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[[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje]]  ([[gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje]]), (1161-1211)
'''Choegon Lineage''' <br>
[[Image:TsangpaGyare02.jpg|frame|Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (1161-1211)]]

His father was Gyazurpo Tsape (rgya zur po tshab pe) and mother Marza Darkyi (mar bza' dar skyid). The moment he was conceived his mother had a dream in which she saw the sun rising from her body and meeting with highly realized beings. He was born, the last of seven children, in the Iron-Female-Serpent (1161) year at Khule Saral (khu le) in Upper Nyang (myang stod).
===1st Choegon===
Dorje Zinpa Choekyi Gonpo, an emanation of [[Vajrapani]], was born in the early 16th century. This inconceivable teacher attained full realization through his devotion to his teachers and practice of the buddhadharma. His disciples included [[Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo]] and [[the fourth Gyalwang Drukpa]] Kunkhyen [[Pema Karpo]] who saw him as inseparable from [[Padmasambhava]].<br>

Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje was one the foremost disciples of [[Lingje Repa Pema Dorje]], as well as one of the founders of the [[Drukpa Kagyu]] school. He met Lingje Repa when he was grown up and mastered the [[Six Doctrines of Naropa]] and [[Mahamudra]] under him. He founded the [[Ralung]] monastery ([[rwa lung]]), the principal seat of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage, and the monasteries of Longdol ([[klong rdol]]) and [[Nam-Druk]] ([[gnam ’brug]]), after which the lineage was later named. Tsangpa Gyare became a widely reknowned teacher with thousands of disciples. He discovered the "Six-fold cycle of Equal Taste" ([[ro snyom skor drug]]), a cycle of instructions that had been hidden by [[Rechungpa]] to be rediscovered at the appropriate time, and became thus known as a treasure revealer ([[gter ston]]).
===2nd Choegon===
Dudjom Dorje, a Mahasiddha was a disciple of Pema Karpo and [[Drukpa Yongdzin Ngawang Zangpo]], and attained perfect realization by practicing in remote and haunted places.<br>
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===Literary Works===
===3rd Choegon===
Thutop Chokyi Wangchuk spent many years practicing at the sacred retreat center, [[Tsari Chinchar]]. While in retreat the 3rd Choegon received teachings directly from the deities. [[Vajrayogini]] then appeared and instructed him to go out into the world and benefit others. Among his disciples was the [[3rd Khamtrul Rinpoche]]. The 3rd Choegon Rinpoche instructed Khamtrul Rinpoche to go to Eastern Tibet in order to benefit countless beings. With the blessings of the 3rd Choegon and [[Guru Rinpoche]], the 3rd Khamtrul became the main successor of the [[Dechen Choekhor lineage]] in Eastern Tibet. <br>

===Main Teachers===
===4th Choegon===
* [[Lingje Repa Pema Dorje]] ([[gling rje ras pa pad ma rdo rje]])
The 4th Choegon, Thubchen Jamgon Gyepa, was said to be blessed by [[Manjushri]]. He was an extremely learned Lama and spent his entire life at [[Dechen Choekhor Monastery]] dedicating tremendous time to preserving the teachings of the [[Drukpa Kagyu lineage]]. He had many wonderful disciples, including the renowned [[Jampal Pawo]], an emanation of [[Chakrasambhava]] renown for his vital instructions on [[tsalung]] practice, one of the [[Six Yogas of Naropa]].<br>
* [[Khar Lungpa]] ([[mkhar lung pa]])

===Main Students===
===5th Choegon===
Thubchen Jampal Dorje was a child when a statue of [[Guru Rinpoche]] raised its hand and touched his head three times, after this experience he understood the subtlest points of Dharma. As a highly accomplished yogi he founded branch monasteries throughout Tibet as well as in the Himalayas, where he trained many lamas and benefited countless beings. His main disciple, the [[5th Khamtrul Rinpoche]], [[Khamtrul Drubgyu Nyima|Drubgyu Nyima]], was a [[terton]].<br>

===6th Choegon===
Chokzig Chokyi Shenyen spent over twelve years in retreat in [[Tsari Chigchar]]. He would travel for days by foot to transmit the teachings; in this way he visited many monasteries in East Tibet. This incarnation founded nunneries and supported the nun’s tradition; he was also responsible for the preservation of rare texts.<br>

* [[Dharma Senge Sangye On]] ([[dhar ma seng ge sangs rgyas dbon]]),  
===7th Choegon===
* Zhunu Senge ([[gzhon nu seng ge]])
Dorje Zinpa Shedrup Chokyi Nyingye spent most of his life in East Tibet and had many superior students, among them [[Khamtrul Tenpe Nyima]] and the [[fifth Adeu]]. [[Mahakala]] appeared to him in visions and with further study his knowledge of the Mahakala tantra became extremely profound. The king of [[Nangchen]] invited him to Nangchen, a vast area of East Tibet, and there he spread the teachings, further propogating the [[Drukpa Kagyud]] lineage and benefiting many beings.<br>
* Gyaltsa Rinchen Gon ([[rgyal tsha rin chen mgon]])
* 'bras mo ba
*[[Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje]] ([[rgod tshang pa mgon po rdo rje]])
*[[Gyalwa Lorepa]] ([[rgyal ba lo ras pa]])
* Wangchuck Tsundru ([[dbang phyug brtson 'grus]])
* mar ston

===Main Lineages===
===8th Choegon===
* Drukpa Kagyu ([['brug pa bka' rgyud]])
Thubten Chokyi Gyatso received the transmissions of the lineage from the [[sixth Khamtrul Rinpoche]], Tenpe Nyima, and then went into retreat. He was well known for his devotion and it is said he perfectly followed every instruction of his guru. He diligently collected and preserved teachings of the lineage and transmitted these teachings and transmissions in the most remote regions. <br>

===Alternate Names===
Following the Chinese invasion of Tibet he went to [[Kinnaur]] in India where he had many disciples, passing away in 1964 in his eighties. Among his disciples were the [[11th Gyalwang Drukpa]], the 7th and 8th [[Khamtrul Rinpoche]]s, [[Trulshik Adeu Rinpoche]], [[Sengdak Rinpoche]] and [[Apho Yeshe Rangdrol Rinpoche]]. It is due to his kindness and exertion that the Drukpa Kargyud lineage flourishes today in Tibet, Nepal and India.<br>
[['gro ba'i mgon po ye shes rdo rje]]
* [[rgya ras ye shes rdo rje]]
* 'brug chen I gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje<br>  
* shes rab bdud rtsi 'khor lo <br>

===Other Reference Sources===
===Internal Links===
===Other Reference Sources===
===Internal Links===
===External Links===
* [ TBRC]
* [Tsangpa Gyare Yeshi Dorje]
[[Category:Tibetan Buddhist Teachers]]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Kagyu Masters]]
[[Category:Drukpa Kagyu Masters]]
[[Category:Drukpa Kagyu Masters]]
[[Category:Drukpa Kagyu Lineage]]
[[[[Category:Drukpa Kagyu]]

Latest revision as of 07:24, 21 August 2006

Choegon Lineage

1st Choegon

Dorje Zinpa Choekyi Gonpo, an emanation of Vajrapani, was born in the early 16th century. This inconceivable teacher attained full realization through his devotion to his teachers and practice of the buddhadharma. His disciples included Lhatsewa Ngawang Zangpo and the fourth Gyalwang Drukpa Kunkhyen Pema Karpo who saw him as inseparable from Padmasambhava.

2nd Choegon

Dudjom Dorje, a Mahasiddha was a disciple of Pema Karpo and Drukpa Yongdzin Ngawang Zangpo, and attained perfect realization by practicing in remote and haunted places.

3rd Choegon

Thutop Chokyi Wangchuk spent many years practicing at the sacred retreat center, Tsari Chinchar. While in retreat the 3rd Choegon received teachings directly from the deities. Vajrayogini then appeared and instructed him to go out into the world and benefit others. Among his disciples was the 3rd Khamtrul Rinpoche. The 3rd Choegon Rinpoche instructed Khamtrul Rinpoche to go to Eastern Tibet in order to benefit countless beings. With the blessings of the 3rd Choegon and Guru Rinpoche, the 3rd Khamtrul became the main successor of the Dechen Choekhor lineage in Eastern Tibet.

4th Choegon

The 4th Choegon, Thubchen Jamgon Gyepa, was said to be blessed by Manjushri. He was an extremely learned Lama and spent his entire life at Dechen Choekhor Monastery dedicating tremendous time to preserving the teachings of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage. He had many wonderful disciples, including the renowned Jampal Pawo, an emanation of Chakrasambhava renown for his vital instructions on tsalung practice, one of the Six Yogas of Naropa.

5th Choegon

Thubchen Jampal Dorje was a child when a statue of Guru Rinpoche raised its hand and touched his head three times, after this experience he understood the subtlest points of Dharma. As a highly accomplished yogi he founded branch monasteries throughout Tibet as well as in the Himalayas, where he trained many lamas and benefited countless beings. His main disciple, the 5th Khamtrul Rinpoche, Drubgyu Nyima, was a terton.

6th Choegon

Chokzig Chokyi Shenyen spent over twelve years in retreat in Tsari Chigchar. He would travel for days by foot to transmit the teachings; in this way he visited many monasteries in East Tibet. This incarnation founded nunneries and supported the nun’s tradition; he was also responsible for the preservation of rare texts.

7th Choegon

Dorje Zinpa Shedrup Chokyi Nyingye spent most of his life in East Tibet and had many superior students, among them Khamtrul Tenpe Nyima and the fifth Adeu. Mahakala appeared to him in visions and with further study his knowledge of the Mahakala tantra became extremely profound. The king of Nangchen invited him to Nangchen, a vast area of East Tibet, and there he spread the teachings, further propogating the Drukpa Kagyud lineage and benefiting many beings.

8th Choegon

Thubten Chokyi Gyatso received the transmissions of the lineage from the sixth Khamtrul Rinpoche, Tenpe Nyima, and then went into retreat. He was well known for his devotion and it is said he perfectly followed every instruction of his guru. He diligently collected and preserved teachings of the lineage and transmitted these teachings and transmissions in the most remote regions.

Following the Chinese invasion of Tibet he went to Kinnaur in India where he had many disciples, passing away in 1964 in his eighties. Among his disciples were the 11th Gyalwang Drukpa, the 7th and 8th Khamtrul Rinpoches, Trulshik Adeu Rinpoche, Sengdak Rinpoche and Apho Yeshe Rangdrol Rinpoche. It is due to his kindness and exertion that the Drukpa Kargyud lineage flourishes today in Tibet, Nepal and India.