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[[ka ru]] - 1) wedge. 2) white. 3) barley. 4) n. of a temple in Lhasa [RY]
[[ka ru]] - 1) wedge. 2) white. 3) barley. 4) n. of a temple in Lhasa [RY]

[[kA ru]] - n. of a temple in Lhasa [RY]
[[ka ru]] - n. of a temple in Lhasa [RY]

[[ka ru]] - white, wedge, barley, temple in Lhasa [IW]
[[ka ru]] - white, wedge, barley, temple in Lhasa [IW]

Latest revision as of 15:26, 7 March 2006

ka khol ma - 1) boiling. 2) outlet for the smoke in a roof. 3) n. of a historical pillar in the grand temple of Buddha at Lhasa [RY]

ka rni sgo bzhi'i mchod rten - Four-doored Karni Stupa, situated north of the main temple in Lhasa [built in 1368] [RY]

ka ba bum pa can - one of the pillars [of the Jo-khang temple in Lhasa]. Vase Pillar [RY]

ka ba bum pa can - pillar in Lhasa jo-khang temple {'phrul snang gtsug lag khang} under which king {srong btsan gam po} concealed a bstan pa dar ba'i smon tshig terma upper part is shaped like a vase [IW]

ka ba sbrul mgo can - pillar in Lhasa jo-khang temple 'phrul snang gtsug lag khang under which king srong btsan Gampo concealed a mthu sngags kyi terma [IW]

ka ba shing lo can - pillar in Lhasa Ja khang temple, 'phrul snang gtsug lag khang, under which king srong btsan Gampo concealed a nor gter [IW]

ka tshal dgon - {ka tshal} Monestery [E of Lhasa in upper U] [IW]

ka ru - 1) wedge. 2) white. 3) barley. 4) n. of a temple in Lhasa [RY]

ka ru - n. of a temple in Lhasa [RY]

ka ru - white, wedge, barley, temple in Lhasa [IW]

ka' ru - ka' ru temple, Lhasa [IW]

kar ni sgo bzhi'i mchod rten - 4-doored Karni Stupa [N of the main temple in Lhasa (built 1368] [IW]

kar ni sgo bzhi'i mchod rten - the Four-doored Karni Stupa; situated north of the main temple in Lhasa, built in 1368 [RY]

kun gling - n. of a monastery situated in the western suburbs of Lhasa [RY]

kun bde gling - Kündey Ling, in Lhasa [RY]

kong po - Kongpo (a region southeast of Lhasa) [JV]

klu khang - naga protector temple, behind Potala in Lhasa. residence of nagas, built by the 6th Dalai Lama [RY]

dkyil 'khor lding - n. of the temple of Buddha in Lhasa, region, sphere; n. of the temple of Buddha in Lhasa [RY]

rkyang thang sgang - place near Lhasa [JV]

skor skad pa - person pronouncing the mantra Om-mani-pad-me-hum during the ritual circumambulation of Lhasa [RY]

skyid chu - the Kyichu River, happy river [near Lhasa] [RY]

khrom gzigs khang - well known rest-house in Lhasa [RY]

ge ra lha - east of Lhasa [JV]

grib - shade, stain, obscuration, contamination, defilement, pollution, sickness caused by defilement [p {'grib} shade, obscure, grib region near Lhasa, kind of demon, shadow, shade [IW]

gru 'dzin gnyis pa - [2nd] Lhasa Potala [IW]

glang thang dgon - Langthang Monestery [in the 2nd water bird year geshe glang ri thang pa founded this monestery E of Lhasa in lhun grub rdzong] [IW]

gling bskor - outer circumambulation road in Lhasa [JV]

gling gsum - Ling Sum, three residences, at Lhasa [RY]

glu gzhas 'khrol 'dzin - at the time of smon lam the people of Lhasa kyi khyim du glu gzhas btang chog pa tshogs chen zhal ngor dgongs pa zhus pa'i 'khrol 'dzin [IW]

glud 'gong - in Lhasa tshogs offered torma, rdzong ba'i glud 'gong [IW]

dga ldan - 1) joyful; 2) Ganden Monastery [35 mi. Ne of Lhasa, founded by tshongkhapa]; 3) Tushita Heaven [abode of Maitreya the future buddha] [IW]

dga' ldan - 1) happy, joyful. 2) Tushita Heaven, the Joyous Land, the fourth heaven in the realm of desire gods. 3) Ganden [Monastery], a large monastery of the Gelukpa order near Lhasa in Central Tibet. 4) the dwelling place of {byams pa} [RY]

dga' ba 'od phro - 1) Atisha's residence at nye thang near Lhasa; 2) emanating joyful light [IW]

dga' bzhi 'phrul gyi lha khang - temple in Lhasa, when it was 1st bzhengs, gods nagas, humans, and yakshas rejoiced] [IW]

mgar grub chen - A Tibetan accomplished master who was an emanation of Nagarjuna. Head of a Drigung Kagyü monastery at Nakchuka north of Lhasa [RY]

rgyud stod - Gyu Tö, the Upper Tantra College in Lhasa, the Tantric College of Upper Tibet [RY]

rgyud stod grwa tshang - Upper Tantric College, Lhasa [RY]

rgyud smad - Lower Tantric College, [at Sera]. Lhasa [RY]

rgyud smad - Gyu Me, the Tantric College of Lower Tibet, in Lhasa [RY]

sgrag yang rdzong shel gyi brag phug - Crystal Cave of Drag Yangdzong. The retreat place of Padmasambhava's body. Situated between Lhasa and Samye in central Tibet [RY]

sgrags mdar bla mtsho - the place where Yeshe Tsogyal was born, central Tibet 25 miles south of Lhasa. Also spelled {sgrags mda' bla mtsho} [RY]

bco lnga mchod pa - religious service on 15th of 1st tibetan month, butter sculpture offering ritual (done on the 15th of the first Tibetan month in Lhasa) [JV]

lcags po ri - Chakpori, hill near the Potala, on top of which was the medical college. Medical College Hill, a sacred mountain in Lhasa. Chakpori Hill Chakpori, in Lhasa [RY]

chu mig lung - hot spring about one day's journey from Lhasa to the west [RY]

chu shur - chu shur rdzong [Lhasa SW, skyid chu and yar klungs gtsang po combining place, ruled from zhol grong] [IW]

chu shul - channel or drain for water, name of a place south of Lhasa [JV]

cho 'phrul mchod pa - [puja of miracles [puja commemorating the Buddha's miracles established by Tsongkhapa in the 7th earth ox year 1st month of miracles in Lhasa's gtsug lag khang puja of smon lam chen mo] [IW]

chos 'khor rgyal - place where 1st dalai lama was born, name of a place northeast of Lhasa [JV]

chos 'khor gnas gsum - Three Doctrinal Centers. Samye, Lhasa Jokhang, and Tramdruk [RY]

mchod pa chen po bzhi - Four Great Cycles of Worship, introduced by King Muney Tseypo: Vinaya and Abhidharma at Lhasa and Tramdruk, and those of the Sutras and Abhisambodhi i.e. the pitaka of the awareness holders at Samye [RY]

jo khang - Syn {gtug lag khang} major shrine in Lhasa, now houses dowry of Chinese prince Wencheng Kungjo of Emperor Songtsen Gampo. Jowo Temple. Jokhang, famous temple in Lhasa [RY]

jo khang - Jowo Temple. The famous temple at Lhasa in which a precious image of Lord Buddha is kept. It is considered indispensable to see it when on pilgrimage to Lhasa [RY]

jo khang - Jowo Temple of Lhasa, Jokhang, Rasa Trülnang [RY]

jo bo - Lord/ Atisha; 1) nobleman, man of high rank, lord. 2) elder brother. 3) the Buddha in Lhasa; Lord [RY]

jo bo - lord, master, noble, venerable, Jo (the Buddha), the famous statute of the Buddha in the Lhasa Jokang [JV]

jo bo mched gnyis - the twin Jowo statues [in Lhasa] [RY]

jo bo mi bskyod rdo rje - the main image in the {jo khang} or {ra sa 'phrul snang} the Buddha image from the Nepali queen of Songtsen Gampo installed at the {jo khang} temple in Lhasa [RY]

jo bo mi bskyod rdo rje - Jowo Mikyö Dorje, a crowned-Buddha image in Ramoche Temple at Lhasa, brought by the Nepalese wife of King Songtsen Gampo [RY]

jo bo yid bzhin nor bu - Lord [who is the] wish-fulfilling gem [statue] [Buddha image from the CH queen of songtsen gampo installed at {ra mo che} temple in Lhasa] [IW]

jo bo yid bzhin nor bu - the Buddha image from the Chinese queen of Songtsen Gampo installed at {ra mo che} temple in Lhasa, lit. Lord [who is the] wish-fulfilling Gem [RY]

jo bo rin po che - Jowo Shakyamuni, or Jowo Rinpoche, the crowned Buddha of Lhasa, brought to Tibet by King Songtsen Gampo's Chinese wife [RY]

jo bo sha kya - Jowo Shakya; Lord Shakya. Refers to Shakyamuni. The two brothers. Jowo Shakya, refers to the two statues of Shakyamuni brought to Lhasa by the Chinese and Nepalese wives of Srong btsan sgam po [RY]

jo bo shA kya mu ni - the buddha (in Lhasa) [RY]

jo bo'i dbu skra - the Buddha's hair; a willow tree at the Jokhang in Lhasa [RY]

jo sha kya mched - the two Jowo Shakyamuni statues [in Lhasa]; twin brother-statues of Buddha Shakyamuni [RY]

'jang dgun chos - the 'jangphu winter dharma assembly [SW of Lhasa in skyid smad ljang phu monastery] [IW]

'jam dbyangs shar - Jamyang Shar, the Rinpungpa's household at Lhasa [RY]

ljangs - ljangs [place near Lhasa] [IW]

mnyam 'brel - united, joint, combined, allied, Grand alliance [political faction in Lhasa] [IW]

snye thang sgrol ma lha khang - The Tara Temple of Nyethang, south of Lhasa, was the main residence of Jowo Atisha in Tibet and the place where he died in 1054. Some of Atisha's bones, his Dharma robes, and a statue said to be a true likeness of him are still kept in this temple, along with many other precious relics [RY]

ta le bla ma - grand lama of Lhasa [JV]

gtan du lha sar sdod - always stays in Lhasa [IW]

stag brag - name of a monastery near Lhasa, name of incarnation who was *regent in Tibet from 1941-1950 [JV]

stag lung - district situated no of tsang, name of a place northeast of Lhasa [JV]

stod lung - district near Lhasa [RY]

stod lung - name of a place near Lhasa [JV]

bstan rgyas gling - Tengye Ling, in Lhasa [RY]

bstan rgyas gling lha khang - Tengye Ling temple [in Lhasa] [IW]

mthun sgril gshog kha chen po - the great alliance [Lhasa red guard group] [IW]

dwags po - district se of dbu and kong po, name of a region southeast of Lhasa [JV]

'dod dpal - Döpel, goldsmith workshop at Lhasa [RY]

nag chu - 1) nag chu rdzong; 2) nag chu river; 3) place in NT; 4) nagchukha province N of Lhasa [IW]

nag chu kha - a district in Tibet; Nakchuka [a province north of Lhasa] [RY]

nag chu kha - nagchukha province N of Lhasa N E Tibet [IW]

nag chu kha pa - people of nagchukha province N of Lhasa [IW]

gnam mtso - gnam lake [in Mongolian du thang ge ri no'ur, NM of Lhasa between 'dam gzhung and dpal mgon rdzong, the 'bo chu etc. flow into it &, rgya khyon spyi le grub bzhi 1993, biggest lake in T] [IW]

gnam mtsho - Sky-Lake. Syn Tengri Nor; large lake NW of Lhasa [RY]

gnam ru - "heavenly horn", 1) the rainbow; 2) bow, archery. 3) district N.E. of Lhasa [RY]

pe kar - pe kar [spirit king, chief custondian of monastic property [w principal shrine in nechung grove near Lhasa said to have been bound to oath by Padmasambhava [IW]

pe dkar - pe dkar [spirit king, chief custondian of monastic property [w principal shrine in nechung grove near Lhasa said to have been bound to oath by Padmasambhava [IW]

pe har - pe har [spirit king, chief custondian of monastic property [w principal shrine in nechung grove near Lhasa said to have been bound to oath by Padmasambhava [IW]

po ta la - Potala, [mountain of Avalokiteshvara]. winter palace of Dalai Lama [in Lhasa] [RY]

dpal gyi lha sa - Glorious Lhasa [RY]

dpal lha'i ri rab - in Lhasa 10th month 15th day feast of dpal lha &, grib rdzong btsan [IW]

spang rgyan me tog - flower, SA gzhan las rgyal, daisy, SA kun tu gas, meadow flower, name of a Lhasa newspaper [JV]

phur lcog - name of a monastery near Lhasa [JV]

phur bu lcog - hermitage behind [E of] se ra in Lhasa [IW]

pho brang ri bo gru 'dzin - Potala Palace 1) the Buddhafield of Avalokiteshvara. 2) The Potala of Lhasa; said to be an earthly version of the celestial Potala Palace [RY]

'phan po - nearest alpine valley north of lhasa, name of a place north of Lhasa [JV]

'phan po - 1) phyug po; 2) place near and north of Lhasa)/ [= 'phan yul and ngan chu'i chu rgyud] [IW]

'phan yul - the region of Phen, a valley close to and north of Lhasa [RY]

'phan yul byang - place of {ring ring ring lo sman}, a valley close to and north of Lhasa [RY]

'phrul snang - Trülnang. One of two important temples in Lhasa built by King Songtsen Gampo and housing a statue of Buddha Shakyamuni [RY]

'phreng stod bde chen - area in Lhasa of stod lung bde chen rdzong [IW]

bar bskor - inner road in Lhasa [IW]

bar bskor - the Barkor (circular path in Lhasa) that goes around the Cathedral [JV]

bar ma ri - Barma Hill [w of the Potala in Lhasa on which is kon ti temple, said to be a CH temple] [IW]

bu glong - park or grove in Lhasa [IW]

bod ljongs nyin re'i gsar 'gyur - Tibet Daily News [Lhasa paper] [IW]

byag mkhan - 1) sweeper; 2) archer; 2) bandit; 3) dancer; [IW]

byang lam - path of enlightenment, Chiunghai-Lhasa highway [IW]

brag lha klu phug - Drak Lhalupuk, Songtsen Gampo's meditation cave at Lhasa [RY]

bla mtsho - Spirit Lake; lake at {sbrags mda'} 25 miles south of Lhasa. Birth place of {ye shes mtsho rgyal}. syn {sgrags mdar bla mtsho} [RY]

dbu rtse rigs - {rim gsum} the three-storied, triple-styled central temple [of Samye near Lhasa] [RY]

dbu rtse rim gsum - the three-storied, triple-styled central temple [of Samye near Lhasa] [RY]

dbu rtse rim gsum - 3-storied/ 3-styled central temple (of Samye near Lhasa [IW]

dbus 'gyur - Lhasa/ the central province of Tibet [RY]

dbus chu - Lhasa's skyid chu [IW]

'bras dkar spungs - Drepung [lit "[white] rice heap" major gelukpa monastery in Lhasa] [IW]

'bras spungs - Drepung One of the three main Gelukpa monasteries, located north of Lhasa [RY]

'bras spungs - Drepung, Heap of Fruition; large Gelugpa monastery near Lhasa [RY]

'bras spungs dgon pa - Drepung Monastery [W of Lhasa [R] [IW]

'bras sbungs - Drepung monastery [Gelug in Lhasa] [IW]

sbrags mda' - place 25 miles south of Lhasa [RY]

ma ru - castle and monastery in NE Lhasa [IW]

mal gro - district s.e. of lhasa, name of a place east of Lhasa [JV]

mal gro - name of a naga king, name of a place, district, south of Lhasa [RY]

me long can - [a prince, a lake, a door of the great temple in Lhasa [IW]

rme ru - Meru, an area of Lhasa [RY]

rme ru snying pa - a temple within the Barkor at Lhasa, state oracle's Lhasa seat [RY]

sman rtsis khang - Mentsikhang in Lhasa. Department of Medicine and Astrology [RY]

smon lam chen mo - the great prayer festival in Lhasa [JV]

smon lam dus chen - the great prayer festival in Lhasa [JV]

gtsang ma'i lha sa skad - pure Lhasa dialect [IW]

gtsug lag khang - sanctuary, monastery, temple, chief hall of worship, cathedral, vihara, temple, the Cathedra temple (Jokang) in Lhasa, place where scriptures are kept [JV]

rtse po ta la - the Potala Palace [in Lhasa] [RY]

tshe smon gling - Tsemön Ling, in Lhasa [RY]

tshogs mchod ser sbreng - tshogs mchod ser sbreng puja/ ceremony [on the new moon day of the 2nd month w a line of monks w various offering substances going from Lhasa to rtse pho brang] [IW]

'dzam gling spyi bsang - the general cleansing of Jambuling [1 of the four great offerings, in Lhasa 15th day, 5th month] [IW]

rdza zor ba - Dzasorwa, on the road from Domey to Lhasa [RY]

rdzogs rim pa - one who has been working on the completion stage practice, completing stage practitioners, one category of members of the {rgyud gra} at Lhasa [RY]

rdzogs rim pa - practitioner of completion stage practice [one category of members of the {rgyud gra} at Lhasa [IW]

wun shing kong jo - Princess Wun Shing [daughter of the rgya CH lord thang the tzung, a queen of king srong btzan sgam po. In the iron ox year, according to the btzan po's command, minister mgar stong btzan and others were invited to the kingdom of thang, as a result of which CH bzo rig, gso rig, rtzis rig and other sciences and various means of increasing prosperity gradually spread in Tibet. Many sons of great men in Tibet in China yon tan slob tu btang, sgos su rang gi rdzongs skal the Buddha at age 13 year of agetshad kyi image jo bo or Lord Shakyamuni bzhugs su gsol ba'i Lhasa's Ramoche temple bzhengs. In the previous rabjung drug cu'i skor drug pa'i the iron dragon year she died. During the more than 30 years she stayed in Tibet with intermarriage of families and exchange of knowledge the impression made was very great.] [IW]

zho ston - lhasa summer opera festival, name of the opera festival in Lhasa [JV]

zhol - lower part, bottom, foot of the mts, town section of Lhasa below the Potala [IW]

zhol khral 'u lag - Lhasa Zhol district commoners were gathered at the zhol las khungs and had to do various unpaid work [IW]

zhol du sdod pa - inhabitants of Lhasa town district [IW]

zhol par khang chen mo - the {gangs can phan bde'i gter mdzod gling} in Lhasa [RY]

bzhi sde - Shide, Lhasa [RY]

bzhi sde grwa tshang - College in Lhasa [RY]

'o rgyal thang - name of a plain near Lhasa [JV]

'o ma thang - place and lake [A Lhasa chags yul place's previous name was 'o ma thang and, this is the name of a lake there, later by bal bza' khri btzun the lake was drained and on top now a temple is known by that name gtzug lag khang.] [IW]

g.yu thog zam pa - Turquoise Roof Bridge, in Lhasa [RY]

g.yu thog zam pa - Turquoise Roof Bridge; a famous bridge in Lhasa erected by Yutok Yönten Gönpo, the famous luminary of Tibetan medicine. [MR] [RY]

g.yer pa - Yerpa. A mountain retreat near Lhasa in Central Tibet [RY]

ra mo che - Ramochey. One of two important temples in Lhasa housing the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni brought to Tibet by the queens of King Songtsen Gampo [RY]

ra mo che - Ramochey Temple, in Lhasa [RY]

ra mo che - now house of Nepal's princes Bhrikuti, wife of Songtsen Gampo, dowry, temple in Lhasa for {jo bo yid bzhin nor bu}; now house of Nepal's princes Bhrikuti, wife of King Songtsen Gampo, dowry. temple in Lhasa for {jo bo yid bzhin nor bu} [RY]

ra mo che - a sanctuary in lhasa, name of a temple in Lhasa [JV]

ra sa - Lhasa [old name] [IW]

ra sa 'phrul snang -Rasa Trulnang. A famous temple in Lhasa built by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]

ra sa 'phrul snang gtsug lag khang - Rasa Trülnang Tsuklagkhang, in Lhasa [RY]

rwa sgreng - name of a monastery north of Lhasa [JV]

rwa yi khang pa - Horn-fence huts, in Lhasa [RY]

rwa yi khang pa - Rakyi Khangpa, in Lhasa. See Horn-fence huts [RY]

rag rgyab - Ragyap, in Lhasa [RY]

rags rgyab pa - Lhasa corpse carriers [in Lhasa people who carry corpses to the charnel ground tshogs pa, so called since they lived behind Lhasa sa chu rags [IW]

rags rgyab pa - Lhasa corpse carriers *, built a dam/ dike/ embankment [IW]

rags rgyab dpon pa - leader of Lhasa corpse carriers [IW]

shar rtse nor bu gling - the shar rtse grva tsang of dga' ldan monastery near Lhasa [RY]

shing dngul - Lhasa smon lam gyi tshogs, subjects money tax for wood [IW]

gshong pa'i lha chu - Divine Valley Water. 'Shongpey Lhachu.' Even today a place with clear and sweet water, situated near Lhasa in Central Tibet [RY]

sangs rgyas kyi zhal skyin mched - Twin Buddhas; the representatives of the Buddha; the two Jowo Shakyamuni statues in Lhasa [RY]

se ra - Sera, monastery near Lhasa [RY]

se rwa - Sera, a large monastery near Lhasa [RY]

srong btsan sgam po - Songtsen Gampo. King Songtsen Gampo (569-650) or (617-650). The king of Tibet in the seventh century Tibetan who prepared the way for transmission of the teachings. He is regarded as an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara. He married Bhrikuti of Nepal and Wen Cheng of China who each brought a sacred statue of Buddha Shakyamuni (jo shak rnam gnyis) or (sangs rgyas kyi zhal skyin mched) to Lhasa. Songtsen Gampo built the first Buddhist temples in Tibet, established a code of laws based on Dharma principles, and had his minister Thönmi Sambhota develop the Tibetan script. During his reign the translation of Buddhist texts into Tibetan began [RY]

bsam yas - Samye. The wondrous temple complex, modeled after the Indian monastery Odantapuri, built by King Trisong Deutsen (790-844) and consecrated by Guru Rinpoche in 814. A major center of the early transmission of Buddhism in Tibet. It is situated in Central Tibet close to Lhasa. It is also known as Glorious Temple of Samye, the Unchanging and Spontaneously Fulfillment of Boundless Wishes. Its three stories are of Indian, Chinese and Tibetan designs. See The Lotus-Born (Shambhala Publications) [RY]

bsam yas - Samye. The wondrous temple complex built by King Trisong Deutsen (790-844) and consecrated by Guru Rinpoche. A major center of the early transmission. It is situated in Central Tibet close to Lhasa. It is also known as Glorious Samye, the Unchanging and Spontaneously Accomplished Temple (dpal bsam yas mi 'gyur lhun gyis grub pa - Samye Mingyur Lhungyi Drubpa [RY]

lha ldan - Lhasa [RY]

lha ldan - Lhasa, city of Lhasa [JV]

lha ldan gtsug lag khang - Jokhang temple, Lhasa [IW]

lha sdod - people living in Lhasa [IW]

lha sa - Lhasa. 'Abode of the Gods.' The capital of Tibet and location of the famous Jokhang temple founded by King Songtsen Gampo [RY]

lha sa - Lhasa [RY]

lha sa thil - Thil, Lhasa [RY]

lha sa 'phrul snang - temple in Lhasa containing the Indian image of Buddha Shakyamuni in the lha sa 'phrul snang temple, brought to Tibet by the Nepalese queen of Songtsen Gampo [RY]

lha sa 'phrul snang - Lhasa Trülnang [RY]

lha sa zho ston - the Curd Feast at Lhasa (ceremony on the first 5 days of the 7th Tibetan month) [JV]

lha sa'i rkyen ngan - crisis in Lhasa [RY]

lha sa'i bcu gcig zhal khyad par du 'phags pa bzhengs - made the particularly sacred statue of eleven-headed Avalokiteshvara which is in Lhasa [RY]

lha sa'i jo khang - Jokhang temple, Lhasa [IW]

lha sa'i gtsug lag khang - the central temple of Lhasa [RY]

lha sa'i yer pa lha ri snying po - Yerpa Lhari Nyingpo Mountain near Lhasa [RY]

lha sa'i gsar brje'i ngo log - Lhasa Revolutionary Rebels Red Guard Organization [IW]

lha srang nya ga - former nyaga measure of Lhasa alone [IW]

a mdo - 1) Amdo [region]; 2) A mdo dzong n of Lhasa, [admnistered by brag nag] [IW]

jo shak mched - the brothers Jowo and Shakya, statues in the main temples in Lhasa [RY]

jo shak rnam gnyis - the two Crowned Buddhas; the two images of Lord Shakyamuni [in Lhasa] [RY]

jo shak mched - the brothers Jowo and Shakya, statues in the main temples in Lhasa [RY]

jo shak rnam gnyis - the two Crowned Buddhas; the two images of Lord Shakyamuni [in Lhasa] [RY]