Category talk:Dharma Protectors
bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po - Sugatagarbha. 'Sugata essence.' The most common Sanskrit term for what in the West is known as 'buddha nature.' [RY]
bde gshegs snying po sgrub pa bka' brgyad - bde gshegs 'dus pa / - Eight Sadhana Teachings of Sugatagarbha [sic] the Assemblage of Sugatas [RY]
bde gshegs snying po sgrub pa bka' brgyad - Eight Sadhana Teachings of Sugatagarbha [JV]
bde gshegs snying po - {bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po} sugatagarbha; "buddha nature" potential/ heart essence for attaining/ reaching the state of bliss [sutra context] potential/ heart essence which constitutes attaining/ reaching the state of bliss [Dzogchen context] [RB]
bde gshegs snying po - buddha-nature, sugata-essence, sugatagarbha, [essence of enlightenment present in all sentient beings] [RY]
bder gshegs snying po - sugatagarbha, sugata-essence, "buddha- nature," "enlightened essence" [RY]
rtsal sna tshogs su snang ba - Expression manifest in manifold ways. The third of the three aspects of sugatagarbha: essence, nature, expression [RY]
lam phyag rgya chen po - Path Mahamudra. The stages of approaching the recognition of the sugatagarbha and of applying that recognition in one's practice [RY]
gshis gdangs rtsal - Essence, nature, and expression. The three aspects of the sugatagarbha according to the Mahamudra system [RY]