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[['gro drug]] - six destinies of rebirth, 6 kinds of sentient beings, 6 migrations of beings, six classes of beings [JV]

[['gro drug]] - six classes of beings [RY]
'''[[Y continued]]'''

[['gro drug 'khrul pa'i snang ba]] - the deluded experiences of the six classes of beings [RY]
'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)

[['gro ba rigs drug]] - 1) the six classes of beings, six destines, six kinds of beings, lokas. [six realms]. see {[['gro ba drug]]}. 2) a creature of the six realms [RY]
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[['gro ba rigs drug]] - six classes of beings. Gods, demigods, human beings, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings. {[[lha]], [[lha ma yin]], [[mi]], [[dud 'gro]], [[yi dvags]], [[dmyal ba]]} [RY]
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[['jig rten drug]] - Six worlds. The realms of the six classes of beings [RY]
Yabje Rigdzin (Serpa Tersey) Gyurmey Tsewang Gyatso [LW1] [RY]

[[gnas ris drug]] - Six realms. The realms of the six classes of beings [RY]
Yablhag (yab lhag). [ZL] [RY]

[[ma dag rigs drug gi 'jig rten]] - impure worlds of the six classes of beings [RY]
Yab-yum - tantric symbol of male and female energies in mystic union. [RY]

[[ma dag rigs drug 'jig rten gyi]] - the impure worlds of the six classes of beings [RY]
Yag Krakama (yag kra ka ma). [ZL] [RY]

[[rigs drug]] - 1) six classes of beings, six realms, six families, the six kinds / classes [of beings], the six realms [the suffering of the six realms]; 2) The six families are the five buddha families with the sixth being the dharmakaya, six enlightened families of [[Kriya Tantra]] [RY]
Yaksha (gnod sbyin). A class of semidivine beings, generally beneficent but sometimes malignant. Many are local divinities of the countryside, often dwelling in sacred trees and guarding the treasure buried nearby. Others live on Mount Meru, guarding the realm of the gods. They are ruled by Kuvera, the god of wealth and guardian of the northern quarter. [RY]

[[rigs drug 'jig rten]] - worlds of the six classes of beings [RY]
Yaksha (gnod sbyin). A class of semidivine beings, generally benevolent but sometimes wicked. Many are powerful local divinities, others live on Mount Sumeru, guarding the realm of the gods. [ZL] [RY]

[[srul po]] - a sentient being who simultaneously experiences the sufferings of all six classes of beings; a being belonging mostly to the preta realm [RY]
yaksha [LW1] [RY]

Yaksha Temples (yak sha stag 'og). [ZL] [RY]

yakshas. Yakshas are demigods that are the attendants of Kubera, or Vaishravana, the deity of wealth, but many living in the world as "nature spirits" in trees, etc. [Peter Roberts]

[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]][[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]]
Yama (gshin rje). The Lord of Death. [RY]
Yama (gshin rje). The Lord of Death. A personification of impermanence, the unfailing law of karma and one's inevitable mortality. [ZL] [RY]
Yama (gshin rje). The Lord of Death. The terrible judge of the dead. Also a personification of impermanence, the unfailing law of karma and one's inevitable mortality. [RY]
Yama (gshin rje; Skt also Kinasha). The terrible judge of the dead, king of the pretas in the underground Yama world (yama-loka) and also guardian of the southern quarter. The 'Yamas' are either the pretas or his servants who on his orders throw sinners into hell. [RY]
Yama Display Root Tantra (gshin rje rol pa rtsa ba'i rgyud). Tantra belonging to the Sadhana Section of Mahayoga. 118 [ZL] [RY]
Yama Goddesses (ya ma). [ZL] [RY]
Yama Lungphuk (g.ya' ma lung phug) [LW1] [RY]
Yamantaka (gShin rje gshed) wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. [RY]
Yamantaka (gshin rje gshed). A wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. Among the Eight Sadhana Teachings he is the wrathful buddha of the Body Family. In this book he is named 'Manjushri Body.' [ZL] [RY]
Yamantaka (gshin rje gshed). A wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. Among the Eight Sadhana Teachings he is the wrathful buddha of the Body Family. Yamantaka means 'Slayer of Yama,' the Lord of Death.[AL] [RY]
Yamantaka (gshin rje gshed). Tantric deity; the heruka of the vajra family and wrathful form of Manjushri.[EMP] [RY]
Yamantaka [LW1] [RY]
yamas. Yamas are lords of death: those who take the living away, and lead them before Yamaraja, the judge of the dead. [Peter Roberts]
Yamdrok Yutso (yar 'brog g.yu mtsho) [LW1] [RY]
Yana - A Vehicle or Path of Realization [RY]
YANA (theg pa). 'That which carries,' 'vehicle.' A set of teachings which enable one to journey towards rebirth in the higher realms, liberation from samsara or complete buddhahood.[AL] [RY]
Yana (theg pa). The 'carrying,' 'vehicle.' A set of teachings which enable one to journey towards rebirth in the higher realms, liberation from samsara or complete buddhahood. [RY]
Yang Gönpa. See Gyalwa Yang Gönpa. [EMP] [RY]
Yang-byang see gTer ma. [RY]
Yangdag (yang dag); Skt. vishuddha. One of the Eight Herukas of the Nyingma School. The wrathful deity of vajra mind. [RY]
Yangdag Heruka (yang dag he ru ka) Vishuddhe Heruka. One of the Eight Sadhana Teachings. The wrathful deity of vajra mind. [RY]
Yangdak Heruka. Yangdak Heruka. "Yang dag" means true or genuine, though the Sanskrit given for this deity is Vajra Heruka. He is the Mind-Deity amongst the eight Herukas taught by Padmakara and is therefore the central deity. [Peter Roberts]
Yangdzong Phuk (yang rdzong phug) [LW1] [RY]
Yangleshö (yang le shod). See Cave of Yangleshö. [ZL] [RY]
Yangleshö [LW1] [RY]
Yanglesho in Nepal, [RY]
Yanglesho situated between India and Nepal. [Daki] [RY]
Yangongpa: 1213- [MR]
Yangsang Putri. [RY]
Yangter (yang gter). Rediscovered treasure. [RY]
yangter; rediscovered treasures [LW1] [RY]
Yangti (yang ti). A subdivision of the Instruction Section of Dzogchen emphasizing the unique key points. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
Yangti Nagpo 1.; and Dungtso Repa;: The Yanti Nagpo, the "Single Golden Syllable of the Black Quintessence" (yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru bcig), a cycle of teachings belonging to the yang ti class of Ati Yoga. It contains practices upon the Hundred and Peaceful and Wrathful Deities and the Great Perfection, with some pith instructions upon the practice of meditation in complete darkness. It is a terma found by the later Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma), 15th century, in the Lake Mandal Nagpo in Gampo (sgam po mtsho man dal nag po). He was an emanation of Yeshe Tsogyal and Vairochana, and the immediate reincarnation of the first Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa snga ma) who himself was a rebirth of Yeshe Dorje (ye shes rdo rje), a disciple of Gampopa.(if Yeshe Dorje is Tsangpa Gyare, then disciple of Lingje Repa, not Gampopa???) Both Yeshe Dorje and the first Dungtso Repa are among the great saints who opened the doors of the hidden land of Tsari. [RY]
Yangti Nagpo 2. The first Dungtso Repa revealed some termas from the Lake Mandal Nagpo too, terma which had been concealed by Gampopa. These include the sems khrid yid bzhin nor bu and 'pho ba grong 'jug revealed in 1329. Dungtso Repa's name came from the fact that he meditated near the Ka-la Dungtsho Lake in the sacred hidden land of Tsari. One of the main disciple of the the first Dungtso Repa was Khandro Kunga Bumpa; (mkha 'gro ma kun dga' bum pa) (an emanation of Yeshey Tsogyal of whom Terchen Chogyur Lingpa received some teachings in vision, see Rinchen Terdzö ***) [who, being one of the few male mkha 'gro figures in Tibet; born the son of Gtsang-pa Rdo-rje-dbyang-phyud and Lha-skyid-dpal-'dzom] himself became teacher of the later Dungtso Repa, to whom he first gave the transmission of his own terma, the Dzogchen Magyu Sangwa (rdzogs chen ma rgyud gsang ba), according to Vajra Yogini's prophecy. [RY]
Yangti Nagpo 3. The first Dungtso Repa is usually associated to the Kagyu lineage and the later Dungtso Repa to the Nyingma lineage. The succesive reimbodiments of Dza Trulshig Rinpoche are considered to be emanations of Dungtso Repa. (based on Gene Smith' preface to the publication of the Yanti Nagpo, the historic of the terma itself, Khetsun Sangpo's biography and other oral sources). 2) The teachings of the Yangti Nagpo were given by Guru Rinpoche to the King Trisong deutsen, Yeshey Tsogyal and Verotsana. Guru Rinpoche predicted that an emanation of Vero would find the ter. Accordingly, out of the Three Roots of the Yanti Nagpo, Duntso Repa found the Yidam section. Later came Chinkar Dony" Dorje; (phying dkar don yod rdo rje), who was a Geshey Larampa of Sera monastery. He had a vision and prediction of Guru Rinpoche related to the discovery of the terma, and took up the yogic life. Everyone despised him and therefore he did not have a great activity. [RY]
Yangti Nagpo 4. He found the Guru section and the dakini section in two different places (one being known as phying dkar sgrub phug). One time as the great teacher Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol; came to the Jharungkhashor stupa in Nepal and was teaching in front of a vast crowd, among the crowd was sitting Chinkar Dony" Dorje with his consort and children, unnoticed by all. At one point Shabkar remained for a while in silence and then said, "There is someone here superior to me. As he was asked of whom he was thus speaking, he pointed out at the beggar, called him, and had him seated next to him. Due to this Chinkar Dony" Dorje became very famous, and thus Shabkar opened the door for his activities for the beings and the spreading of his termas. Shabkar and C.D.Dorje became very close and both the master and disciple of each other. Later on, another cycle of teachings of Chinkar, the Guyang Nyinthig widely spread in Mongolia. Beacause he was refused the consort he had asked for the discovery of the Guru Lhadrup, he could not write it down. [RY]
Yangti Nagpo 5. Soon after the maid who should had been his consort died. The parents felt great regret and called the yogi. He said that he was too late and that the connection had been missed, and added that he could at least guide her in the bardo. He brought her back to life for a few moments and gave her instructions. Following this he put back the shokser as Yangter, in a mask. His re-emanation, the precedent Trulshik Rinpoche, found this shokser again when he came with the former Dzatrul Rinpoche to Nepal in order to perform the consecration of the Jaharungkashor Stupa. He also wrote expanded versions of the other saddhanas of the Three Roots. (told by Trulshik Rinpoche;, Ngawang Chökyi Lodröe, at the occasion of the granting of the empowerment of the Lhadrup of the Yangti Nagpo, at Bois-bas, Longchen Gatsel Ling, France, the 29/06/87) [MR]
Yangti Nagpo, or the Single Golden Syllable of the Black Quintessence (yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig). This cycle of teachings belonging to the most esoteric section (yang ti) of Ati Yoga. It involves practices upon the Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, focused on dealing with the stages of the Great Perfection, with some pith instructions for the practice of meditation in complete darkness. The later Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma, see G.Smith (1972), GC, Vol.2, pp.784-6, TN, p.518-9, and Yangti Nagpo Vol.3, p.267), a disciple of the famed dakini Kunga Bum (kun dga' bum), found this terma in a tortoise-shaped rock near the Lake of the Black Mandala (mtsho mandal nag po) also known as Kala Dungtso (ka la dung mtsho). The latter lies across the Kashong Pass (kha shong la, see Fletcher, 1975, and Huber, 1992) near Gampo. The "later" Dungtso Repa is thus called for being the immediate reembodiement of the "earlier" Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa snga ma, 1267-1329?, see GC, Vol.3, p.30-31 and TN pp. 515-6) who also revealed a terma (the sems khrid yid bzhin nor bu) from Lake Mandal Nagpo. Although the above sources concur consistently, there is a certain amount of confusion between the two Dungtso Repas, since in ND p. 144b for instance, Kunzang Ngedön Long Yang attributes the discovery of the Yangti Nagpo to the first Dungtso Repa, and so do other historians who based their works on ND (for intance, BD, Vol.3 p.424). In his gter ston chos 'byung, pp.65-6, Karma Mingyur Wangyal, too, considers only one Dungtso Repa and attributes to him the termas of both the "earlier" and the "later". [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Yantig - The "doors" of the sacred place of Yantig (yang tig) were opened by the third Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Sonam Gyatso (rgyal ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1543-88), who had a vision of Guru Padmasambhava and revealed there a spiritual treasure (gter ma). See AC, vol. II, pp. 70-3. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
yantra. Tibetan: 'khrul 'khor. Various physical exercises and movements that eliminate the aberrations in the subtle channels and energy flows within the body.. [Peter Roberts]
Yar lung shel brag, the Crystal Rock of Yarlung. See chap.10, note 59. The famed statue of Guru Padmasambhava is said to have been made and blessed at the time of guru rinpoche by the great translator Vairocana. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Yarlha Shampo (yar lha sham po). Important Dharma protectors of Tibet, especially for the Chö teachings. [ZL] [RY]
Yarlha Shampo snow mountain (yar lha sham po gangs) [LW1] [RY]
Yarlung (g.yar klung). [ZL] [RY]
Yarmo Plain (g.yar mo thang). [ZL] [RY]
Yashas - Arhat whose concern for the integrity of the Vinaya led to the convening of the Second Council [RY]
Yavana - Indian word for the Greek kingdoms of the northwest established after the time of Alexander the Great [RY]
Yegyal Namkhadzö [LW1] [RY]
yellow paper" text. The original terma texts found concealed in a rock or in the ground are normally written in what is known as dakini script, upon yellow paper. The writing itself may be very short, even a few syllables, that the tertön "the treasure discoverer" has to interpret through his own meditative powers, sometimes writing out very lengthy texts from a short piece of dakini script. As the colour of expansion is yellow, it is said that that is the reason for the original text found being yellow, or even if not, being called a "yellow-paper" text. [Peter Roberts]
yellow parchment [LW1] [RY]
Yellow parchment scroll. [RY]
Yenlak Meypey Dorje (yan lag med pa'i rdo rje) [LW1] [RY]
Yerlung. [RY]
Yerpa (g.yer pa). A mountain retreat near Lhasa in Central Tibet. [RY]
Yerpa Phuk (yer pa phug) [LW1] [RY]
Yerpa. [Daki] [RY]
Yertsong. [RY]
Yeru [LW1] [RY]
Yeshe (ye she). See self-existing wisdom.' [RY]
yeshe [LW1] [RY]
Yeshe Dey / (ye shes sde) - Prolific Tibetan translator and disciple of padmasambhava; participated in the translation of more than 200 texts; alias: (sna nam ye shes sde) (zhang gi bhan dhe ye shes sde) [RY]
Yeshe Dey of Nanam (sna nam ye shes sde). Also known as Bandey Yeshe Dey of Shang (zhang gi bhan dhe ye shes sde). Prolific expert translator and disciple of Padmasambhava. He was a monk, both learned and accomplished, and once exhibited his miraculous powers by soaring through the sky like a bird. [ZL] [RY]
Yeshe Dorje, Karmapa XI: 1675-1702 [MR]
Yeshe Lama (ye shes bla ma), the Unsurpassable Primordial Wisdom is a famous instruction manual (khrid yig) for the practice of the Great Perfection written by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa (rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa, 1729-98) on the basis of the Vima Nyingthig (bi ma snying thig). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Yeshe Nyingpo, Shamar VII: c.1631-1694 [MR]
Yeshe Nyingpo. See Wisdom Essence [LW1] [RY]
Yeshe O / (ye shes 'od) - Tenth century king in Western Tibet who became a monk; instrumental in inviting panditas to initiate the second transmission [RY]
Yeshe Rolpa Tsal (ye shes rol pa rtsal). The second son of King Trisong Deutsen who later incarnated as Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa. [RY]
Yeshe Rolpa Tsal, the second son of King Trisong Deutsen.. [Daki] [RY]
Yeshe Rölpa Tsal. See Murub Tseypo [LW1] [RY]
Yeshe Rölpa Tsal; background information on the past life of Chokgyur Lingpa by H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; [LWx] [RY]
'''[[Y continued]]'''
'''[[The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity]]''' (Front Cover)
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--[[User:Richard|Richard]] 13:28, 12 August 2008 (EDT)

Latest revision as of 18:41, 31 March 2011


Y continued

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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Yabje Rigdzin (Serpa Tersey) Gyurmey Tsewang Gyatso [LW1] [RY]

Yablhag (yab lhag). [ZL] [RY]

Yab-yum - tantric symbol of male and female energies in mystic union. [RY]

Yag Krakama (yag kra ka ma). [ZL] [RY]

Yaksha (gnod sbyin). A class of semidivine beings, generally beneficent but sometimes malignant. Many are local divinities of the countryside, often dwelling in sacred trees and guarding the treasure buried nearby. Others live on Mount Meru, guarding the realm of the gods. They are ruled by Kuvera, the god of wealth and guardian of the northern quarter. [RY]

Yaksha (gnod sbyin). A class of semidivine beings, generally benevolent but sometimes wicked. Many are powerful local divinities, others live on Mount Sumeru, guarding the realm of the gods. [ZL] [RY]

yaksha [LW1] [RY]

Yaksha Temples (yak sha stag 'og). [ZL] [RY]

yakshas. Yakshas are demigods that are the attendants of Kubera, or Vaishravana, the deity of wealth, but many living in the world as "nature spirits" in trees, etc. [Peter Roberts]

Yama (gshin rje). The Lord of Death. [RY]

Yama (gshin rje). The Lord of Death. A personification of impermanence, the unfailing law of karma and one's inevitable mortality. [ZL] [RY]

Yama (gshin rje). The Lord of Death. The terrible judge of the dead. Also a personification of impermanence, the unfailing law of karma and one's inevitable mortality. [RY]

Yama (gshin rje; Skt also Kinasha). The terrible judge of the dead, king of the pretas in the underground Yama world (yama-loka) and also guardian of the southern quarter. The 'Yamas' are either the pretas or his servants who on his orders throw sinners into hell. [RY]

Yama Display Root Tantra (gshin rje rol pa rtsa ba'i rgyud). Tantra belonging to the Sadhana Section of Mahayoga. 118 [ZL] [RY]

Yama Goddesses (ya ma). [ZL] [RY]

Yama Lungphuk (g.ya' ma lung phug) [LW1] [RY]

Yamantaka (gShin rje gshed) wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. [RY]

Yamantaka (gshin rje gshed). A wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. Among the Eight Sadhana Teachings he is the wrathful buddha of the Body Family. In this book he is named 'Manjushri Body.' [ZL] [RY]

Yamantaka (gshin rje gshed). A wrathful form of Manjushri, representing wisdom that subdues death. Among the Eight Sadhana Teachings he is the wrathful buddha of the Body Family. Yamantaka means 'Slayer of Yama,' the Lord of Death.[AL] [RY]

Yamantaka (gshin rje gshed). Tantric deity; the heruka of the vajra family and wrathful form of Manjushri.[EMP] [RY]

Yamantaka [LW1] [RY]

yamas. Yamas are lords of death: those who take the living away, and lead them before Yamaraja, the judge of the dead. [Peter Roberts]

Yamdrok Yutso (yar 'brog g.yu mtsho) [LW1] [RY]

Yana - A Vehicle or Path of Realization [RY]

YANA (theg pa). 'That which carries,' 'vehicle.' A set of teachings which enable one to journey towards rebirth in the higher realms, liberation from samsara or complete buddhahood.[AL] [RY]

Yana (theg pa). The 'carrying,' 'vehicle.' A set of teachings which enable one to journey towards rebirth in the higher realms, liberation from samsara or complete buddhahood. [RY]

Yang Gönpa. See Gyalwa Yang Gönpa. [EMP] [RY]

Yang-byang see gTer ma. [RY]

Yangdag (yang dag); Skt. vishuddha. One of the Eight Herukas of the Nyingma School. The wrathful deity of vajra mind. [RY]

Yangdag Heruka (yang dag he ru ka) Vishuddhe Heruka. One of the Eight Sadhana Teachings. The wrathful deity of vajra mind. [RY]

Yangdak Heruka. Yangdak Heruka. "Yang dag" means true or genuine, though the Sanskrit given for this deity is Vajra Heruka. He is the Mind-Deity amongst the eight Herukas taught by Padmakara and is therefore the central deity. [Peter Roberts]

Yangdzong Phuk (yang rdzong phug) [LW1] [RY]

Yangleshö (yang le shod). See Cave of Yangleshö. [ZL] [RY]

Yangleshö [LW1] [RY]

Yanglesho in Nepal, [RY]

Yanglesho situated between India and Nepal. [Daki] [RY]

Yangongpa: 1213- [MR]

Yangsang Putri. [RY]

Yangter (yang gter). Rediscovered treasure. [RY]

yangter; rediscovered treasures [LW1] [RY]

Yangti (yang ti). A subdivision of the Instruction Section of Dzogchen emphasizing the unique key points. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Yangti Nagpo 1.; and Dungtso Repa;: The Yanti Nagpo, the "Single Golden Syllable of the Black Quintessence" (yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru bcig), a cycle of teachings belonging to the yang ti class of Ati Yoga. It contains practices upon the Hundred and Peaceful and Wrathful Deities and the Great Perfection, with some pith instructions upon the practice of meditation in complete darkness. It is a terma found by the later Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma), 15th century, in the Lake Mandal Nagpo in Gampo (sgam po mtsho man dal nag po). He was an emanation of Yeshe Tsogyal and Vairochana, and the immediate reincarnation of the first Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa snga ma) who himself was a rebirth of Yeshe Dorje (ye shes rdo rje), a disciple of Gampopa.(if Yeshe Dorje is Tsangpa Gyare, then disciple of Lingje Repa, not Gampopa???) Both Yeshe Dorje and the first Dungtso Repa are among the great saints who opened the doors of the hidden land of Tsari. [RY]

Yangti Nagpo 2. The first Dungtso Repa revealed some termas from the Lake Mandal Nagpo too, terma which had been concealed by Gampopa. These include the sems khrid yid bzhin nor bu and 'pho ba grong 'jug revealed in 1329. Dungtso Repa's name came from the fact that he meditated near the Ka-la Dungtsho Lake in the sacred hidden land of Tsari. One of the main disciple of the the first Dungtso Repa was Khandro Kunga Bumpa; (mkha 'gro ma kun dga' bum pa) (an emanation of Yeshey Tsogyal of whom Terchen Chogyur Lingpa received some teachings in vision, see Rinchen Terdzö ***) [who, being one of the few male mkha 'gro figures in Tibet; born the son of Gtsang-pa Rdo-rje-dbyang-phyud and Lha-skyid-dpal-'dzom] himself became teacher of the later Dungtso Repa, to whom he first gave the transmission of his own terma, the Dzogchen Magyu Sangwa (rdzogs chen ma rgyud gsang ba), according to Vajra Yogini's prophecy. [RY]

Yangti Nagpo 3. The first Dungtso Repa is usually associated to the Kagyu lineage and the later Dungtso Repa to the Nyingma lineage. The succesive reimbodiments of Dza Trulshig Rinpoche are considered to be emanations of Dungtso Repa. (based on Gene Smith' preface to the publication of the Yanti Nagpo, the historic of the terma itself, Khetsun Sangpo's biography and other oral sources). 2) The teachings of the Yangti Nagpo were given by Guru Rinpoche to the King Trisong deutsen, Yeshey Tsogyal and Verotsana. Guru Rinpoche predicted that an emanation of Vero would find the ter. Accordingly, out of the Three Roots of the Yanti Nagpo, Duntso Repa found the Yidam section. Later came Chinkar Dony" Dorje; (phying dkar don yod rdo rje), who was a Geshey Larampa of Sera monastery. He had a vision and prediction of Guru Rinpoche related to the discovery of the terma, and took up the yogic life. Everyone despised him and therefore he did not have a great activity. [RY]

Yangti Nagpo 4. He found the Guru section and the dakini section in two different places (one being known as phying dkar sgrub phug). One time as the great teacher Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol; came to the Jharungkhashor stupa in Nepal and was teaching in front of a vast crowd, among the crowd was sitting Chinkar Dony" Dorje with his consort and children, unnoticed by all. At one point Shabkar remained for a while in silence and then said, "There is someone here superior to me. As he was asked of whom he was thus speaking, he pointed out at the beggar, called him, and had him seated next to him. Due to this Chinkar Dony" Dorje became very famous, and thus Shabkar opened the door for his activities for the beings and the spreading of his termas. Shabkar and C.D.Dorje became very close and both the master and disciple of each other. Later on, another cycle of teachings of Chinkar, the Guyang Nyinthig widely spread in Mongolia. Beacause he was refused the consort he had asked for the discovery of the Guru Lhadrup, he could not write it down. [RY]

Yangti Nagpo 5. Soon after the maid who should had been his consort died. The parents felt great regret and called the yogi. He said that he was too late and that the connection had been missed, and added that he could at least guide her in the bardo. He brought her back to life for a few moments and gave her instructions. Following this he put back the shokser as Yangter, in a mask. His re-emanation, the precedent Trulshik Rinpoche, found this shokser again when he came with the former Dzatrul Rinpoche to Nepal in order to perform the consecration of the Jaharungkashor Stupa. He also wrote expanded versions of the other saddhanas of the Three Roots. (told by Trulshik Rinpoche;, Ngawang Chökyi Lodröe, at the occasion of the granting of the empowerment of the Lhadrup of the Yangti Nagpo, at Bois-bas, Longchen Gatsel Ling, France, the 29/06/87) [MR]

Yangti Nagpo, or the Single Golden Syllable of the Black Quintessence (yang ti nag po gser gyi 'bru gcig). This cycle of teachings belonging to the most esoteric section (yang ti) of Ati Yoga. It involves practices upon the Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, focused on dealing with the stages of the Great Perfection, with some pith instructions for the practice of meditation in complete darkness. The later Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa phyi ma, see G.Smith (1972), GC, Vol.2, pp.784-6, TN, p.518-9, and Yangti Nagpo Vol.3, p.267), a disciple of the famed dakini Kunga Bum (kun dga' bum), found this terma in a tortoise-shaped rock near the Lake of the Black Mandala (mtsho mandal nag po) also known as Kala Dungtso (ka la dung mtsho). The latter lies across the Kashong Pass (kha shong la, see Fletcher, 1975, and Huber, 1992) near Gampo. The "later" Dungtso Repa is thus called for being the immediate reembodiement of the "earlier" Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa snga ma, 1267-1329?, see GC, Vol.3, p.30-31 and TN pp. 515-6) who also revealed a terma (the sems khrid yid bzhin nor bu) from Lake Mandal Nagpo. Although the above sources concur consistently, there is a certain amount of confusion between the two Dungtso Repas, since in ND p. 144b for instance, Kunzang Ngedön Long Yang attributes the discovery of the Yangti Nagpo to the first Dungtso Repa, and so do other historians who based their works on ND (for intance, BD, Vol.3 p.424). In his gter ston chos 'byung, pp.65-6, Karma Mingyur Wangyal, too, considers only one Dungtso Repa and attributes to him the termas of both the "earlier" and the "later". [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Yantig - The "doors" of the sacred place of Yantig (yang tig) were opened by the third Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Sonam Gyatso (rgyal ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1543-88), who had a vision of Guru Padmasambhava and revealed there a spiritual treasure (gter ma). See AC, vol. II, pp. 70-3. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

yantra. Tibetan: 'khrul 'khor. Various physical exercises and movements that eliminate the aberrations in the subtle channels and energy flows within the body.. [Peter Roberts]

Yar lung shel brag, the Crystal Rock of Yarlung. See chap.10, note 59. The famed statue of Guru Padmasambhava is said to have been made and blessed at the time of guru rinpoche by the great translator Vairocana. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Yarlha Shampo (yar lha sham po). Important Dharma protectors of Tibet, especially for the Chö teachings. [ZL] [RY]

Yarlha Shampo snow mountain (yar lha sham po gangs) [LW1] [RY]

Yarlung (g.yar klung). [ZL] [RY]

Yarmo Plain (g.yar mo thang). [ZL] [RY]

Yashas - Arhat whose concern for the integrity of the Vinaya led to the convening of the Second Council [RY]

Yavana - Indian word for the Greek kingdoms of the northwest established after the time of Alexander the Great [RY] Yegyal Namkhadzö [LW1] [RY]

yellow paper" text. The original terma texts found concealed in a rock or in the ground are normally written in what is known as dakini script, upon yellow paper. The writing itself may be very short, even a few syllables, that the tertön "the treasure discoverer" has to interpret through his own meditative powers, sometimes writing out very lengthy texts from a short piece of dakini script. As the colour of expansion is yellow, it is said that that is the reason for the original text found being yellow, or even if not, being called a "yellow-paper" text. [Peter Roberts]

yellow parchment [LW1] [RY]

Yellow parchment scroll. [RY]

Yenlak Meypey Dorje (yan lag med pa'i rdo rje) [LW1] [RY]

Yerlung. [RY]

Yerpa (g.yer pa). A mountain retreat near Lhasa in Central Tibet. [RY]

Yerpa Phuk (yer pa phug) [LW1] [RY]

Yerpa. [Daki] [RY]

Yertsong. [RY]

Yeru [LW1] [RY]

Yeshe (ye she). See self-existing wisdom.' [RY]

yeshe [LW1] [RY]

Yeshe Dey / (ye shes sde) - Prolific Tibetan translator and disciple of padmasambhava; participated in the translation of more than 200 texts; alias: (sna nam ye shes sde) (zhang gi bhan dhe ye shes sde) [RY]

Yeshe Dey of Nanam (sna nam ye shes sde). Also known as Bandey Yeshe Dey of Shang (zhang gi bhan dhe ye shes sde). Prolific expert translator and disciple of Padmasambhava. He was a monk, both learned and accomplished, and once exhibited his miraculous powers by soaring through the sky like a bird. [ZL] [RY]

Yeshe Dorje, Karmapa XI: 1675-1702 [MR]

Yeshe Lama (ye shes bla ma), the Unsurpassable Primordial Wisdom is a famous instruction manual (khrid yig) for the practice of the Great Perfection written by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa (rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa, 1729-98) on the basis of the Vima Nyingthig (bi ma snying thig). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Yeshe Nyingpo, Shamar VII: c.1631-1694 [MR]

Yeshe Nyingpo. See Wisdom Essence [LW1] [RY]

Yeshe O / (ye shes 'od) - Tenth century king in Western Tibet who became a monk; instrumental in inviting panditas to initiate the second transmission [RY]

Yeshe Rolpa Tsal (ye shes rol pa rtsal). The second son of King Trisong Deutsen who later incarnated as Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa. [RY]

Yeshe Rolpa Tsal, the second son of King Trisong Deutsen.. [Daki] [RY]

Yeshe Rölpa Tsal. See Murub Tseypo [LW1] [RY]

Yeshe Rölpa Tsal; background information on the past life of Chokgyur Lingpa by H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; [LWx] [RY]

Y continued

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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