Tantra of the Union of Sun and Moon
byang chub kyi chos sum bcu rtsa bdun - thirty-seven factors of enlightenment. the four essential recollections. four correct renunciations. four stages of miraculous ability, five faculties, five powers, seven branches of enlightenment, and eightfold path [RY]
byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa'i chos so bdun - thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment [RB]
byang chub phyogs kyi chos sum cu rtsa bdun - the thirty-seven factors of enlightenment {dran pa nyer bzhag bzhi}, {yang dag spong ba bzhi}, {rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi}, {dbang po lnga}, {stobs lnga}, {byang chub kyi yan lag bdun}, {'phags lam gyi yan lag brgyad}; [IW]
byang phyogs kyi chos so bdun - thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment [RY]
byang phyogs so bdun - {byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa'i chos so} bdun thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment [RB]
byang phyogs so bdun - thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment; the 37 bodhi-factors, [abbr. of (byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa'i chos sum cu rtsa bdun) [RY]