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Note to Editors and Contributors
The great translator Vairotsana
Latest News
Google has now begun making searches of (see left box). The indexing is in process, but try searching for "Rinpoche".
A Concise Catalogue to the Precious Translated Words of the Conqueror , reformated from the ACIP version
Catalogue of the New Treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa by Andreas Doctor
21 indices in Wylie format in new category Wylie Indices , compiled by Edward Henning
The Kat'hok lineage
Standard & Extended Wylie diagrams Sambhota , by Gerry Wiener
Khenpo Namdrol
A General Dharma Glossary from Matthieu Ricard , many details
Geographical Glossary from Matthieu Ricard
Prajnaparamita in Eight Thousand Verses Tibetan Translation converted from the ACIP input version
Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche
Chronology of Buddhism by Matthieu Ricard
Lineages & Teachings
Buddha Shakyamuni
Apho Yeshe Rangdrol Rinpoche
Karl_Brunnhoelzl , translator
Five Sisters of Long Life
The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity ; A Glossary of Buddhist People, Places, and now available on this site. (or simply The Gilded Palace ) (The 'A to Z' base is set up for use now, and the links are an on- going project enabling ease of search and referencing).
The Rangjung Yeshe dictionary -- including Jim Valby, Ives Waldo, Matthieu Ricard, Richard Barron, etc., has just been uploaded into this site. You can try out a search in the left search box.
lineage of Pawo Rinpoche by Erwan Temple