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'''''Definitions and use in context:''''' | |||
[[phung po]] - skandhas, psycho-physical constituents, bodies, aggregates, mental & physical aggregates, body-mind, corpse, contrivance, constitution, fabrication, heaps, pile, SA [[nye bar len pa'i phung po]], [[nyer len phung po]], [[ming bzhi dang gzugs]], bundle, herd, piled-up hill, peak, mound, agglomeration of component parts, embodiment [JV] | [[phung po]] - skandhas, psycho-physical constituents, bodies, aggregates, mental & physical aggregates, body-mind, corpse, contrivance, constitution, fabrication, heaps, pile, SA [[nye bar len pa'i phung po]], [[nyer len phung po]], [[ming bzhi dang gzugs]], bundle, herd, piled-up hill, peak, mound, agglomeration of component parts, embodiment [JV] | ||
Revision as of 08:14, 2 April 2007
Definitions and use in context:
phung po - skandhas, psycho-physical constituents, bodies, aggregates, mental & physical aggregates, body-mind, corpse, contrivance, constitution, fabrication, heaps, pile, SA nye bar len pa'i phung po, nyer len phung po, ming bzhi dang gzugs, bundle, herd, piled-up hill, peak, mound, agglomeration of component parts, embodiment [JV]
phung po - Skandhas. Gathering or aggregation of many parts. See 'five skandhas/ aggregates.' [RY]
phung po - 1) particle; 2) collection, accumulation; 3) pile, heap, mound, hill, bundle; 4) lump, mass, form, body, structure; 5) corpse; 6) (rashi accumulation, heap; 7) five; 6) physical body; 7) [recurrent] calamity, destruction, ruin, defeat, devastation, danger[ous], disaster[ous]; 8) skandhas; 9) herd, flock [IW]
phung po lnga - Five Components. Five Aggregates. compositional factor, consciousness, discrimination, feeling, form. the 5 skandhas 1) form. 2) feeling, 3)idea, perception 4) formation 5) consciousness. the 5 psychosomatic constituents, 1) {gzugs}. 2) {tshor ba} 3) {'du shes} 4) {'du byed} 5) {rnam shes} [RY]
phung po lnga ye nas dag pa'i rang bzhin rgyal ba rigs lnga - the self-nature of the five skandhas primordially pure, is the 5 buddhas [RY]
phung po drug - the six skandhas [IW]
phung po drug - the six skandhas [gzugs, tshor ba, 'du shes, 'du byed, rnam shes, ye shes] [IW]
phung po lhag ma med pa'i mya ngan las 'das pa - Nirvana without remainder of skandhas [RY]
'byung 'gyur nyer len gyi phung po - the perpetuating skandhas of material objects [IW]
'bras bu'i chos - 1) fruition dharma; 2) dharmas of the fruition; 3) the dharma fruition; 4) the power of fruition; 5) empowerment of the fruition)/ [nirvana with remainders of the skandhas and with no remainder and also the four kayas and omniscience. the symbol abhisheka which makes unsurpassable enlightenment, the ultimate fruition of the great light rays empowerment, the empowerment of the fruition of supreme attainment]. [IW]
ma chags pa - non-attachment; 1) of the 11 virtuous mental states) desirelessness [not attached to the five perpetuating skandhas and the enjoyments of samsara and not motvitted by that to do evil deeds] [IW]
ming - 1) name; 2) word showing just the essence; 3) title/ rank, full/ given/ first/sur-/ family name, word, term, title, noun, natural nouns, verbal expression, mind, the four mental skandhas/ aggregates, nominal designation, assignation, imputation, concept, terminology [IW]
ming gi tshogs dang gzugs - the class of name and form, (mind and body/ mind and matter) [the last four skandhas] associated as name and form the 5th and 4th of {rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis} [IW]
ming bzhi - four names/ skandhas of name [consciousness, sensation, conception, and formation), hte four skandhas of name (vs the one of form) [IW]
ming bzhi la ldan pa'i ting nge 'dzin - the Contemplation endowed with four names, the four skandhas of name [the four skandhas of feeling, perception, habitual tendencies and consciousness separated from the fifth, form, during the four formless absorptions at the summit of existence in sams ra) (gd-mk) [IW]
ming bzhi la ldan pa'i ting nge 'dzin - the contemplation endowed w the four names/ the four skandhas of name [IW]
ming bzhi'i phung po - the aggregates of the four names, {phung po lnga} excluding {gzugs}. [def. {tshor ba}, {'du shes}, {'du byed}, {rnam shes}. the four skandhas [excluding {gzugs} dissolved in the {dun gzhi} at death. The 1st four stages in the bardo of the after-death experience. ignorance, stirring of conscious patterning, discursive consciousness, and labeling subject and object [RY]
ming bzhi'i phung po - the four aggregates/ skandhas of name [IW]
tshor ba - {tshor ba,} intr. v.; 1) to hear. 2) mental or physical feeling, sensation, perceptions, pleasure pain, [seventh of the one of the {phung po lnga} the five aggregates / skandhas. {rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis} 12 links of dependent origination.]. feeling; sensation (i.e. as aggregate or one of twelve links); Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {yan lag bdun pa ni/ reg pa de la brten ns tshor ba bde sdug bar ma gsum myong ba yin te/ mig dbang dang/ yul gzugs yid 'ong/ mig shes gsum 'dus pa las thog mar mig shes kyis yul yongs su gcod pa'i reg pa 'byung/ de'i rjes su reg pas yongs su myong ba'i tshor ba bde bar 'byung bas mtshon no/ / dbang shes drug la tshor ba gsum gyi dbye bas yid nye bar rgyu ba bco brgyad ces bya} [RY]
gzhi phung khams skye mched - the ground is the skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas, the fundamental skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas [IW]
gzhi shes - knower of bases, knowledge of the foundation/ basis [gzhi all dharmas incolded in the skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas. without an individual ego fully realizing hinayana knolwedge dwelling continuum 1 of the sher phyin dngos po brgyad] [IW]
gzhi'i chos - 'fundamental dharmas [the skandhas, dhatus, and ayatanas comprising samsara] [IW]
zag bcas kyi phung po - defiled aggregates/skandhas [Tserig] [IW]
zag pa'i rgyu las byung ba - the fruits/ results of defilement [defiled perpetuating skandhas] possessing defiled gnas ngan len, conditioned dharmas not included in the truth of the path, [zag pa'i sgo drug gi nang tshan zhig] [IW]
gzugs - recollection, recollecting power, retention, substance, appearance, "form". sight objects, metaphor [in poetics]. image, figure, body, [visible / physical] form, form skandha, form-body, rupakaya. one of the {phung po lnga} the five aggregates / skandhas. object for the organ of sight {mig gi yul} statue. [dharani]. long sacred verbal formula. (visual) form; [[material form, solid forms [RY]
gzugs can ma yin pa'i phung po]] - the skandhas that are not form tshor ba, 'du byed, 'du shes, rnam shes] [IW]
gzugs nye bar len pa'i phung po - the skandhas that perpetuate/ grasp form [IW]
gzugs nyer lnga - the five skandhas that perpetuate/ grasp form [IW]
sems can gyi phung po'i dus - the time of the skandhas of sentient beings [IW]