2. Remarks
sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa mkhyen pa'i stobs - the strength of knowing previous lives. One of the {de bzhin gshegs pa'i stobs bcu} the ten strengths of the buddha; the power of knowledge of the recollection of previous lives [RY]
stobs bcu - Ten Powers. ten strengths. - Those powers developed by Bodhisattvas are reflection {bsam pa'i stobs} or ashayabala. Superior reflection {lhag bsam} or adhyasa. acquisition {sbyor ba} or pratipatti. discriminative awareness (or knowledge) {shes rab} or Prajna. aspiration {smon lam} or pranidhana. vehicle {theg pa} or yana. conduct {spyod pa} or carya. transformation {rnam par 'phrul pa} or vikurvana. enlightenment {byang chub kyi sems} or Bodhichitta. and turning the doctrinal wheel {chos kyi 'khor lo bskor ba} or dharmacakrapravartana. two types [RY]