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bka' babs bdun


Seven transmissions are: 1) Oral tradition (bka' ma) the early translated Tripitaka and tantras passed on unbrokenly from master to disciple; 2) Earth Treasure (sa gter), revealed by the terton; 3) Rediscovered Treasure (yang gter), revealed for the second time from an past treasure; 4) Mind Treasure (dgongs gter), revealed from the mind of the guru; 5) Hearing Lineage (snyan brgyud), received directly from an enlightened being; 6) Pure Vision (dag snang), received in a pure experience; and 7) Recollection (rjes dran), remembrance from a former life. (RY)

the 7 transmissions. (IW)

historical work by Taranatha. (JV)

Seven transmissions, aka, the seven successions of the transmitted precepts. These are: canonical lineage bka' ma; revealed treasure sa gter; rediscovered treasure yang gter; mind treasure dgongs gter; recollection rjes dran; pure vision dag snang; and hearing lineage snyan brgyud. (RY)

the 7 transmissions: 1) bka' ma 2) sa gter terma hidden in the earth 3) dgongs gter mind terma 4)re-concealed terma yang gter 5) sacred outlook dag snang 6) recollection rjes dran 7) hearing lineage snyan brgyud. (IW)

the Seven Special Transmissions or Instruction Transmissions. 1) Scriptural Tradition (bka' ma) the early translated Tripitaka and tantras passed on unbroken from master to disciple; 2) Earth Treasure (sa gter), revealed by gter ston; 3) Rediscovered Treasure (yang gter), revealed for the second time from a previous gter ma; 4) Mind Treasure (dgongs gter), revealed from the mind of the guru; 5) Hearing Lineage (snyan brgyud), received directly from an enlightened being; 6) Pure Vision (dag snang), received in a pure experience; and 7) Recollection (rjes dran), remembrance from a former life. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]