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The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)
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kinnara [LW1] [RY]
Kinnara, kimnara, (mi 'am ci). Mythical beings with a horse's head and a human body (or vice versa). They became celebrated as celestial musicians, along with the gandharvas. [RY]
kinnara. A kind of mythical celestial musician. It has a horse-like head with one home, and the body like that of a human. The males sing, and the females dance. [RY]
Klesha (nyon mong). Disturbing emotions that agitate one's mind and obscure the buddha nature.[EMP] [RY]
Klesha (nyon mongs pa). 'Disturbing emotion.' Usually the five poisons known as desire, anger, delusion, pride and envy.[Primer] [RY]
Klesha (nyon mongs pa). 'Disturbing emotion.' Usually the five poisons known as desire, anger, delusion, pride and envy. [RY]
Klesha (nyon mongs pa). 'Disturbing emotion.' Usually the five poisons known as desire, anger, delusion, pride and envy. [ZL] [RY]
klesha (nyon mongs) See poison. [Rain of Wisdom]
Klesha prana (nyon mongs pa'i rlung). The defiled energy current within the body. [RY]
Kleshas (nyon mongs pa). Disturbing emotions. See the five poisons. [RY]
Kleshas (nyon mongs pa). Same as 'disturbing emotions.' [RY]
Kleshas of the five poisons (dug lnga'i nyon mongs pa). See Five Poisons. [RY]
Klong-chen-pa - Fourteenth century rNying-ma master who systematized the rDzogs-chen teachings. [Tarthang]
klu grub - story; wo1 -264 life story [RY]
Klu-mes - Disciple of Bla-chen who brought the Vinaya lineage back to central Tibet in tenth century after period of disruption. [Tarthang]
Knots (rtsa mdud)- There are twenty-two knots between the central channel and the two lateral channels. As they become freed, pair by pair, the meditator attains the successive bhumis, from the first to the eleventh, up to Buddhahood. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Knowing one that frees all (gcig shes kun grol). Insight into one's buddha nature, the basic state within all thoughts and emotions, will automatically liberate fixation on those occurrences. [RY] knowledge (shes rab). See also discriminating knowledge; three types of the sixth paramita [LW1] [RY]
Knowledge (shes rab). See 'means and knowledge.' [RY]
knowledge empowerment [LWx] [RY]
knowledge empowerment. See also wisdom-knowledge empowerment, four empowerments [LW1] [RY]
Knowledge holder (rig 'dzin), vidyadhara. An accomplished practitioner of Vajrayana. See also 'vidyadhara.' [RY]
knowledge mantra (rig sngags) [LW1] [RY]
Knowledge mantra (rig sngags), Skt. vidyamantra. [ZL] [RY]
knowledge mantras; expl. [LWx] [RY]
knowledge resulting from learning [LW1] [RY]
knowledge resulting from meditation [LW1] [RY]
knowledge resulting from meditation [LWx] [RY]
knowledge resulting from reflection [LW1] [RY]
knowledge resulting from reflection; expl. [LWx] [RY]
knowledge that does not conceptualize the three spheres [LW1] [RY]
knowledge that does not conceptualize the three spheres; expl. [LWx] [RY]
knowledge; expl. of three kinds; expl. the three types of the sixth paramita; resulting from learning; resulting from meditation; resulting from reflection [LWx] [RY]
Knowledge-holder, Bearer of Knowledge (vidya dhara, rig 'dzin; fem. Vidya dhari, rig 'dzin ma). See Vidyadhara. [RY]
knowledge-holder; literal meaning of [LWx] [RY]
knowledge-holder; literal meaning of vidyadhara [LW1] [RY]
Kodragpa (ko brag pa) (1181-1261). Also known as Sönam Gyaltsen, founder of the Kodrag Monastery in the Upper Nyang area of the Tsang province in Central Tibet. He was a great nonsecterian master and is counted among the teachers of Yang Gonpa.[EMP] [RY]
Koguryo - Early kingdom in northern Korea; first to adopt Buddhism [RY]
Koguryo - Early kingdom in northern Korea; first to adopt Buddhism. [Tarthang]
Kohudeh Dzogchen Namgyal Ling (ko'u sde rdzogs chen rnam rgyal gling), see RO, p.651. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Köncho Chidu The Köncho Chidu practice is from the Terma tradition of Tibet. Termas, or "Dharma Treasures", are teachings that have not been transmitted from teacher to pupil in a continuous succession, but have been concealed until a future propitious time. / Termas principally originate from Padmakara of Oddiyana, more commonly known as Padmasambhava, who was the principal figure involved in the establishment of Buddhism within Tibet in the eighth century. / The discoverers of these teachings are known as "Tertöns" (Treasure-Discoverers) and may obtain them from the ground, from rock, from lakes and rivers, from space, and from their own mind. They are usually written, when physically discovered, written in a symbolic "Dakini script", sometimes only of a few words or a single syllable. The Tertön then meditates on this, in order to have the concealed teaching revealed to his mind. / This Köncho Chidu practice, is a guru yoga practice of Padmakara himself. It was discovered by Rigdzin Jatson Nyingpo. He was also known as Letro Lingpa. Born in 1585, he was ordained while a young boy, and somewhat unusually for Tertöns, remained a monk throughout his life. While still in his teens, he was walled into a solitary retreat, where he remained for seventeen years. During that time, he received revelations of where termas were concealed. Following the conclusion of his retreat, he discovered his first terma at the age of thirty-five. This itself contained a list, written by Yeshe Tsogyal (the consort of Padmakara who was the scribe and concealer of many of his termas) which gave the locations of other termas. / The Köncho-Chidu teachings were discovered secretly in an area named Draklung, while most of the other termas that Jatson Nyingpo discovered, were brought out in front of gathered crowds. / When a local governor posted guards to prevent his taking a certain terma out of its location, Jatson Nyingpo rode a horse directly down the side of a cliff in order to reach the terma. / His main disciple was named Gampo Norbu Gyenpa, but his pupils included the tenth Karmapa (Choying Dorje 1604-1674), the sixth Shamarpa (Chökyi Wangchuk 1584-1630), the fifth Gyaltsap Rinpoche (Drakpa Choyang 1618-1658), the heads of the Drikung and Drukpa Kagyu schools, of the Dorje Drak Nyingma school and many other great masters. / He founded Bangri Jokpo monastery where he passed away at the age of seventy-one in 1656. / The collection of his termas form six volumes, known as the "Jatson Podruk" (The Six Jatson Volumes). One of these volumes is the collection of Köncho-Chidu practices. The others volumes are Bardo, Avalokiteshvara, Hayagriva, Long-life practice, and the Dharma-protector "Maning". / The Köncho-Chidu volume, while having an eight chapter structure, is made up of thirty-five short texts, such as peaceful Guru practice, Guru Drakpo, Singhamukha, an account of the life of Padmakara, etc. / To practice the Köncho Chidu, these short texts were combined in various permutations with ancillary additions. The principal sadhana to be compiled from this source is that by Jamgön Kongtrül 1st (1813-1899). / Jamgön Kongtrül, the great nineteenth century non-sectarian master, composed collections of teachings known as the five or six "Treasures". One of these is the Rinchen Terdzö ("A precious Treasury of Termas"), originally in sixty large volumes. One of these volumes contains a collection of Köncho-Chidu texts, which are also available compiled as a single volume. There are for example, a Köncho-Chidu preliminary text, a sadhana, and also an instruction text: "The Illumination of the Necessary Meaning", all composed by Jamgön Kongtrül. / [Peter Roberts]
Konchog Chidu; (bka' rdzogs pa chen po dkon mchog sphyi 'dus), the cycle of teachings focused upon Guru Padmasambhava revealed by Rigs 'dzin 'Ja 'tshon snying po (1585-1656). [MR]
Konchog Chöpel (dkon mchog chos 'phel) :1767-1834 [MR]
Konchog Gyalpo: 1034-1102 [MR]
Konchog Yenlag, Shamar V:1525-1583 [MR]
KÖNCHOK CHIDÜ (dkon mchog spyi 'dus). The 'Embodiment of the Precious Ones.' A terma cycle revealed by the great Jatsön Nyingpo (1585-1656) focused on Padmasambhava. He transmitted this set of teachings first to Düdül Dorje (1615-1672). Large portions of this material are translated into English by Peter Roberts.[AL] [RY]
Konchok Chidu. [RY]
Könchok Gyurmey Tenpey Gyaltsen [LW1] [RY]
Könchok Gyurmey Tenpey Gyaltsen; expl.; quotation by; [LWx] [RY]
Könchok Jungney (dkon mchog 'byung gnas). One of the close disciples of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Könchok Jungney of Langdro (lang gro dkon mchog 'byung gnas). At first a minister at the court of Trisong Deutsen, he later became one of Padmasambhava's close disciples and attained accomplishment. The great tertöns Ratna Lingpa (1403-1471) and Longsal Nyingpo (1625-1692) are considered to be among his reincarnations. Könchok Jungney means 'Source of the Precious Ones.'[AL] [RY]
Konchok Paldron. [RY]
Konchok Tenpey Gyaltsen. [RY]
Kongpo [LW1] [RY]
Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye (1813-1899). Also known as Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye and by his tertön name Chimey Yungdrung Lingpa. He was at the forefront of the Rimey movement of the 19th century. Renowned as an accomplished master, scholar and writer, he authored more than 100 volumes of scriptures. The best known are his Five Treasuries, among which are the 63 volumes of the Rinchen Terdzö, the terma literature of the one hundred great tertöns. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye (kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Same as 'Jamgön Kongtrül.' [RY]
Kongtrül Yonten Gyatso: 1813-1899 [MR]
Kongtrül. [RY]
Koya - Mountain in Japan; center of the Shingon school [RY]
Koya - Mountain in Japan; center of the Shingon school. [Tarthang]
Krishna - The sixth patriarch, originally a merchant, said to have taught in Sri Lanka [RY]
Krishnadhara. [Daki] [RY]
Kriya {kri ya}. The first of the three outer tantras. [RY]
Kriya Tantra (bya rgyud) [LW1] [RY]
Kriya Tantra (bya rgyud) [LWx] [RY]
Kriya Tantra of Eminent Courage (kri ya dpung bzang gi rgyud). [ZL] [RY]
Kriya yoga (bya ba; action) The first tantric yana, which emphasizes purity and the understanding that all phenomena are inherently pure, naturally sacred, and beyond fixation. The deities are visualized as external and the practitioner emphasizes purification and ritual action. See also sacred outlook. [Rain of Wisdom]
Kriya Yoga (bya ba'i rnal 'byor). The first of the three outer tantras which places emphasis on cleanliness and pure conduct. [RY]
Kriya Yoga (bya ba'i rnal 'byor). The first of the three outer tantras which places emphasis on cleanliness and pure conduct. The scriptures of Kriya Tantra appeared first in Varanasi. [ZL] [RY]
KRIYA YOGA (bya ba'i rnal 'byor). The first of the three outer tantras which places emphasis on cleanliness and pure conduct. The scriptures of Kriya Tantra appeared first in Varanasi. [AL] [RY]
Kriya, Charya, and Yoga tantras (bya rgyud spyod rgyud rnal 'byor rgyud). The three outer tantras among the nine vehicles. [RY]
Kriya-tantra (bya rgyud). Lowest of the four levels of Tantra. [RY]
Krodha; three types of [LW1] [RY]
Krodha; three types of [LWx] [RY]
Krodha-raja (khro rgyal ). 'Wrathful king', a title of fierce deities. [RY]
Krsna - The sixth patriarch, originally a merchant, said to have taught in Sri Lanka. [Tarthang]
Ksatriya (rgyal rigs). A member of the military or governing caste. [RY]
ksetrapala (zhing skyong); protector of the land, field. A kind of local deity often associated with charnel grounds. [Rain of Wisdom]
Kshatrya {rgyal rigs}. The caste of kings and warriors, one of the four social classes in the ancient Indian social system. [RY]
Kuchean - Central Asian Dharma language also known as Tokharian B. [Tarthang]
Kukai - Japanese master who brought Mantrayana teachings of the Yoga Tantra class to Japan; later known as Kobo Daishi [RY]
Kukai - Japanese master who brought Mantrayana teachings of the Yoga Tantra class to Japan; later known as Kobo Daishi. [Tarthang]
Kulika [LW1] [RY]
Kulika Manjushrikirti [LW1] [RY]
Kulika Pundarika [LW1] [RY]
Kuma Rinchen. [RY]
Kumaradza, Yeshe Shonnu: 1266-1343 [MR]
Kumaraja {ku ma ra dza}. Rigdzin Kumaradza Yeshe Zhonnu (1266-1343). Great master and root teacher of Longchen Rabjam, who studied with him for 6 years. [RY]
Kumarajiva - Central Asian translator who revitalized Dharma transmission in China at beginning of fifth century [RY]
Kumarajiva - Central Asian translator who revitalized Dharma transmission in China at beginning of fifth century. [Tarthang]
Kumiss, a beverage of fermented mare's milk. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kumud, the water lily (Nymphea aesculanta). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kumuda. The edible white water-lily, Nymphea esculenta. [RY]
Kunala - Grandson of Ashoka; regarded as founder of kingdom of Khotan [RY]
Kunala - Grandson of Asoka; regarded as founder of kingdom of Khotan. [Tarthang]
Kunchean - Central Asian Dharma language also known as tokharian B [RY]
kunda [LW1] [RY]
Kundu (kun 'dus). A tantric scripture. [RY]
Kunga Bum. [RY]
Kunga Gyaltsen. [RY]
Kunga Tenpey Gyaltsen Pal Sangpo [LWx] [RY]
Künga Tenpey Gyaltsen Pal Sangpo; See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [LW1] [RY]
Künga Tenpey Gyaltsen. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [LW1] [RY]
Kunga Tenpey Gyaltsen; alias Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo; [LWx] [RY]
Kungamo (kun dga' mo). The wisdom dakini who conferred empowerment upon Guru Rinpoche. She is also known as the dakini Leykyi Wangmo, Nyida Ngödrub or as Guhyajnana, the chief of wisdom dakinis. [ZL] [RY]
Kunje Gyalpo Tantra (kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud). The chief Dzogchen tantra of the Mind Section. [RY]
Kunkhyen / Kun mkhyen - Tibetan title of respect, meaning 'omniscient' [RY]
Kunkhyen Jigme Lingpa 1. (1729-1798), was an emanation of Mahapandita Vimalamitra, King Trisongdeutsen, Gyalse Lharje, and Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal (see note below), as well as the immediate reimbodiment of Rigdzin Choje Lingpa (Chos rJe gLing pa), also known as Dagpo Rogje Lingpa (Dvags po Rog rJe gLing pa, 1682-1725) His manifestation in this world was prophesied by the great Tertöns Guru Chowang (1212-1270), Sangye Lingpa (1340-1396), Chö Ling (chos gling) and others. In childhood he had many visions of saints of the past. At the age of six he entered the monastery of Palgi Riwo, the "Glorious Mountain," and received the name Pema Khyentse Özer. At the age of thirteen he met his root guru, Rigdzin Thekchog Dorje, who gave him the quintessential maturing instructions. In later life Jigme lingpa had numerous visions of his guru. He also received instructions on the Kama and Terma traditions from many other teachers. Without arduous study he was able, due to his inner realization, to assimilate and express the whole of the Buddhist doctrine. [RY]
Kunkhyen Jigme Lingpa 2. At the age of twenty eight he did a three-year retreat in the hermitage of Thigle Nyakchik, the "Sole Essence," near Palri Monastery, taking as his main practice the Drolthig Shitro of Drodul Lingpa, and had many signs of accomplishment. While meditating upon Hayagriva the horse on Hayagriva's head neighed, and Guru Rinpoche appearing to him gave him the name Pema Wangchen. He then had the visions in which the spiritual treasure of the Longchen Nyingthig was revealed to him. As described on p.? he did another three-year retreat in the Flower Cave at Chimphu, above Samye. After this, following a vision and prediction of Tsele Natsog Rangdrol (1608-?), he went to Tsering Jong, not far from the tomb of King Songtsen Gampo at Chongye, and established there the hermitage of Pema Osel Thekchog Choling, where countless disciples were to come from all over Tibet and the neighboring countries. [RY]
Kunkhyen Jigme Lingpa 3. His chief disciples, Jigme Trinle Özer, Jigme Gyalwai Nyugu, Jigme Kundrol, Jigme Gocha and others, spread his teachings to the borders of China, Bhutan and India. By the power of his compassion and prayers, his Longchen Nyingthig was to become, and still is in our day, one of the most widely practiced teaching. His cycle of rediscovered terma teachings and is other writings are collected in nine volumes. Among these is the Yonten Rinpoche Dzo, in which is condensed the essence of the Buddhist path. At the age of seventy, having fulfilled all his aspirations to benefit beings and the doctrine, he left this world for the buddhafield of Lotus Light, amidst wondrous signs. His immediate reimbodiments were Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-1892), the emanation of his body; Patrul Rinpoche Orgyen Jigme Chökyi Wangpo(1808-1887), the emanation of his speech; and Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (1800-?), the emanation of his mind. There were five main emanations of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Do Khyentse combined, out of whom Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893-1959) and H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche have displayed ceaseless and all-encompassing activity for the sake of beings and the doctrine. [MR]
Kunkhyen Lama Dorje Siji Tsal (kun mkhyen bla ma rdo rje gzi brjid rtsal). Same as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. [RY]
Kunkhyen Pema Karpo (kun mkhyen pad ma dkar po): 1527-1592 [MR]
Kunkhyen Pema Karpo (kun mkhyen padma dkar po, 1527-1592) the "Omniscient White Lotus," was an emanation of Padmapani, the "Lotus Holder," a name of Avalokitesvara. As the fourth Drukchen ('brug chen), the head of the northern branch of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage (byang 'brug) he founded the monastery of Char Sangnak Chöling (byar gsang sngags chos gling). He had two immediate reincarnations. The first, Gyalwa Pagsam Wangpo (rgyal ba dpag bsam dbang po, 1593-1641), occupied the throne of Sang-ngak Chöling. His incarnations were known as Drukchen Rinpoche. The second, Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal, 1594-1651) went in exile to Bhutan where he contributed greatly to the spreading of Buddhism and unified the country as a Buddhist state. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kunkhyen Pema Karpo, see chap.10, note 19. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kunkhyen Rangtongpa: 1367-1447 [MR]
Kun-mkhyen - Tibetan title of respect, meaning 'omniscient'. [Tarthang]
Kunpang Sönam Gyaltsen? (kun spang bsod rnam rgyal mtshan) : 1342- [MR]
Kunpang Thugje Tsondru (kun spang thugs rje btson grus) founder of Jonang Monastery: 1243- [MR]
Kunsang Chodron. [RY]
Kunsang Dechen. [RY]
Kuntugyu Naglha Putra [LW1] [RY]
Kunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen (ku nu bla ma btsan 'dzin rgyal mtshan): 1885-1977 [MR]
Kunzang Dechen Gyalpo (kun bzang bde chen rgyal po), see GC, vol.3, p. 222-27; for Mönlam Dorje (smon lam rdor rje,) see TN, p. 634/2 to 636/2. On Karak Tertön (kha rag gter ston), see p. 571 of this work. For Kongpo Terchen (kong po gter chen) and Ngawang Dorje (ngag dbang rdo rje), see SG (the biography of the second Shechen Gyaltsap, Pema Sangnak Tendzin Chögyal) folios 6/a, 45/b, 53/b, 102/b and 112/b. For Drukthang Tertön ('brug thang gter ston), see ND p.327/4-5, p.341/4, p.345/6. Drukthang is the name of a monastery in Kongpo that was offered to Dechen Gyalpo by Chöling Tulku Jigten Wangchuk (chos gling sprul sku 'jig rten dbang phyug, see TN, p.636). In ND, p.361/5, mention is also made of a Complement to the History of Treasure Revealers (gter ston rnam thar 'phrod 'thud), written by Drupwang Yung Gon Dorje (grub dbang g.yung mgon rdo rje), which ends with an account of Dechen Gyalpo's life. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kunzang Khakyab Dorje (kun bzang mkha' khyab rdo rje). The 15th Karmapa 1871-1922. [Peter Roberts]
Kunzang Nyingthig (kun bzang snying thig), a terma of Tennyi Lingpa (bstan gnyis gling pa, 1480-1535). See Translator's Introduction, note 42, and table 4. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kunzang Öser (kun bzang 'od zer), Chubri Drupchen Kunzang Rangdrol (lcub ri, or rtsub ri?, grub chen kun bzang rang grol). For Rigdzin Thukchog Dorje (rig 'dzin thugs mchog rdo rje), see Translator's Introduction, note 42. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kunzang Tuktig (kun bzang thugs thig). The 'Heart Essence of Samantabhadra.' A collection of terma teachings revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa focused on the peaceful and wrathful deities as the development stage and on Trekchö and Tögal as the completion stage.[Primer] [RY]
KUNZANG TUKTIG (kun bzang thugs thig). The 'Heart Essence of Samantabhadra.' A collection of terma teachings revealed by Chokgyur Lingpa focused on the peaceful and wrathful deities. [AL] [RY]
Kunzig Chökyi Nangwa, the eighth Drukchen, ('brug chen kun gzigs chos kyi snang ba, 1768-1822). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kuo Shih Paljor Dondrub, Gyaltsab I (Lord Goshi):c.1427-1489 [MR]
Kurava. One of the four sub-continents. [RY]
Kurukulla (ku ru kul le). Female deity considered a form of Tara, whose particular function is magnetizing, hence Her red color. [RY]
Kusana Empire - Empire that controlled much of northern and central India and Central Asia in the first and second centuries A.D., helping to promote the rapid spread of the Dharma [RY]
Kushinagar - (rtswa mchog grong). Location of the Buddha's Parinirvana [RY]
Kusinagara - Location of the Buddha's Parinirvana. [Tarthang]
Kusulu (Skt.). A simple practitioner who only sits, eats, and sleeps as opposed to a scholar. [RY]
Kusum Rikdü (Zabtig) [LWx] [RY]
Kusum Rikdü Zabtig (sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig) [LW1] [RY]
kutsap is a representation of Guru Rinpoche, in the form of a statue. Padmasambhava blessed and concealed these representations himself, with the intention that beings in the future might see them, receive blessings and make a direct connection to him. He made the aspiration that coming into contact with a kutsap would be no different than meeting Guru Rinpoche in person. Beings who make such a connection will be blessed in this life and in future lives. Taking it serves as a blessing, removes obstacles, as well as strengthens and deepens one's connection to Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Kya Ngatsa (skya snga rtsa), now called Tsalung (see MI), in Gungthang, at an altitude of 4300 meters. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kyang (rkyang), the swift Asiatic wild ass (Lat. Equus hemonius pallas). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kyanzittha - Eleventh century Burmese king who composed Buddhist works and made repairs on a temple at Bodh Gaya [RY]
Kyanzittha - Eleventh century Burmese king who composed Buddhist works and made repairs on a temple at Bodh Gaya. [Tarthang]
Kyasu (Tib.). The family name of Chokgyur Lingpa. [RY]
Kyasu Tertön. [RY]
Kyasu. [RY]
Kyater. [RY]
Kyechok Tsulsang (skyes mchog tshul bzang). One of the 12 manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Kyeho (kye ho). Exclamation of distress or invocation. [ZL] [RY]
Kyema (kye ma). An expression indicating weariness or deep sadness. [RY]
Kyema (kye ma). Exclamation of sadness. [RY]
Kyemaho (kye ma ho). Exclamation of sadness. [RY]
Kyensa. [RY]
Kyepar Phakpey Rigdzin (khyad par 'phags pa'i rig 'dzin). One of the 12 manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. [RY]
Kyerchu Temple (skyer chu'i lha khang). [ZL] [RY]
Kyihu (kyi hud). 'Alas!' An exclamation of deep sadness. [RY]
Kyilkhor Kundak. [RY]
Kyirong is a contraction for Kyidrong (skyid grong), "Happy Village." [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Kyobpa Rinpoche (skyb pa rin po che). (1143-1217). Disciple of Phagmo Drupa who founded the Drigung Kagyü School. Also known as Kyobpa Jigten Gönpo Rinchen Pal (skyob pa 'jig rten mgon po rin chen dpal).[EMP] [RY]
Kyongma Goddesses (skyong ma). [ZL] [RY]
Kyor Düntse (skyor dun rtse). [ZL] [RY]
Kyoton Sönam Lama (skyo ston bsod nams bla ma). The root teacher of Machik Labdron. [RY]
Kyungtrul Karjam (Tib.). A great Nyingma master of the Mindrol Ling Monastery. [RY]
Kyungtrül Karjam Rinpoche; [LWx] [RY]
The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)
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--Richard 12:47, 12 August 2008 (EDT)