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t'a ra na tha

Jonang Taranatha

Short Biography

Important master of the Jonang lineage.

(1575–1635) The last great throne-holder at Jonang monastery in Central Tibet, Taranatha was a successor to the reincarnation line of Jetsun Kunga Drolchog. He received the entirety of major transmissions from the Kadam, Zhalu, Sakya, Shangpa Kagyu and Karma Kagyu traditions, and was an expert on the tantras from the later translation period (gsar bsgyur). He received the Dro lineage of the Kalachakra from his teacher Kunga Palzang at Jomonang, and the transmissions according to Buton's Zhalu Rwa tradtion from Kenchen Lungrig Gyatso. It was this Khenchen who recognized him as Kunga Drolchog's incarnation.

Another important teacher of Taranatha's was the Indian Mahasiddha Buddhagupta-natha, who he met near Narthang in Tibet. From him he received a number of transmissions which had not previously appeared in the land of snows. Taranatha composed a wonderful biography of this outstanding master, which is contained in his Collected Works.

As one of the most prolific authors in the Jonang tradition, his 23 volumes of collected works encompass topics on history, tantric ritual practice, zhentong thought, autobiography, pilgrimage, astrology, medicine, meditation, etc.

In the year 1615, Taranatha founded Takten Damcho Ling Monastery (Phuntsok Ling) south of the Ritro Chenmo mountain hermitage and Great Stupa of Jonang.

Primary Teachers

Kunga Palzang
Kenchen Lungrig Gyatso

Primary Students

Gyaltsab Narthangpa
Lodrö Namgyal

Primary Lineage


  • His Collected Works in 23 volumes. See an annotated outline at TBRC [1]

Alternate Names & Spellings

Other Reference Sources

Internal Links

External Links

  • Jonang Foundation[2]
  • Jonangpa Blog[3]