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The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)
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Side Ornament. See Zurgyen [LW1] [RY]
Side Ornament; [LWx] [RY]
Sign (rtags). See 'symbol, meaning, and sign.' [RY]
Sign language of dakinis (mkha' 'gro'i brda yig). The secret script of the female spiritual beings which can only be decoded by accomplished masters. [ZL] [RY]
Sign Lineage of the Vidyadharas (rig 'dzin brda brgyud). The second of the three lineages. [RY]
Sign luminosity (brda'i 'od gsal). The experiences of manifest luminosity during the bardo of dying. [RY]
sign script (brda yig) [LW1] [RY]
sign script; reason for; [LWx] [RY]
sign-lineage of the Vidyadharas. The sign-lineage of the Vidyadharas is the second or middle phase of the transmission of the higher Nyingma teachings, and precedes the oral lineage of the individuals, described in note 51. In the Mahayoga, this is the transmission of teachings from the Bodhisattva Vajrapani to a group of five beings: a deva, a yaksha, a rakshasa, a naga and a human. They then wrote these teachings out as texts that they hid in space, from which they later fell like rain onto the palace of King Indrabhuti the First. [Peter Roberts]
signs of progress (drod rtags); of a master [LW1] [RY]
signs of progress; expl. [LWx] [RY]
Signs, eighty (anuvyanjana, dpe byad). See Marks and Signs [RY]
Sikkim. [RY]
Sikojhara. [Daki] [RY]
Silden (bsil ldan); Same as Tibet [LW1] [RY]
Silk Route - Trade route between China and the West that passed through the Central Asian oasis states [RY]
Silk Route - Trade route between China and the West that passed through the Central Asian oasis states. [Tarthang]
silver images of the Three Protectors (rigs gsum mgon po) of Korchag ('khor chags) in Purang, representing the Bodhisattvas Manjusri, Avalokitesvara and Vajrapani. For a detailed description of the fascinating story of these three statues, see Ngawang Sonam Gyaltsen (1988). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Simple (nis-prapanca, spros (pa (dang)) bral (ba)). 'Free of elaboration', i.e. devoid of conventional objects, which are mere mental projections. [RY]
Simplicity (spros bral). 1) The absence of creating mental construct or conceptual formulations about the nature of things. 2) The second stage in the practice of Mahamudra. [RY]
Simplicity (spros bral). The second stage in the practice of Mahamudra. [RY]
Sin. see Evil [RY]
SINDHURA (sin dhu ra). Red or deep orange substance often used in tantric rituals.[AL] [RY]
Sindhura (Skt.). [ZL] [RY]
sindhura as an ingredient. Sindhura literally means "sediment from the banks of the Indus", a red earth from a place sacred to Vajrayogini, though the word is used for sacred red earth from any place. Lead oxide (red-lead powder) also called minium, is often used as a substitute. [Peter Roberts]
Singala (Skt.). The land where the Anu Yoga teachings appeared. [ZL] [RY]
Singhamukha (seng ge mdong ma). [Peter Roberts]
Singharaja of Ruley (ru le sim ha ra dza). One of the first Tibetans to take ordination who received transmission from Hungkara in India. Also known as Viryaraja of Ru-yong. [ZL] [RY]
single bindu of self-knowing awareness. Bindu of self-knowing awareness: "bindu" literally means a tiny sphere or drop, meaning that the self-knowing awareness contains within itself, all the multiplicity of samsara and nirvana, without any omission whatsoever. [Peter Roberts]
Single Crescent (zla gam gcig pa). [ZL] [RY]
Single Family of the Great Secret (gsang chen rigs gcig). Sadhana text of Mahayoga composed by Padmasambhava. [ZL] [RY]
Single Fire and Sole Skull (me gcig thod gcig). [ZL] [RY]
Single Form (phyag rgya rkyang pa). Sadhana text of Mahayoga composed by Padmasambhava. The title refers to the sadhana practice of a single deity without a retinue. [ZL] [RY]
Single Meditation Tantra (bsam gtan gcig pu'i rgyud). One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana. [ZL] [RY]
Single Mind Tantra (nyag gcig dgongs pa'i rgyud). One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana. [ZL] [RY]
Single Mother and Queen of Siddhas (ma cig grub pa'i rgyal mo). [ZL] [RY]
single mudra (phyag rgya gcig pa) [LW1] [RY]
Single mudra. The elaborate mudra. The collected assembly practice. (phyag rgya gcig spros tshom bu tshogs sgrub). The single mudra is a deity on its own. The elaborate mudra is a more complex visualisation of a single deity. The gathered-assembly mudra is a group of deities. [Peter Roberts]
single nature ignorance (bdag nyid gcig pa'i ma rig pa); as synonym for the all-ground; expl.; [LWx] [RY]
single recollection (dran pa gcig pa) [LW1] [RY]
Single recollection" (dran pa gcig pa) of the Sarma Schools and the "single mudra" (phyag rgya gcig pa) of the Nyingma School are identical. [RY]
Single sphere (thig le nyag cig). A symbolic description of dharmakaya being like a single sphere because it is devoid of duality and limitation and defies all 'edges' of conceptual constructs that could be formed about it. [ZL] [RY]
Single Sphere (thig le nyag gcig). [ZL] [RY]
Single sphere (thig le nyag gcig). Synonym for dharmakaya. [RY]
Single sphere of dharmakaya (chos sku thig le nyag cig). A symbolic description of dharmakaya being like a single sphere because it is devoid of duality and limitation and defies all 'edges' of conceptual constructs that could be formed about it. [RY]
Single sphere of dharmakaya (chos sku thig le nyag cig). A symbolic description of dharmakaya being like a single sphere because it is devoid of duality and limitation and defies all 'edges' of conceptual constructs that could be formed about it. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
Single sphere of dharmakaya (chos sku thig le nyag cig). All buddhas are one in the all-encompassing space of dharmakaya which is 'round' in the sense of being beyond the 'corners' of thought constructs. [RY]
Single sufficient jewel (nor bu gcig chog). The personal teacher regarded as the embodiment of the Three jewels, the Three Roots, and the Three Kayas. [RY]
Single Syllable (yi ge gcig ma). A short Prajnaparamita sutra. Refers to the letter a, the syllable symbolizing the nonarising nature of emptiness. [ZL] [RY]
single traversed path (bgrod gcig lam) [LW1] [RY]
single traversed path (bgrod gcig lam) [LWx] [RY]
single-nature ignorance (bdag nyid gcig pa'i ma rig pa); as synonym for the all-ground [LW1] [RY]
Sitavana (bsil ba tshal) [RY]
Sitavana charnel ground. [Daki] [RY]
Sitavana. See Cool Grove [LW1] [RY]
Situ Chökyi Jungne, Situ VIII: 1700-1774 [MR]
Situ Chökyi Jungney [LW1] [RY]
Situ Gyurmey Tsewang Gyatso [LW1] [RY]
Situ I Chökyi Gyaltsen (chos kyi rgyal mtshan): 1377-1448 [MR]
Situ Padma Nyinche (si tu pad ma nyin byed). [1774-1853] The 9th Situ Rinpoche and one of the root teachers of the 14th Karmapa and Jamgön Kongtrül. He was predicted by Guru Rinpoche as his own mind-emanation. [RY]
Situ Pandita [LW1] [RY]
Situ Pema Nyinche: 1774-1853 [MR]
Situ Tenpai Nyinche: 1774-1853. [RY]
six abodes of Desire gods ('dod lha ris drug) [LW1] [RY]
six abodes of Desire gods [LWx] [RY]
six bardos (bar do). Bardo, "intermediate" or "transition" state, commonly refers to the transitional state between death and the next rebirth. Texts discuss six bardos: the bardos of birth and life (skye gnas rang bzhin gyi bar do); of meditative concentration (bsam gtan gyi bar do); of the dream-state (rmi lam gyi bar do); of the moment of death ('chi kha'i bar do); of the absolute nature (chos nyid bar do); and of taking a new existence (srid pa'i bar do). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six basic miseries in samsara;: (1) Friends and enemies are changeable., (2) We never seem to have enough., (3) We die again and again., (4) We are reborn again and again., (5) We go up and down in samsara again and again., (6) We are essentially alone. [MR]
six branches of practice, according to the Kalachakra (dus 'khor sbyor ba yan lag drug). Composure (sor-sdud), contemplation (bsam gtan), breath-control (srog 'dzin), apprehension of the complete deity (sku ril bur 'dzin pa), subsequent recollection of this (rjes su dran pa), and contemplation (ting nge 'dzin). See NS, vol. 2, p.151, and DZ, vol. 16. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six characteristics (khams drug ldan). Earth, water, fire, and wind, along with the spiritual channels (rtsa) and the vital essence (thig le), are the six things that make a human being a suitable vessel for receiving the four empowerments (dbang, or Skt. abhiseka) and consequently able to practice the Vajrayana. Celestial beings from the form realm and the formless realm have subtle elements only, or none, and lack the proper support of the channels, energies (rlung), and vital essences for receiving the second and third empowerments. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
six characteristics particular to human beings. The four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, along with the spiritual channels (rtsa) and vital essence (thig le), are the six characteristics that make a human being a suitable vessel for receiving the four empowerments (dbang, or Skt. abhiseka), and consequently for practicing the Vajrayana. Celestial beings from the form realm and the formless realm have subtle elements only, or none, and lack the proper support of the channels, energies (rlung), and vital essences, for receiving the second and third empowerments. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six clairvoyances; (mngon shes drug) : rdzul 'phrul gyi mngon par shes pa, lha'i rna ba'i mngon par shes pa, gzhan gyi sems shes pa, sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa, lha'i mig, zag pa zad pa'i mgnon par shes pa [MR]
SIX CLASSES OF BEINGS ('gro ba rigs drug). Gods, demigods, human beings, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings.[AL] [RY]
Six classes of beings ('gro ba rigs drug). Gods, demi-gods, human beings, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings. [RY]
six classes of beings ('gro ba rigs drug); listing of [LW1] [RY]
Six classes of sentient beings ('gro ba rigs drug). Gods, demigods, human beings, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings. [ZL] [RY]
six classes of vajrayana tantras (rgyud sde drug). Kriya, upa, yoga, maha, anu and ati. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six collections [of consciousness] (tshogs drug). The five sense consciousnesses and the mind consciousness. [RY]
six collections of consciousness (rnam shes tshogs drug); listing of; See also eight collections [LW1] [RY]
six collections; listing of; see also 'eight collections' [LWx] [RY]
six consciousnesses. The six consciousnesses are those of sight, hearing, smelling, tasting and tactile sensations, and the mental consciousness. [Peter Roberts]
six dharmas (chos drug). Also known as Six Yogas of Naropa. 1) Inner heat (gtum mo), 2) illusory body (sgyu lus), 3) dream (rmi lam), 4) luminosity ('od gsal), 5) transference of consciousness ('pho ba), 6) intermediate or transition state (bar do). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six Doctrines of Naropa (chos drug). Tummo, illusory body, dream, luminosity, bardo, and phowa. See also the 'path of means.' [RY]
six excellences (dam pa drug); listing of Mahayana practice [LW1] [RY]
six excellences; listing of [LWx] [RY]
Six great qualities (che ba drug). The sixfold greatness of the Early Translations: The sponsor who invited, the place of translation, the translators, the panditas, the offering gifts, and the translated teachings. [RY]
Six Heights of Dokham (mdo khams gang drug) (check spellings see AC I-4) 1) Zalmo Gang; (zal mo sGgng); 2) Tsawa Gang (tsha ba /or tshap? sgang); 3) Markham Gang (rmar kham sgang); 4) Pomzer /or Powor Gang ? (spom ser /or spo 'bor? sgang); 5) Mardza Gang /or Dridza Zermo Gang?? (rma rdza /or 'bri rdza zer mo?? sgang) and 6) Minyak Rabgang (mi nyak rab sgang). [MR]
six kinds of transmigration [LW1] [RY]
Six kleshas (nyon mongs drug). Desire, hatred and delusion in addition to pride, envy, and avarice. [RY]
Six lamps (sgron ma drug). A key term in Tögal practice. [RY]
Six limitations (mtha' drug) are the views of the 1) expedient meaning (drang don), 2) true/ definitive meaning (nges don), 3) implied (dgongs pa can), 4) not implied (dgongs pa can ma yin pa), 5) literal (sgra ji bzhin pa), and 6) not literal (sgra ji bzhin ma yin pa). [RY]
six limits (mtha' drug), detailed expl.; listing of [LW1] [RY]
SIX LIMITS (mtha' drug). The views of the expedient and definitive meaning, the implied and the not implied, the literal and the not literal. Together with the 'four modes' they form the indispensable keys for unlocking the meaning of the tantras. [AL] [RY]
six limits (mtha' drug); listing of [LWx] [RY]
six limits and four modes (mtha' drug tshul bzhi). See six limits, four modes [LW1] [RY]
Six limits and four modes (mtha' drug tshul bzhi). The indispensable keys for unlocking the meaning of the tantras. The six limits are the views of the 1) expedient meaning (drang don), 2) definitive meaning (nges don), 3) the implied (dgongs pa can), 4) the not implied (dgongs pa can ma yin pa), 5) the literal (sgra ji bzhin pa), and 6) the not literal (sgra ji bzhin ma yin pa). The four modes (tshul bzhi) are the 1) literal (tshig), 2) general (spyi), 3) hidden (sbas), and the 4) ultimate (mthar thug). [RY]
six limits and four modes; detailed expl. [LWx] [RY]
Six limits of Secret Mantra (gsang sngags kyi mtha' drug). The views of the expedient and definitive meaning, the implied and the not implied, the literal and the not literal. [ZL] [RY]
Six Lineage Traditions (brgyud pa'i bka' srol drug). The buddha's mind lineage, the vidyadhara's sign lineage, the oral lineage of great masters, the dakini's entrustment lineage, the empowered aspiration lineage, the yellow parchment lineage There are other alternative lists. See Tulku Thondrup's Hidden Teachings of Tibet, Wisdom Publications. [RY]
Six lineages (brgyud pa drug). See Six Lineage Traditions. [RY]
six major monastic centers for the Nyingma School in Tibet; listing [LW1] [RY]
six major monastic centers for the Nyingma tradition in Tibet; listing; [LWx] [RY]
Six million tantras (rgyud 'bum phrag drug cu). The tantras of Dzogchen received by Garab Dorje from Vajrasattva. [RY]
Six modes of exposition; ('chad pa'i mtshul drug) are: body straight, the eyebrows hightened, gazing with the eyes half closed, mouth open, with the tongue extended in between the conch-white teeth, and speaking with the melodious voice of Brahma. [MR]
six Munis (thub drug) [LWx] [RY]
six munis (thub pa drug) [LW1] [RY]
Six Ornaments and the Two Supreme Ones (rgyan drug mchog gnyis). The six ornaments are Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Asanga, Dignaga, Vasubhandu and Dharmakirti. The two supreme ones are Shakyaprabha and Gunaprabha. [RY]
six ornaments of the world ('dzam gling rgyan drug). Six great Indian panditas, namely Nagarjuna, Asanga, Dignaga, Aryadeva, Vasubandhu, and Dharmakirti. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six Ornaments Which Beautify the Jambu Continent ('dzam gling mdzes pa'i rgyan drug); listing of [LW1] [RY]
Six Ornaments which Beautify the Jambu Continent; listing of [LWx] [RY]
Six paramitas (phar phyin drug). The six transcendent actions of generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and discriminating knowledge. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
SIX PARAMITAS (phar phyin drug). The six transcendent actions of generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and discriminating knowledge. [AL] [RY]
six paramitas (phar phyin drug); definite number; definition of; different types of; four special qualities [LW1] [RY]
six paramitas. The six transcendent actions of generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and discriminating knowledge.[Primer] [RY]
six paramitas; definite number; definition of; different types of; expl.; four special qualities; four special qualities (khyad chos bzhi) [LWx] [RY]
six periods of the day. The early, middle and later parts of the daytime and the night-time.The three periods being those of the daytime. [Peter Roberts]
six periods of the day: are the early, middle and late part of the day-time, and the early, middle and late part of the night-time. [Peter Roberts]
Six Ranges of Dokham (smad mdo khams sgang drug), which are 1) Zalmo Gang (zal mo sgang); 2) Tsawa Gang (tsha ba sgang); 3) Markham Gang (smar khams sgang); 4) Powor Gang (spo 'bor sgang); 5) Mardza Gang (dmar rdza sgang); and 6) Minyak Rabgang (mi nyag rab sgang). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
six ranges of dokham (smad mdo khams sgang drug). According to AC, vol.1, p.4, these are 1) Zalmo Gang (zal mo sgang); 2) Tsawa Gang (tsha ba sgang); 3) Markham Gang (smar khams sgang); 4) Powor Gang (spo 'bor sgang); 5) Mardza Gang (dmar rdza sgang) and 6) Minyak Rabgang (mi nyag rab sgang). See CN, p.* [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six realms (gnas ris drug). The realms of the six classes of beings. [RY]
Six realms (rigs drug gi gnas). The worlds of gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
six realms/classes of sentient beings ('gro ba rigs drug). 1) Celestial beings (lha), 2) antigods or demi-gods (lha ma yin), 3) human beings (mi), 4) animals (dud 'gro), 5) tormented spirits (yi dwags), and 6) denizens of the hells (dmyal ba). [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six recollections (rjes dran drug). There are different lists of which the most appropriate is: Recollection of the yidam deity, the path, the place of rebirth, the meditative state, the oral instructions of the teacher, and the view. [RY]
Six recollections (rjes dran drug). There are different lists, of which the most appropriate is: Recollection of the yidam deity, the path, the place of rebirth, the meditative state, the oral instructions of the teacher, and the view. In his Great Pointing-out Instruction of the Four Bardo States, Padmasambhava mentions these recollections: "By remembering the yidam deity you behold the countenance of the peaceful and wrathful deities of the three kayas. By remembering the path you gain mastery over the innate nature in the bardo. By remembering the place of rebirth you are reborn in a nirmanakaya realm even though you may be of the inferior type of capacity. By remembering the meditation state you remain in meditation for five days. By remembering the master's oral instructions you realize that your personal experience is unimpeded wakefulness. By remembering the view you realize that the spontaneous presence is the mandala of sambhogakaya. Like meeting a person you already know, you recognize your natural face." [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]
six related causes of dependent origination [LW1] [RY]
six related causes; [LWx] [RY]
six related conditions of dependent origination [LW1] [RY]
six related conditions; [LWx] [RY]
Six Ridges of Lower Dokham; listing of [LW1] [RY]
Six Ridges; listing of [LWx] [RY]
six root disturbances (rtsa nyon drug); listing of [LW1] [RY]
six root disturbances; listing of [LWx] [RY]
Six Sadhana Sections (sgrub pa sde drug). The phrasing of these six types of scripture differs slightly among the various versions of Chronicles of Padmasambhava's life. In his Narration of the Precious Revelation of the Terma Treasures, Longchen Rabjam rephrases the same sequence from the Sanglingma so that the Six Sadhana Sections refer to the six scriptures mentioned just above. In that way they are equal to the Six Secret Sections (gsang ba sde drug) including the scriptures for Manjushri Body, Lotus Speech, Vishuddha Mind, Nectar Quality, Kilaya Activity, and Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities. [ZL] [RY]
Six Sala Lek (sa la legs drug) [LW1] [RY]
Six Scriptures on Reasoning (rigs tshogs drug) [LW1] [RY]
Six Secret Sections (gsang ba sde drug). Listed in Chapter 12. The five first are found in the most common list of the Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras. [ZL] [RY]
six sections of Tantra (rgyud sde drug) [LW1] [RY]
six sense bases (skye mched drug); See also aggregates, elements, and sense bases [LW1] [RY]
Six sense cognitions (rnam shes tshogs drug). A synonym for 'six sense perceptions.' [RY]
Six sense faculties (dbang po drug). The five senses and the mental faculty. [RY]
six sense perceptions (tshogs drug gi snang ba). Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, and mental events. [MR-ShabkarNotes]
Six sense perceptions (tshogs drug gi snang ba). The experiences of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures and mental objects. [RY]
Six Spheres (klong drug pa). See also Tantra of the Six Spheres of Samantabhadra [LW1] [RY]
Six Spheres (klong drug pa); expl.; quotation from; [LWx] [RY]
Six Spheres. (klong drug pa), one of the 17 Dzogchen tantras. [RY]
The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)
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