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gzhan stong - to put it very simply: whereas the view of rang stong asserts that relative phenomena and appearances are empty (stong) of a self-nature (rang), the gzhan stong view asserts that the ultimate is empty (stong) of any phenomena other (gzhan) than itself [TSD]

chos rje kun mkhyen dol po pa chen po - proponent of Shentong [RY]

jo nang - Jonangpa. The lineage of masters of the Shentong School who were known by their monastery at Jomo Nang. They include Yumo Mikyö Dorje, the founder of the school, Tukje Tsöndrü, Dölpowa Sherab Gyaltsen and Taranatha [RY]

'jigs med chos skyong zhabs - expounder of Shentong according to the rigs tshogs of Nagarjuna [RY]

gzhan stong - Shentong. An aspect of the Madhyamaka School in Tibet focusing on emptiness indivisible from luminosity, asserting that the kayas and wisdoms of buddhahood are naturally present within the sugata essence [RY]

gzhan stong dbu ma - the Shentong Madhyamaka School [RY]

gzhan stong smra ba - proponent of Shentong [RY]

rang stong - Rangtong. An aspect of the Madhyamaka school in Tibet focusing on emptiness devoid of inherent existence. Compare with Shentong [RY]

Jonang School - Development

"In the land of snow (Tibet), this doctrine of Shentong, or the Extrinsic Emptiness, was supported and practiced by Shakya Chogden, Marpa Lotsawa, Jetsun Milarepa, Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso, Situ Panchen Choekyi Jungne, successive reincarnations of Karmapa, and many great masters of Kaygue School - as well as the great translators Vairochana, Panchen Vilamitra, Kunkhen Longchen Rabjampa. Moreover, Ju Mipham Jamyang Namgyal spread the Lion's Road Proclaiming Extrinsic Emptiness and Dispelling the Doubts of Dharma (Dam Chos Gogs Sel). Amongst the followers of the Gelug tradition, Jamyang Choeje, the founder of Drepung monastery, was a well known proponent of this doctrine of Intrinsic-Emptiness based primarily on the Second Wheel of Dharma - that is, the doctrine of lack of characteristics. As regards the difference between the Intrinsic Emptiness and the Extrinsic Emptiness, the former asserts all phenomenons are not only imputed by thoughts, but are inherently non-existent. The Madhyamika School that adheres to this philosophy is called Prasangika Madhyamika. On the other hand, Shentong, or the Extrinsic Emptiness states that phenomena are intrinsically not empty, but extrinsically empty in relation to the outer phenomenon. The school that accepts the profound philosophy of Shentong is called Yogacara Madhyamika."[1]
