Wrathful Deities

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kun bzang thugs thig - Kunzang Tuktig. The 'Heart Essence of Samantabhadra.' A collection of terma teachings revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa focused on the peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

khrag 'thung khro bo'i lha tshogs - the blood-drinking wrathful deities, [assembly of] wrathful heruka deities [IW]

khrag 'thung khro bo'i lha tshogs - the blood-drinking wrathful deities, assembly of wrathful heruka deities [RY]

khrag 'thung lnga bcu lnga brgyad - the 58 blood drinkers (see wrathful deities, 58 blood drinkers [IW]

khrag 'thun lnga bcu lnga brgyad - the 58 blood drinkers [see also under wrathful deities and Glossary of enumerations under fifty 8 blood drinkers) [IW]

khro bo khro mo - male and female wrathful deities [RY]

khro bo lha nga brgyad - fifty-eight wrathful deities [RY]

khro bo lha nga brgyad - 58 wrathful deities [IW]

khro bo'i bar do - the bardo of the wrathful deities [IW]

khro bo'i bar do - the bardo of the wrathful deities [part of {chos nyid kyi bar do} [IW]

khro bo'i bar do - the bardo of the wrathful deities. Part of {chos nyid kyi bar do} [RY]

khro bo'i bar do 'char tshul - how the bardo of the wrathful deities is experienced [RY]

khro bo'i lha tshogs - the wrathful deities [RY]

khro bo'i lha tshogs - the [assembly of] wrathful deities [IW]

gar gyi nyams dgu - the nine expression modes [of a deity], nine dance expressions. {sku'i gar]] gsum}, {gsung gi [[gar gsum}, {thugs kyi gar gsum} Comp. with {gar dgu'i nyams}, {gar stabs dgu}; nine sentiments of dramatic art. erotic, heroic, disgusting, furious, humorous, frightful, compassionate, wonderful, tranquil; nine moods of dance (of wrathful deities) [RY]

gar gyi nyams dgu - nine moods of dance [of wrathful deities] [RB]

gar dgu - {gar gyi nyams dgu}; nine moods of dance (of wrathful deities) [RY]

gar dgu - nine moods of dance [of wrathful deities] [RB]

sgyu 'phrul zhi khro - Gyutrül Shitro. The Mahayoga style of the mandala of the 100 peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

gnyan rgod - powerful wrathful deities belonging to the sde brgyad [JV]

gtum po zhal gsum phyag drug pa - wrathful deities like protectors [IW]

bstan srung - 1) guardians of the teachings/ religion; 2) dharmapalas [wrathful deities who protect the teachings] [IW]

dam pa rigs brgya - 42 peaceful and 58 wrathful deities [JV]

dam pa rigs brgya - Supreme Hundred Families. Name of a sadhana text composed by Guru Rinpoche focused on the hundred peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

dam pa rigs brgya - Hundred sacred aspects. The 42 peaceful and 58 wrathful deities [RY]

drag sngags - Fierce mantras. A certain type of mantras belonging to wrathful deities. They are used to dispel demonic forces that obstruct the continuation of the Buddhadharma or the welfare of sentient beings [RY]

drag snags - subjugating mantras. Mantras of wrathful deities [RY]

drag po - 1) Raudra, (54th year, the male iron monkey); 2) deity dbang phyug chen po; 3) 11 [since there are 11 wrathful deities among the 33]; 2) wrathful mantra and dharani; 2) strong, force [not gentle and peaceful] fierce, wrathful, powerful, ardent, intense, forceful rites, immediacy, destroying [one of the {phrin las bzhi/lnga: 4/5 activities] [IW]

bdud rtsi dkyil ba - Amrita Pooler [a king of the wrathful deities.] [IW]

bdud rtsi 'khyil pa - Amrita Pooler [a king of the wrathful deities] [IW]

brda' don rtags gsum - Symbol, meaning, and sign. Three aspects of Vajrayana teachings. For example, the peaceful and wrathful deities depicted are the symbol. The meaning they symbolize is the enlightened qualities spontaneously present within the buddha nature. The sign is that they naturally manifest during the bardo of dharmata [RY]

dpal gyi lha mo - Srimati devi [presides over wrathful deities, but is a protectress] [IW]

dpal chen he ru ka - Glorious Heruka. The chief buddha of the 58 wrathful deities [RY]

dbyings gyi lha tshogs - wrathful deities of space [JV]

'bar ba khro bo'i lha tshogs - the blazing wrathful deities [RY]

'bras bu rnam dag rang bzhin gyi dkyil 'khor - 1) the natural mandala of perfect fruition; 2) the mandala of fruition by nature completely pure)/ [see {dkyil 'khor rnam pa gsum} having entered into the symbolic mandala, the reality samadhi with complexities with visualization and recitation of the peaceful and wrathful deities, by viewing the simplicity of the completion stage reality mandala of the meaning, the manifestation of dharmata, one reaches perfection of the four appearances, snang ba bzhi, and so the mandala of the youthful vase body is made to manifest] [IW]

zhi khro - peaceful and wrathful deities [JV]

zhi khro - [scriptures on the] peaceful and wrathful; the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities; peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro khrom dkrugs - the peaceful and wrathful deities as an assemblage [RY]

zhi khro dam pa rigs brgya - supreme / aspects / ones, the hundred families of the holy peaceful and the wrathful deities; the supreme hundred families of the peaceful and wrathful ones [RY]

zhi khro sbrags sgrub - a sadhana combining the peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro lha - peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro lha - peaceful and wrathful deities [Gdmk] [IW]

zhi khro lha tshogs - the peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro'i rtsa dbang - root initiation of the peaceful and wrathful deities [JV]

zhi khro'i lha - Peaceful and wrathful deities [RY]

zhi khro'i lha - peaceful and wrathful deities [IW]

zhi khro'i lha brgya - Hundred peaceful and wrathful divinities. The 42 peaceful and 58 wrathful deities representing the different qualities of the buddha nature. Syn {dam pa rigs brgya} [RY]

zhi khro'i lha tshogs - peaceful and wrathful deities, {yi dam zhi khro'i lha tshogs} peaceful and wrathful yidam-deities [RY]

zhi khro'i lha tshogs - the assembly of peaceful and wrathful deities [zhi ba rdor dbyings dang khrag 'thung khro bo'i lha rnams so [IW]

zhi khro'i lha tshogs - the assembly of peaceful and wrathful deities [R] [IW]

zhi chags khro gsum - three aspects of peaceful, joyful, and wrathful deities [JV]

gzir dbab gcad gsum - destructive magic to visualize the target, invoke the wrathful deities, and cut [JV]

rus rgyan drug - The six bone ornaments that are common for both the peaceful and wrathful deities are: the bone ornament at the crown of the head that symbolizes concentration and Akshobhya; the earrings that symbolize patience and Amitabha; the choker that symbolizes generosity and Ratnasambhava; the bracelets and anklets that symbolize discipline and Vairochana; the belt that symbolizes diligence and Amoghasiddhi; and the human ashes and Brahma cord on the torso that symbolize the Vajra Bearer or Vajradhara. [Jokyab Rinpoche] [RY]

rus rgyan drug - bone ornaments, six. The bone ornaments that are common for both the peaceful and wrathful deities are: the bone ornament at the crown of the head that symbolizes concentration and Akshobhya; the earrings that symbolize patience and Amitabha; the choker that symbolizes generosity and Ratnasambhava; the bracelets and anklets that symbolize discipline and Vairochana; the belt that symbolizes diligence and Amoghasiddhi; and the human ashes and Brahma cord on the torso that symbolize the Vajra Bearer or Vajradhara. [RY]

zhi khro na rak dong sprugs - sadhana of the peaceful and wrathful deities to overturn the deepest hell [RY]

zhi khro na rak dong sprugs - sadhana of the peaceful and wrathful deities to overturn the deepest hell [RY]