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[[Image:khyentse_chokyi_lodro.jpg|frame|Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro of Dzongsar]]
'''Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ''' ([[rdzong gsar mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros]] 1893 - 1959)
===Short Biography===
:"The second in the line of Jamyang Khyentse incarnations was Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, who was so great it is difficult for me even to utter his name, yet still I do so as a way to benefit others. His full name was Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Rimé Tenpé Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo.[1] His secret name, given by the third Dodrupchen Rinpoche Tenpé Nyima during a special empowerment of Rigdzin Düpa, was Pema Yeshe Dorje."<ref>[http://www.lotsawahouse.org/jkcl_bio.html The Life of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche | LotwawaHouse.org]</ref>
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One of five reincarnations of [[Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo]]. He was a great master upholding the [[Rimey]] (nonsectarian) tradition, as well as being one of the two main root gurus of His Holiness [[Dilgo Khyentse]]. His three reincarnations live presently at Bir, Himachal Pradesh; in Dordogne, France; and in Boudhanath, Nepal. [[Dzongsar]] means 'New Castle,' [[Khyentse]] means 'Loving Wisdom,' and [[Chokyi Lodro]] means 'Intellect of the Dharma.' [RY]
<br />
"Kyabje Khyentse Chokyi Lodro of Dzongsar was the greatest master of many lineages of this century. He was born in the Water Snake year of the fifteenth Rabjung (1893) at Rekhe Ajam near [[Kathok Monastery]]. His father was a tantric master called [[Gyurme Tsewang Gyatso]], the grandson of [[Terton Dudul Rolpatsal]] of Ser Valley of Amdo, and his mother was Tsultrim Tso of Ser Valley of Amdo. His father named him Jamyang Chokyi Lodro. ... When he was seven, [[Kathok Situ Chokyi Gyatso]], the nephew of [[Khyentse Wangpo]], brought him to [[Kathok Monastery]] and recognized him as the action-manifestation of [[Khyentse Wangpo]], as prophesied by [[Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso]]. [[Kathok Situ Chokyi Gyatso|Situ]] performed the hair-cutting ceremony and named him Jamyang Lodro Gyatso."

===Literary Works===
"Situ assigned his own tutor, [[Khenpo Thupten Rigdzin]], to Khyentse, and under his tutorship Khyentse studied prayers, grammar, astrology, Sanskrit, and many scriptures. From [[Jamyang Lodro Gyatso|Kathok Situ]] he received the transmission of [[Nyingthig Yabzhi]], [[Longsal cycles]], and many other scriptures, and Situ became the most important person for his spiritual path and secular life. From [[Adzom Drukpa]] in Trom Valley he received [[Longchen Nyingthig]], [[Gongpa Zangthal]], [[Lama Yangtig]] transmissions, and the introduction to [[Trekcho]] meditation."
*[[Fill in the blanks]]<br>

"At twenty-six, he went to [[Dzogchen Monastery]] and received ordination as a monk from [[Khenpo Jigme Pema Losal]]. Also, from [[Zhechen Gyaltsap]] he received transmissions of [[Changter]], [[Minling ter]], and many other teachings. That same year, he established [[a shedra called Khamche]] at [[Dzongsar Monastery]]. He invited [[Zhenphen Chokyi Nangwa]] (aka [[Zhenphen Chokyi Nangwa|Zhen-ga]], 1871-1927) of [[Dzogchen Monastery ]]as the first khenpo to teach at the new shedra. Later it became a famous institution from which many great scholars emerged."
"At thirty-two, at [[Zhechen Monastery]], he again received many transmissions, including [[Dam_Ngag_Dzo|Dam-ngak Dzo]] and [[Changter]] from [[Zhechen Gyaltsap Pema Namgyal]], who became one of his important teachers.
"At thirty-three, he went on a pilgrimate to Central Tibet. [[At Mindroling Monastery]] he took the ordination of a monk from [[Khenpo Ngawang Thupten Norbu]] for the second time, as his predecessor had been ordained at this monastery in the lower Vinaya lineage."
"He received many tantric transmissions of the [[Geluk]] school from [[Jampal Rolwe Lodro]], popularly known as [[Jampal Rolwe Lodro|Amdo Geshe]], who lived in Golok. He received the [[Lamdre Lopshe]], [[Vajrabhairava]], and [[Mahakala cycles]] from [[Gaton Ngawang Lekpa]]. From [[Kathok Khenpo Ngawang Palzang]] he received transmissions of the [[Khandro Yangtig]], [[Longsal]], and [[Dudul]] cycles. In total, he studied with about eighty masters from all the different traditions of Tibetan Buddhism."
"He had many visions, accomplished many attainments, and manifested many spiritual powers, but because of his humility he only indicates a few of them in his autobiography:"
: If I had been trained myself in logic,
: I could have acquired good knowledge of reasoning, But it would have brought little benefit.
: As I was able to memorize
: The Three-Root Sadhanas, the Magon, and other prayers of Longchen Nyingthig, and
: Some assembly prayers of the Ngor tradition,
: I had good habits [or memories] of the past lives.... I remembered the glorious Sakya Monastery,
: Clearly in my mind again and again, and
: Taking birth in the Khon family,
: In my past lives.
: I remembered being Ngan Panchen, great Lhatsun, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso,
: Tsang-yang Gyatso, Palkhyen, and others.... Thangtong Gyalpo introduced me
: To the nature of intrinsic awareness with the support of a crystal. In dreams I saw Aryasthavira Angaja,
: Vimalamitra, and Longchenpa.
: I received long-life empowerment from Khyentse Wangpo. From the great bodhisattva Paltrul
: I received instruction on the ngondro of Longchen Nyingthig. From Nupchen Sangye Yeshe
: I received entrustments of many tantras.
: I experienced or dreamed of the receiving of blessings From some lamas of Lamdre,
: Milarepa, and Tsongkhapa. I was shown the tantric disciplines
: By Lhatsun Namkha Jigme.
"At fifty-six, he married Khandro Tsering Chodron (b. 1925) of the Aduk Lakar family as his spiritual consort. According to his own prophecies and those of Khyentse Wangpo and Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso, this union was for dispelling the obstructions of his life and for promoting his enlightened activities."
"At the age of sixty-three, traveling through Lhasa he reached India and survived the political turmoils of Tibet. He went on a pilgrimage to all the sacred places of Buddhism in India and Nepal. Then he made the [[Royal Chapel of Sikkim|Palace Chapel of the king of Sikkim]] his main temporary residence and continued to give endless teachings and transmissions to devotees from all walks of life."
"At the age of sixty-seven, on the sixth day of the fifth month of the Earth Pig year of the sixteenth Rabjung (1959), he passed away amid signs of lights, earthquakes and sounds. Today most of his remains are preserved in a small golden stupa at the [[Royal Chapel of Sikkim]], which [[Khandro Tsering Chodron]] takes care of while dedicating her life to meditation and prayers.
His tulku is [[Thupten Chokyi Gyatso]] ([[Thupten Chokyi Gyatso|Khyentse Norbu]], b. 1961?), the son of [[Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche]] and the late [[Jamyang La]], and the grandson of [[Dudjom_Rinpoche|Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche]] and [[Lopon Sonam Zangpo of Bhutan]].
<ref>[http://www.rangjung.com/authors/Dzongsar_Khyentse_Chokyi_Lodro_TT.htm Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro | Ranjung.com]</ref>
===Main Teachers===
===Main Teachers===
*[[Fill in the blanks]]<br>
*Kathok Situ [[Chokyi Gyatso]]
*[[Sechen Gyaltsab]]
*[[Loter Wangpo]]
*[[Dodrup Tenpey Nyima]]
*[[Lerab Lingpa]]
*[[Gaton Ngawang Lekpa]]
*Yabje Tsewang Gyurme (his father)
*[[Amdo Geshe Jampal Rolwe Lodro]]
*[[Lingtsang Gyalpo]]

===Main Students===
===Main Students===
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*[[Khandro Tsering Chodron]]
*[[Khandro Tsering Chodron]]
*[[Sogyal Rinpoche]]
*[[Sogyal Rinpoche]]
*[[Chatral Rinpoche]]

===Main Lineages===
===Main Lineages===
*[[Fill in the blanks]]<br>
*[[Longchen Nyingtik]]
*[[Sakya]] [[Lamdre]]
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
*[[Fill in the blanks]]<br>
*Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
*Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ([[rdzong gsar mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros]])
*Kyabje Khyentse Chokyi Lodro of Dzongsar
*Jamyang Lodro Gyatso
*Pema Yeshe Dorje
*Tsuklak Lungrik Nyima Mawé Sengé
*Jikme Namkhe Dorje Tsewang Drubpa Tsal
*Kunga Trinley Gyatso
*Jamyang Gawe Gocha

===Other Reference Sources===
===Other Reference Sources===
*[[Fill in the blanks]]<br>

===Internal Links===
===Internal Links===
*Add double-brackets "[[ ]]" around any relevant word or phrase and it will create a new page for that term or link to an already existing page
*[[Kathok Monastery]]
*[[Dzongsar Monastery]]
*[[Beautiful_Garland_of_Udumbara_Flowers|"A Beautiful Garland of Udumvara Flowers" - A Prayer to the Previous Incarnations of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]]
===External Links===
===External Links===
*[http://www.tbrc.org ADD TBRC link here]
*[http://www.lotsawahouse.org/id80.html Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Series on Lotsawa House]
*[http://lotsawahouse.org/school/id42.html Index to Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro's Collected Works on Lotsawa School]
*[http://www.lotsawahouse.org/id40.html Biography by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]
*[http://www.lotsawahouse.org/id40.html Biography by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche]
*[http://www.tbrc.org/cgi-bin/tbrcdatx?do=so&resource=P733 TBRC on Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
*[http://lotsawahouse.wordpress.com/2009/06/28/a-tribute-to-jamyang-khyentse-chokyi-lodro/ A Tribute to Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]
*[http://www.rememberingthemasters.org/ Remembering The Masters - Exploring the life and times of Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]
[[Category:Key terms]][[Category:Glossary]][[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
[[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
[[Category:Sakya Masters]]
[[Category:Dzogchen Masters]]
[[Category:Longchen Nyingthig Masters]]

Latest revision as of 01:37, 15 June 2011

Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro of Dzongsar

Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (rdzong gsar mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros 1893 - 1959)

Short Biography

"The second in the line of Jamyang Khyentse incarnations was Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, who was so great it is difficult for me even to utter his name, yet still I do so as a way to benefit others. His full name was Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Rimé Tenpé Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo.[1] His secret name, given by the third Dodrupchen Rinpoche Tenpé Nyima during a special empowerment of Rigdzin Düpa, was Pema Yeshe Dorje."[1]

One of five reincarnations of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. He was a great master upholding the Rimey (nonsectarian) tradition, as well as being one of the two main root gurus of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse. His three reincarnations live presently at Bir, Himachal Pradesh; in Dordogne, France; and in Boudhanath, Nepal. Dzongsar means 'New Castle,' Khyentse means 'Loving Wisdom,' and Chokyi Lodro means 'Intellect of the Dharma.' [RY]

"Kyabje Khyentse Chokyi Lodro of Dzongsar was the greatest master of many lineages of this century. He was born in the Water Snake year of the fifteenth Rabjung (1893) at Rekhe Ajam near Kathok Monastery. His father was a tantric master called Gyurme Tsewang Gyatso, the grandson of Terton Dudul Rolpatsal of Ser Valley of Amdo, and his mother was Tsultrim Tso of Ser Valley of Amdo. His father named him Jamyang Chokyi Lodro. ... When he was seven, Kathok Situ Chokyi Gyatso, the nephew of Khyentse Wangpo, brought him to Kathok Monastery and recognized him as the action-manifestation of Khyentse Wangpo, as prophesied by Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso. Situ performed the hair-cutting ceremony and named him Jamyang Lodro Gyatso."

"Situ assigned his own tutor, Khenpo Thupten Rigdzin, to Khyentse, and under his tutorship Khyentse studied prayers, grammar, astrology, Sanskrit, and many scriptures. From Kathok Situ he received the transmission of Nyingthig Yabzhi, Longsal cycles, and many other scriptures, and Situ became the most important person for his spiritual path and secular life. From Adzom Drukpa in Trom Valley he received Longchen Nyingthig, Gongpa Zangthal, Lama Yangtig transmissions, and the introduction to Trekcho meditation."

"At twenty-six, he went to Dzogchen Monastery and received ordination as a monk from Khenpo Jigme Pema Losal. Also, from Zhechen Gyaltsap he received transmissions of Changter, Minling ter, and many other teachings. That same year, he established a shedra called Khamche at Dzongsar Monastery. He invited Zhenphen Chokyi Nangwa (aka Zhen-ga, 1871-1927) of Dzogchen Monastery as the first khenpo to teach at the new shedra. Later it became a famous institution from which many great scholars emerged."

"At thirty-two, at Zhechen Monastery, he again received many transmissions, including Dam-ngak Dzo and Changter from Zhechen Gyaltsap Pema Namgyal, who became one of his important teachers.

"At thirty-three, he went on a pilgrimate to Central Tibet. At Mindroling Monastery he took the ordination of a monk from Khenpo Ngawang Thupten Norbu for the second time, as his predecessor had been ordained at this monastery in the lower Vinaya lineage."

"He received many tantric transmissions of the Geluk school from Jampal Rolwe Lodro, popularly known as Amdo Geshe, who lived in Golok. He received the Lamdre Lopshe, Vajrabhairava, and Mahakala cycles from Gaton Ngawang Lekpa. From Kathok Khenpo Ngawang Palzang he received transmissions of the Khandro Yangtig, Longsal, and Dudul cycles. In total, he studied with about eighty masters from all the different traditions of Tibetan Buddhism."

"He had many visions, accomplished many attainments, and manifested many spiritual powers, but because of his humility he only indicates a few of them in his autobiography:"

If I had been trained myself in logic,
I could have acquired good knowledge of reasoning, But it would have brought little benefit.
As I was able to memorize
The Three-Root Sadhanas, the Magon, and other prayers of Longchen Nyingthig, and
Some assembly prayers of the Ngor tradition,
I had good habits [or memories] of the past lives.... I remembered the glorious Sakya Monastery,
Clearly in my mind again and again, and
Taking birth in the Khon family,
In my past lives.
I remembered being Ngan Panchen, great Lhatsun, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso,
Tsang-yang Gyatso, Palkhyen, and others.... Thangtong Gyalpo introduced me
To the nature of intrinsic awareness with the support of a crystal. In dreams I saw Aryasthavira Angaja,
Vimalamitra, and Longchenpa.
I received long-life empowerment from Khyentse Wangpo. From the great bodhisattva Paltrul
I received instruction on the ngondro of Longchen Nyingthig. From Nupchen Sangye Yeshe
I received entrustments of many tantras.
I experienced or dreamed of the receiving of blessings From some lamas of Lamdre,
Milarepa, and Tsongkhapa. I was shown the tantric disciplines
By Lhatsun Namkha Jigme.

"At fifty-six, he married Khandro Tsering Chodron (b. 1925) of the Aduk Lakar family as his spiritual consort. According to his own prophecies and those of Khyentse Wangpo and Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso, this union was for dispelling the obstructions of his life and for promoting his enlightened activities."

"At the age of sixty-three, traveling through Lhasa he reached India and survived the political turmoils of Tibet. He went on a pilgrimage to all the sacred places of Buddhism in India and Nepal. Then he made the Palace Chapel of the king of Sikkim his main temporary residence and continued to give endless teachings and transmissions to devotees from all walks of life."

"At the age of sixty-seven, on the sixth day of the fifth month of the Earth Pig year of the sixteenth Rabjung (1959), he passed away amid signs of lights, earthquakes and sounds. Today most of his remains are preserved in a small golden stupa at the Royal Chapel of Sikkim, which Khandro Tsering Chodron takes care of while dedicating her life to meditation and prayers.

His tulku is Thupten Chokyi Gyatso (Khyentse Norbu, b. 1961?), the son of Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and the late Jamyang La, and the grandson of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche and Lopon Sonam Zangpo of Bhutan. [2]

Main Teachers

Main Students

Main Lineages

Alternate Names & Spellings

  • Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
  • Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (rdzong gsar mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros)
  • Kyabje Khyentse Chokyi Lodro of Dzongsar
  • Jamyang Lodro Gyatso
  • Pema Yeshe Dorje
  • Tsuklak Lungrik Nyima Mawé Sengé
  • Jikme Namkhe Dorje Tsewang Drubpa Tsal
  • Kunga Trinley Gyatso
  • Jamyang Gawe Gocha

Other Reference Sources

Internal Links

External Links