Tsele Natsok Rangdrol
Tsele Natsok Rangdrol (rtse le sna tshogs rang grol)
The following autobiographical information about Tsele Natsok Rangdrol was extracted by Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse from the inner life story of Jamgong Kongtrul the First recounting the succession of his past incarnations:
The most learned master Tsele Padma Legdrub Natsok Rangdrol was prophesized as the body-emanation of the great translator Vairotsana. Renowned as the reincarnation of the incomparable Tendzin Dorje, he was invited to the Thangdruk Monastery established by his previous incarnation. Attending numerous learned and accomplished masters including Gangra Lochen, he fully comprehended the philosophcal scriptures and oral instructions of sutra and tantra, according to the new and old schools. Being extremely disciplined, even the liquor in his feast offerings was prepared from water with molasses. Besides this his tongue never touched a drop of alcohol.
In the later part of his life he stayed in Palri Gotsang, the cave of Deshek Tse in the south, and other places where he perfected the realization of Mahamudra and Dzogchen.
Among his disciples are included Gampopa Sangpo Dorje, Bomting Choje Miphampa, Tau Pema Lodro and others.
Erik Pema Kunsang