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bskal pa bzang po - Good Aeon, Skt. bhadrakalpa). This present aeon in which one thousand buddhas will appear, lasting no less than 160 million years [RY]

bskal pa bzang po'i sangs rgyas stong - {bskal pa bzang po'i sangs rgyas stong sangs rgya ba'i gnas} the thousand buddhas of the good kalpa all attain enlightenment here. [RY]

bskal pa bzang po'i sangs rgyas stong - whom even none of the thousand buddhas of the good kalpa [RY]

bskal pa bzang po'i sangs rgyas stong - the thousand buddhas of the good aeon [RY]

rnam 'dren stong rtsa - one thousand buddhas [RY]

bskal pa bzang po - Paltrul Rinpoche: {bskal pa 'di ma chags pa'i sngon rol du stong gsum thams cad chu'i rgya mtsho chen po gcig tu gyur te yod pa la me tog pad ma 'dab ma stong ldan stong skyes nas 'dug pa gtsang ris kyi lha rnams kyis rgyu mtshan ci yin zhes mngon shes kyis brtags pas da res kyi bskal pa 'di la sangs rgyas stong 'byon par de'i don gyis yin par shes te da res kyi bskal pa 'di ni bskal pa bzang po yin no zhes bskal pa'i ming bzang po btags pa bzhin} before our kalpa arose, this cosmos of a billion universes was an immense ocean on whose surface appeared a thousand-petaled lotuses. The gods of the Brahma-world, wondering how this could be, through clairvoyance understood it to signify that during this kalpa one thousand Buddhas would appear. "This will be a good kalpa", they said, and "Good" became its name [RY]