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See: phrad\nEnglish for ex 2 ? Thumi, p.166, has phrad as an alternate for the future (T)  +
major and minor marks; SW changed the Eng. from "major and minor marks"  +
sign deity; Comment: This is the sixth of six stages in deity yoga meditation in the Concentration Concentration Tantra (bsam gtan phyi ma, dhyAnottara), an Action Tantra: ultimate deity or emptiness deity or suchness deity (don dam pa'i lha, stong pa nyid kyi lha, de kho na nyid kyi lha); sound deity (sgra'i lha); letter deity (yi ge'i lha); form deity (gzugs kyi lha); seal deity (phyag rgya'i lha); sign deity (mtshan ma'i lha).  +
Comment: An equivalent of ultimate truth (don dam bden pa, paramArthasatya) so called because in it the signs of the proliferations of duality are ceased.  +
get ex. Ship 64a.4 SW added this record (Tshig 2310.1)  +
Comment: See also mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu.  +
associational cause; Comment: There are six types of causes: fruitional cause (rnam smin gyi rgyu), co-arisen cause (lhan cig byung ba'i rgyu), creative cause (byed rgyu), cause of similar lot (skal mnyam gyi rgyu), omnipresent cause (kun 'gro'i rgyu), and associational cause (mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu). There are five types of association: (1) object of observation (dmigs pa); (2) aspect (rnam pa); (3) basis (rten); (4) time (dus); (5) substantial entity (rdzas).  +
tamas; Comment: In SAmkhya this is one of the three material qualities (yon tan gsum, triguNa): lightness (snying stobs, sattva), 2) motility (rdul, rajas), 3) darkness (mun pa, tamas). Dzong-ka-ba's Great Exposition of Secret Mantra a passage cites a passage calling the three subtler consciousnesses preceding the mind of clear light according to the GuhyasamAja system sattva, rajas, and tamas.  +
see: [[mya ngan las 'das pa]]  +
one of the four seals (phyag rgya bzhi); for others see: [[phyag rgya]]  +
see: [[mya ngan las 'das pa]]  +
Thumi, p.166, has the above tenses listed as meaning: "to part; to separate; to keep or put apart" (T)  +
Thumi, p.192, has myang for past, but it is probably a typo (T)  +
Comment: This is one of the two types of causally concordant effect (rgyu mthun kyi 'bras bu): functionally causally concordant effect (byed pa rgyu mthun gyi 'bras bu) and experientially causually concordant effect (myong ba rgyu mthun gyi 'bras bu).  +
(PH) Wilson (p.671) gives "na re" as a syntactic particle that "marks a subject which is the source of an opinion or a statement"  +
nam is also used as a question particle; see example 3  +
GaruDa; the GaruDa is a golden winged bird who is the vehicle of ViSNu and the lord of the winged race  +
Check entry (+de dang) ?? (T)  +