
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
Revision as of 19:56, 9 November 2006 by Rangjung (talk | contribs)
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Write your requests to others translators/scholars (begin the line with an " * ")

  • November 9, 2006. I'm interested in mi la mgur 'bum and mi la rnam thar in tibetan. Has anyone previously typed one up that they can donate to the wiki? Or is there anyone that might be willing to send a copy my direction so that I could type it up? [KT]
  • August 27. Some folks have been asking me for a translation of dkon mchog spyi 'dus sadhanas by rig 'dzin 'ja' tshon snying po. I'm sure such translations exist already. Where do I find them??? Please contact me under Thanks a lot!!! TSD
  • Longchen Nyingtig Chod for download at
  • April 29. I found it!! :) Thanks! - deyan
  • April 18. Longchen Nyingtig Chod practice "Laughter of the Dakinins" translation. Who has one? deyan
  • April 12. I'm engaged in translating Tibetan Dharma-texts and at present I bumpend into an unusual situation - I was asked to translate Tibetan folklore texts, such as sutras, fairy-tales, jatakas, parables and what else of the sort. I have tried for a certain period of time to find them, still have had a failure. Can you please help me with finding this sort of texts? I would appreciate your help very much. Best Regards, Ilya. Kotomtsev Ilya <>