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'''Vairochana'''  ([[rnam par snang mdzad]]).  
'''Vairochana'''  ([[rnam par snang mdzad]]).  

#One of the five families, the chief buddha of the tathagata family. See [[Buddha Vairochana]].
#One of the five families, the chief buddha of the [[tathagata]] family. See [[Buddha Vairochana]].
#The great translator at the time of [[King Trisong Deutsen]]. See [[Vairotsana]].
#The great translator at the time of [[King Trisong Deutsen]]. See [[Vairotsana]].
[[kun rigs rnam snang]] - Skt. Sarvavid Vairochana - Künrik, an aspect of Buddha Vairochana [RY]
[[bkra shis sgron ma'i rgyud]] - ''Auspicious Lamp Tantra''. One of The [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[mkhas pa nyer lnga]] - [[Twenty-five Panditas]]. 25 masters in the Dzogchen lineage from [[Garab Dorje]] to [[Guru Rinpoche]], [[Vimalamitra]] and [[Vairochana]] who brought these teachings to Tibet [RY]
[['khor ba yongs grol]] - Fully Liberating Samsara. The pure realm of Buddha Vairochana [RY]
[[dge slong pur na]] - Bhikshu Purna. The previous life of the Tibetan translator Vairochana [RY]
[[rgyal tshab be ro rje]] - regent Vairochana [IW]
[[rgyud nyi shu rtsa lnga]] - Twenty-five tantras. [[Dzogchen tantras]] belonging to the [[Mind Section]] and possibly also the [[Space Section]], taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] and [[Lekdrub]]. Listed in Chapter Fourteen of [[Sanglingma]] [RY]
[[nges pa lnga]] - [[Five certainties]] are: 1) The certain place is the Densely Arrayed Akanishtha ([['og min stug po bkod]]). 2) The certain teacher is Vairochana Gangchentso ([[rnam snang gangs chen mtsho]]). 3) The certain retinue are [[bodhisattvas]] of the tenth [[bhumi]] ([[sa bcu'i byang sems]]). 4) The certain teaching is the greater vehicle ([[theg pa chen po]]). 5) The certain time is the "continuous wheel of eternity" ([[rtag pa rgyun gyi bskor ba]]) [RY]
[[nges pa snying po'i rgyud]] - ''Definite Essence Tantra''. One of The [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nyag gcig dgongs pa'i rgyud]] - ''Single Mind Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[gnyag dza nya ku ma ra]] - [[Jnana Kumara of Nyag]] / ([[ye shes gzhon nu]]). Jnana Kumara means 'Youthful Wakefulness.' Early Tibetan monk and expert translator who received the ''Four Great Rivers of Transmission'' from [[Padmasambhava]], [[Vimalamitra]], [[Vairochana]] and [[Yudra Nyingpo]]. In particular, he worked closely with [[Vimalamitra]] in translating tantras of [[Mahayoga]] and [[Ati Yoga]]. He is also known as [[Nyag Lotsawa]] and under his secret initiation name Drimey Dashar, Flawless Moonlight. In unison with [[Trisong Deutsen]], his initiation flower fell on [[Chemchok Heruka]]. Subsequently, he received the transmission of ''Nectar Medicine'' from [[Padmasambhava]]. He practiced in the [[Crystal Cave of Yarlung]] were he drew water from solid rock. It is said the water still flows today. Among his later incarnations is Dazang Rinpoche, a contemporary of [[Jamgön Kongtrül the First]] in the nineteenth century [RY]
[[snying po spyi ti'i rgyud]] - [[Essence Chiti Tantra]]. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[snye mo rgyal byed tshal]] - valley were Vairochana was born [RY]
[[ta tha' ga ta shri bE ro tsa na la sogs pa de bzhin rigs kyi rgyal ba mang po]] - the Tathagata Shri Vairochana and many other Conquerors of the Tathgata Family [RY]
[[thugs dpal be'u]] - heart-orb of Vairochana [gd] [IW]
[['dra 'bag chen mo]] - [[Great Replica]]; The detailed life story of the great translator Vairochana and the transmission of the Dzogchen teachings through the buddhas and vidyadharas [RY]
[[rdo rje rab tu gsang ba'i rgyud]] - ''Most Secret Vajra Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nam mkha' che grol ba'i rgyud]] - ''Great Space Liberation Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nam mkha' che rgyas pa spyi ti'i rgyud]] - ''Great Extensive Space Chiti Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nam mkha' che rgyas pa'i rgyud]] - ''Great Extensive Space Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nam mkha' che ba sems kyi rgyud]] - ''Great Space Tantra of Awakened Mind''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nam mkha' che dbang gi gal mdo'i rgyud]] - ''Epitomized Great Space Empowerment Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[nam mkha' che yi ge med pa rtse mo'i rgyud]] - ''Summit Tantra of Letterless Great Space''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[rnam snang]] - vairocana, Vairochana, position of Vairochana [JV]
[[rnam snang]] - Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam snang gangs chen mtsho]] - Vairochana Immense Ocean [RY]
[[rnam snang gi chos bdun]] - the seven fold posture of Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam snang gi rigs]] - the family of Vairochana, the Vairochana aspects [RY]
[[rnam snang mngon byang]] - [[Abhisambodhi]] of Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam snang chos bdun]] - Seven-point posture of Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam snang chos bdun]] - the sevenfold [posture] of Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam snang chos bdun]] - 7 venerable sermons of vairocana, '''''7 point posture of vairocana''''' (crossed legs, hands in fists or right over left or on knees, shoulders raised and slightly forward, spine straight, chin tucked slightly toward throat, tongue tip touching palate, eyes unblinking and unwavering 12 finger-breadths from tip of nose), seven dharmas of Vairocana, sevenfold posture of Vairochana (legs in full lotus, spine straight, shoulders broadened, neck slightly bent, hands in gesture of equanimity, the tip of tongue touching the palate, the gaze placed in the direction of the nose), Vairochana position with seven characteristics [JV]
[[rnam snang chos bdun]] - the 7 dharmas of Vairochana [rkang pa skyil krung, lag pa mnyam gzhag sgal tshigs drang po bsrang ba, mgrin pa cung zad gug pa, dpung pa rgod gshog ltar brgyang ba, mig sna rtser phab pa, lce rtse ya rkan la sbyar ba ste bdun no] [IW]
[[rnam snang chos bdun dang ldan pa]] - sitting in the sevenfold posture of Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam snang mi bzhi]] - Vairochana with four bodies [RY]
[[rnam par snags mdzad]] - Vairochana [IW]
[[rnam par snang]] - Vairochana [JV]
[[rnam par snang mdzad]] - fully manifested, buddha Vairochana [chief of 1 of the five buddha families, the [[Tathagata]] family] life, example, style, the radiating one, Vairocana [vairotsana] the translator [IW]
[[rnam par snang mdzad]] - 1) Vairochana {[[rnam snang]]}; Vairochana/ Distinct Manifestation; fully manifested, buddha Vairochana, chief of one of the five buddha families, the [[Tathagata family]], the radiating one, 2) Vairochana [Vairotsana] the translator [RY]
[[rnam par snang mdzad]] - fully manifested, buddha Vairochana * life, example, style, the radiating 1, Vairocana [vairotsana] the translator [IW]
[[rnam par snang mdzad kyi chos bdun]] - the 7 characteristics of Vairochana [IW]
[[rnam par snang mdzad kyi chos bdun]] - the 7 characteristics of Vairochana [ex {[[lus gnad bcas]]} the posture of body should have--] [IW]
[[rnam par snang mdzad bE ro tsa na]] - Nampar Nangdzey Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam par snang mdzad lo tsa ba]] - Vairochana. 1) One of the [[five families]], the chief buddha of the [[tathagata family]]. 2) The great and unequalled translator during the reign of King Trisong Deutsen. Vairochana, (also pronounced vairo-tsa-na), was recognized by [[Padmakara]] as a reincarnation of an Indian pandita. He was among the first seven monks and was sent to India to study with [[Shri Singha]]. [[Shri Singha]] in turn entrusted Vairochana with the task of propagating the [[Mind Section]] and [[Space Section]] of [[Dzogchen]] in Tibet. He is one of the three main masters to bring the [[Dzogchen]] teachings to Tibet, the two others being [[Padmakara]] and [[Vimalamitra]]. Vairochana's chief disciples were [[Yudra Nyingpo]], [[Sangtön Yeshe Lama]], [[Pang Gen Sangye Gönpo]], [[Jnana Kumara of Nyag]], and [[Lady Yeshe Drönma]]. An especially renowned disciple was the old [[Pang Gen Mipham Gönpo]] whose disciples attained the rainbow body for seven generations by means of the oral instructions entitled [[Dorje Zampa]], the [[Vajra Bridge]]. [[Tsele Natsok Rangdröl]], [[Terdag Lingpa Gyurmey Dorje]], and [[Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye]] are regarded as reincarnations of Vairochana [RY]
[[rnam par snang mdzad sangs rgyas]] - Vairochana Buddha, light maker, buddha family [RY]
[[pa gor bE ro tsa na]] - Vairochana of Pagor. One of Padmasambhava's 25 disciples [RY]
[[pad ma gling pa]] - Pema Lingpa: 1445-1521. [[Padma Dechen Lingpa]] was a [[mind emanation]] of the great translator Vairochana [RY]
[[pad ma bde chen gling pa]] - great tertön an reincarnation of Lotsawa Vairochana [RY]
[[pe ro]] - Vairochana [IW]
[[dpal chen he ru ka]] - Shri Heruka, Maha Shri Heruka. The wrathful form of Buddha Vairochana [RY]
[[ba'i ro tsa na]] - Vairochana [JV]
[[bi ro tsa na]] - Vairochana [IW]
[[bE ro]] - the translator Vairochana [IW]
[[bE ro tsa na]] - Vairochana [IW]
[[be ro lo tsa ba]] - Vairochana the translator [RY]
[[bE ro'i snying tig]] - [Dzogchen teachings of] Nyingtig of Vairochana [RY]
[[bE ro'i snying tig]] - nyingtig of Vairochana [IW]
[[byang chub sems kyi thig le'i rgyud]] - ''Tantra of the Sphere of Awakened Mind''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma]] - [[Dhatvishvari]] (consort of Vairochana); consort of Buddha Vairochana [RY]
[[dbyings rnam par dag pa'i rgyud]] - ''Pure Space Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[dbyings phyug ma]] - [Akasha] [[Dhatvishvari]] [= {[[nam mkha' dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma]]} queen of [vajra] space, consort of Vairochana {[[rnam par snang mdzad]]} [IW]
[[ma ha yo ga'i rgyud sde bco brgyad]] - [[Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras]]. Listed in Chapter Twelve. An alternative list is given by Shechen Gyaltsab in his historical work entitled The Pond of White Lotus Flowers and in Guru Tashi Tobgyal's Ocean of Wondrous Sayings to Delight the Learned Ones: 1-5) Five Basic Root Tantras of Body, Speech, Mind, Quality and Activity: Sarvabuddha Samayoga, Assemblage of Secrets, Glorious Supreme Primal Tantra, and Activity Garland. 6-10) Five Display Tantras functioning as utilization of sadhana practice: Heruka Display Tantra, Supreme Steed Display Tantra, Compassion Display Tantra, Nectar Display Tantra, and Twelvefold Kilaya Tantra. 11-15) Five Tantras Functioning as Subsidiaries to Conduct: Mountain Pile, Awesome Wisdom Lightning, Arrangement of Samaya, One-pointed Samadhi, and the Rampant Elephant Tantra. 16-17) Two subsequent tantras of amending incompleteness: Magical Net of Vairochana and Skillful Lasso. 18) The one outstanding tantra that epitomizes them all: The Essence of Secrets, the Tantra of the Magical Net of Vajrasattva, also known as [[Guhyagarbha]] [RY]
[[man ngag phreng ba'i rgyud]] - ''Garland of Instruction Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[gtsang legs grub]] - [[Lekdrub of Tsang]]. The companion of Vairochana on his journey to India. Lekdrub received half of the transmission of Dzogchen from [[Shri Singha]], departed early and died on his way back to Tibet. He was reborn as [[Yudra Nyingpo]] [RY]
[[rdzogs pa chen po snga 'gyur phyi 'gyur]] - [[Early and Later Translation of the Great Perfection]]. This phrase refers to the [[Eighteen Major Scriptures of the Mind Section]], a set of [[Dzogchen]] tantras taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] and [[Lekdrub of Tsang]], as listed in chapter Fourteen. Five of them were translated by Vairochana before his exile to Tsawarong while the remaining thirteen were later translated by [[Vimalamitra]] and [[Yudra Nyingpo]], hence the name [RY]
[[gzhi dang snying po me tog gis brgyan pa'i zhing]] - the [[Nirmanakaya]] realm of Buddha Vairochana [RY]
[[gzugs rnam pa snang mdzad]] - form is Vairochana [IW]
[[yang tig rgyal po'i rgyud]] - ''Quintessence King Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[ye nas sangs rgyas kyi rgyud]] - ''Primordial Buddhahood Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[ye shes sgron ma'i rgyud]] - ''Wisdom Lamp Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[ye shes thig le'i rgyud]] - ''Wisdom Essence Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[g.yu sgra snying po]] - [[Yudra Nyingpo]]. One of the twenty-five disciples of [[Guru Rinpoche]]; the reincarnation of [[Lekdrub of Tsang]]. Born in the region of Gyalmo Tsawarong, he was brought up by Vairochana and reached perfection in both learning and yogic accomplishment. He is counted among the 108 lotsawas and is one of the main lineage holders of the [[Mind Section]] of [[Dzogchen]] from the great translator Vairochana [RY]
[[g.yu sgra snying po]] - disciple of Vairochana [RY]
[[rig pa'i khu byug]] - the cuckoo of Awareness; "the cuckoo's cry of awareness," by Vairochana [RY]
[[rin chen gter mdzod]] - + [[chen mo]] - [[Rinchen Terdzö]]. ''The Great Treasury of Precious Termas,'' a collection of the most important revealed termas of [[Padmasambhava]], [[Vimalamitra]], [[Vairochana]] and their closest disciples, gathered by [[Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye]] with the help of [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]]. Published in 63 volumes by His Holiness [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]], New Delhi, India, with the addition of several more volumes of termas and commentaries. Khakyab Dorje, the 15th Karmapa, described it is these words: "The great Treasury of Precious Termas is the quintessence of the ocean-like teachings of the [[sugata]]s ([[buddha]]s), the profound [[Vidyadhara]] Pitaka of the Early Translation School." One of the [[Five Treasuries of Jamgön Kongtrül]] containing 63 volumes of terma teachings [RY]
[[rin po che sgron me'i rgyud]] - ''Jewel Lamp Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[rin po che phreng ba'i rgyud]] - ''Jewel Garland Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[rin po che 'bar ba'i rgyud]] - ''Shining Jewel Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[lung chen po bco brgyad]] - [[Eighteen Major Scriptures]]; Eighteen Dzogchen tantras of the [[Mind Section]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] and [[Lekdrub]]. Found in Vol. KA of the [[Nyingma Gyübum]] [RY]
[[lus gnad rnam snang chos bdun]] - the sevenfold body posture of Vairochana [RY]
[[lo chen bE ro TsA na]] - the great translator Vairochana [RY]
[[lo tsa ba vE ro tsa na]] - Lotsawa Vairochana [RY]
[[shes rab ye shes kyi rgyud]] - ''Wisdom Knowledge Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[sangs rgyas rnam par snang mdzad]] - the Buddha Vairochana [RY]
[[sems rmad du byung ba bco brgyad kyi le'u lnga bcu]] - [[Eighteen Marvels of Mind in Fifty Chapters]]. Several tantras in the first three volumes of the [[Nyingma Gyübum]] bear a resembling name although none of them have 50 chapters. A writing mistake seems to have appeared since The Bright Crystal Mirror by Yeshe Tsogyal says instead: "Five first parts of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind" ([[sems smad bco brgyad kyi stod kyi lnga]]), referring to the first five tantras translated by [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[gsang ba rgya mtsho'i rgyud]] - ''Secret Ocean Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[bsam gtan brgyud pa'i mdo rgyud]] - ''Short Indirect Meditation Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[bsam gtan gcig pu'i rgyud]] - ''Single Meditation Tantra''. One of the [[Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection]] taught by [[Shri Singha]] to [[Vairochana]] [RY]
[[bE ro tsa na ra kshi ta]] - Vairochana the Translator [RY]
[[bE ro tsa na rak shi ta]] - Vairochana the Translator [RY]
[[pa gor bE ro tsa na ra kShi ta]] - Vairochana the Translator [RY]
[[bE ro tsa na ra kshi ta]] - Vairochana the Translator [RY]
[[bE ro tsa na rak shi ta]] - Vairochana the Translator [RY]
[[pa gor bE ro tsa na ra kShi ta]] - Vairochana the Translator [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]][[Category: Buddhist Teachers]]

Latest revision as of 10:34, 11 August 2008


Vairochana (rnam par snang mdzad).

  1. One of the five families, the chief buddha of the tathagata family. See Buddha Vairochana.
  2. The great translator at the time of King Trisong Deutsen. See Vairotsana.

kun rigs rnam snang - Skt. Sarvavid Vairochana - Künrik, an aspect of Buddha Vairochana [RY]

bkra shis sgron ma'i rgyud - Auspicious Lamp Tantra. One of The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

mkhas pa nyer lnga - Twenty-five Panditas. 25 masters in the Dzogchen lineage from Garab Dorje to Guru Rinpoche, Vimalamitra and Vairochana who brought these teachings to Tibet [RY]

'khor ba yongs grol - Fully Liberating Samsara. The pure realm of Buddha Vairochana [RY]

dge slong pur na - Bhikshu Purna. The previous life of the Tibetan translator Vairochana [RY]

rgyal tshab be ro rje - regent Vairochana [IW]

rgyud nyi shu rtsa lnga - Twenty-five tantras. Dzogchen tantras belonging to the Mind Section and possibly also the Space Section, taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana and Lekdrub. Listed in Chapter Fourteen of Sanglingma [RY]

nges pa lnga - Five certainties are: 1) The certain place is the Densely Arrayed Akanishtha ('og min stug po bkod). 2) The certain teacher is Vairochana Gangchentso (rnam snang gangs chen mtsho). 3) The certain retinue are bodhisattvas of the tenth bhumi (sa bcu'i byang sems). 4) The certain teaching is the greater vehicle (theg pa chen po). 5) The certain time is the "continuous wheel of eternity" (rtag pa rgyun gyi bskor ba) [RY]

nges pa snying po'i rgyud - Definite Essence Tantra. One of The Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nyag gcig dgongs pa'i rgyud - Single Mind Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

gnyag dza nya ku ma ra - Jnana Kumara of Nyag / (ye shes gzhon nu). Jnana Kumara means 'Youthful Wakefulness.' Early Tibetan monk and expert translator who received the Four Great Rivers of Transmission from Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, Vairochana and Yudra Nyingpo. In particular, he worked closely with Vimalamitra in translating tantras of Mahayoga and Ati Yoga. He is also known as Nyag Lotsawa and under his secret initiation name Drimey Dashar, Flawless Moonlight. In unison with Trisong Deutsen, his initiation flower fell on Chemchok Heruka. Subsequently, he received the transmission of Nectar Medicine from Padmasambhava. He practiced in the Crystal Cave of Yarlung were he drew water from solid rock. It is said the water still flows today. Among his later incarnations is Dazang Rinpoche, a contemporary of Jamgön Kongtrül the First in the nineteenth century [RY]

snying po spyi ti'i rgyud - Essence Chiti Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

snye mo rgyal byed tshal - valley were Vairochana was born [RY]

ta tha' ga ta shri bE ro tsa na la sogs pa de bzhin rigs kyi rgyal ba mang po - the Tathagata Shri Vairochana and many other Conquerors of the Tathgata Family [RY]

thugs dpal be'u - heart-orb of Vairochana [gd] [IW]

'dra 'bag chen mo - Great Replica; The detailed life story of the great translator Vairochana and the transmission of the Dzogchen teachings through the buddhas and vidyadharas [RY]

rdo rje rab tu gsang ba'i rgyud - Most Secret Vajra Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nam mkha' che grol ba'i rgyud - Great Space Liberation Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nam mkha' che rgyas pa spyi ti'i rgyud - Great Extensive Space Chiti Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nam mkha' che rgyas pa'i rgyud - Great Extensive Space Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nam mkha' che ba sems kyi rgyud - Great Space Tantra of Awakened Mind. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nam mkha' che dbang gi gal mdo'i rgyud - Epitomized Great Space Empowerment Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

nam mkha' che yi ge med pa rtse mo'i rgyud - Summit Tantra of Letterless Great Space. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang - vairocana, Vairochana, position of Vairochana [JV]

rnam snang - Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang gangs chen mtsho - Vairochana Immense Ocean [RY]

rnam snang gi chos bdun - the seven fold posture of Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang gi rigs - the family of Vairochana, the Vairochana aspects [RY]

rnam snang mngon byang - Abhisambodhi of Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang chos bdun - Seven-point posture of Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang chos bdun - the sevenfold [posture] of Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang chos bdun - 7 venerable sermons of vairocana, 7 point posture of vairocana (crossed legs, hands in fists or right over left or on knees, shoulders raised and slightly forward, spine straight, chin tucked slightly toward throat, tongue tip touching palate, eyes unblinking and unwavering 12 finger-breadths from tip of nose), seven dharmas of Vairocana, sevenfold posture of Vairochana (legs in full lotus, spine straight, shoulders broadened, neck slightly bent, hands in gesture of equanimity, the tip of tongue touching the palate, the gaze placed in the direction of the nose), Vairochana position with seven characteristics [JV]

rnam snang chos bdun - the 7 dharmas of Vairochana [rkang pa skyil krung, lag pa mnyam gzhag sgal tshigs drang po bsrang ba, mgrin pa cung zad gug pa, dpung pa rgod gshog ltar brgyang ba, mig sna rtser phab pa, lce rtse ya rkan la sbyar ba ste bdun no] [IW]

rnam snang chos bdun dang ldan pa - sitting in the sevenfold posture of Vairochana [RY]

rnam snang mi bzhi - Vairochana with four bodies [RY]

rnam par snags mdzad - Vairochana [IW]

rnam par snang - Vairochana [JV]

rnam par snang mdzad - fully manifested, buddha Vairochana [chief of 1 of the five buddha families, the Tathagata family] life, example, style, the radiating one, Vairocana [vairotsana] the translator [IW]

rnam par snang mdzad - 1) Vairochana {rnam snang}; Vairochana/ Distinct Manifestation; fully manifested, buddha Vairochana, chief of one of the five buddha families, the Tathagata family, the radiating one, 2) Vairochana [Vairotsana] the translator [RY]

rnam par snang mdzad - fully manifested, buddha Vairochana * life, example, style, the radiating 1, Vairocana [vairotsana] the translator [IW]

rnam par snang mdzad kyi chos bdun - the 7 characteristics of Vairochana [IW]

rnam par snang mdzad kyi chos bdun - the 7 characteristics of Vairochana [ex {lus gnad bcas} the posture of body should have--] [IW]

rnam par snang mdzad bE ro tsa na - Nampar Nangdzey Vairochana [RY]

rnam par snang mdzad lo tsa ba - Vairochana. 1) One of the five families, the chief buddha of the tathagata family. 2) The great and unequalled translator during the reign of King Trisong Deutsen. Vairochana, (also pronounced vairo-tsa-na), was recognized by Padmakara as a reincarnation of an Indian pandita. He was among the first seven monks and was sent to India to study with Shri Singha. Shri Singha in turn entrusted Vairochana with the task of propagating the Mind Section and Space Section of Dzogchen in Tibet. He is one of the three main masters to bring the Dzogchen teachings to Tibet, the two others being Padmakara and Vimalamitra. Vairochana's chief disciples were Yudra Nyingpo, Sangtön Yeshe Lama, Pang Gen Sangye Gönpo, Jnana Kumara of Nyag, and Lady Yeshe Drönma. An especially renowned disciple was the old Pang Gen Mipham Gönpo whose disciples attained the rainbow body for seven generations by means of the oral instructions entitled Dorje Zampa, the Vajra Bridge. Tsele Natsok Rangdröl, Terdag Lingpa Gyurmey Dorje, and Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye are regarded as reincarnations of Vairochana [RY]

rnam par snang mdzad sangs rgyas - Vairochana Buddha, light maker, buddha family [RY]

pa gor bE ro tsa na - Vairochana of Pagor. One of Padmasambhava's 25 disciples [RY]

pad ma gling pa - Pema Lingpa: 1445-1521. Padma Dechen Lingpa was a mind emanation of the great translator Vairochana [RY]

pad ma bde chen gling pa - great tertön an reincarnation of Lotsawa Vairochana [RY]

pe ro - Vairochana [IW]

dpal chen he ru ka - Shri Heruka, Maha Shri Heruka. The wrathful form of Buddha Vairochana [RY]

ba'i ro tsa na - Vairochana [JV]

bi ro tsa na - Vairochana [IW]

bE ro - the translator Vairochana [IW]

bE ro tsa na - Vairochana [IW]

be ro lo tsa ba - Vairochana the translator [RY]

bE ro'i snying tig - [Dzogchen teachings of] Nyingtig of Vairochana [RY]

bE ro'i snying tig - nyingtig of Vairochana [IW]

byang chub sems kyi thig le'i rgyud - Tantra of the Sphere of Awakened Mind. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma - Dhatvishvari (consort of Vairochana); consort of Buddha Vairochana [RY]

dbyings rnam par dag pa'i rgyud - Pure Space Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

dbyings phyug ma - [Akasha] Dhatvishvari [= {nam mkha' dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma} queen of [vajra] space, consort of Vairochana {rnam par snang mdzad} [IW]

ma ha yo ga'i rgyud sde bco brgyad - Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras. Listed in Chapter Twelve. An alternative list is given by Shechen Gyaltsab in his historical work entitled The Pond of White Lotus Flowers and in Guru Tashi Tobgyal's Ocean of Wondrous Sayings to Delight the Learned Ones: 1-5) Five Basic Root Tantras of Body, Speech, Mind, Quality and Activity: Sarvabuddha Samayoga, Assemblage of Secrets, Glorious Supreme Primal Tantra, and Activity Garland. 6-10) Five Display Tantras functioning as utilization of sadhana practice: Heruka Display Tantra, Supreme Steed Display Tantra, Compassion Display Tantra, Nectar Display Tantra, and Twelvefold Kilaya Tantra. 11-15) Five Tantras Functioning as Subsidiaries to Conduct: Mountain Pile, Awesome Wisdom Lightning, Arrangement of Samaya, One-pointed Samadhi, and the Rampant Elephant Tantra. 16-17) Two subsequent tantras of amending incompleteness: Magical Net of Vairochana and Skillful Lasso. 18) The one outstanding tantra that epitomizes them all: The Essence of Secrets, the Tantra of the Magical Net of Vajrasattva, also known as Guhyagarbha [RY]

man ngag phreng ba'i rgyud - Garland of Instruction Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

gtsang legs grub - Lekdrub of Tsang. The companion of Vairochana on his journey to India. Lekdrub received half of the transmission of Dzogchen from Shri Singha, departed early and died on his way back to Tibet. He was reborn as Yudra Nyingpo [RY]

rdzogs pa chen po snga 'gyur phyi 'gyur - Early and Later Translation of the Great Perfection. This phrase refers to the Eighteen Major Scriptures of the Mind Section, a set of Dzogchen tantras taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana and Lekdrub of Tsang, as listed in chapter Fourteen. Five of them were translated by Vairochana before his exile to Tsawarong while the remaining thirteen were later translated by Vimalamitra and Yudra Nyingpo, hence the name [RY]

gzhi dang snying po me tog gis brgyan pa'i zhing - the Nirmanakaya realm of Buddha Vairochana [RY]

gzugs rnam pa snang mdzad - form is Vairochana [IW]

yang tig rgyal po'i rgyud - Quintessence King Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

ye nas sangs rgyas kyi rgyud - Primordial Buddhahood Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

ye shes sgron ma'i rgyud - Wisdom Lamp Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

ye shes thig le'i rgyud - Wisdom Essence Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

g.yu sgra snying po - Yudra Nyingpo. One of the twenty-five disciples of Guru Rinpoche; the reincarnation of Lekdrub of Tsang. Born in the region of Gyalmo Tsawarong, he was brought up by Vairochana and reached perfection in both learning and yogic accomplishment. He is counted among the 108 lotsawas and is one of the main lineage holders of the Mind Section of Dzogchen from the great translator Vairochana [RY]

g.yu sgra snying po - disciple of Vairochana [RY]

rig pa'i khu byug - the cuckoo of Awareness; "the cuckoo's cry of awareness," by Vairochana [RY]

rin chen gter mdzod - + chen mo - Rinchen Terdzö. The Great Treasury of Precious Termas, a collection of the most important revealed termas of Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, Vairochana and their closest disciples, gathered by Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye with the help of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Published in 63 volumes by His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, New Delhi, India, with the addition of several more volumes of termas and commentaries. Khakyab Dorje, the 15th Karmapa, described it is these words: "The great Treasury of Precious Termas is the quintessence of the ocean-like teachings of the sugatas (buddhas), the profound Vidyadhara Pitaka of the Early Translation School." One of the Five Treasuries of Jamgön Kongtrül containing 63 volumes of terma teachings [RY]

rin po che sgron me'i rgyud - Jewel Lamp Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

rin po che phreng ba'i rgyud - Jewel Garland Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

rin po che 'bar ba'i rgyud - Shining Jewel Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

lung chen po bco brgyad - Eighteen Major Scriptures; Eighteen Dzogchen tantras of the Mind Section taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana and Lekdrub. Found in Vol. KA of the Nyingma Gyübum [RY]

lus gnad rnam snang chos bdun - the sevenfold body posture of Vairochana [RY]

lo chen bE ro TsA na - the great translator Vairochana [RY]

lo tsa ba vE ro tsa na - Lotsawa Vairochana [RY]

shes rab ye shes kyi rgyud - Wisdom Knowledge Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

sangs rgyas rnam par snang mdzad - the Buddha Vairochana [RY]

sems rmad du byung ba bco brgyad kyi le'u lnga bcu - Eighteen Marvels of Mind in Fifty Chapters. Several tantras in the first three volumes of the Nyingma Gyübum bear a resembling name although none of them have 50 chapters. A writing mistake seems to have appeared since The Bright Crystal Mirror by Yeshe Tsogyal says instead: "Five first parts of the Eighteen Marvels of Mind" (sems smad bco brgyad kyi stod kyi lnga), referring to the first five tantras translated by Vairochana [RY]

gsang ba rgya mtsho'i rgyud - Secret Ocean Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

bsam gtan brgyud pa'i mdo rgyud - Short Indirect Meditation Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

bsam gtan gcig pu'i rgyud - Single Meditation Tantra. One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana [RY]

bE ro tsa na ra kshi ta - Vairochana the Translator [RY]

bE ro tsa na rak shi ta - Vairochana the Translator [RY]

pa gor bE ro tsa na ra kShi ta - Vairochana the Translator [RY]

bE ro tsa na ra kshi ta - Vairochana the Translator [RY]

bE ro tsa na rak shi ta - Vairochana the Translator [RY]

pa gor bE ro tsa na ra kShi ta - Vairochana the Translator [RY]