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This is a text of religious history, a will left by King Songtsen Gampo and concealed in a pillar marked with tree leaves in the Lhasa Cathedral, which was later discovered by the great teacher, AtiSa This text is also known by the name Guide to Lhasa ({lha sa'i dkar chag}).  +
[kamalaṡīla]/ An Indian [ācārya] professing the philosophy of the [yogācārya] [madhyamaka] school which developed in the eastern part of India during the eighth century A.D. During the reign of King Tri-Song Deu-Tsan he was invited to Tibet and defeated the Chinese monk Hashang [mahāyāna] holding 'ton-mun', the instantaneous path of enlightenment, as opposed to the Bodhisattva doctrine of 'chen-min', the gradual path of enlightenment, in a philosophical contest. As a consequence, he wrote Triple Stages to Enlightenment (sgom-rim rnam gsum) and established the latter tradition of doctrine.  +
[tri parigrahaka gurū]/ He possessing the three kindnesses. According to the [sūtra] tradition, this refers to a spiritual master from whom one has received vows, teachings and oral tansmission, and according to tantra, this refers to a spiritual master from whom one has received initiation, tantric teachings and oral transmissions.  +
Utterences of realizations ([Avadānam]); parables. One of the twelve scriptural categories that explains a topic with illustrations and examples for easy comprehension.  +
The transmission of insights. One of the two kinds of Buddha's teachings that comprises insights and realizations gained through practice of the trainings.  +
The six qualities of Buddha's insight or realization from amongst the eighteen unshared qualities of a Buddha. 1){'dun pa nyams pa mi mnga' ba/} non-degenerating aspiration 2){brtson 'grus nyams pa mi mnga' ba/} non-degenerating efforts 3){dran pa nyams pa mi mnga' ba/} non-degenerating mindfulness 4){shes rab nyams pa mi mnga' ba/} non-degenerating wisdom 5){ting nge 'dzin nyams pa mi mnga' ba/} non-degenerating meditative concentration 6){rnam par grol ba nyams pa mi mnga' ba/} non-degenerating of thorough liberation.  +
The four reliances; the four correct reliances. The four principles to be followed when one embarks on a Buddhist path or teaching. 1){gang zag la mi rton chos la rton/} relying on teachings and not on the person 2){tshig la mi rton don la rton/} relying on meaning and not on the words 3){rnam shes}ƒ{ mi rton ye shes la rton/} relying on wisdom and not on an ordinary mind 4){drang don la mi rton ye shes la rton/} relying on definitive teachings and not on interpretive teachings.  +
[Soḍaṡa kudṛṣṭayaḥ]/ The sixteen wrong views; the view that; 1){bdag 'das pa'i dus na byung bar lta ba/} the self has existed in the past 2){bdag 'das pa'i dus na ma byung bar lta ba/} the self id not exist in the past 3){bdag 'das pa'i dus na byung ba dang ma byung ba gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the self has both existed and not existed in the past 4){bdag 'das pa'i dus na byung ba dang ma byung ba gnyis ka ma yin par lta ba/} the self has neither existed nor not existed in the past 5){'jig rten rtag par lta ba/} the world is permanent 6){'jig rten mi rtag par lta ba/} the world is impermanent 7){'jig rten rtag pa dang mi rtag pa gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the world is both permanent and impermanent 8){'jig rten rtag pa dang mi rtag pa gnyis ka min par lta ba/} the world is neither permanent nor not impermanent 9){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na 'byung bar lta ba/} the self will exist in the future 10){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na mi 'byung bar lta ba/} the self will not exist in the future 11){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na 'byung ba dang mi 'byung ba gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the self will both exist and not exist in the future 12){bdag ma 'ongs pa'i dus na 'byung ba dang mi 'byung ba gnyis ka min par lta ba/} the self will neither exist nor not exist in the future 13){'jig rten mtha' dang ldan par lta ba/} the world has an end 14){'jig rten mtha' dang mi ldan par lta ba/} the world has no end 15){'jig rten mtha' dang ldan pa dang mi ldan pa gnyis ka yin par lta ba/} the world has both an end and no end 16){'jig rten mtha' dang ldan pa dang mi ldan pa gnyis ka min par lta ba/} the world has neither an end nor no end.  +
[Aṣṭaviṁsati kudṛṣṭayaḥ]/ The twenty-eight wrong views. 1){mtshan mar lta ba/} wrong view of truly existent marks 2){btags pa la skur 'debs kyi lta ba/} wrong view deprecating imputed phenomena 3){kun rtog la skur 'debs kyi ltab/} wrong view deprecating conceptualization 4){de kho na nyid la skur 'debs kyi lta ba/} wrong view deprecating suchness 5){yongs su 'dzin pa'i lta ba/} wrong vjew of thorough apprehension 6){sgyur ba'i lta ba/} the inconsistent wrong view 7){kha na ma tho ba med pa'i lta ba/} wrong view without moral faults 8){nges par 'byung ba'i lta ba/} wrong view of definite release 9){dbang za ba'i lta ba/} wrong view of power 10){rab tu 'khrugs pa'i lta ba/} completely confused view 11){phyin ci log tu lta ba/} perverted wrong view\n12){'phel ba'i lta ba/} multiplying wrong view\n13){khas mi len pa'i lta ba/} unaccepted wrong view\n14){ngan g.yo'i lta ba/} deceitful wrong view\n15){bkur bsti'i lta ba/} wrong view of devotion\n16){rmongs pa bstan pa'i lta ba/} wrong view revealing ignorance\n17){rtsa ba'i lta ba/} the fundamental wrong view 1\n18){lta ba la lta ba ma yin par blta ba/} wrong view refuting the right view\n19){sbyor ba sel ba'i lta ba/} wrong view rejecting the cause\n20){nges 'byin ma yin pa'i lta ba/} view that is not an aid to liberation\n21){sgrib pa la sogs par lta ba/} wrong view of the obstructions, etc.\n22){sdig pa 'phel ba'i lta ba/} wrong view multiplying the non-virtues\n23){'bras bu med pa'i lta ba/} wrong view lacking fruits\n24){chad pas bcad pa'i lta ba/} the nihilistic wrong view\n25){skur ba 'debs pa'i lta ba/} the deprecating wrong view\n26){bsnyad pa ma yin pa'i lta ba/} the inoffensive wrong view\n27){lta ba chen po/} the great wrong view\n28){mngon pa'i nga rgyal gyi lta ba/} wrong view of\npresumptuous pride.  +
The eight powerful glances; the eight yogic glances. The feats\ngained as signs of perfecting the first stage of anuttarayoga tantra practices. 1){shing rlon 'bras bu ma smin pa lta stangs byas pa tsam byis sa la ltung bar byed pa/}\nthe power to cast down unripened fruits by a mere glance 2){mkhregs shing gyen du skyes pa lta stangs byas pa tsam gyis thur du 'gug par byed pa/}\nthe power to bend a straight tree by a mere glance\n3){rgyang ring gi me tog dri lngan rnams lta stangs byas pa tsam gyis drung du 'du bar byed pa/}\nthe power to collect fruits and flowers of a distant place 4){dregs rtsub ldan pa'i dud 'gro sog lta stas byas pa tsam gyis dbang du 'du bar byed pa/}\nthe power to control wild and fierce animals by a mere glance\n5){shing rlon 'bras bu sa la ltung ba dag lta stangs byas pa tsam gyis slar gyen du 'dren par byed pa/}\nthe power to restore fruits that have previously been cast down by oneself, by a mere glance\n6){mkhregs shing thur du bkug pa dag lta stangs byas pa tsam gyis slar gyen du sbyor bar byed pa/}\nthe power to restore trees that have previously been bent down by oneself, by a mere glance\n7){rgya ring gi me tog dri ldan mdun du bkug pa rnams lta stang byas pa tsam gyis slar rgyang ring du 'phangs par byed pa/}\nthe power to send back fruits and flowers that have previously been collected infront of onself, by a mere glance\n8){dregs rtsub ldan pa'i dud 'gro bkum pa dag lta stangs byas pa tsam gyis slar dbugs 'byin par byed pa/} the\npower to revive wild and fierce animals that have previously been killed by oneself, by a mere glance.  +
[Sudarṡana]/ Beautiful; good-looking; beautiful to behold.  +
The four seals of Buddhist doctrine.\n1){'dus byas thams cad mi rtag pa/} all products are impermanent\n2){zag bcas thams cad sdug bsngal ba/} contaminated things are miserable\n3){chos thams cad stong zhing bdag med pa/} all phenomena are empty and selfless\n4){mya ngan las 'das pa zhi ba/} [[nirvāṇa]] is peace.  +
[pañca dṛṣṭayaḥ]/ The five views. The five views of deluded wisdom. 1){'jig tshogs la lta ba/}[satkāya dṛṣṭi]/ view of the transitory collection 2){mthar 'dzin/}[antagraha dṛṭṣi]/ extreme view\n3. {lta ba mchog 'dzin/}[dṛṣṭi parāmarṡa]/ holding wrong views as superior 4){tshul khrims dang brtul zhugs mchog 'dzin/}[ṡīlavrataparāmarṡa dṛṣṭi]/ holding bad ethics and discipline to be superior 5){log lta/}[mithy_a dṛṣṭi]/ perverted view.  +
Kadampa tradition. A tradition of Tibetan Buddhism founded by [atiṡa]. Dromtonpa, Potowa and Chekawa are some of the great masters belonging to this tradition.  +
1. 1){sgro 'dos kyi lta ba/} view of over estimation\n2){skur 'debs kyi lta ba/} view of underestimation.\n2. 1){rtag lta/} view of eternalism\n2){chad lta/} view of nihilism.  +
The five non-views. The five mental factors that are not views but are deluded minds. 1){'dod chags/} [rāga]/ desire - attachment\n2){khrong khro/} [krodha]/ hatred 3){nga rgyal/}[māna]/ pride 4){ma rig pa/} [avidyā]/ ignorance 5){the tshom/}[vicikitsā]/doubt.  +
[āpatti]/ Downfalls; A category of monk's precepts the transgression of which becomes a downfall.  +
[pañcāpatti dharma]/ The five classes of downfalls.\n1){pham pa/}[parājika]/ defeats\n2){lhag ma/}[saṁghāvaṡeṣaḥ]/ remainders\n3){lhung byed}[pāyattikā]/ propelling downfalls\n4){sor bshags/}[pratideṡanīya]/ individual confessions\n5){nyes byas/}[duṣkrṭam]/faults.  +
The minor partial downfalls. The breach of one of the four factors constituting a transgression of a monk's vows.  +
The major partial downfalls. The breach of two or more factors constituting a transgression of a monk's vows.  +