thang chad po bzo ba

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Thangtong Gyalpo, (1361-1485) (JV)

thang stong rgyal po - mtshan dngos kam pa brtson 'grus bzang po yin zhing/rab byung drug pa'i shing glang lor gtsang stod kyi chab 'og ngam ring rdzong gi 'ol ka lha rtse 'khrungs shing/rje tsong kha pa dang dus mnyam/grub thob kyi snyan pa phyogs kun tu khyab/shangs pa'i chos brgyud 'dzin/rgya gar nag dang bod dbus gtsang khams sogs yul gru mang por phebs nas 'gro don mdzad/bod yul stod smad du lha khang dang lcags zam gru shan bcas mang du btsugs/lha ldan gyi lcags po rir lha khang bzhengs shing sman rgyal ri zhes mtshan gsol/bod kyi chos rgyal sogs kyi rnam thar zlos gar gyi lam nas ston pa deng sang ce lha mo zhes grags pa'i 'khrab gzhung brtsams/gso ba rig pa'i skor la khong nad kun 'joms ril bu dkar po dang/gnyan rims 'joms byed ril bu dmar po sogs man ngag mang po mdzad/dgung lo brgya dang nyer lnga pa rab byung dgu pa'i sa mo sbrul la gcung ri bo cher gshegs. @ thang stong bu slob/thang stong rgyal po'i slob ma. (IW)

(1361-1485) (15th Century) - Tangtong Gyalpo, a Tibetan siddha. (RY)

grub thob thugs tig - the Heart Essence of the Great Siddha, the chief mind treasure of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo focused on the teachings of the mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalpo. See also {thang stong rgyal po}; the Heart Essence of the Great Siddha; {grub thob thugs thig} the [[Heart Essence of the Great Siddha. (RY)

grub thob thugs thig - Heart Essence of the Siddha (Tangtong Gyalpo), terma revealed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. (RY)

rgyas sde thang - Gyede Plain, where Tangtong Gyalpo had a vision of five Dakinis, in Tsang. (RY)

chu bo ri - Chuwori, seat of Tangtong Gyalpo, in Ü. (RY)

nye brgyud tshe rta zung 'brel 'chi med dpal gter - Amitayus and Hayagriva Combined, sadhana of, by Tangtong Gyalpo. (RY)

bstan 'dzin chos rje nyi ma bzang po - Tendzin Chöje Nyima Zangpo, Tangtong Gyalpo's son and spiritual heir. (RY)

thang stong rgyal po (1361-1485) - Tangtong Gyalpo, a Tibetan siddha. (RY)

thang stong snyan brgyud - Oral Transmission of Tangtong Gyalpo. (RY)

nam mkha'i sgo 'byed - Opening the Door of the Sky, part of the Oral Transmission of Tangtong Gyalpo; also an abhisheka text by Taranatha. (RY)

tshe rta zung 'brel 'chi med dpal gter - by Tangtong Gyalpo (RY)

lo chen 'gyur med bde chen - 1540-1615 - Lochen Gyurme Dechen, author of Tangtong Gyalpo's biography. (RY)

thang stong rgyal po [IW]