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The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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Ü and Tsang, four districts of; listing of [LW1] [RY]

Ubhaya (gnyis ka). 'Both' or 'twin.' The second of the three outer sections of tantra, usually known as Upa Yoga. The scriptures appeared first in Mount Jakang Chen and Cool Grove. The name refers to a combination of two aspects: the conduct of Kriya Yoga and the view of Yoga Tantra. [ZL] [RY]

Udana Varga (tshoms), (ched du brjod pa'i tshoms) [LW1] [RY]

Udanavarga (ched du mjod pa'i mtshoms);: A Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon, Compiled by Dharmatrata, being the northern version of the Dhammapada, translated from the Tibetan of the bka' 'gyur with notes and extracts from the commentary of Pradjnavarman, by William Rockhill, William; (Trubner's Oriental Series), London, 1883, 1892. [MR]

Udanavarga (Tib. ched du rjod pa'i mtshoms, T 326) is a collection of verses from the Buddhist canon compiled by Dharmatrata. The Udanavarga is similar in content and style to the famed Dhammapada found in the Pali canon. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Uddiyana (u rgyan), (o rgyan). The country to the north-west of ancient India where Guru Rinpoche was born on a lotus flower. The literal meaning of Uddiyana is 'vehicle of flying' or 'going above and far.' See also 'Orgyen' which is a corruption of the Indian word. [ZL] [RY]

Uddiyana Sanctuary of Supreme Great Bliss [LW1] [RY]

Uddiyana, "Orgyen" (o rgyan) is a corruption of the Indian word. The literal meaning is "vehicle of flying" ('phur ba'i theg pa) or "going above" "going far" (steng 'gro ring 'gro). [RY]

Uddiyana, explanation of the literal meaning; master of [LW1] [RY]

Uddiyana. [Daki] [RY]

Udumbara (u dum ba ra.) 'Especially eminent' or 'supremely exalted.' This flower is said to appear and bloom only accompanying the appearance of a fully enlightened buddha. [RY]

udumbara [LW1] [RY]

UDUMVARA (Skt.) 'Especially eminent' or 'supremely exalted.' This flower is said to appear and bloom only accompanying the appearance of a fully enlightened buddha.[AL] [RY]

Udumwara flower {u dum wa ra}. Name of an extremely rare flower. [RY]

Uich'on - Eleventh century Korean T'ien-t'ai master and scholarvUisang - Korean master who introduced Hua-yen teachings to Korea [RY]

Ujjaini - Early Buddhist center; later a center of literary activity [RY]

Ultimate (paramartha, don dam (pa)). [RY]

Ultimate Akanishta (don gyi 'og min). The realm of dharmakaya. [RY]

ultimate Akanishtha (don gyi 'og min) [LW1] [RY]

Ultimate bodhichitta (don dam byang chub kyi sems). Same as prajnaparamita, the unity of shamatha and vipashyana, self-existing wakefulness, etc. [RY]

ultimate coemergent wisdom; as synonym for sugata essence [LW1] [RY]

Ultimate Continuum of the Great Vehicle, theg pa chen po'i rgyud bla ma [MR]

Ultimate Graded Path Blue Lapis Vase (don gi lam rim be'u bum sngon po), [RY]

Ultimate Graded Path, "The Blue Beryl Vase" (don gi lam rim be'u bum sngon po), was composed by the same author. According to Trulshik Rinpoche, The Beryl Vase (be'u bum, derived from bee du rya'i bum pa, or "Vase of Beryl,") is an image for a precious container in which are kept all the most profound and secret pith instructions. It also refers to the container in which the Tibetan translators used to hide and carry the esoteric instructions and mantras they had received and brought back from India. As communicated by Pr. Matthew Kapstein, this is probably a late etymology. Be'u, "calf", in Skt. Vatsa, refers metaphorically to "wealth", "precious object". [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Ultimate homage of recognition (nges don don dam mjal phyag). [RY]

ultimate meaning (mthar thug gi don) [LW1] [RY]

Ultimate transcendent knowledge (don dam shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa). See transcendent knowledge. [RY]

Ultimate truth (don dam pa'i bden pa). The absolute nature of relative truth; that all phenomena are beyond arising, dwelling and ceasing. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY] ultimate truth [LW1] [RY]

Uma (u ma). A mother-goddess, identified with Parvati, Durga, etc.; it is prophesied that she will one day be reborn as the Buddha Umeshvara. [RY]

Uncategorized ultimate of the true innate essence (rnam grangs pa ma yin pa yang dag gshis kyi don dam). [RY]

Unceasing Vajra Hell (mnar med kyi dmyal ba); Skt. avichi. The lowest of the eight hot hells. [RY]

Unchanging absolute ('gyur med yongs grub). Same as emptiness or suchness. See also 'three natures.' [RY]

unchanging absolute('gyur med yongs grub) [LW1] [RY]

Unchanging and Spontaneously Perfected Temple, Samye (bsam yas) [LW1] [RY]

Unchanging and Spontaneously Perfected Temple. See Samye [LW1] [RY]

Unchanging circle (thig le 'gyur med) means the primordial ground of the single circle of dharmakaya that is free from angles or corners. [RY]

unchanging great bliss; fourth empowerment [LW1] [RY]

unchanging sphere (thig le 'gyur med); as synonym for sugata essence; expl. [LW1] [RY]

uncommon Mahayana system; view of suchness and mind-essence [LW1] [RY]

uncommon Mantrayana (thun min sngags) [LW1] [RY]

Uncompounded ('dus ma byas). A phenomena that is beyond arising, dwelling and ceasing. [RY]

Uncompounded all-ground (kun gzhi 'dus ma byas). Synonym for dharmakaya. [RY]

Unconditioned body of light (zag med 'od kyi lus). Same as rainbow body. [RY]

Unconditioned coemergent wisdom (zag med lhan cig skyes pa'i ye shes). See coemergent wisdom. [RY]

Unconditioned dharmadhatu (chos dbyings 'dus ma byas). [RY]

unconditioned phenomena ('dus ma byas gsum); listing of three types [LW1] [RY]

unconditioned virtues (zag med kyi dge ba) [LW1] [RY]

Unconditioned, a-samskrta, ('dus ma byas pa). e.g. space, temporary absence of defilements, final cessation of obscurations, Emptiness, Nirvana. [RY]

Uncontaminated, concontaminate, unpolluted; an-asrava, (zag med). [RY]

Uncontrived cycle {ku sa la'i skor}. Writings on profound visionary experiences and realizations of Atiyoga. [RY]

Undefeatable (ma pham pa). See Maitreya [LW1] [RY]

Understanding, experience, and realization (go myong rtogs gsum). Intellectual comprehension, practical experience, and unchanging realization. [RY]

Unelaborate conduct (spros med kyi spyod pa). One of the various types of enhancement. [RY]

Unexcelled enlightenment (bla na med pa'i byang chub). Complete and perfect buddhahood. [RY]

Unexcelled Greater Vehicle (theg chen bla na med pa) [LW1] [RY]

Unexcelled Knowledge (rig pa mchog) (vidyottama). [ZL] [RY]

Unexcelled Tantras of Mantrayana [LW1] [RY]

Unexcelled Wisdom [LW1] [RY]

Unexcelled Yoga (rnal 'byor bla med); Syn. Anuttara Yoga [LW1] [RY]

Unexcelled; hidden and uncommon profound meaning of [LW1] [RY]

unfabricated continuous instant (ma bcos rgyun gyi skad cig ma) [LW1] [RY]

Unfabricated naturalness (ma bcos rang babs). [RY]

Unfailing interdependence of cause and effect (bslu med rgyu 'bras kyi rten 'brel). The law of relative truth. [RY]

unforgetting recall (mi brjed pa'i gzungs); See also recall, dharani, retention [LW1] [RY]

Unified Basic Essence Sadhana (gzhi snying gcig tu dril ba'i sgrub thabs). Text belonging to the Sadhana Section of Mahayoga composed by Guru Rinpoche. [ZL] [RY]

unified level beyond training [LW1] [RY]

unified level of training [LW1] [RY]

Unified level of Vajradhara (zung 'jug rdo rje 'chang gi go 'phang). Synonymous with the state of complete enlightenment. [RY]

Unified level of Vajradhara (zung 'jug rdo rje 'chang gi go 'phang). Synonymous with the state of complete enlightenment. The 'unified' stands for the inseparability of means and knowledge: emptiness endowed with the supreme of all aspects and the unchanging great bliss. [RY]

Unified stage of the path of training (slob pa'i zung 'jug). A high level of accomplishment. Same as the vidyadhara level of mahamudra. [ZL] [RY]

unified state (zung 'jug gi go 'phang) [LW1] [RY]

Unified state (zung 'jug gi go 'phang) refers to the unity of kaya and wisdom in which kaya (sku) is emptiness endowed with all the supreme aspects and wisdom (ye shes) is the mind of unchanging great bliss. [RY]

Uninterrupted path (bar chad med lam). The 'path' or 'basis' that is the remedy for directly eradicating the defilements that are to be abandoned on one's present path and which thereby ensures that no other interruptions can hinder the arising of the wisdom that is the result of one's particular path. [RY]

uninterrupted path (bar chad med lam); in regard to the dhyanas [LW1] [RY]

union and liberation [LW1] [RY]

Union Bodhichitta Sadhana of Pure Space (mkha' dbyings dag pa sbyor ba byang chub sems kyi sgrub pa). [ZL] [RY]

Union of sun and Moon.(nyi zla kha sbyor). One of the 17 Dzogchen tantras. [RY]

union with another's body (gzhan lus snyoms 'jug). [RY]

Union, Unification (yuganaddha, zung 'jug). Union of the Illusory Body and Clear Light, final section of the Completing Stage. The U. of the Four kayas, or U. Beyond Learning, is Buddhahood. [RY]

unity (zung 'jug); as one of the Five Stages [LW1] [RY]

Unity dissolving into wisdom (zung 'jug ye shes la thim pa). One of the phases of the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

Unity of the two kayas (sku gnyis zung 'jug). [RY]

Universal base (gser gyi sa gzhi). The mythological basis of our known world. It is made of gold and is situated below Mt. Sumeru. [RY]

universal ground [LW1] [RY]

Universal Illumination; bhumi [LW1] [RY]

Universal Light (kun tu 'od). The eleventh bhumi and the state of buddhahood according to the Sutra system. [RY]

Universal Monarch ('khor los sgyur ba'i rgyal po); Skt. chakravartin. One who rules over the four continents of human beings. He bears the thirty-two marks of a great being, and is assisted in his rule by the seven precious possessions.[Primer] [RY]

Universal monarch ('khor lo sgyur ba'i rgyal po). The highest attainment within the Desire Realm. [RY]

Universal Monarch ('khor los sgyur ba'i rgyal po); Skt. chakravartin. One who rules over the four continents of human beings. He bears the thirty-two marks of a great being, and is assisted in his rule by the seven precious possessions. [RY]

Universal Monarch ('khor los sgyur ba'i rgyal po; Skt. cakravartin). One who rules over the four continents of human beings. He bears the thirty-two marks of a Great Being, and is assisted in his rule by the Seven precious possessions. [RY]

universal monarch [LW1] [RY]

universal monarch See cakravartin. [Rain of Wisdom]

Universal Monarch, emperor (cakravartin, 'khor los(s) sgyur ba'i rgyal po). One who rules over the four continents of human beings. he bears the thirty-two Marks of a Great Being, and is assisted in his rule by the Seven precious Things (sapta ratna), listed in Sarvajna-mitra's verse 24, the precious wheel etc. These have remarkable magical properties, and are also interpreted as symbolic of the seven Enlightenment factors (bodhyanga, byang chub kyi yan lag), mindfulness etc. [RY]

Universal Mother Deities (srid pa ma mo). [ZL] [RY]

Universal ruler ('khor lo sgyur ba'i rgyal po). [RY]

Unknowing. See Ignorance. [RY]

unmistaken absolute (phyin ci ma log pa'i yongs grub) [LW1] [RY]

Unobstructed nature (gdangs dgag med). One of the three aspects of the sugatagarbha: essence, nature and expression. [RY]

Unpleasant Sound (sgra mi snyan); Continent [LW1] [RY]

Unshakable (mi g.yo ba). The 8 of the ten bodhisattva bhumis. [RY]

Unshakable; bhumi [LW1] [RY]

Unsupported shamatha (rten med zhi gnas). See 'shamatha without support.' [RY]

Unsurpassable Magical Net (sgyu 'phrul bla ma). A Mahayoga scripture. Vol. PHA of the Nyingma Gyübum. [ZL] [RY]

Unutterable, inconceivable and indescribable (smra bsam brjod med). [RY]

Unvirtue, unwholesome (a-kushala, mi dge (ba). The ten unwholesome acts are killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, harsh speech, slander, vain speech, covetousness, ill-will and wrong view. [RY]

Upa (gnyis ka). The second of the three outer tantras according to the Early Translation School. It means 'both' in the sense of combining the view of Yoga Tantra with the conduct of Kriya Tantra. [RY]

Upa (gnyis ka). The second of the three outer tantras. [RY]

Upa {u pa}. The second of the three outer tantras. [RY]

Upa Yoga (Skt.). See Ubhaya Tantra. [ZL] [RY]

Upachamara. One of the eight subcontinents. [RY]

Upadhyaya (mkhan po). A teacher, in certain instructional or ritual functions such as advising a translator or giving ordination (See also Preceptor). [RY]

Upagupta - The fourth patriarch, who taught extensivelv in Mathura. [Tarthang]

Upagupta - The fourth patriarch, who taught extensively in Mathura [RY]

Upali - Disciple of the Buddha; recited the Vinaya at the First Council, [RY]

Upali - Disciple of the Buddha; recited the Vinaya at the First Council. [Tarthang]

Upasaka (dge bsnyen). A Buddhist layman, bound by the five vows (to avoid killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, intoxicating liquor and lying). Fem. upasika. [RY]

Upasaka (dge bsnyen). A Buddhist layman, bound by the five vows (to avoid killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxicating liquor). The female lay person is called upasika.[Primer] [RY]

UPASAKA (dge bsnyen). A Buddhist layman, bound by the five vows to avoid killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, and intoxicating liquor. The Tibetan equivalent, genyen, means 'pursuer of virtue.'[AL] [RY]

Upaya (thabs). See 'means and knowledge.' [RY]

UPAYA (thabs). See 'means and knowledge.'[AL] [RY]

Upaya (thabs). See 'prajna and upaya.' [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

upaya. See also means and knowledge [LW1] [RY]

upaya. See 'prajna and upaya.'[Primer] [RY]

Upper and Lower treasures, (gter kha gong 'og). [RY]

Upper Palace - The Potala Palace, the residence of H.H. the Dalai Lama. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Upper rebirth (svarga, mtho ris). Rebirth as a god or human being. [RY]

Upper Tibet [LW1] [RY]

Upper, Lower and Middle districts of Tibet and Kham [LW1] [RY]

Urgeh, see Translator's Introduction, p. 26. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Urgyen Tsewang Chokdrub (u rgyan tshe dbang mchog grub). The name of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. [RY]

urna hair. Urna hair: "Treasure Hair". One of the characteristics of a Buddha, it is a white hair between the eyebrows which, when fully extended, is a cubit in length, but naturally stays as a tight white curl. It is also described as twenty-seven white hairs, or as a white hair covered mole. [Peter Roberts]

Ushnisha - (gtsug thor) A protuberance which infinitely pervades space from the top of a buddha's head. It can be seen only by a bodhisattva who attained the first bhumi. [ZL] [RY]

Usira (pu shel tse). 'The fragrant root of the plant Andropogon muricatus' [RY]

Utpala. Tara's flower, the blue lotus, whose earthly representative is Nymphea caerulea. [RY]

Uttara - One of the two missionaries of Ashoka's time sent to Suvarnabhumi, identified with Burma in the Burmese tradition [RY]

Uttara - One of two missionaries of Asoka's time sent to Suvarnabhumi identified with Burma in the Burmese tradition. [Tarthang]

Uttara Tantra (rgyud bla ma). [EMP] [RY]

Uttara Tantra (rgyud bla ma). The 'Unexcelled Continuity' by Maitreya. Published as 'The Changeless Nature,' Samye Ling, and as 'Buddha Nature,' Oral Teachings by Thrangu Rinpoche, Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1988. [RY]

Uttara-Kuru (Skt.). One of the four continents. [RY]

Uttara-mantrina (Skt.). One of the eight sub-continents. [RY]

Uttaratantra (rgyud bla ma); expl. obscuration of union [LW1] [RY]

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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--Richard 13:22, 12 August 2008 (EDT)