byang sems

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enlightened mind; a synonym for thig le or the seminal point [IW]

bodhisattva, SA byang chub sems dpa', sperm, 1 of bdud rtsi lnga, bodhicitta [JV]

byang chub kyi sems bodhichitta; (in Mahayana contexts) awakening mind/ attitude; (in Dzogchen context) awakened mind/enlightened mind; isc. semen/ bindu/ concentrated subtle energy [RB]

byang chub kyi sems - bodhichitta. 'Awakened state of mind,' 'enlightened attitude.' 1) The aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. 2) In the context of Dzogchen, the innate wakefulness of awakened mind; synonymous with nondual awareness [RY]

bodhimind; byang chub kyi sems 1) bodhisattva. 2) bodhichitta. enlightened, awakened mind, bodhimind, enlightened attitude, turning the mind towards enlightenment, the bodhi-mind. [RY]

Bodhichitta [RY]

1) bodhicitta; 2) bodhisattva [syn: rgyal ba'i myu gu dang; rgyal sras; 'phags mchog]. [IW]

1) Skt. bodhicitta, Enlightenment Mind, Mind of Enlightenment, Awakening Mind, Mind of Awakening, Enlightenment Spirit, Spirit of Enlightenment, Awakening Spirit, Spirit of Awakening, Enlightenment Heart, Heart of Enlightenment, Awakening Heart, Heart of Awakening.

On the conventional level of Relative Bodhicitta, bodhicitta is the altruistic wish to attain the state of complete Enlightenment or Awakening, Buddhahood, for the sake of all sentient beings, in order to benefit them generally, and also to bring them to the state of Enlightenment in particular; as well as the determination to practice the Bodhisattva Path of love, compassion, the Six Transcendental Perfections (pāramitā-s), etc., which are necessary for achieving that goal of Buddhahood. On the absolute level of Ultimate Bodhicitta, bodhicitta is the practice of direct insight into the ultimate nature of phenomena and the true nature of mind.

1) bodhisattva or bodhisattvas; 2) the altruistic heart of awakening, the altruistic heart of enlightenment; 3) the altruistic mind of awakening, the altruistic mind of enlightenment; 4) the altruistic thought of awakening, the altruistic thought of enlightenment; 5) altruistic aspiration for awakening, altruistic aspiration for enlightenment; 6) altruistic will toward awakening, altruistic will toward enlightenment; 7) altruistic spirit of awakening, altruistic spirit of enlightenment; 8) awakening mind, mind of awakening, enlightening mind, mind of enlightening, enlightenment mind, mind of enlightenment; 9) awakening heart, heart of awakening, enlightening heart, heart of enlightening, enlightenment heart, heart of enlightenment; 10) the bodhi mind, bodhi heart; 11) thought of awakening, thought of enlightenment. Notoriously difficult to translate into English and thus often simply left in its original Sanskrit, bodhicitta has been rendered numerous ways, some more accurate that others. When translating this term, care must be made not to wrongly indicate that this 'mind' is one which has already attained enlightenment, which is why “enlightened/awakened mind” is arguably inaccurate in most cases. It should be noted however that bodhicitta often has different meanings in Tantric, Vajrayāna and Dzogchen contexts. See also byang chub kyi sems and byang chub sems ET