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The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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Ignorance (ma rig pa). Ignorance of good and evil deeds causes us to take rebirth in the three realms of samsara. Ignorance of the ultimate truth is the main cause of samsaric existence. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Ignorance of single identity (bdag nyid gcig pa'i ma rig pa). One of the three types of igorance. [RY]

Ignorance, unknowing (avidya, ma rig (pa)). Through ignorance of good and evil one is reborn in ill destinies; through i. of Ultimate Truth one is reborn in samsara in general. [RY]

ignorance; explanation of three types [LW1] [RY]

Ignorant all-ground / Ignorant aspect of the all-ground (kun gzhi ma rig pa'i cha). Synonymous with coemergent ignorance.[AL] [RY]

Ignorant aspect of the all-ground (kun gzhi ma rig pa'i cha). Synonymous with coemergent ignorance. [RY]

Ill destinies, ill migrations. [RY]

Illuminating Sunlight [LW1] [RY]

Illuminating Sunlight, a Dharma History by Longchen Rabjam 1308-1363/4. Two volumes. (chos 'byung rin po che'i gter mdzod thub bstan gsal bar byed pa'i nyi 'od). The author quotes his name as being Gyalsey Thugchok Tsal (rgyal sras thugs mchog rtsal). Published by His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse, New Delhi. [ZL] [RY]

Illuminating Sunlight; [LWx] [RY]

illusory body (sgyu lus) [LW1] [RY]

illusory body (sgyu lus) [LWx] [RY]

Illusory body (sgyu lus). One of the Six Doctrines of Naropa. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Image (rnam pa). [RY]

image of the Five Naturally Arisen Miracles (rang 'byung lnga ldan). These five miracles are: 1) King Songtsen Gampo gathered a large amount of jewel powder; wondering how to make a statue out of it, he made fervent prayers. When he awoke the next morning, the jewel powder had turned into a beautiful image of Avalokitesvara with eleven heads. 2) The king wondered what relics should be enshrined within the statue. The heart of the statue then emanated Bhiksu Akaramatisila, who went to India and brought back a small, miraculously formed statue of Avalokitesvara that had been guarded by a powerful elephant. When Akaramatisila arrived back in Lhasa, the small statue dissolved into the big one's heart. 3) When King Songtsen Gampo died, he dissolved into the statue without leaving any mortal remains. 4) When his queen Wengchen died, she dissolved into the right eye of the statue. 5) When his queen Bhrikuti died, she dissolved into the left eye of the statue. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

imagined (phenomena); lacking attributes, definition of [LWx] [RY]

imagined phenomena (kun brtags) [LW1] [RY]

imagined phenomena (kun brtags); enumerated (rnam grangs pa'i kun brtags), expl.; lacking attributes (mtshan nyid chad pa'i kun brtags), expl. [Lwx] [RY]

imagined phenomena enumerated (rnam grangs pa'i kun brtags), [RY]

imagined phenomena lacking attributes (mtshan nyid chad pa'i kun brtags), [RY]

imagined phenomena lacking attributes (mtshan nyid chad pa'i kun brtags) [LW1] [RY]

imagined, dependent, and absolute (kun brtags gzhan dbang yongs grub) [LW1] [RY]

imagined, dependent, and absolute [LWx] [RY]

Immaculate Confession Tantra (dri med bshags rgyud). [RY]

Immaculate Goddess Sutra (lha mo dri ma med pa'i mdo). [ZL] [RY]

Immaculate Legacy. 163 pages. Tibetan title: sprul sku mnga' bdag chen po'i skyes rabs rnam thar dri ma med pa'i bka' rgya can. Narration of fifteen former lives of Nyang Ral Nyima Özer spoken to his chief disciples and written down by Migyur Dorje, a yogi from central Tibet. These fifteen incarnations include King Trisong Deutsen, a son of the god Indra named Prince Boundless Radiance, the Tibetan king Ralpachen, the Indian prince Chöden, the Indian prince Mahayana, a prince in Uddiyana named Dharma Shvadha, the Nepalese prince Dharmaraja, Prince Udarphala in the country of Singala, Prince Enang-O in Lower Dokham, the Indian prince Dharimuka, Adharipa in the country of Li, Shvadha Garpa in China, Rinchen Jungney in the district of Lat" Burang, Prince Singha Shri in the country of Zahor, Prince Purna Tri to the east of Bodhgaya, and finally the great tertön master Nyang Ral Nyima Özer. [ZL] [RY]

Immaculate Light (dri med 'od) [LW1] [RY]

Immaculate Light; quotation from; [LWx] [RY]

Immaculate White Lotus, a life story of Padmasambhava by the female tertön Sera Khandro Dekyong Wangmo. 20 pages of beautiful devotional poetry. Tibetan title: chos nyid mkha' 'gro'i gsang mdzod las: o rgyan rnam thar dri med padma dkar po. Almost identical to Pagsam Jönshing revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa. [ZL] [RY]

immature being [LW1] [RY]

immature being; expl. [LWx] [RY]

immeasurable; meaning of [LW1] [RY]

immeasurable; meaning of [LWx] [RY]

Immeasurables, Four (apramana, tshad med(pa)). [RY]

Immediate, five anantarya, (mtshams med pa lnga). The five immediate karmas, sins or evil acts are killing one's mother, one's father, or an Arhant; causing schism in the Sangha of bhiksus; and drawing blood from a Tathagata with evil intent. The five close to or approaching them (de dang nye ba lnga) are defiling one's mother who is an Arhanti; killing a Bodhisattva on the Definite Stage (niyata bhumi); killing an Arya on the Path of Training (i.e. not yet an Arhant); robbing the Sangha of means of livelihood; and destroying a stupa. [RY]

Immense Ocean (gangs chen mtsho); five families of (rigs lnga); Vajra Guru [LW1] [RY]

Immense Ocean (gangs chen mtsho); five families of (rigs lnga); Vajra Guru; [LWx] [RY]

Immense Vajra Ocean. [Daki] [RY]

Immense Vista (shin tu mthong) [LW1] [RY]

Immense Vista (shin tu mthong) [LWx] [RY]

Immortal Tötreng Tsal ('chi med thod phreng rtsal). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]

Immortal vajra samadhi ('chi med rdo rje'i ting nge 'dzin). The indestructible composure of the Buddha of Limitless Life, Amitayus. [RY]

Immortal Vidyadhara ('chi med rig 'dzin). Same as Guru Rinpoche. [RY]

imperceptible form (rnam par rig byed ma yin pa'i gzugs); five types of [LW1] [RY]

imperceptible forms; five types of [LWx] [RY]

implied exposition (dgongs bshad); among the six limits [LW1] [RY]

implied exposition (dgongs bshad); among the six limits [LWx] [RY]

Imprints, impressions (vasana, bag chags). The imprints of actions and defilements, which are carried from life to life and can ripen as a persistence of the same defilement or as the various forms of karmic results. [RY]

impure dependent phenomena (ma dag gzhan dbang) [LW1] [RY]

impure dependent phenomena (ma dag gzhan dbang), [RY]

Inapprehensible. Complete absence of both subject and object, perceiver and perceived object. [RY]

Incalculable (grangs med), asamkhya; the number of ten followed by approximately fifty zeros. [RY]

Incantation. Mantra or dharani. Sacred or holy sounds blessed by a Buddha or a bodhisattva. By reciting mantras one may receive blessings and spiritual guidance, and obtain miraculous powers. [RY]

Incarnated nirmanakaya (skye ba sprul sku). Buddhas and bodhisattvas appearing for the sake of others: as a human for human beings, as an animal for other animals and so forth. [RY]

Increase (mched pa). The second of the three experience of appearance, increase and attainment. [RY]

Increase (mched pa). The second of the three experiences of appearance, increase and attainment. Corresponding to the dissolving of the 40 thought states resulting from desire and accompanied by a perception of redness. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Increased Experience (nyams snang gong 'phel). The second of the four visions in Dzogchen practice. [RY]

increasing-activity in the late morning. Literally, when the day is warmed by the sun. Thrangu Rinpoche approximates this at something like nine a.m. [Peter Roberts]

Individual Liberation (so sor thar pa). See 'Pratimoksha.' [RY]

Individual Liberation (so sor thar pa; Skt. pratimoksha). The seven sets of precepts for ordained and lay people according to the vinaya of Hinayana. The vows of laymen and laywomen; the vows of male and female novices; additional vows taken by probationer nuns as a step towards becoming full nuns; the discipline of the full nun (bhikshuni); that of the full monk (bhikshu) There are eight types when including fasting vows, taken for one day only. The precepts of individual liberation are the basic code of morality that are the common foundation for all Buddhist practice. [RY]

Individual Liberation (so thar); seven types [LW1] [RY]

Individual self (gang zag gi bdag). The mistaken idea that there exists an 'I' which is an independent, singular and permanent entity. [RY]

Individual self-cognizant wisdom (so so rang rig pa'i ye shes). [RY]

Indivisibility of the three kayas (sku gsum dbyer med). [RY]

Indra (brgya byin), expl. his vajra, the four assurances of his vajra [LW1] [RY]

Indra (brgya byin). The chief god in the realm of desire. He resides on the summit of Mt. Sumeru in the palace of Complete Victory and is also known as Shakra, the Ruler of the Devas. [RY]

Indra (dbang (po)). Vedic god of rain, who became considered lord of all the gods. In Buddhist sutras he is usually called Shakra. [RY]

Indra {brgya byin}. Ruler of the gods in the realm of desire. He resides on the summit of Mount Meru in the palace of Complete Victory and is also called Shakra. [RY]

Indra also knows as Shakra or Kaushika; chief of the Thirty-three Gods who reside in the heaven of the desire realm known by that name. [RY]

Indra; expl. his vajra; the four assurances of his vajra [LWx] [RY]

Indrabhuti - Name of several masters important in the transmission of the Mantrayana; also Indrabodhi [RY]

Indrabhuti; example for type of realization [LWx] [RY]

Indrabodhi (rgyal po in dra bo dhi). The king of the country of Uddiyana during the appearance of Padmasambhava in this world. Sometimes his name is spelled Indrabhuti. [ZL] [RY]

Indrabodhi (Skt. in-dra bo dhi). An Indian king at the time of Lord Buddha. He is used as example for the Vajrayana practitioner of the highest capacity who attains liberation simultaneously with understanding the instructions and who is perfect in mingling the teachings with all aspects of daily life. [RY]

Indrabodhi (Skt.) [ZL] [RY]

Indrabodhi; King [LW1] [RY]

Indrabodhi; King [LWx] [RY]

Inexhaustible adornment wheel of Body, Speech and Mind (sku gsung thugs mi zad pa rgyan gyi 'khor lo). Same as vajra body, speech, and mind. [RY]

Inexhaustible wheel of adornment. [Daki] [RY]

Infinite Consciousness (rnam shes mtha' yas). The second abode in the Formless Realm dwelling on the thought, "Consciousness is infinite!" [RY]

Infinite Space (nam mkha' mtha' yas). The second abode in the Formless Realm dwelling on the thought, "Space is infinite!" [RY]

Ingenuity. upaya. The ingenious, expedient, and even roundabout methods by which a compassionate Buddha or bodhisattva teaches sentient beings and brings them to maturity. Also may be translated as skillful means. [RY]

Initiation to the Manifestation of Awareness, (rig pa'i rtsal dbang) is a most profound transmission which introduces one to the nature of awareness beyond conditioned mind, and makes one realize that thoughts are the display of this awareness. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Innate deity (gnyug ma'i lha). [RY]

INNATE NATURE (chos nyid). See under 'dharmata.'[AL] [RY]

Innate Wakefulness (gnyug ma'i ye shes). Same as intrinsic wisdom. [RY]

Innate wakefulness (rang gnas kyi ye shes). The basic nature of our mind. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Innate wakefulness (ye shes). The mind's undeluded and intrinsic capacity for nonconceptual knowing. Usually translated as 'wisdom.' [RY]

Inner contents (nang bcud) as opposed to the outer vessel (phyi snod), the world. [RY]

Inner Mantrayana [LW1] [RY]

Inner obstacles (nang gi bar chad). Sickness etc. [RY]

Inner Path of Vajrasattva (rdo rje sems dpa' khong seng gi lam). One of the last experiences in the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

Inner Tantras include the Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga Tantras. The Mahayoga Tantras are based on the sGyu section of the bKa' ma; important texts are the root text (Guhyamulagarbhatantra) and eighteen Mahayogatantras. Emphasis is on visionary meditative experience. [RY]

Inner Tantras of Secret Mantra (gsang sngags nang gi rgyud sde). Usually this term refers to the Three Inner Tantras of Mahayoga, Anu Yoga and Ati Yoga, but in the specific context of the translation of the tantras in chapter twelve only Mahayoga and Anu Yoga are included. The Ati Yoga tantras are listed in chapter fourteen. [ZL] [RY]

Inner Topics (nang don). [EMP] [RY]

Innermost Essence (gsang ba snying thig). In general identical with the Instruction Section, the third of three division of Dzogchen. In particular it refers to the Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of Heart Essence (yang gsang bla na med pa'i snying thig gi skor), the fourth of the four divisions of the Instruction Section according to the arrangement of Shri Singha. All lineages of the Innermost Essence passed through Shri Singha and continued in Tibet through his personal disciples, Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra. In the 14th century these two lineages passed through Rangjung Dorje, the third Karmapa, and his close Dharma friend Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363), the latter of which systematized these teachings in his great body of writings. Longchen Rabjam was an incarnation of Princess Pema Sal, the daughter of King Trisong Deutsen, to whom Padmasambhava had entrusted his own lineage of Dzogchen known as Khandro Nyingtig. He is single-handedly regarded as the most important writer on Dzogchen teachings. His works include the Seven Great Treasuries, the Three Trilogies and his commentaries in the Nyingtig Yabshi. The practice of the Innermost Essence is continued to this very day. [ZL] [RY]

Innermost Unexcelled Cycle (yang gsang bla na med pa'i sde) consists of seventeen tantras. There are eighteen when adding the Ngagsung Tromay Tantra which is focused on the protective rites of Ekajati. According to the system of Padmakara, there are nineteen when including the Longsel Barwey Tantra, the Tantra of the Blazing Expanse of Luminosity. [RY]

Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of Nyingthig (yang gsang bla na med pa'i snying thig gi skor). The fourth of the four divisions of the Instruction Section of Dzogchen according to the arrangement of Shri Singha. [RY]

innermost unexcelled cycle of the Great Perfection (rdzogs pa chen po yang gsang bla na med pa'i skor). [AL] [RY]

insignia. (phyag mtshan) [Peter Roberts]

instant of completed action (bya rdzogs kyi skad cig) [LW1] [RY]

instant of completed action (bya rdzogs kyi skad cig) [LWx] [RY]

Instantaneous Razor Slash (spu dri reg chod). [ZL] [RY]

Instantaneous recollection (skad cig dran rdzogs). The type of development stage in which the visual image of the deity is perfected in a single moment. [RY]

Instantaneous type (cig car ba'i rigs). The type of person who does not need to go through progressive stages on the path. [RY]

Instruction Section (man ngag sde). The third of the Three Sections of Dzogchen, arranged by Manjushrimitra and emphasizing the special key points. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Instruction Section (man ngag sde). The third of the Three Sections of Dzogchen, as arranged by Manjushrimitra. In Tibet three lineages are represented: through Padmasambhava and Vairochana who both received transmission from Shri Singha, and through Vimalamitra who received transmission partly from Shri Singha and partly from Jnanasutra. The two former lineages were continued only as termas while Vimalamitra's was passed on both as terma and as oral transmission. In the following millennium, innumerable termas have been revealed containing the precious instructions of these three great masters. The most important of these terma treasures are included in the Rinchen Terdzö, a collection of termas by Jamgön Kongtrül covering the Three Inner Tantras. [ZL] [RY]

Instruction Section [LW1] [RY]

Instruction Tantra of the Two Segments (brtag gnyis man ngag rgyud) [LW1] [RY]

Instruction Tantra of the Two Segments (brtag gnyis man ngag rgyud) [LWx] [RY]

instruction; expl.; explanation of the word [LWx] [RY]

instruction; explanation of the word [LW1] [RY]

Instructions (man ngag). See 'tantras, scriptures, and instructions.' [RY]

instructions. See tantras, statements, and instructions [LW1] [RY]

Intellectual understanding (go ba). First step of three: Understanding, experience, and realization. [RY]

Intellectually created philosophy, (blos bkod pa'i grub mtha'). [RY]

interdependence. See dependent origination [LW1] [RY]

interdependence; see 'dependent origination' [LWx] [RY]

Interdependent Origination (rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba). The fact that all phenomena do not appear without a cause and are not made by an uncaused creator but exclusively due to the coincidence of causes and conditions. [RY]

Intermediate 25 disciples. [Daki] [RY]

Intermediate aeon {bar bskal}. Time period which consists of two small aeons; during the first aeon lifespan increases and during the second lifespan decreases. A great aeon consists of 80 intermediate aeons. [RY]

intermediate breath practice (bar rlung)". In this a little air is continuously held in the lower abdomen. It is called "intermediate" because it is in-between the vase-breathing practice, and meditations based on natural breathing. [Peter Roberts]

Intermediate Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels [LW1] [RY]

Intermediate Dharma Wheel; [LWx] [RY]

Intermediate existence (bar ma do'i srid pa). In general, this term refers to the period between dying and the next rebirth. [RY]

inter-session yogas (thun mtshams kyi rnal 'byor) [Peter Roberts]

intrinsic nature of all phenomena. Sanskrit: dharmata. Tibetan: chos nyid. [Peter Roberts]

Introduction to the Middle Way; Madhyamaka-avatara-nama; (dbu ma 'jugpa); Chandrakirti, 7th century. [PK] [RY]

Invincible One (ma pham pa) is an epithet of Maitreya. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Iron Dagger Rock (lcags phur brag). Situated to the west of Kharchu at Lhodrak. [ZL] [RY]

Iron Mountains (lcags ri). The ring of mountains surrounding Mount Sumeru and the four continents. [RY]

Ishvara (dbang phyug). 'Lord", Hindu non-sectarian term for 'God', but sometimes treated as synonymous with Shiva. [RY]

ishvaris [LW1] [RY]

Isolating the central channel (dbu ma 'dzugs skor): a yogic exercise in which the central part of the abdomen and the subtle central channel are isolated by making them protrude from the rest of the abdomen. The Vajra Water (rdo rje chu) refers to a highly esoteric yogic practice--the first of two practices known as mdun thur and rgyab thur (See Yangti Nagpo, Vol.2 pp. 273-274). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

I-tsing - Seventh century Chinese pilgrim who traveled in India and to Indonesia, returning with many texts [RY]

I-tsing - Seventh century Chinese pilgrim who traveled in India and to Indonesia, returning with many texts. [Tarthang]

I-Tsing pilgrimage to India: 671-686 [MR]

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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--Richard 12:41, 12 August 2008 (EDT)