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King BimbisAra; Comment: King BimbisAra had different names during various stages of his life.  +
Comment: This is an example of an affirming negative which is such that the term expressing it implies another, positive phenomenon from context (rang zhes brjod pa'i sgras rang gi 'phangs byar gyur pa'i chos gzhan sgrub pa skabs stobs kyis 'phen pa'i ma yin dgag).\nCheck (T)  +
Comment: This often refers to Maitreya's Ornament for the Great Vehicle SUtras (mdo sde rgyan, mahAyAnasUtrAlaMkAra; P5521, vol. 108) or Ornament for Clear Realization (mngon rtogs rgyan, abhisamayAlaMkAra; P5184, vol. 88).  +
Comment: The three (given in example) are used with a concordant sense, a discordant sense, or conjunction.  +
Comment: The etymology is derogatory. See also tshu rol mdzes pa.  +
Check Tib ex. 1—'phren pa, not 'phen pa (T)Comment: See also tshu rol mdzes pa.  +
Check Tib. entry. I added second spelling (T)  +
Comment: See 'phel zhing rgyas pa (increasing and extending).  +
Comment: See also rang bzhin gnas rigs.  +
Comment: rgyu is used to make a verbal object noun as in bsgrub rgyu which means the same as bsgrub bya (that which is to be accomplished/achieved/practiced) or, in spoken Tibetan, bsgrub ya.  +
Cooment: Causal conditions are one of the four kinds of conditions (rkyen, pratyaya).  +
correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it; Comment: An instance is an awareness apprehending that sound is impermanent from the sign of [its being] a product, wtihout having ascertained with valid cognition that sound is a product and that whatever is a product is necessarily impermanent (sgra byas pa dang byas na mi rtag pas khyab pa tshad mas ma nges par byas rtags las sgra mi rtag par 'dzin pa'i blo). This is one of the five divisions of correct assumption: correct assumption whose reason is not established (rgyu mtshan ma grub pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption contradictory with a reason (rgyu mtshan dang 'gal ba'i yid dpyod); correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it (rgyu mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption. For instances of each of the five, see the individual entries. do the fifth, check the order and the translations  +
Comment: This is one of the three divisions of correct assumption (yid dpyod): correct assumption lacking a reason (rgyu mtshan med pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption depending upon a counterfeit reason (rgyu mtshan ltar snang la brten pa'i yid dpyod); and correct assumption in which the reason is not ascertained (rgyu mtshan ma nges pa'i yid dpyod). There is also a division of correct assumptions into five: correct assumption whose reason is not established (rgyu mtshan ma grub pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption contradictory with a reason (rgyu mtshan dang 'gal ba'i yid dpyod); correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it (rgyu mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption. For instances of each of the five, see the individual entries. do the fifth, check the order and the translations  +
correct assumption whose reason is not established; Comment: An instance is an awareness apprehending sound as impermanent from the reason that it is an apprehended object of an eye consciousness (mig shes kyi gzung bya'i rtags las sgra mi rtag par 'dzin pa'i blo). This is one of the five divisions of correct assumption: correct assumption whose reason is not established (rgyu mtshan ma grub pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption contradictory with a reason (rgyu mtshan dang 'gal ba'i yid dpyod); correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it (rgyu mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption. For instances of each of the five, see the individual entries. do the fifth, check the order and the translations  +
correct assumption in which the reason is not ascertained; Comment: This is one of the three divisions of correct assumption (yid dpyod): correct assumption lacking a reason (rgyu mtshan med pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption depending upon a counterfeit reason (rgyu mtshan ltar snang la brten pa'i yid dpyod); and correct assumption in which the reason is not ascertained (rgyu mtshan ma nges pa'i yid dpyod). There is also a division of correct assumptions into five: correct assumption whose reason is not established (rgyu mtshan ma grub pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption contradictory with a reason (rgyu mtshan dang 'gal ba'i yid dpyod); correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it (rgyu mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption. For instances of each of the five, see the individual entries. do the fifth, check the order and the translations  +
correct assumption contradictory with a reason; Comment: An instance is an awareness apprehending sound as impermanent from the reason that it is empty of being able to perform a function (don byed nus stong gi rtags las sgra mi rtag par 'dzin pa'i blo). This is one of the five divisions of correct assumption: correct assumption whose reason is not established (rgyu mtshan ma grub pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption contradictory with a reason (rgyu mtshan dang 'gal ba'i yid dpyod); correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it (rgyu mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption. For instances of each of the five, see the individual entries. do the fifth, check the order and the translations  +
correct assumption lacking a reason; Comment: This is one of the three divisions of correct assumption (yid dpyod): correct assumption lacking a reason (rgyu mtshan med pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption depending upon a counterfeit reason (rgyu mtshan ltar snang la brten pa'i yid dpyod); and correct assumption in which the reason is not ascertained (rgyu mtshan ma nges pa'i yid dpyod). There is also a division of correct assumptions into five: correct assumption whose reason is not established (rgyu mtshan ma grub pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption contradictory with a reason (rgyu mtshan dang 'gal ba'i yid dpyod); correct assumption for which one has a reason but has not ascertained it (rgyu mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pa'i yid dpyod); correct assumption. For instances of each of the five, see the individual entries. do the fifth, check the order and the translations  +