Drukpa Sherab Zangpo

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Drukpa Sherab Zangpo ('brug pa shes rab bzang po) (1400-1438)

Sherab Zangpo (1400-1438)

Second son of Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen and younger brother of Drukpa Namkha Palzang. Third of the three 'prince-abbots' of Ralung. Father and teacher of Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor, the first re-incarnation of Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje, and Lhawang (lha'i dbang po). At the age of fourteen Drukpa Sherab Zangpo became throne holder of Ralung. He was the grandfather of Drukpa Ngawang Chogyal 14th throne holder of Ralung.

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Alternate Names

  • Sherab Zangpo shes rab bzang po
  • Pranjnabhadra (pradznya bha dra)
  • gsang bdag shes rab bzang po

Other Reference Sources

  • Author: dge 'dun rin chen [1926-1997] ('brug rje mkhan po 69); Title: dpal ldan 'brug pa'i gdul zhing lho phyogs nags mo'i ljongs kyi chos 'byung blo gsar rna ba'i rgyan (lho yi chos 'byung blo gsar rna rgyan).
  • Author: Yonten Dargye; Title: History of the Drukpa Kagyud School in Bhutan (12th to 17th Century A.D.) [ISBN 99936-616-0-0] pp.48-49.

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