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Fa hien - Chinese pilgrim who visited India and Sri Lanka early in the fifth century, returning with a complete Vinaya. [RY]

Fabricated attributes (spros mtshan). Characteristics such as arising and ceasing, singularity or plurality, coming and going, permanence and annihilation, which are falsely attributed to the nature of things or to the sugatagarbha. [RY]

faculties, six (dbang po drug) [LW1] [RY]

Fa-hsiang - Chinese Buddhist school based on Vijnanavadin teachings brought from India by Hsuan-tsang [RY]

Faith (dad pa) - faith; confidence; Faith, as one of the eleven virtuous mental states, devotion, to have, feel faith, to wish, thirst, to believe, willingness to participate. {dad pa} intr. v [RY]

faith offerings (dad zas) [RY]

faith, three kinds of; (dad pa gsum) - Admiration, longing, and trust; inspired, aspiring, and confident faith. Sincere faith (dang ba'i dad pa) conviction (yid ches pa'i dad pa) and irreversible devotion (phyir mi ldog pa'i dad pa) [RY]

False Image Mind Only School (sems tsam rnam rdzun pa). [RY]

False Image Mind Only School asserting the defiled to be false (dri bcas rdzun pa'i sems tsam rnam rdzun pa). [RY]

False Image Mind Only School asserting the undefiled to be pure (dri med dag pa'i sems tsam rnam rdzun pa). [RY]

False superficial truth (log pa'i kun rdzob kyi bden pa). [RY]

Families, five (kula, rigs). Six F. are obtained by adding Vajrasattva (Hevajra tantra II) [RY]

families, three (T: rigs gsum) The three families or groupings of Buddhists according to their allegiance to the Hinayana, Mahayana, or Vajrayana. [Rain of Wisdom]

Family lord (rigs kyi bdag po). The chief figure of that particular buddha family. [RY]

far-reaching lasso (rgyang zhags) is the eye, which can "catch" distant objects. The eye is also called the "water lamp" (chu'i sgron ma). These and the following terms used in this song are related to the secret Thögal practice and belong to the section of extraordinary instructions (man ngag sde) of Ati yoga (see Appendix 1). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Fasting-silence (bsnyun gnas) A two day Vajrayana practice of combined silence and fasting based on a sadhana of Lokeshvara. [RY]

Father Tantra (pha rgyud). One of the three aspects of Anuttara Yoga which place emphasis on the development stage. [RY]

FATHER TANTRA (pha rgyud). One of the three aspects of Anuttara Yoga which place emphasis on the development stage.[AL] [RY]

Father Tantra (pha rgyud); as Mahayoga [LW1] [RY]

Father Tantra [LWx] [RY]

Fearlessnesses, four (mi 'jigs pa bzhi) – Four Fearlessnesses. Fearlessness in the knowledge of all things (chos thams cad mkhyen pa la mi 'jigs pa), fearlessness in knowing all the cessations of corruption (zag pa zad pa thams cad mkhyen pa la mi 'jigs pa), fearlessness according to the definitive prophetic declarations that these things which are intermittently cut off on the path do not change into something else (bar du gcod pa'i chos rnams gzhan du mi 'gyur bar nges pa'i lung bstan pa la mi 'jigs pa), and the fearlessness that the path through which all excellent attributes are to be obtained, transformed and ascertained, is just what it is (phun sum tshogs pa thams cad thob par 'gyur bar nges par 'byung ba'i lam de bzhin du gyur ba la mi 'jigs pa) [RY]

Feast gathering. [Daki] [RY]

Feast Offering (tshogs kyi 'khor lo, Skt. ganachakra). A feast assembly performed by Vajrayana practitioners to accumulate merit and purify the sacred commitments. [ZL] [RY]

Female classes (mo rgyud). One of the three classes of Dharma protectors. [RY]

Ferocious Lady (rab gtum ma) [LW1] [RY]

Field of Accumulation (tshogs zhing). The Three Jewels and Three Roots and the three kayas. [RY]

Field of blessings (bsod nams kyi zhing). A figurative term for someone who is worthy of offerings. Just as the field can yield crops, so people will obtain blessed karmic results if they make offerings to one who deserves them. There many kinds of "fields of blessings": monks, enlightened beings, parents, the poor, etc., including animals. [RY]

Fierce Mantra (drag sngags) [LW1] [RY]

Fierce mantras (drag sngags). A certain type of mantras belonging to wrathful deities. They are used to dispel demonic forces that obstruct the continuation of the Buddhadharma or the welfare of sentient beings. [ZL] [RY]

Fifth Guide (rnam 'dren lnga pa); Maitreya [LW1] [RY]

Fifty Verses of Devotion to the Guru (Skt. Gurupanchshika, Tib. bla ma lnga bcu pa, T 3721) by Asvaghosha (first century C.E). An English translation has been published by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (1975). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion;,.s.Gurupancasika;, by Asvaghosa (also known as Aryasura, and other names comtemporaty of king Kanishka of the Kusan Dynasty. [MR]

Fifty-eight Crescents (zla gam lnga bcu rtsa brgyad). [ZL] [RY]

Fifty-eight herukas (khrag 'thung lnga bcu nga brgyad). The 58 wrathful deities. For a discription, see ‘’Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo’’, Shambhala Publications. [RY]

Fifty-eight herukas (khrag 'thung lnga bcu nga brgyad). The five male and female herukas, eight yoginis, eight tramen goddesses, four female gatekeepers, and twenty-eight shvaris. [ZL] [RY]

fifty-eight herukas (khrag 'thung lnga bcu nga brgyad); listing of [LW1] [RY]

fifty-eight herukas (khrag 'thung lnga bcu nga brgyad); listing of [LWx] [RY]

Final Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels [LW1] [RY]

Final Dharma Wheel; about sugata essence; expl.; see 'Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma'; [LWx] [RY]

Final enlightenment (mthar thug gi byang chub). Complete and perfect buddhahood. [RY]

Final Subsequent Mantra Tantra (phyi ma'i phyi ma sngags kyi rgyud). Tantra belonging to the Sadhana Section of Mahayoga. Vol. OM of the Nyingma Gyübum. [ZL] [RY]

Final Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. See Dharma Wheels [LW1] [RY]

finality of time (dus mtha'i skad cig) [LW1] [RY]

finality of time (dus mtha'i skad cig) [LWx] [RY]

finality; material finality; finality of consciousness [LW1] [RY]

Fire brand (mgal me). The second of the 'four aspects of approach and accomplishment' referring to the swirling chain of the mantra. [RY]

fire-offering. Sanskrit: Homa. Tibetan: sbyin sreg. Not to be confused with the smoke-offering puja which is often, in English, called "fire-puja" too. The smoke offering or "sang" involves the burning of aromatic leafy branches of such wood as cedar, which are actually moistened to create smoke instead of flame. The fire-offering practice, which is based on Agni the deity of fire, and involves offering various substances directly into the fire, is perhaps the oldest and most widespread rite in the orient. [Peter Roberts]

firm pride - Not ordinary pride, but the unshakable confidence that results in complete identification with the deity, and the certainty of being one with the deity's primordial nature. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

First bardo (bar do dang po). Usually the moment of "ground luminosity." [RY]

First Council - Council of 500 Arhats convened at Rajagrha after the Parinirvana to authenticate the teachings. [Tarthang]

First Council (bsdu ba dang po) - Council of 500 Arhats convened at Rajagriha after the Parinirvana to authenticate the teachings [RY]

First Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels [LW1] [RY]

First Dharma Wheel; expl.; see 'Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma' [LWx] [RY]

First Dhyana (bsam gtan dang po). One of the four domains in the Realm of Form, the causes of which are produced through a meditation state of the same name. [RY]

First Dhyana Realm (bsam gtan dang po) [LWx] [RY]

First Dhyana Realm (bsam gtan dang po). See Dhyana Realms [LW1] [RY]

first dhyana; main part of [LW1] [RY]

first dhyana; main part of [LWx] [RY]

First luminosity (dang po'i 'od gsal). The ground luminosity of primordial purity. [RY]

first Mahayana in this world - wo1 241 [RY]

first month of each of the four seasons is a ra wa zla ba. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma (chos 'khor dang po). The teachings focusing on renunciation, karma, and the four noble truths. [RY]

five activities (phrin las lnga) [LW1] [RY]

five aggregates (phung po lnga). See also aggregates, elements, and sense bases; as basis for ego-clinging; as basis for suffering; detailed; in relation to a self; listing of; natural purity of [LW1] [RY]

Five aggregates (phung po lnga). The five aspects which comprise the physical and mental constituents of a sentient being: physical forms, sensations, conceptions, formations, and consciousnesses. [RY]

five aggregates; detailed expl.; see also 'five perpetuating aggregates'; [LWx] [RY]

Five aspects of Mantra (sngags kyi yan lag lnga): The thatness of deity (lha'i de kho na nyid) is the relative bodhicitta. The thatness of self (bdag gi kho na nyid) is the mandala of body. The thatness of guhyamantra (gsang sngags kyi kho na nyid) is the placement of the seed syllable and the mantra chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation (bzlas brjod kyi kho na nyid) is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption ('phro 'du'i kho na nyid) is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed syllable. [RY]

Five aspects of true enlightenment (mngon byang lnga), abhisambodhi). Five aspects of visualization of a deity in the development stage: moon disc, sun disc, seed syllable, symbolic attribute and the complete form of the deity. [RY]

Five Basic Root Tantras (gzhi dang rtsa ba gyur pa'i rgyud sde lnga). See Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras. [ZL] [RY]

Five Bhikshus (dge slong mi lnga) [LW1] [RY]

Five bodhisattva paths (byang chub sems dpa'i lam lnga). See the 'five paths.' [RY]

Five boundless evil deeds. [RY]

Five Branches of Learning (rig pa'i gnas lnga)- the five sciences: language; dialectics; science of medicine; science of mechanical arts; religious philosophy. [RY]

Five buddha aspects (rgyal ba rigs lnga). See also five families of jinas. [RY]

Five Buddha Families - Buddha, Karma, Padma, Ratna and Vajra; see also Five Dhyanibuddhas. [RY]

five buddha families (rgyal ba rigs lnga) [LW1] [RY]

five buddha families (rgyal ba rigs lnga). Buddha (in the center), Vajra (in the east), Ratna (in the south), Padma (in the west), and Karma (in the north). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Five buddha families (rigs lnga). The families of buddha, vajra, ratna, padma, and karma. [RY]

five Buddha-Consorts. The five Buddha consorts are the pure form of the five elements. Earth: Mamaki, consort of Ratnasambhava. Water: Buddha Locana, consort of Akshobhya. Fire: Pandara Vasini, consort of Amitabha. Air: Samaya Tara, consort of Amoghasiddhi. Space: Akasha Datishvari, consort of Vairochana. [Peter Roberts]

Five buddhas (rgyal ba rigs lnga). The five families or aspects of victorious ones; Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi. [RY]

Five certainties (nges pa lnga) are: 1) The certain place is the Densely Arrayed Akanishta ('og min stug po bkod). 2) The certain teacher is Vairocana Gangchentso (rnam snang gangs chen mtsho). 3) The certain retinue are bodhisattvas of the tenth bhumi (sa bcu'i byang sems). 4) The certain teaching is the greater vehicle (theg pa chen po). 5) The certain time is the "continuous wheel of eternity" (rtag pa rgyun gyi bskor ba). [RY]

five certainties (nges pa lnga). See also five perfections [LW1] [RY]

five certainties (nges pa lnga); expl. [LWx] [RY]

five certainties; alias five perfections [LWx] [RY]

Five chakras ('khor lo lnga). The five nadi wheels in the vajra body. [RY]

Five Chronicles (bka' thang sde lnga). [ZL] [RY]

Five consorts (yum lnga). The five female buddhas. [RY]

five Daka syllables. The five Daka syllables: Daka means "Hero" and these syllables are the essence-syllables of the Buddhas of the five families. They are Om Hum Tram and Ah, which are the essence-syllables of, respectively, Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi. [Peter Roberts]

Five dakini emanations of Vajra Yogini. [Daki] [RY]

Five deeds with immediate result. (mtshams med pa lnga). The five immediate karmas, sins or evil acts are killing one's mother, one's father, or an arhant; causing schism in the Sangha of bhikshus; and drawing blood from a Tathagata with evil intent. The five close to or approaching them (de dang nye ba lnga) are defiling one's mother who is an arhanti; killing a bodhisattva on the Definite Stage (niyata bhumi); killing an noble being on the path of training (i.e. not yet an arhant); robbing the sangha of means of livelihood; and destroying a stupa. [RY]

five definitive precepts for a minister; listing of [LWx] [RY]

Five degenerations (snyigs ma lnga): 1) The degeneration of views due to the decline in the virtue of renunciants means wrong views. 2) The degeneration of disturbing emotions due to the decline in the virtue of house-holders means coarse-natured minds in which coarseness refers to strong and long-lasting kleshas. 3) The degeneration of times due to the decline in enjoyments means the decreasing Aeon of Strife. 4) The degeneration of life span due to the decline of the sustaining life-force means a decreasing life span until finally reaching the length of ten years. 5) The degeneration of sentient beings means the decline of body due to inferior shape and lesser size, the decline of merit due to lesser power and splendor, the decline of mind due to lesser sharpness of intellect, power of recollection and diligence. Thus, the degeneration of sentient beings in whom the three types of decline have come together means that their minds are difficult to tame. [RY]

Five Degenerations; (rnyigs ma lnga) /NG 69 : Shortening of lifespan, degeneration of the environment, degeneration of the views of beings, decline of their faculties, and increase of negative emotions.,, tshe'i rnyigs ma mar 'grib tshe lo brgya pa, dus kyi rnyigs ma rtsos ldan, nyon mong pa'i rnyigs ma drag la rgyun ring ba, sems can gyi rnyigs ma rgyud dbang po 'dul dka' ba [MR]

Five Dhyanibuddhas - Vairocana, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, and Akshobhya. These five Buddhas are associated with various aspects of existence, for example the five skandhas: Vairocana (consciousness), Ratnasambhava (sensation), Amitabha (perception), Amoghasiddhi (volition), and Akshobhya (form). [RY]

Five Display Tantras (rol pa'i rgyud sde lnga). See Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras. [ZL] [RY]

Five disturbing emotions (nyon mongs pa lnga). Anger, desire, delusion, pride and envy. [RY]

Five Doctrines of Maitreya. See Five Teachings of Lord Maitreya [LW1] [RY]

Five Early and Thirteen Later Translations of the Great Perfection (rdzogs pa chen po snga 'gyur lnga dang phyi 'gyur bcu gsum). Listed in chapter fourteen. Same as 'Eighteen Major Scriptures' and 'Early and later translation of the Great Perfection.' In other history books they are also known as the Eighteen Mothers and Children of the Mind Section (sems sde ma bu bco brgyad). [ZL] [RY]

Five Elements - earth (th solid), air (the gaseous), fire (the incandescent), water (the liquid), and space. The five elements can also be associated with the five Dhyanibuddhas and with the chakras. [RY]

Five elements (khams/ 'byung ba lnga). Earth, water, fire, wind and space. [RY]

Five eminent beings (dam pa'i rigs can dra ma lnga) - wo1 236; story, [RY]

Five Eminent Ones (drva ma lnga). The vidyadhara sangha who received the first anuyoga teachings in this world. [RY]

five enlightenments (mngon byang lnga). The elaborate creation of the deity as in the Mahayoga -the lowest of these yogas- is called the "five enlightenments". These are: the appearance of the sun-disc, the moon-disc, the seed-syllable, the deity's symbol and the form of the deity, each symbolising one of the wisdoms of enlightenment. [Peter Roberts]

five ever-present mental states; listing of [LW1] [RY]

Five Excellent Beings (rigs can drva ma lnga). Five recipients of the Anu Yoga teachings. [RY]

Five eyes - the physical eye through which we perceive our physical surroundings; the eye of the gods which can see what ordinary mortals cannot; the eye of wisdom which penetrates all appearances; the eye of the Dharma which sees reality without obscurations; and the eye of the Buddha, the omniscient and most perfect seeing of all aspects of the cosmos. [RY]

Five eyes (spyan lnga). The physical eye, the divine eye, eye of discriminating knowledge, the eye of Dharma, the eye of wisdom also called 'buddha eye.' [RY]

Five faculties (dbang po lnga). The five faculties 'ruling' over the first two of the four aspects of ascertainment on the path of joining are: faith, zeal, mindfulness, concentration, and discriminating knowledge. [RY]

Five families (rigs lnga). 1) Same as five families of jinas, 2) Five buddha families. [RY]

Five Families (rigs lnga). Name of a sadhana text composed by Guru Rinpoche focused on Mahayoga tantra. [ZL] [RY]

Five families (rigs lnga). The five buddha families: tathagata, vajra, ratna, padma and karma. They represent five aspects of innate qualities of the tathagatagarbha, our enlightened essence. [ZL] [RY]

five families of Great Purity, realms of (tshangs chen rigs lnga'i zhing) [LW1] [RY]

Five families of jinas (rgyal ba rigs lnga). The buddha aspects: Vairocana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi. [RY]

Five families of sugatas (bde gshegs rigs lnga). The five families or aspects of victorious ones; Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi. [ZL] [RY]

Five families of Tötreng Tsal. [Daki] [RY]

Five female buddhas (rgyal ba yum lnga). Dhatvishvari, Mamaki, Locana, Pandaravasini, Samayatara. [RY]

five female buddhas. Dhatvishvari, Mamaki, Locana, Pandaravasini, Samayatara.[Primer] [RY]

Five great mind treasures. [Daki] [RY]

five great treasuries (mdzod chen rnam pa lnga). Five collections of essential teachings on Buddhist theory and practice collected or written by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye (1813-99). These five are 1) the All-encompassing Treasury of Knowledge (shes bya kun la khyab pa'i mdzod, 4 vols.), an encyclopedia of Buddhist wisdom and knowledge; 2) the Treasury of Precious Instructions (gdams ngag mdzod, 18 vols.), which gathers the pith instructions of the eight main lineages of Tibetan Buddhism (see Eight Chariots of the Dharma); 3) the Mantra Treasury of the Oral Lineage (bka' brgyud sngags mdzod, 8 vols.), which gathers some fundamental teachings of the Nyingma kahma and the main teachings for the practice of the Kagyu lineage; 4) the Precious Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings (rin chen gter mdzod, 63 vols.), which gathers the most important rediscovered teachings (gter ma) of the Nyingma tradition, and incorporates what is extant of the Extraordinary Treasury (thun mong ma yin pa'i mdzod), Jamgon Kongtrul's own revealed teachings (gter ma); 5) the Vast Treasury of Teachings (rgya chen bka'i mdzod, 16 vols.), which comprises the remaining works of Jamgon Kongtrul. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

five heruka families [LW1] [RY]

five herukas [LW1] [RY]

Five Hundred Thousand Scripture ('bum lnga); medium version of the Hevajra Tantra; quotation from; [LWx] [RY]

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The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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--Richard 12:32, 12 August 2008 (EDT)