tib. (!) by aiguë!; no v.l. reported by Lefm.; (2) in Mvy 7363 and 8875 acc. to Tib. lag rdum, maimed in the hand; so also Chin. and Jap.; same mg. perh. in Pali, Pv. comm. 181.9 catūhi aṅgehi kuṇḍo (bent, PTSD); pw 7.332 krüppelicht, lahm; cf. Dhātup. kuṇḍ-, vaikalye, and the use of kuṇṭha (Skt. blunt, a mg. which BHS kuṇḍa has) in BHS and Pali in the ad- ditional sense of mutilated, maimed. See also next.
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(kuRWa, kuRWa)
kuṇṭha¦, adj. (in Skt. only blunt, dull; in Pali also (a) mutilated (person), Jāt. ii.117.18, also koṇṭha in same context; cf. Skt. Dhātup. kuṇṭ-, vikalīkaraṇe; and cf. the following items), probably mutilated, maimed (or possibly deformed): AsP 426.18 (prose) na kāṇo bhavati na kuṇṭho bhavati na kubjo…
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(kzaRa, kzaRa)
kṣaṇa¦, m. (= Pali khaṇa), birth under favorable conditions. There are 8 akṣaṇa (q.v.) but only 1 kṣaṇa, viz., birth as a man in the ‘middle region’, where a Buddha is to be expected, at a time when he is born, and with the mental capacity to assimilate his doctrine (Pali AN iv.227.8 ff.): Mv ii.363.4 kṣaṇaṃ (acc.) ekaṃ buddhotpādaṃ suśo- bhanam; Suv 41.(13--)14(--15) (bhavantu aṣṭākṣaṇavīti- vṛttāḥ, so read) āsādayantu kṣaṇarājam (the supreme favorable birth) uttamaṃ, (labhantu buddhehi samāgamaṃ sadā); Śikṣ 2.4; 114.15 kṣaṇasampad, the good luck of (this) favorable birth; 282.1 kṣaṇa-gati-pratilabdhena having obtained the lot of…; Kv 18.19 sarvakṣaṇopapannāḥ sattvā(ḥ), all creatures born under (the described) favorable conditions, cf. Sūtrāl. xiii.10 kṣaṇopapatti.(In Mv ii.378.1 Senart kṣaṇāṃś ca, but keep kṣaṇāc ca with mss., and instantly.) Once, however, kṣaṇa in this sense seems to be [Page198-b+ 71] pluralized: Mv ii.392.5--6 so akṣaṇāni parivarjayitvā, kṣaṇā ca tasya bhavanti viśiṣṭā (but mss. bhavati viśiṣṭo, taking kṣaṇā as n. sg., § 8.24); the same vs Śikṣ 306.1 even makes 8 kṣaṇa, obviously as mechanical pendant to the 8 akṣaṇa; so akṣaṇaṃ vai vijahāti sarvaṃ, aṣṭakṣa- ṇāś cāsya viśiṣṭa bhonti.This is a secondary distortion. In LV 327.12 dullabho 'dya labhitaḥ kṣaṇavaro amṛto, today has been obtained the immortal (nectar-like?) excellent favorable birth that is hard to obtain, followed by 13… varjitā (a)kṣaṇaduḥkhā asurasurapure, avoided the pains of unfavorable births in the cities of asuras and gods; evidently both kṣaṇa and akṣaṇa (the latter includes birth as a god!) are used in their standard meanings; but here the use of kṣaṇa is not strictly logical, since the Bodhisattva himself is speaking! [In Divy 76.25; 465.23 read kṣūṇa, q.v.]
momuha, momūha
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(momuha, momuha, momUha)
momuha, momūha¦ (= Pali momūha; cf. momugha, once in ŚB), confused, bewildered, deluded: a-momuha- jātīyaḥ Bbh 9.20; na momuha-jātīyasya 157.2; manda- momūha-tā state of being dull and deluded, 372.14.
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(saMjYA, saMjYA)
saṃjñā¦, ifc. Bhvr. -saṃjña (cf. Skt. id.; the Skt. mgs. sign, signal, and name, are also BHS; note esp. vaidya-saṃjñāṃ ghoṣayitvā Divy 109.21, proclaiming the title of physician = saying that he was a physician; Pali saññā is used in most of the mgs. listed below; Tib. regu- larly ḥdu śes, a mechanically literal rendering), (1) aware- ness, consciousness, as a generalized faculty, fundamentally as in Skt.: cf. visaṃjña, unconscious (in a swoon, or the like) = Skt. id., e.g. SP 104.8; technical uses, see saṃjñā- vedayita-(vedita-)-nirodha, naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñā- yatana (°nopaga); (2) not clearly distinguishable from prec., notion, conception, idea, of anything in the external world: the third of the five (upādāna-)skandha (as in Pali), see upādāna (sometimes rendered perception); when the Bodhisattva sat down at the bodhi-tree, he received (pratilabhati) at once five saṃjñā, ideas or impressions, viz. kṣema-s°, sukha-, śubha-, hita-, and (fifthly) adya cāhaṃ anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbuddhiṣyati (so mss., Senart em. °ṣyaṃ ti) Mv ii.268.6--8, and similarly 404.17--19, where the fifth is substantially the same, the others being atīta-s°, kṣema-, sukha-, aśakya- (neither passage explains the first four); aśubha-saṃjñā (= Pali asubha-saññā), conceptions of foul things which must be meditated on by monks, see s.v. aśubha-bhāvanā; often prec. in comp. by other words specifying the emotional or intellectual content of the saṃjñā, (na ca) anitya- saṃjñā-bahulā viharanti Mv i.79.15, and (backsliders) dwell not abounding in the notion of the impermanence (of sentient existence, as they ought to); parikatha bhikṣu yadī na bhāra-saṃjñā LV 242.22 (vs), speak, monk, if you are not conscious of a burden (in doing as I ask), wrongly Foucaux on Skt. and Tib. (khur gyi ḥdu śes med na gsuṅs); in a neg., or impliedly or quasi-neg., expression, something like the very idea, thought, āhāra-saṃjñā ca na tatra bhe- ṣyati anyatra dharme rati dhyānaprītiḥ (Nep. mss. jñāna°) SP 206.1 (vs), and there will be no thought or idea of food, other than delight in the Doctrine and joy in meditation; adhimāna-saṃjñāṃ ca vihāya sarvāṃ SP 287.8 (vs), and abandoning every thought of pride; sukhaṃ vinaśyatī teṣāṃ sukha-saṃjñā ca naśyati SP 177.5 (vs),…and the very notion of happiness was lost; tena ca mahatā duḥkhaskan- dhenābhyāhatā na duḥkhamanasikāra-saṃjñām utpāda- yanti SP 78.5, and, afflicted with that great mass of misery, they do not conceive the idea of putting their minds on misery [Page552-a+ 71] (it does not occur to them to consider the question of misery seriously); (3) developing out of prec. (cf. āhāra- saṃjñā, SP 206.1 above, which might perhaps be rendered interest in, inclination towards food; and cf. AMg. saṇṇā = manovṛtti, mental inclination, Ratnach.), interest in, pur- poseful thought about: in Mv ii.147.12 (the Bodhisattva replies to his father's attempt to interest him in women; read with mss.) yasya tāta strīsaṃjñā bhaveyā so atra rajyeyā…, father, whoever has ‘ideas’ about women, let him take pleasure in them; the king replies, tava kīdṛśī saṃjñā bhavati 13, what are your thoughts or ideas?, to which the prince replies, mamātra viparītasaṃjñā bha- vati 14, I have the idea of the reverse, i.e. (as the sequel explains), that things are the opposite of what they seem; here saṃjñā belongs to 2 above; cf. viparīta-saṃjñin SP 320.12, s.v. saṃjñin (3); (4) in BHS esp. false notion, erroneous impression in the mind: in LV 374.11--12 (vss, unmetr. in Lefm.; see his note and Foucaux's note on Calc. 485.7) read, iha hetudarśanād vai jitā mayā hetukās trayaḥ saṃjñāḥ, nityānitye saṃjñā sukhaduḥkha 'nātmani cātmani ca,…three false notions, (viz.) the notions about the permanent and impermanent, pleasure and pain, non- self and self; saṃjñā-graheṇa (by clinging to false notions) bālā dṛṣṭi-viparyāsa niśritā LV 235.17 (vs); samjñākṛta- mātram (a mere product of a false notion) idaṃ kaṇṭhako vahatīti vādiśārdūlaṃ Mv i.157.10 (the gods held the horse's hoofs); saṃjñāsūtraṃ (the cord of…) uddharī saṃskṛtātaḥ LV 196.2 (vs); vitarkamālā saṃjñāsūtreṣu granthitā LV 372.3 (vs), the garland of doubt, strung on the cords of…; sattvānāṃ…saṃjñā-vikalpa-caritānāṃ SP 318.13, of creatures whose actions are characterized by false notions and vain imaginings; mṛgīye…taṃ prasrā- vaṃ pānīya-saṃjñāya (instr., under the mistaken impression that is was water) pītaṃ Mv iii.143.17, so 153.12, °saṃjñāye 144.7; 154.9; bhagavaṃ (mss. °vāṃ) mṛgasaṃjñena mayā etaṃ iṣu kṣiptaṃ Mv ii.213.16, under the mistaken im- pression of (your being) a deer (cf. 5 below) I shot this arrow; krīḍāratiṃ ca janayec chubha-saṃjña-tāṃ ca LV 190.5 (vs),…and a state of having a false notion of (its being) fine (also cf. 5); keṣa-cid…vartati saṃjñā Samādh 19.24, some have the false notion…, and so, keṣa-ci saṃjñā 25; (5) in comp. with a prec. noun or adj. (as in some cases under 4), the notion or idea or impression, opinion, that (something or someone) is (what the prior member of the cpd. means); esp. as object of utpādayati (cf. SP 78.5, under 2 above) or a synonym, forms, conceives such an idea or opinion; the object of the idea is generally loc., sometimes gen. with antike, q.v., rarely acc., sometimes not expressed (understood from context): (tato imā asmākaṃ striyaḥ sarvakālaṃ) paribhavetsuḥ, tṛṇasaṃjñā pi na (mss. recorded as ta) utpādayetsuḥ (so read) Mv iii.393.14, then these our wives would always scorn us, would not even think we were worth a straw (lit. form a grass- blade-notion, sc. of us); śrotavyaṃ (read °vya, m.c.) buddhavacanaṃ dullabha-saṃjñām upajanetvā Mv i.248.2 (vs), one must listen to the word of a Buddha, realizing that it is hard to find; (te…durlabhaprādurbhāvāms) tathāgatān viditvāścaryasaṃjñām utpādayiṣyanti śoka- saṃjñām utpā° SP 320.1,…will conceive the notion of surprise and sorrow, virtually = will be surprised and grieved; hīnasaṃjñā, a low (= unfavorable) opinion, (na tvayā…) °jñotpādayitavyā SP 425.9, and with loc. of object, mā hīnasaṃjñām utpādayiṣyasi tathāgate ca bo- dhisattveṣu ca tasmiṃś ca buddhakṣetre 426.2; the op- posite is viśiṣṭa-s°, LV 244.1--2, below; others with loc., śmaśāna-saṃjñāṃ (mss. °jño) janayate iṣṭikāsu Mv ii.384.22 (vs), forms the idea about women that they are (repulsive as) cemeteries; tāsu mātṛsaṃjñā upasthāpayitavyā bhaginī- saṃjñā duhitṛsaṃjñā Divy 115.5, you must learn to think of them as if mothers, sisters, daughters; kiṇīkṛta-(q.v., so read)-saṃjñā bhaveyur na ca tathāgate durlabha-saṃjñām [Page552-b+ 71] utpādayeyuḥ SP 319.8,…and would not conceive the diffi- culty of finding a T.; the object is in gen. with antike (q.v.), naiṣa mamāntike viśiṣṭasaṃjño (Bhvr.) bhaven LV 244.1--2, he would not have a high opinion of me; (sarvatathāgatānāṃ) cāntike pitṛsaṃjñām utpādayati sarvabodhisattvānāṃ cāntike śāstṛsaṃjñām utpā° SP 286.1; also SP 107.4--5 (see antike); object is acc., svabhavanāni śmaśāna-saṃjñām utpādayām āsuḥ LV 278.7, (gods etc.) began to think of their own dwellings as cemeteries (i.e. repulsive; = svāni vimānāni śmaśānānīva menire 280.20, vs); (6) (cf. Skt. mg. sign, symbol), alphabetic sign, letter: (yā) vā imā loke saṃjñā (mss. mostly sajñā, perh. representing a pronuncia- tion like MIndic saññā, as in Pali?), brāhmī (etc., list of alphabets) Mv i.135.5; (7) a high number: Mvy 8034 = Tib. brdaḥ śes; cf. mahā-saṃjñā, sarva-s°, visaṃjñāvatī.
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(upajanayati, upajanayati)
upajanayati¦, also °jān° (see under janayati, and Senart n. on Mv i.248.2), conceives (lit. produces) a thought or feeling, in oneself: Mv i.248.2 dullabhasaṃjñām upa- janetvā, conceiving the thought that it is hard to get; ii.135.4 (vs) upajānaya tvaṃ sukhāni, rejoice!; in LV 36.20 (vs) Lefm. gauravam upajenitvā (best mss. °janitvā; read °jānitvā, as meter requires long initial syllable?), con- ceiving veneration.
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(vaWara, vaWara)
? vaṭhara¦, adj. (= Pali Lex. id.; rarely in Skt. stupid, dull), large, gross: Mv ii.65.3, applied to a lizard, godhā; but the reading is quite doubtful; v.l. jaṭharā; and in 5 both mss. (raudrāṃ) japarāṃ, intending jaṭh° (Senart em. vaṭharāṃ); it seems likely that (Skt.) jaṭhara, hard (or old?), should be assumed.
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(vAsitavAsana, vAsita-vAsana)
vāsita-vāsana¦, adj. Bhvr. (vāsita, ppp. of Skt. vāsayati, plus vāsanā, q.v.), having impressions from previous births duly formed, here in good sense: (upālir …kṛtakuśalamūlo) purimakehi samyaksaṃbuddhehi vāsi- tavāsano chinnabandhano…Mv iii.179.7; (carimabha- viko)…eṣo sattvo kṛtādhikāro vāsitavāsano 263.12; (kṛtādhikāro…) vāsit° kṛtapūrvayogo…406.11; (bodhi- sattvasya…paryeṣitasarvakuśalamūlasya) vāsitavāsana- sya…LV 10.4.
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(IryA, IryA)
īryā¦ or iryā (chiefly the latter, semi-MIndic, has been noted; = Pali and AMg. iriyā) = the much com- moner īryā-patha (or iryā°), deportment, behavior, par- ticularly good, dignified, proper deportment: Mv i.302.10 iryaṃ (mss., Senart īryāṃ) paśyitvā (of a Pratyekabuddha); iii.60.9 (kalyāṇā) punar iyaṃ pravrajitasya iryā (Senart īryā); 92.10 iryā (Senart īryā); LV 115.2 (vs) teṣa (gods) yathā ca iryā; 116.7 (vs) yatha irya netra vimalāprabha, since he possesses proper deportment and an eye of pure splendor (so better than taking irya-netra as cpd. with Foucaux); 330.12 (vs) īryāṃ (no v.l. in mss.) caryāṃ ca prekṣate, he (Bodhisattva) regards (considers duly) proper deportment and conduct; MSV ii.186.10 (prose) tayā īryayā caryayā.
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(SardUla, SardUla)
[śardūla¦, LV 207.17; read with some mss. gar- dūla, q.v.]