kun tu bzang mo
1) (Samantabhadri) female of Samantabhadra; 2) caturangasadhana-samantabhadri-nama [one of the (chos bcu bzhi) fourteen treatises on the Guhyasamaja commentaries by [IW]
1) female of Samantabhadra; Samantabhadri, (p.n. of the Primordial Wisdom). 2) name of a sadhana [Caturanga Sadhana Samantabhadri Nama) one of the chos bcu bzhi, fourteen treatises on the Guhyasamaja commentaries by sangs rgyas ye shes. 3) myth. n. of a flower growing on Mount Meru. consort of Samantabhadra. Samantabhadri [RY]
Ever-Excellent Lady, Skt. Samantabhadri. The All-good, the mother of all the buddhas of the three times; the female counterpart / consort of Samantabhadra, the dharmakaya buddha. She symbolizes emptiness and dharmadhatu [RY]
Samantabhadri, Mandarava, female figured in connection with kun tu bzang po, kind of flower growing on the sumeru mountain [JV]
Samantabhadri, the feminine aspect of the primordial Buddha [RY]
Samantabhadrī (female aspect and consort of Samantabhadra, see kun tu bzang po) [Erick Tsiknopoulos]