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S continued - S5

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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Six Stains (dri ma drug). [RY]

Six stains {dri ma drug}. Pride, lack of faith, lack of effort, outward distraction, inward tension and discouragement. [RY]

six superior qualities of the Nyingma School, listing of [LW1] [RY]

six superior qualities; of the Nyingma School, listing of [LWx] [RY]

Six Superknowledges (mngon par shes pa drug). The capacities for performing miracles, divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, and the cognition of the exhaustion of defilements.[AL] [RY]

six superknowledges (mngon shes drug); listing [LW1] [RY]

Six Syllables (yi ge drug pa). The mantra of Avalokiteshvara: om mani padme hung. [RY]

Six Syllables [LW1] [RY]

Six tantra sections (rgyud sde drug) The three outer tantras of Kriya, Upa and Yoga and the three inner tantras of Maha, Anu and Ati. [RY]

Six transcending actions (pha rol tu phyin pa drug). See 'six paramitas.' [RY]

Six transcending perfections {pha rol tu phyin pa drug}. Generosity, moral discipline, patience, diligence, concentration and discriminating awareness. [RY]

Six Treatises of the Kadampas (bka' gdams gzhung drug):, mdo sde rgyan /(some have nyan thos pa'i sa), byang chub sems dpa'i sa, bslab pa kun btus, spyod 'jug, skyes rabs, ched du brjod pa'i tshoms [MR]

six unions (sbyor ba drug) [LW1] [RY]

Six Unions (sbyor drug). One of the Eight Great Chariots of the Practice Lineage embodying the pith instruction for the practice of Kalachakra.[EMP] [RY]

Six Unions (sbyor drug). See Jordruk. [RY]

Six Vajra Lines (rdo rje tshig rkang drug). The supplication to Guru Rinpoche called Dusum Sangye. [RY]

Six Vajra Lines (rdo rje'i tshig drug). [ZL] [RY]

Six views (mtha' drug) are the views of the 1) expedient meaning (drang don), 2) true/ definitive meaning (nges don), 3) implied (dgongs pa can), 4) not implied (dgongs pa can ma yin pa), 5) literal (sgra ji bzhin pa), and 6) not literal (sgra ji bzhin ma yin pa). [RY]

Six ways of expounding the inner tantras; ('chad pa'i mtha' drug), as mentioned in the rgyud gal po che: (1) According to the conventional meaning /truth (drang don), (2) Ultimate certain meaning /truth (nges don), (3) With a hidden meaning behind intellible words which have an ordinary meaning (dgons pa can), (4) In a explicit way, without hidden meaning (dgons min), (5) In ordinary words of common language (sgra ji bzhin pa), and (6) in symbolic words arranged in sentences which makes no sense without a key for their understanding (sgra ji bzhin ma yin pa) (YNO, p. 24-26) [MR]

six wealths. The six wealths are: Long life; great power; good fortune; great majesty; great retinue; many possessions. [Peter Roberts]

Six worlds ('jig rten drug). The realms of the six classes of beings. [RY]

Six Yogas (rnal 'byor drug). See 'Six Doctrines of Naropa.' [RY]

Six Yogas {chos drug}. The yoga of psychic heat {gtum mo}; the yoga of the illusory body {sgyu lus}; the yoga of dream {rmi lam}; the yoga of luminosity {'od gsal}; the yoga of consciousness transference {'pho ba} and the yoga of the intermediate state {bar do}. [RY]

Six Yogas of Naropa with the Three Confidences, this refers to the zab lam na ro chos drug gi khrid rim yid ches gsum ldan of Tsongkhapa. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sixfold taking as path (lam khyer drug). [RY]

Six-fold Vajra Yoga - This refers to the six branches of practice according to the Kalachakra (dus 'khor sbyor ba yan lag drug). See DZ, Vol. 16 and NS, vol. 2, p.151. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sixteen Abodes of the Realm of Form (gzugs khams gnas rigs bcu drug) [LW1] [RY]

Sixteen arhants (gnas brtan bcu drug). Also known as the Sixteen Sthaviras. [RY]

Sixteen Arhats -() Disciples of the Buddha who vowed to preserve the Dharma until the coming of Maitreya [RY]

sixteen moments (skad cig ma bcu drug); listing of [LW1] [RY]

Sixteen Spheres (thig le bcu drug) is a renowned sadhana which belongs to the pith instructions (man ngag) section of the Kadampa tradition. Avalokitesvara is visualized with sixteen other deities in his heart, one within the other, and each one in a sphere of light. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

sixteen vowels and thirty consonants; listing of, see also 'Ali Kali]' [LW1] [RY]

Sixth Buddha (rgyal ba drug pa). Refers to Vajradhara. [RY]

Sixth Buddha Regent (drug pa'i rgyal tshab) [LW1] [RY]

Sixth Buddha Regent; expl.; [LWx] [RY]

Sixth Dalai Lama 1., Tsangyang Gyatso:6th; 1683-1702: Gushri Khan (Qosot Mongol prince) defeats the Tsangpa Ruler Karma Tenkyong Wangpo in 1642, and with the help of Desi Sönam Chopel unifies Tibet under the rule of the 5th Dalai Lama. Gushri Khan dies in Lhasa at the eage of 73, in 1675. Sönam Chopel dies in 1676 and is replaced by Desi Sangye Gyatso; in 1679, (after the resignation of Desi Losang Jinpa) at the age of 29. Nicknamed Desi Golep he was a great erudite, a tireless administrator and sometime a ruthless leader. When the great 5th passed away in 1682 this fact was concealed from the people for many years. Secretely too, the Desi had send parties to find the new incarnation, and in 1685, an extraordinary child, born in 1683 to a reputed Nyingma Tantric family descended from the damed Tertön Padma Lingpa;, was found in Tawang, Mön-yul. [RY]

Sixth Dalai Lama 2. In August 1697 annoucement was made of both the demise of the 5th Dalai Lama and of the finding of his reicarnation. The 2nd Panchen. Losang Yeshe was invited to Nagartse and gave to the young Dalai Lama the novice vows and the name Losang Rigzin Tsan-yang Gyatso, in 1697. In October 1687, the Sixth Dalai Lama was enthroned in Lhasa. The young Dalai Lama turned to be a simple, gifted, artist, and carefree young man, who disliked the pomp of Potala, and preferred mingling with the daily life of his people, walking instead of riding horse and enjoying the charm of nature. Leading a most simple life he would make his own tea and share it with anyone who would come to receive his audience. He would teach in public places and not in the magnificent Potala. Pressed by the Desi and the Panchen Lama to take full monastic vows, to everyone bewilderment, Tsang-yang Gyatso returned instead the novice vows he had receive earlier. From then on he lived as a lay yogin. Condensed from: Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama, Translated from the Tibetan by K.Dhondup, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives Dharamsala, 1981 [MR]

Sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso (tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho, 1683-1702) and the regent-king, Desi Sangye Gyatso (sde srid sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, 1653-1703). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sixth Rigdzin Chenpo of Dorje Drak, Kunzang Gyurme Lhundrup (rdor brag 'rig 'dzin chen po kun bzang 'gyur med lhun grub). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

sixty aspects of melodious speech (gsung dbyangs yan lag drug bcu) [LW1] [RY]

Sixty aspects of speech (gsung dbyangs yan lag drug cu), according to Tantra, there are six categories: like the voice of Brahma, cymbals, song, the kalapinga bird, thunder, and a sitar. There are sixty aspects when each of them are multiplied by these ten: generating understanding, comprehensible, being worthy of respect, without discord, extremely profound, acceptable, indomitable, pleasing to hear, unconfused, and extremely distinct. [RY]

Sixty Verses of Reasoning; Yuktisastika-karika; (rigs pa drug cu pa); Nagarjuna, 1st-2nd century. [PK] [RY]

Sixty-eight Crescents (zla gam drug cu rtsa brgyad). Name of a mandala connected to the teachings of Vishuddha Heruka. [ZL] [RY]

sixty-four qualities of freedom and maturation (bral smin yan tan drug cu rtsa bzhi) [LW1] [RY]

sixty-four sacred places and countries (gnas yul drug cu rtsa bzhi) [LW1] [RY]

Skanda (skem byed). Skanda is the Brahmanical god of war, leader of demons that cure illness in children, and the god of thieves. The skandas' are no doubt these demons, however the Tib. name, which means 'drier-up', is puzzling. [RY]

Skandha (phung po). [RY]

Skandhas (phung po). Gathering or aggregation of many parts. See 'five skandhas/ aggregates.' [RY]

skandhas, dhatus and ayatanas. Skandhas: (Tibetan: phung po) "Aggregations". The five aggregations: physical forms, sensations, identification, mental activities (within which the second and third aggregates are in fact included) and consciousnesses. / Dhatus: (Tibetan - khams) "Elements". The eighteen elements of mental and sensory experience: The six consciousnesses of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mind; the faculty of perception of these six; and the objects experienced by them - form, sound, smell, taste, physical sensation and "[mental] phenomena". / Ayatanas: (Tibetan - skye mched) "Birth and Development" are the twelve sources of perception, in fact the last twelve of the list of dhatus, the consciousnesses not being included in the ayatanas. These are all derived from the abhidharma teachings. [Peter Roberts]

Skandhas, the five aggregates (phung po lnga). The five aspects which comprise the physical and mental constituents of a sentient being: physical forms, sensations, conceptions, formations, and consciousnesses.[Primer] [RY]

Skillful Lasso (thabs kyi zhags pa). Also known as Concise Lotus Garland (pad mo phreng ba'i don bsdus pa), this scripture functions as a support for rituals to attain accomplishment. See Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras. [ZL] [RY]

Skillful means (thabs la mkhas pa). Ingenuity in application. [RY]

Skillful means and knowledge (thabs dang shes rab). The two main aspects of any practice. In Mahayana practice, they are compassion and insight into emptiness. In Vajrayana practice, they are the stages of development and completion. [RY]

Skipping the grades type (thod rgal ba'i rigs). People whose qualities of experience and realization increase and decrease without sequential order. [RY]

skull bowl that possesses all the ideal qualities. There are various signs that indicate a powerfully auspicious skull-bowl, the most important of which is one in which the entire skull is one piece, without being divided into sections by the lines of cranial joints. [Peter Roberts]

Skull Pieces (thod pa'i dum bu) [LW1] [RY]

skull-damaru, and so on. A skull-damaru is made of the tops of two crania, though more commonly a damaru made of wood or ivory in the shape of the crania is used. A skull with particular qualities is considered to naturally assist in the gaining of spiritual accomplishments if used in one's practice. [Peter Roberts]

Sky burial - In Tibet corpses are cut up in a special way, so that the vultures can feed on them. It was considered inauspicious if vultures did not come, or came but did not eat the corpse. The corpses are sometimes dismembered by monks or, in populated areas, by professionals. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sky Dancer, Namkhai Nyingpo, by Keith Dowman, Rutledge & Kegan-Paul, London. [ZL] [RY]

Sky Plain (gung thang). [ZL] [RY]

Sky Plain of Lhaitsa (gnam thang lha'i rtsa). [ZL] [RY]

Sky Plain Pass (gung thang la kha). [ZL] [RY]

Sky Treasury Consecration Tantra (nam mkha' mdzod byin rlabs kyi rgyud). A Mahayoga scripture. [ZL] [RY]

Sky Treasury Consecration Tantra (nam mkha' mdzod byin rlabs kyi rgyud). The word sky treasury has the connotation of inexhaustible wealth. [ZL] [RY]

sky-burial - Only the corpses of Dharma practitioners and special persons were actually cremated in Tibet. Others were given "sky-burial"; their corpses were cut up and fed to the vultures. People believed that the smoke from the cremation of ordinary bodies would defile the sky realm of the local deities and mountain gods. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sky-faced One (gnam zhal ma). The consort of Kalden Drendsey. [RY]

Sky-Iron Vajra". "The Sky-Iron Vajra" (gnam lcags rdo rje) is the second of Jatson Nyingpo's volumes of termas, devoted to long-life practice. [Peter Roberts]

Sky-soarer, khe-cara, (mkha' la spyod pa). 'One who goes in the air', deity, dakini; also conceivably Khasarpana, a form of Avalokiteshvara. [RY]

Slate Mountain Ridge (g.ya ri gong). [ZL] [RY]

Slaughter Rakshas (bshan pa srin po). [ZL] [RY]

Slayer of Demons (bdud kyi bshed chen). One of the 12 manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. Same as Dükyi Shechen. [RY]

Sle kug bzhad pa'i rdo rje: 5th incarnation of lho brag grub chen. Wrote many volumes related to the mkha' 'gro gsang ba ye shes of smin gling and chos rje gling pa. [MR]

smoke-offerings. Smoke-pujas: (bsangs), meaning a cleansing of the area through aromatic incenses. brngan, the second syllable means "payment" referring to the act of making a gift to local deities in lieu of their activity of protection) A native Tibetan tradition of burning aromatic auspicious wood, such as cedar, but to create smoke rather than flames, with various offerings of food, cloth, etc. added. It is used to make an offering to all the Three roots and Jewels and to make a gift to all beings in Samsara. The emphasis in this practice (which also demonstrates its origins) is on local and national deities, to please and appease them, the smoke cleansing the area as well as manifesting offerings. [Peter Roberts]

smoke-pujas. Smoke-pujas: (Tibetan: bsangs, meaning a cleansing of the area through aromatic incenses) A native Tibetan tradition of burning aromatic auspicious wood, such as cedar, but to create smoke rather than flames, with various offerings of food, cloth, etc. added. It is used to make an offering to all the Three roots and Jewels and to make a gift to all beings in Samsara. The emphasis in this practice (which also demonstrates its origins) is on local and national deities, to please and appease them, the smoke cleansing the area as well as manifesting offerings. [Peter Roberts]

Smritijnana [LW1] [RY]

Smrtijnanakirti - Pandita who entered Tibet from Nepal at the start of the second period of transmission, early in the eleventh century [RY]

snake-essence (sbrul gyi snying po). Some snakes are said to have a jewel in their forehead that is called "snake-essence" (sbrul gyi snying po). By extension, "snake-essence" is used to refer to very precious things, here to a rare kind of sandalwood. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

snow grouse or Tibetan partridge (gong mo, Lat. Perdrix Hodgsoniae). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Snow Mountain of Tö - Mount Kailash. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

So Zur Nub Nyang (so zur bsnubs nyag). Great masters in the Nyingma lineage. [RY]

Socrates: 399 BC [MR]

Sog po mda' bcu gcig: A rig etc,. Main distinctions in Golok: mgo log, dbal shul, mdzod dge nyin rsib. [MR]

Sogdians - Traders and scribes who played an important role in transmitting the Dharma throughout Central Asia [RY]

Soglung (srog rlung), an illness caused by prana getting stuck in the heart center due to various strenuous circumstances. [RY]

Sogpo Tendar (mkhas grub sog po bstan dar): 1759- [MR]

Sole Mother, Machik Labdrön (ma gcig lab sgron, 1055-1153), who, with Padampa Sangye (pha dam pa sangs rgyas, d.1117), initiated in Tibet the lineage of the practice of Chöd (gcod), which means "cutting through" ego-clinging and other attachments. In this practice, based on the view of the Prajnaparamita, one visualizes offering one's body to the "four classes of guests" (mgron po bzhi) which are: (1) the Three Jewels, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who elicit faith and respect, (2) the protectors of the Dharma who are endowed with good qualities, (3) sentient beings who deserve our compassion, and (4) negative harmful spirits to whom we must repay karmic debts. On the history of Chöd see J. Gyatso (1989). On translations of Machik's biographies see A. Tempa Gyaltsen et al. (1990) and J. Edou (1993). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sole Ornament of the Five Families of Vajrasattva (rdor sems rigs lnga rgyan gcig) is the peaceful aspect of the Taktsang Phurba cycle. See RT vol.31 (Ki) and note 54 above. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Solkha. [RY]

Somo Tsang. [RY]

Son - Korean form of Ch'an teachings that became one of the major forms of Korean Buddhism [RY]

Sona - One of the missionaries of Ashoka's time sent to Suvarnabhumi, identified with Burma in the Burmese tradition [RY]

Sönam Gyatso: 1543-1588. [RY]

Sönam Tashi: 1352-1412 [MR]

Sönam Tsemo (bsod nams rtse mo) :1142-1182. One of the Five Sakya Forefathers. [RY]

Sönam Tsemo(bsod nams rtse mo), son of Kunga Nyingpo: 1142-1182 [MR]

Songnor Rinpoche. [RY]

Songpo Labpey. [RY]

Songtsen Gampo (srong btsan sgam po). (569-650) or (617-650). The king of Tibet in the seventh century Tibetan who prepared the way for transmission of the teachings. He is regarded as an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara. He married Bhrikuti of Nepal and Wen Cheng of China who each brought a sacred statue of Buddha Shakyamuni to Lhasa. Songtsen Gampo built the first Buddhist temples in Tibet, established a code of laws based on Dharma principles, and had his minister Thönmi Sambhota develop the Tibetan script. During his reign the translation of Buddhist texts into Tibetan began. [ZL] [RY]

Songtsen Gampo / Srong btsan sgam po - Seventh century Tibetan Dharma king who prepared the way for transmission of the teachings; regarded as an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara [RY]

Songtsen Gampo / Srong btsan sgom po (7th century) first great Dharma King, who united the Tibetan Kingdom. He married two Buddhist princesses, Bhrikuti of Nepal and Wen ch'eng of China. He built the first Buddhist temples, established a code of laws based on Dharma principles, developed the Tibetan script with the help of his minister Thon mi Sambhota and also began the translation of Buddhist texts into Tibetan. Srong btsan sgam po was succeeded by: Gung srong, Mang srong, 'dus srong, and Khri lde gtsug btsan (Mes ag tshoms) [RY]

Songtsen Gampo [LW1] [RY]

Songtsen Gampo: 609- 649/698?. [RY]

Songtsen Gampo: 609-698, according to Gendun Chöphel: 617-650 (see White Annals p.13) [MR]

Songtsen Gampo; [LWx] [RY]

Söpa Gyatso is the first Khardo Rinpoche. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sopo Tendar: 1759-. [RY]

Sosaling (so sa gling). [ZL] [RY]

Sosaling. [Daki] [RY]

Sotokpa Lodrö Gyaltsen (Sog bzlog pa blo gros rgyal mtshan): 1552- [MR]

Sounds, colors and lights (sgra 'od zer gsum). The first manifestations in the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

space (dbyings). See dharmadhatu [LW1] [RY]

Space dissolving in luminosity (nam mkha' 'od gsal la thim pa). The dividing point between the bardo of dying and the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

Space Section (klong sde). A division of Dzogchen emphasizing emptiness. [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

Space sections {klong sde}. Aspect of the Dzogchen tantras. [RY]

space; explanation of space as buddha nature [LWx] [RY]

Spear-Wielding Criminal (mi nag gdung thung can) [LW1] [RY]

Special Aphorisms (mched du brjod pa); aspect of excellent speech [LW1] [RY]

Special inner preliminaries (thun min nang gi sngon 'gro). See preliminaries. [RY] Special inner preliminaries of four times one-hundred thousand (thun min nang gi sngon 'gro 'bum bzhi). Same as 'special preliminaries.' [RY]

special path; in regard to the dhyanas [LW1] [RY]

Special preliminaries (thun min gyi sngon 'gro). Taking refuge, arousing bodhicitta, recitation and meditation of Vajrasattva, mandala offerings, and guru yoga. For further details see 'Torch of Certainty,' Shambhala Publications, or 'The Great Gate,' Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1988. [RY]

special stage of dhyana (bsam gtan khyad par ba) [LW1] [RY]

special stage of dhyana [LWx] [RY]

Special Tradition of Mantrayana [LWx] [RY]

speech (gsung); listing five types of enlightened speech [LW1] [RY]

speech; listing five types of enlightened speech [LWx] [RY]

Spiral of Auspiciousness: the lha rnams mnyes par byed pa'i bsangs mchod bkra shis 'khyil ba, written by the fifth Dalai Lama. This is a text for the ritual of smoke-offering (bsangs), which is made by burning leaves and branches of fragrant trees such as juniper and rhododendron, mixed with blessed ingredients. Boundless offerings, filling the sky, are visualized in the smoke and are offered to the "four classes of guests" (see Author's Introduction, note 32). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Spirits, bhuta, ('byung po; also graha, gdon; mi ma yin); malignant beings of the preta class, ghosts etc. [RY]

Spiritual Friend, kalyana mitra, (bshes gnyen dam pa) (dge ba'i bshes gnyen). Guru. [RY]

Spiritual Friend, kalyana mitra, (dge ba'i bshes gnyen) or (bshes gnyen dam pa). Guru. [RY]

Spiritual life-force (thugs srog). The seed syllable usually in the heart center of the deity. [RY]

Splendor, Peak, and Space (dpal rtse dbyings gsum) [LW1] [RY]

Splendorous Realm (dpal dang ldan pa). The buddhafield of Ratnasambhava. [RY]

Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes (bsam pa lhun grub). A supplication to Guru Rinpoche. [RY]

Spontaneous presence (lhun grub). One of the two main aspects of Dzogchen teaching, the other being 'primordial purity' (ka dag). [RY]

Spontaneous sound of dharmata (chos nyid kyi rang sgra). One of the first displays in the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

Spontaneous Summit Scripture (rtse mo byung rgyal gyi lung). One of the Eighteen Major Scriptures of the Mind Section of Dzogchen. Vol. KA of the Nyingma Gyübam. [ZL] [RY]

Spontaneously Accomplished Mound (lhun grub brtsegs); charnel ground [LW1] [RY]

Spontaneously present luminosity of the rupakayas (gzugs sku lhun grub kyi 'od gsal). The display during the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

Sporting Devourer Tantra (za byed rol pa'i rgyud). A Mahayoga scripture. [ZL] [RY]

Spreading the Light of Wisdom [LW1] [RY]

Sri Lanka - The island kingdom south of India; an early home of the Dharma; also known as Ceylon and Simhaladvipa [RY]

Stages of development and completion (bskyed rdzogs kyi rim pa). The two main aspect of Vajrayana practice. [RY]

stages of the path (lam rim); common for people of lesser capacity; common for people of medium capacity; common for people of superior capacity [LW1] [RY]

stages of the path common for people of lesser capacity; expl. [LWx] [RY]

stages of the path common for people of medium capacity; detailed expl. [LWx] [RY]

Stages of the path for the three kinds of individuals (byang chub lam gyi rim pa). Perfect faith is the path of the lesser individual, perfect renunciation is the path of the mediocre individual and perfect altruism is the path of the superior individual. [RY]

Stages of the Path for the Three Kinds of Individuals (skyes bu gsum gyi lam rim) [LW1] [RY] Stages of the Path for the Three Kinds of Individuals, Tsongkhapa's greater and lesser (skyes bu gsum gyi lam rim). [RY]

Stages of the Path of Enlightenment (byang chub lam gyi rim pa) [LW1] [RY]

Stages of the path of Mantra called "a ro'i theg chen rnal 'byor". [RY]

stages of the path; definition of; [LWx] [RY]

Stages, Ten (bhumi, sa). The successive steps in the career of an Arya Bodhisattva; Buddhahood is attained from the Tenth Stage. A Master of the T.S. is thus an Arya bodhisattva or a Buddha. [RY]

Stages, two (krama, rim (pa)). Anuttara yoga tantra is divided into two main Stages, first the Stage of Generation, then when that is perfected, the Completing Stage. [RY]

Stainless (dri ma med pa). The second of the ten bhumis. [RY]

Stainless Sutra (dri ma med pa'i mdo). [RY]

Stainless; bhumi [LW1] [RY]

Stains (mala, dri ma). Sometimes = the three poisons. [RY]

state of passion (chags rtog gnas skabs) [LW1] [RY]

Statement and Realization. See Dharma of Statement and Realization [LW1] [RY]

Statements and realization (lung rtogs). The authoritative scriptures and the realization of the Dharma in the minds of noble beings. [RY]

statements. See tantras, statements, and instructions; more details of [LW1] [RY]

Sthavira (gnas brtan pa)- School of the Elders, one of the earliest Buddhist schools, usually contrasted to the Mahasamghika [RY]

Sthiramati - Disciple of Vasubandhu famed for his mastery of Abhidharma [RY]

Stillness (gnas pa). Absence of thought activity and disturbing emotions, but with subtle fixation on this stillness. [RY]

stillness. See shamatha [LW1] [RY]

Stirring from the sleep of ignorance (ma rig gnyid skrog). See 'awakening from the sleep of ignorance.' [RY]

Storehouse Tantra (bang mdzod kyi rgyud). [EMP] [RY]

stream of being (rgyud, sems rgyud). [LW1] [RY]

Stream of Wealth Goddess (nor rgyun ma). Name of a Mahayana sutra. [ZL] [RY]

Stream-of-being (rgyud), (sems rgyud). The individual continuity of cognition in an individual sentient being. [ZL] [RY]

Stream-of-being (sems rgyud) (rgyud),. The individual continuity of cognition in an individual sentient being. [ZL] [RY]

stretcher. "Stretcher": The literal definition of the word is "that which is used for carrying the sick". The Tibetan in the text actually gives two names: "do li" and "khyogs" which are in fact synonymous. A third synonym also exists: "phebs byams". The word "do li" should not be confused with the purely colloquial word which means bull's testicles! This has been known to occur! The term refers to the line of mantras carrying the blessings from the deity to yourself. [Peter Roberts]

Stuffed dummy - glud, an effigy which is a rough representation of a person offered as ransom in place of the person himself in a ritual for averting premature death. See chap.6, note 43. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Stupa - At the center of a stupa one puts a life-tree (srog shing) as its central axis. It is cut square and placed in the stupa, facing the same way as it grew in the wild. One writes on it various mantras and prayers, and one attaches precious relics to it. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Stupa - see mChod rten. [RY]

Stupa (mchod rten). A dome-shaped monument housing relics of the Buddha or an accomplished master. The shape of the stupa embodies an elaborate symbolism. [ZL] [RY]

Stupa of Great Purity (mchod rten rnam dag) is the stupa in front of which Sakyamuni cut his hair and vowed to renounce the world. Some place it near Ramagama, east of Kapilavistu (see Lamotte, 1958), and others near Mankapur in Uttar Pradesh (see NS Vol.2 p. 30, n. 400), or near Bodhgaya itself. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Stupa, mchod rten (Skt. stupa) lit. 'foundation of offering'; monuments often containing relics of Buddhist saints. Stupas are built according to universal principles of harmony and order. Often quite large, they focus and radiate healing energy throughout the six realms of existence. [RY]

Stupidity-meditation (blun sgom). [RY]

Style of the Trikaya Jewel (sku gsum nor bu'i lugs). The manner of visualization in which the root guru is regarded as the embodiment of the three kayas. [RY]

Subahu (lag bzang) [LW1] [RY]

Sub-aspects of the nonvirtuous actions (mi dge ba'i yan lag). The sub-aspects of killing are to hit, beat or suppress others etc. The sub-aspects of stealing from others are to profiteer in business, soliciting and being pretentious etc. The sub-aspects of sexual misconduct are wanton talk etc. The other sub-aspects are shown through these examples. [RY]

Subduer of Mara (bdud 'dul ma). [ZL] [RY]

Subhuti [LW1] [RY]

Subjugating mantras (drag snags). Mantras of wrathful deities. [ZL] [RY]

Subjugating, subduing (vashya, dbang (du bsdu ba)). Rite for summoning or controlling another person. [RY]

sublime purity, bliss, identity, and permanence (gtsang bde bdag rtag dam pa) [LW1] [RY]

Sublime Vision (gya nom snang) [LW1] [RY]

subsequent intellect [LWx] [RY]

subsequent mind (de ma thag yid) [LW1] [RY]

Subsequent Tantra of the Bathing Elephant (glang po chur 'jug gi rgyud phyi ma). [EMP] [RY]

Subsequent True Enlightenment Tantra (phyi ma mngon par byang chub pa'i rgyud). Tantra belonging to the Sadhana Section of Mahayoga. found in Vol OM of the Nyingma Gyübum. [ZL] [RY]

Subsidiary empowerments (yan lag gi dbang). [RY]

Substance of accomplishment (dngos grub kyi rdzas). The shrine articles such as amrita and torma of which a small portion is partaken of on the morning of the last day of a retreat practice. [RY]

Succession of Former Lives (skyes pa'i rabs); aspect of excellent speech [LW1] [RY]

Suchandra (chos rgyal zla ba bzang po) [LW1] [RY] Suchness (de bzhin nyid), Skt. tattva. Synonym for emptiness or the 'nature of things,' dharmata, it can also be used to describe the unity of dependent origination and emptiness. [ZL] [RY]

suchness (de bzhin nyid); defiled (dri bcas); in relation to sugata essence; tatha [LW1] [RY]

Suchness (Skt. tattva, de bzhin nyid). Synonym for emptiness or the 'nature of things,' dharmata, it can also be used to describe the unity of dependent origination and emptiness. [RY]

Suchness (tattva, de kho na nyid). Ultimate Nature, lack of true existence. [RY]

Suchness samadhi (de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin). The first of the three samadhis. [RY]

sudden jump (thod rgal) [LW1] [RY]

Sudden jump, (thod rgal), here means to jump to a higher level while skipping the grades or steps in between. [RY]

Suddhodhana - King of the Sakyas; father of Sakyamuni Buddha. [Tarthang] suffering (sdug bsngal); explanation of the three types of; of change; of formations; of suffering [LW1] [RY]

Suffering of change ('gyur ba'i sdug bsngal). 'That which is pleasant when arising and remaining but painful when ceasing.' Mainly the suffering of the three higher realms. [RY]

suffering of formations; all-pervasive, expl. [LWx] [RY]

Suffering upon suffering (sdug bsngal gyi sdug bsngal). 'That which is painful when arising and remaining but pleasant when ceasing.' Mainly the suffering of the three lower realms. [RY]

Sugata (bde (bar) gshegs (pa), bder gshegs). 'One who has fared well', i.e. A Buddha. [RY]

Sugata (bde bar gshegs pa). 'Blissfully gone.' Same as a buddha.[Primer] [RY]

Sugata (bde bar gshegs pa). 'Blissfully gone.' 1) The historical Buddha Shakyamuni. 2) Any fully enlightened being. [ZL] [RY]

Sugata (bde bar gshegs pa). 'Blissfully gone.' Same as a buddha. [RY]

Sugata essence (bde gshegs snying po) applies to the aspect of the mind essence present as the indivisibility of the [two] truths as itself the essence of buddhahood. [RY]

Sugata essence (bde gshegs snying po). Another word for buddha nature, the enlightened essence inherent in sentient beings. [RY]

sugata essence (bde gshegs snying po); as unfabricated continuous instant; definition of; explanation of five special qualities; four qualities of; in relation to the all-ground; in terms of essence, nature, and capacity; in terms of ignorance; in terms of Proponents of Concrete Existence; nine analogies for; qualities in terms of fruition; root text definition of; synonyms for; synonyms in general context; synonyms in Vajrayana context; three reasons for [LW1] [RY]

Sugatagarbha (bde bar gshegs pa'i snying po). 'Sugata essence.' The most common Sanskrit term for what in the West is known as 'buddha nature.' [Bardo Guide 91] [RY]

sugatagarbha. See sugata essence [LW1] [RY]

Sugatas' Offspring, sugata suta, (bde gshegs sras po). Bodhisattva. [RY]

Sugatas: "Those who have gone to Bliss". An epithet of the Buddhas. [Peter Roberts]

Sukha Dharma (bde chen chos sgron). The consort of Chokgyur Lingpa. [RY]

Sukhavati (bde ba can) [LW1] [RY]

Sukhavati (bde ba can) is the Pure Realm of Buddha Amitabha; [MR-ShabkarNotes]

sukhavati (bde ba can) The western buddha field of Amitabha. [Rain of Wisdom]

Sukhavati (bde ba can). 'Blissful Realm.' The pure realm of Buddha Amitabha. [ZL] [RY]

Sukhavati (bde ba can). 'Blissful', n. of Amitabha's Pure Land. [RY]

SUKHAVATI (bde ba can). See 'Blissful Realm.'[AL] [RY]

Sukhavati, the Blissful Realm (bde ba can) etc is celestial, [RY]

Sulphuk (zul phug). [ZL] [RY]

Sülpo (srul po). A type of hideous hungry ghost. [ZL] [RY]

Sum of the Great Vehicle, theg pa chen po'i mdo bsdu pa [MR]

Sumeru - see Meru. [RY]

Sumeru (ri rab). The mountain in the center of the four continents. See 'Meru.' [RY]

Sumeru, Mount (ri rab). = Meru [RY]

Summit (rtse mo). One of the 'four aspects of ascertainment' on the path of joining. [RY]

summit of existence (srid pa'i rtse mo) [LW1] [RY]

Summit of existence (srid pa'i rtse mo). The highest of the four formless realms. [RY]

Summit Tantra of Letterless Great Space (nam mkha' che yi ge med pa rtse mo'i rgyud). One of the Twenty-five Tantras of the Great Perfection taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana. [ZL] [RY] sun and moon box (nyi zla ga'u). This is in the form of a small, round box, the lower half being white (made of the moon) and the upper half, or lid, being red (made of the sun). [Peter Roberts]

Sun and Moon Union Tantra (nyi zla kha sbyor). One of the 17 Dzogchen tantras. [RY]

Sundha Jnanaya (Skt.). [ZL] [RY]

Superficial truth (kun rdzob kyi bden pa). [RY]

Superior Body (lus 'phags po); Continent [LW1] [RY]

superior indivisibility of the two truths (lhag pa'i bden gnyis dbyer med) [LW1] [RY]

superior intention (lhag bsam); definition of; of bodhichitta; on the path of accumulation [LW1] [RY]

Superknowledge (mngon par shes pa). Usually refers to the six 'higher perceptions' including clairvoyance, knowledge of other's minds etc. See 'six superknowledges.' [RY]

Superknowledge (mngon shes). Divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, capacity for performing miracles, and, in the case of accomplished practitioners, the 'cognition of the exhaustion of defilements.' [ZL] [RY]

Superknowledges (mngon shes). Divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, capacity for performing miracles, and, in the case of accomplished practitioners, the 'cognition of the exhaustion of defilements.'[EMP] [RY]

superknowledges (mngon shes). See also six superknowledges; six; listing [LW1] [RY]

Superknowledges, five or six (abhijna, mngon shes). The s. of magical power (of levitation, transmutation and control of one's feelings), divine hearing, knowing other's thoughts, remembering past lives, and knowing the death and rebirth of sentient beings; and (in Arhants and Buddhas only) knowledge of the exhaustion of the contaminations. [RY]

supplementary numbers. Supplementary numbers are in order to make good any mantras that may not have been correctly recited. Traditionally, the supplementary numbers are a tenth of the total, then a tenth of that tenth is added on, etc. until reaching one. [Peter Roberts]

Supplication to Guru Rinpoche in Seven Chapters (gsol sdebs le'u bdun ma), the Prayer for the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Aspirations (bsam pa lhun grub ma), and The Sadhana of the Lineage of Awareness-Holders (rig 'dzin gdung sgrub) belong to the cycle of practices focused upon Guru Padmasambhava rediscovered by Rigdzin Gödem (rig 'dzin rgod ldem, 1337-1408) and are part of what is known as the Northern Terma (byang gter). See NS, pp. 780-3. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

support and the supported (rten dang brten pa) [LW1] [RY]

Support for the Accumulations (tshogs rten) Same as the objects of refuge. [RY]

Supported shamatha (rten bcas zhi gnas). See 'shamatha with support.' [RY]

Supporting ceremonies (zhabs brten). [RY]

Supportive rituals (zhabs brten). Rituals performed to remove obstacles for life and health. [ZL] [RY]

Supramundane beings are the triple sangha of shravakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas as well as the vidyadhara sangha such as the Five Eminent Ones (drva ma lnga). [RY]

Supramundane Scripture ('jig rten las 'das pa'i mdo). One of the Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras; focused on Vishuddha Mind. Vol. RA in the Nyingma Gyübum. [ZL] [RY]

Supreme and common accomplishments. See 'siddhis.' [RY]

Supreme and common siddhis (mchog dang thun mong gi dngos grub). Enlightenment and mundane accomplishments. [RY]

supreme and common siddhis, expl. [LW1] [RY]

Supreme attainment of Mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po mchog gi dngos grub). 1) Supreme enlightenment. 2) The third of the four vidyadhara levels. [RY]

Supreme Attribute (chos mchog). The fourth of the four aspects of ascertainment on the path of joining. The highest spiritual attainment within samsaric existence. [RY]

Supreme Dharma of Intent Mindfulness (Skt. Saddharmanusmrityupastana, Tib. dam pa'i chos dran pa nye bar gzhag pa, T 287). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Supreme enlightenment (byang chub mchog), (byang chub snying po). Same as 'buddhahood.' [RY]

Supreme enlightenment(byang chub snying po) (byang chub mchog),. Same as 'buddhahood.' [RY]

Supreme Essence Sutra (snying po mchog gi mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Supreme Hundred Families (dam pa rigs brgya). Name of a sadhana text composed by Guru Rinpoche focused on the hundred peaceful and wrathful deities. [ZL] [RY]

Supreme King Scripture (rje btsan dam pa'i lung). One of the Eighteen Major Scriptures of the Mind Section of Dzogchen. [ZL] [RY]

Supreme Knowledge Tantra (rig pa mchog gi rgyud), Skt. Vidyottama Tantra. A tantra belonging to Kriya Yoga. [ZL] [RY]

Supreme Medicinal Nectar of the Garland of Questions and Answers (zhu len sman mchog bdud rtsi phreng ba), was written by Lodrak Drupchen Lekyi Dorje (lho brag grub chen las kyi rdo rje also known as Namkha Gyaltsen nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, 1326-1401). (see GC, vol.3, pp. 282-96). This great Nyingmapa siddha had many visions of Guru Padmasambhava and Vajrapani, whom he used to meet as if meeting real people. He was the Dzogchen master of Tsongkhapa (tsong kha pa, 1357-1419). These Questions and Answers are those that were put by Tsongkhapa to Lodrak Drupchen. The latter would, in turn, ask Vajrapani and then give the answers to Tsongkhapa. On these history and contents of these dialogues, see Ehrhard (1992) and NS, pp. 923ff. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Supreme Mountain (ri mchog). Same as Sumeru. [RY]

Supreme mundane attribute ('jig rten chos mchog). The fourth of the four aspects of ascertainment on the path of joining. The highest spiritual attainment within samsaric existence. [RY]

Supreme mundane quality ('jig rten chos mchog). Same as 'supreme attribute.' [RY]

Supreme nirmanakaya (mchog gi sprul sku). An emanation to appear as a fully enlightened buddha enacting twelve deeds. [RY]

Supreme Objects of Compassion (snying rje'i yul mchog). Refers to all the sentient beings of the six classes, especially the ones in the lower realms. [RY]

Supreme siddhi (mchog gi dngos grub). The state of complete enlightenment. [RY]

Supreme siddhi of mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po mchog gi dngos grub). See supreme siddhi. [RY]

Supreme Steed Display (rta mchog rol pa). One of the Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras. [ZL] [RY]

Supreme Steed Display Root Tantra (rta mchog rol pa rtsa ba'i rgyud). Tantra belonging to the Sadhana Section of Mahayoga. Two versions are found in Vol. HA of Nyingma Gyübum. [ZL] [RY]

Supreme vidyadhara (rig 'dzin mchog). See vidyadhara. [RY]

Supreme vidyadhara level of mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po mchog gi rig 'dzin). 1) Supreme enlightenment. 2) The third of the four vidyadhara levels. See 'vidyadhara level of mahamudra.' [ZL] [RY]

Supreme vidyadhara level. [Daki] [RY]

Sur, burnt offering (gsur): an offering of smoke produced by burning tsampa (barley flour) mixed with the "three whites" (milk, butter, and cheese), the "three sweets" (sugar, molasses and honey), and blessed substances. This smoke, accompanied by a meditation upon Avalokitesvara, the Buddha of Compassion, in the form of Khasarpana, and the recitation of his mantra, om mani padme hum, relieves the pangs of hunger and thirst of the pretas (yi dwags), or hungry ghosts. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sur, burnt offering; (gsur) : and offering of smoke produced by burning barley flour, tsampa, mixed with the "three whites" (milk, butter, and cheese), the "three sweets" (sugar, molasses and honey), and blessed substances. This smoke, accompanied with a meditation upon the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara in the form of Kasarpani and the recitation of his mantra, Om mani padme hum, relieves from the unending pangs of hunger and thirst of the hungry ghosts, the pretas. [MR]

Surmang Monastery. [RY]

Surmang Tenga Rinpoche [LW1] [RY]

Susiddhikara (legs par grub pa). A tantra belonging to Kriya Yoga. [ZL] [RY]

Susiddhikara Tantra (legs par grub pa'i rgyud) [LW1] [RY]

Sustainer of Bliss. [Daki] [RY]

Sustainer of Peace (zhi ba 'tsho). [ZL] [RY]

Sustaining freshness (sor zhugs). The Dzogchen version of vipashyana. [RY]

Sustaining the essence (ngo bo skyong ba). An expression used in Mahamudra and Trekcho teachings as a substitute for 'meditation.' [RY]

Sutra - A discourse of the Buddha. The Sutras of the Buddha are classified in accord with the Three Turnings. [RY]

Sutra - discourses given by the Buddha on the Dharma. [RY]

Sutra (mdo (sde)). A Discourse of the buddha, scripture of the Sutra pitaka; also, all exoteric teachings of Buddhism (the three Pitakas and their commentaries) as opposed to the esoteric, Tantric teachings. [RY]

Sutra (mdo), (mdo sde). 1) A discourse by or inspired by the Buddha. 2) A scripture of the Sutra pitaka within the Tripitaka. 3) All exoteric teachings of Buddhism belonging to Hinayana and Mahayana, the causal teachings that regard the path as the cause of enlightenment, as opposed to the esoteric, tantric teachings. [Bardo Guide 91][ZL] [RY]

SUTRA (mdo), (mdo sde). 1) A discourse by or inspired by the Buddha. 2) A scripture of the Sutra pitaka within the Tripitaka. 3) All exoteric teachings of Buddhism belonging to Hinayana and Mahayana, the causal teachings that regard the path as the cause of enlightenment, as opposed to the esoteric, tantric teachings. [AL] [RY]

Sutra (mdo). Discourse or teaching by the Buddha. Also refers to all the causal teachings that regard the path as the cause of enlightenment. Compare with 'Mantra.' [RY]

Sutra and Mantra (mdo sngags). Sutra refers to the teachings of both Hinayana and Mahayana. Mantra refers to Vajrayana. Sutra means taking the cause as path. Tantra means taking the result as path. [ZL] [RY]

Sutra and Mantra (mdo sngags); Dharma of Statement and Realization; hundred teachers of; one hundred teachers of; unexcelled [LW1] [RY]

Sutra and Mantra; expl. [LWx] [RY]

Sutra and Tantra (mdo rgyud). Sutra refers to the teachings of both Hinayana and Mahayana. Tantra refers to Vajrayana. Sutra means taking the cause as path. Tantra means taking the result as path. [RY]

Sutra and Tantra (mdo rgyud). Synonymous with Sutra and Mantra. [RY]

Sutra and Tantra. See Sutra and Mantra [LW1] [RY]

Sutra Designed as a Jewel Chest: (za ma tog bkod pa'i mdo) Skt. Ratnakaranda sutra; sutra on Avalokitesvara's life). [MR]

Sutra Discriminating between the Path of Virtue and the Path of Vice (Skt. Subhasubhakarmavipaka-nirdesa-sutra, Tib. dge ba dang mi dge ba'i lam gyi rnam par smin pa bstan pa'i mdo, T 355). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra Foretelling Goodness (bzang po lung bstan pa'i mdo). [EMP] [RY]

Sutra Lamkara (mdo sde rgyan). 'The Ornament of the Sutras,' one of the Five Teachings of Maitreya. [RY]

Sutra Lamkara [LWx] [RY]

Sutra Mahamudra (mdo'i phyag chen). The Mahamudra system based on the prajnaparamita scriptures and emphasizing shamatha and vipashyana and the progressive journey through the five paths and ten bodhisattva bhumis. [RY]

Sutra of Compassion's White Lotus (Skt. mahakaruna-pundarika-sutra, Tib. snying rje chen po padma dkar po'i mdo, T 111-12). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of Entering the City of Vaishali (yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of Entering the City of Vaishali, (yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo), [RY]

Sutra of Great Liberation (Skt. ghanaja-mahabhricaphulakarma avirnasodhaya bhudharakusumasancaya sutra, Tib. thar pa chen po'i phyogs su rgyas pa'i mdo, T 264). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of Inconceivable Secrets (gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i mdo). [ZL] [RY]

Sutra of Individual Liberation (Skt. Pratimoksa-sutra, Tib. so sor thar pa'i mdo, T 2). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of Inexhaustible Intellect; Akshayamatinirdesha-sutra; (blo gros mi zad pa'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of King-like Concentration; Samadhiraja-sutra; (mdo ting 'dzin gyal po). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of Manjusri's Perfect Emanation (Skt. manjusri-vikridita-sutra, Tib. 'jam dpal rnam par rol pa'i mdo, T 96). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of One Hundred Karmas (mdo sde las brgya pa). [RY]

Sutra of Prajnaparamita in Eight Thousand Verses ( mdo brgyad stong pa) (see The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Lines (RiBa) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of Predictions in Magadha (dbus 'gyur lung bstan gyi mdo). [ZL] [RY]

Sutra of the Arrayed Tree (sdong po bkod pa'i mdo, Gandhavyuha). [EMP] [RY]

Sutra of the Cloud of the Three Jewels; Ratnamegha-sutra; (dkon mchog sprin gyi mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Dense Array (stug po bkod pa'i mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the Descent to Lanka, Lankavatara Sutra (lang kar gshegs pa'i mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the Good Aeon (mdo sde bskal bzang); Kangyur 94. [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the Heap of Jewels; Ratnakuta-sutra; (dkon mchog brtsegs pa). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Heart of Wisdom (Skt. prajnaparamitahridaya, Tib. mdo shes rab snying po, T 21). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of the King of Samadhi (ting 'dzin rgyal po); expl. of [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the King of Samadhi (ting 'dzin rgyal po'i mdo). [EMP] [RY]

Sutra of the Lion's Roar of Queen Shrimala [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the Meeting of Father and Son (yab sras mjal mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the Meeting of Father and Son, (Skt. pitaputra-samagamana, Tib. yab dang sras mjal ba'i mdo, T 60), which is part of the Ratnakuta. [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of the Meeting of Father and Son, (yab sras mjal mdo), [RY]

Sutra of the Meeting of the Father and Son; Pitaputra-samagamana-sutra; (yab sras mjal ba'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Ornament of the Light of Wisdom; Jñanalokalamkara-sutra; (ye shes snang brgyen gyi mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Power of the Elephant; (glang po'i rtsal gyi mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Sublime Victory Banner (mdo rgyal mtshan dam pa) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra of the Ten Dharmas (Skt. dasadharmaka-sutra, Tib. chos bcu pa'i mdo, T 53). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of the Ten Wheels of Ksitigarbha (sa'i snying po 'khor lo bcu pa'i mdo). [EMP] [RY]

Sutra of the Vast Display; Lalitavistara-sutra; (rgya cher rol pa'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Visit to Lanka; Lankavatara-sutra; (lang par gshegs pa'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the White Lotus of the Holy Dharma; Saddharma-pundarika-sutra; (dam pa'i chos pad dkar po'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish (Skt. damomurkha-nama-sutra, Tib. mdza' blun zhes bya ba'i mdo, T 341) is a sutra that contains fifty-one narratives of the previous lives of the Buddha. For a translation into English, see Frye (1981). [MR-ShabkarNotes]

Sutra of Unraveling the Intent (dgongs pa nges 'grel). [EMP] [RY]

Sutra on Blossoming in the Direction of the Great Liberation (thar pa chen po'i phyogs tu rgyas pa'i mdo). [RY]

Sutra on Magical Perception. [Daki] [RY]

Sutra on the Application of Mindfulness (dran nyer, mdo dran pa nyer bzhag) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra on the Benefits of Circumambulating Stupas; (mchod rten bskor ba'i phan yon gyi mdo). [PK] [RY]


Sutra on the Inconceivable Secret (gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra on the Recollection of the Three Jewels (dkon mchog rjes dran gyi mdo). [RY]

Sutra Pitaka (mdo yi sde snod) [LW1] [RY]

SUTRA PITAKA (mdo'i sde snod). See under 'Sutra.'[AL] [RY]

Sutra Pitaka {mdo sde}. One of the three Pitakas, containing concise texts spoken by the Buddha. [RY]

Sutra requested by Crown Jewel; Ratnachudaparipriccha-sutra; (gtsug na rin po ches zhus pa'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra Requested by Maitreya (byams zhus mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra requested by Maitri Simhanada; (byams pa seng ge'i sgra'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra requested by Sagaramati; Sagaramatiparipriccha-sutra; (blo gros rgya mtshos shus pa'i mdo). [PK] [RY]

Sutra Requested by Sagarmati {blo gros rgya mtshos zhus pa'i mdo}. Name of a sutra. [RY]

Sutra Requested by Tagmo (stag mos zhus mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra Requested by the King of Dharanis (gzungs kyi rgyal zhus pa'i mdo) [LW1] [RY]

SUTRA REQUESTED BY UNENDING INTELLIGENCE (blo gros mi zad pas zhus pa'i mdo).[AL] [RY]

Sutra Requested by Wisdom Ocean (ye shes rgya mtsho zhus pa'i mdo). [RY]

Sutra system (mdo lugs) [LW1] [RY]

Sutra system (mdo lugs). Refers in this context to the progressive bodhisattva path. [RY]

Sutra to Inspire Superior Intention (lhag pa'i bsam pa bskul ba'i mdo) [LW1] [RY]

Sutralamkara (mdo sde rgyan). One of the five works of Maitreya. [RY]

Sutralamkara. See Ornament of the Sutras [LW1] [RY]

Sutras (mdo). The discourses and teachings given by Buddha Shakyamuni. [RY]

sutras of definitive meaning [LW1] [RY]

Sutrayana - The vehicle of Realization which depends on the teachings of the Sutras [RY]

Sutrayana - The Vehicle of Realization which depends on the teachings of the Sutras. [Tarthang]

Suvarnabhumi - Land to the east of India where Ashoka sent missionaries; often associated with Burma [RY]

Svabhavakaya. Or Svabhavavikaya. (ngo bo nyid kyi sku). "The Essence Kaya". This is a term for the inseparability of the other three kayas. [Peter Roberts]

Svabhavikakaya (ngo bo nyid kyi sku). The 'essence body.' Sometimes counted as the fourth kaya, the unity of the first three. [RY]

Svatantrika (rang rgyud pa). Branch of the Madhyamaka, distinguished by use of conventional forms of philosophical reasoning [RY]

Svatantrika Madhyamaka School (dbu ma rang rgyud pa). [RY]

Svatantrika School Asserting Ultimate Illusion (sgyu ma don dam par 'dod pa'i dbu ma rang rgyud pa). [RY]

Svatantrika School of Complete Nondwelling (rab tu mi gnas pa'i dbu ma rang rgyud pa). [RY]

Swayamjnana (rang byung ye shes). "Self-existing" or "self-born wisdom." The name was given by Tulku Urgyen in 1981. Since 1985, 'Rangjung Yeshe' has been used. [RY]

Swift feet (rkang mgyogs). The yogic art of being able to walk extremely fast, covering a huge distance in a short time, through control over the inner currents of energy. [ZL] [RY]

syllables (yi ge); audible syllables of utterance; definition of; divisions of; e and vam; explanation of four types according to Longchen Rabjam; final syllables of fruition; function of; identity of; nadi syllables abiding in the body; nature of; the letter 'a'; ultimate syllables of the natural state [LW1] [RY]

symbol, meaning and sign offerings. Symbol, meaning and sign, is a common division of the aspects of a Tantric deity. They are described towards the end of "General Points that Should be Known", in the longer instruction text "The Oral Instructions of Padmasambhava". Here these three offerings are made to those respective aspects. The offerings and also the praises which follow are found in sequence in the sadhana text. The symbol offering begins "Si-sum tong-ki tor-shong du.." in which all worlds and their beings are offered as a torma. The primordial torma bowl being the three levels of existence: above, upon and below the earth. The meaning offering commences "Tong-sum tong-ki tor-shong du.." in which blazing mount Merus are offered as a torma. The torma-bowl being a thousand billion-world systems, as a Mount Meru is the centre of each world. The sign offering commences "Ban-da bar-way tor-shong du.." in which the flesh, blood, heads and fat of enemies and obstacle-makers is offered as a torma. The torma-bowl being a blazing skull-bowl. [Peter Roberts]

Symbol, meaning, and sign (brda' don rtags gsum). Three aspects of Vajrayana teachings. [RY]

Symbol, meaning, and sign (brda' don rtags gsum). Three aspects of Vajrayana teachings. For example, the peaceful and wrathful deities depicted are the symbol. The meaning they symbolize is the enlightened qualities spontaneously present within the buddha nature. The sign is that they naturally manifest during the bardo of dharmata. [RY]

Symbolic attribute (brda' rtags). For example, a vajra or a wheel. [RY]

Symbolic Being, samaya sattva, (dam tshig sems dpa'). Visualized image of the deity, with which the Tantric practitioner identifies herself. [RY]

Symbolic Graded Path Heap of Jewels (dpe'i lam rim rin chen spungs pa), composed by Geshe Potowa (Po to ba), 1031-1105, a great Kadampa Master. Here dpe'i approximately rendered by "symbolic" means that the teachings presented in it are indications leading to the ultimate truth - not yet the ultimate truth itself as it is expounded in the The Ultimate Graded Path Blue Lapis Vase (don gi lam rim be'u bum sngon po), also composed by Potowa. [MR]

symbolic letters (brda yig). See also sign script, dakini script [LW1] [RY]

symbolic letters; expl. [LWx] [RY]

Symbolic wisdom (dpe'i ye shes). The wisdom which is the unity of bliss and emptiness of the third empowerment and which is used to introduce the 'true wisdom' of the fourth empowerment. [RY]

System of Phakshab, ('phags zhabs kyi bzhes pa), is the tradition of Nagarjuna and his spiritual sons Aryadeva and Chandrakirti. [RY]

The Rangjung Yeshe Gilded Palace of Dharmic Activity (Front Cover)

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