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Self-cognizance [RY]
Self-cognizance [RY]

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svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa [JV]
svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa [JV]
svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa, their own Rigpa [JV]

  [[Category:Tibetan Dictionary]] [[Category:rydic2003]] [[Category:ra]]
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Latest revision as of 16:22, 20 September 2021

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Tsadra Research Library Glossaries

    {{#arraymap:Light of Samantabhadra (Kilty 2023);Knowing Illusion - Vol. 1 (The Yakherds 2021);Knowing Illusion - Vol. 2 (The Yakherds 2021);Les Systèmes Philosophiques Bouddhistes (Charrier 2020);Moonbeams of Mahāmudrā (Callahan);A Compendium of the Mahāyāna: Volume One;The Profound Inner Principles;Strand of Jewels;When the Clouds Part;Au cœur du ciel, Vol. II;Groundless Paths;Indo-Tibetan Classical Learning and Buddhist Phenomenology;Mining for Wisdom Within Delusion;Visions of Unity;Journey and Goal |; |@@@ | | }}

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84000 Glossary

  1. rang rig

English Glossaries

Rangjung Yeshe Dictionary Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dharma Dictionary 3.0 <br> by Erik Pema Kunsang (2003)

No direct match.

278 total match(es)
Hopkins Glossary 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at: www.uma-tibet.org

self-knower; self-knowing; self-cognizing consciousness

660 total match(es)
Hopkins Definitions 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at: www.uma-tibet.org

Definition: that which has the aspect of the apprehended

25 total match(es)
Hopkins Divisions 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at: www.uma-tibet.org

No direct match.

7 total match(es)
Hopkins Others' English 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at: www.uma-tibet.org

No direct match.

99 total match(es)
Hopkins Synonyms 1992 note No direct match. 0 total match(es)
Tsepak Rigdzin note [svasaṃvedanā]/ Apperception; self-awareness. A non-conceptual awareness which only apprehends internal phenomena je. a consciousness. 2 total match(es)
Richard Barron's glossary Richard Barron's glossary. <br> © Copyright 2002 by Turquoise Dragon Media Services. <br> Source: Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dharma Dictionary 3.0 (2003)

self-knowing awareness [Dzogchen]; self-aware(ness) [Yogachara] isvfc. naturally expressive of awareness [cf. CYDz, 163.a.5-6: sang rgyas kyi mdzad pa . . . rang rig]

160 total match(es)

Tibetan-Tibetan dictionary

No direct matches in the Bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo.

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Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary

Negi (Tibetan-Sanskrit) Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary <br> J.S. Negi <br> Dictionary Unit, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath (January 1993)
rang rig = rang rig pa/

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(Related) Verb Forms

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Self-cognizance [RY]

one's own insight; 1) self awareness; aware of oneself; 2) self consciousness (according to Chittamatra), [svasamvedana]; self-cognizing (intrinsic) awareness; [lit.] your mind, inherent cognizance. [one's] self-cognizance. 1) self-known, self-aware, natural awareness, intrinsic awareness, apperception. 2) abr. of rang byung rig pa self-existing insight. 3) self knower, proprioceptive, self-consciousness [apperceptive], self-knower, one's mind, one's own insight, insight, my own mind. 4) the absolute truth in Y. comp. rang gi rig pa; self-existing awareness [RY]

proprioceptive, intrinsic/ natural awareness, self-knower/ cognizance/-known/ -aware/ -existing insight, apperception[ive [self-consciousness], [my/ your/ 1's own] mind/ insight, absolute truth, inherent cognizance TSE [IW]

self-aware[ness] [thd]

self-cognition, apperception [ggd] [RY]

self-cognizant awareness [RY]

self-knowing awareness [Dzogchen]; self-aware(ness) [Yogachara] isvfc. naturally expressive of awareness [cf. CYDz, 163.a.5-6: sang rgyas kyi mdzad pa . . . rang rig] [RB]

svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa [JV]

svasamvitti, (self-validating, non-referential, immediate, self-revealing, inherent, self-, one's own pure) awareness, noetic act, (accepted by sautrantikas and yogacara), pure sensation, self- (knowledge, awareness, knower, cognition, cognizance), one's own innate presence, natural intelligence, consciousness, one's own rig pa, apperception, self-disclosive awareness, apperception, self-knowing, one's rigpa, their own Rigpa [JV]