Incomparable Nine Lions

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The 'Incomparable Nine Lions' (mnyam med seng ge dgu)

Members of the (rgya) clan related to Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje. Early throne holders / hierarchs of Ralung - important in the transmission of the Middle Drukpa branch of the Drukpa Kagyu ('brug pa bka' brgyud / 'brug pa dkar brgyud ) school.

  1. Drukpa Senge Rinchen ('brug pa seng ge rin chen) [1258-1313] aka Pökyapa (spos skya pa)
  2. Drukpa Senge Gyalpo ('brug pa seng ge rgyal po)[1289-1326]
  3. Drukpa Kunga Senge ('brug pa kun dga' seng ge) [1289-1326]
  4. Drukpa Lodro Senge ('brug pa blo gros seng ge) [1345-1390]
  5. Drukpa Sherab Senge ('brug pa shesrab seng ge) [1371-1392]