Four Stakes to Bind the Life-Force

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skye sgo chod pa - ngan song gsum gyi + - to shut the doors to the three lower realms [RY]

skye ba ngan pa - 1) an evil rebirth. 2) the three lower realms [RY]

'khor mo yug tu - constantly; x {ngan song gsum ni rtag par rang rang gi sngon bsags las ngan gyi 'bras bus 'phangs pa'i tsha grang bkres skom la sogs pa'i sdug bsngal la 'khor mo yug tu spyod pas chos byed du mi khoms} the inhabitants of the three lower realms suffer constantly from heat, cold, hunger, thirst and other torments, as a result of their past negative actions; they have no opportunity to practise the Dharma [RY]

ngan 'gro gsum - the three lower realms [RY]

ngan song - lower (state of) rebirth; evil destiny; lower existences; 'lower realms', evil destiny, evil existences / lower states, bad states of being. Creatures of the three lower realms; evil destinies of rebirth, "durgati" Skt [RY]

ngan song sdug bsngal - the suffering of the three lower realms [RY]

ngan song gsum - three lower realms [RY]

ngan song gsum - three lower realms, three evil existences, evil states, evil destinies. The denizens of hell {dmyal ba}, the tormented spirits {yi dvags} or preta, and the animals {dud 'gro} [RY]

ngan song gsum gyi gnas su mar la 'gro - will descend to the three lower realms [RY]

ngan song gsum gyi g.yang du lhung ba - fall into the abyss of the three lower realms [RY]

'jig rten bdun - the seven worlds [the six lokas and the bardo, OR the three lower realms, plus gods and human beings, the five kinds of beings of the desire realms ('dod pa'i 'gro ba rgyud lnga) and the deities of the form and formless realms. (chn] [IW]

mthong ba'i chos la 'phags lam skye ba'i gegs sgrib pa gsum - Three veils which hinder the arising of the noble path within this present lifetime; Mipham Rinpoche: {ngan song gsum lha min sgra mi snyan du skyes pa lta bu rten gyi dbang gis lam mi skye ba rnam smin gyi sgrib pa/mtshams med lnga dang chos spong sogs byas pas bden pa mthong mi nus pa las kyi sgrib pa/nyon mongs shin tu drag po rgyun chags pas lam la 'jug mi nus pa nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa'o} "Three veils hinder the arising of the noble path [within one's stream-of-being] within this present lifetime: i) The 'veil of karmic ripening' is the path [failing] to arise due to the influence of one's bodily support as, for instance, when reborn in the three lower realms, as a demigod, [a perceptionless god], or on the continent of Unpleasant Sound. ii) The 'veil of karma' is the inability to perceive the truths because of having committed such things as the five acts with immediate result or having abandoned the Dharma. iii) The 'veil of disturbing emotions' is the inability to enter the path because of ongoing and very strong disturbing emotions". [RY]

dal ba brgyad - Eight freedoms. Not being in the three lower realms, not a long-living god, not having wrong views, not a savage, a mute, or born in an age without buddhas [RY]

dal ba brgyad - Mipham Rinpoche: {ngan song gsum dang 'du shes med pa'i lha ste mi ma yin pa'i mi khoms pa'i gnas bzhi/mtha' 'khob kla klo/log lta can gyi rigs/sangs rgyas ma byon pa'i zhing/dbang shes blun lkug brda mi 'jal ba ste mi'i mi khoms pa bzhi ste/brgyad po bral ba'i dal ba brgyad}. "To dwell within; 1-3) the three lower realms or among 4) the perceptionless gods are the 'four nonhuman unfree states'. To belong to 1) a primitive border tribe, 2) to hold wrong views, 3) to dwell in a realm where a buddha has not appeared, or 4) to possess defective faculties or mental capacity, such as being imbecilic, inept or incapable of communicating, are the 'four human unfree states'. To be free from these eight are the eight freedoms. [RY]

sdug bsngal gyi sdug bsngal - Suffering upon suffering. 'That which is painful when arising and remaining but pleasant when ceasing.' Mainly the suffering of the three lower realms [RY]

rnam smin kyi sgrib pa - veil of karmic ripening; Mipham Rinpoche: {ngan song gsum lha min sgra mi snyan du skyes pa lta bu rten gyi dbang gis lam mi skye ba rnam smin gyi sgrib pa} "The 'veil of karmic ripening' is the path [failing] to arise due to the influence of one's bodily support as, for instance, when reborn in the three lower realms, as a demigod, [a perceptionless god], or on the continent of Unpleasant Sound. One of {sgrib pa gsum} [RY]

mi ma yin pa'i mi khoms pa'i gnas bzhi - {ngan song gsum dang 'du shes med pa'i lha} To dwell within the three lower realms or among the perceptionless gods are the 'four nonhuman unfree states'. [RY]

mi lus rin po che - precious human body. Comprised of the eight freedoms and ten riches. The freedoms are to avoid rebirth in the eight unfree states: 1-3) three lower realms, 4) a long-living god, 5) having wrong views, 6) a savage, 7) a mute, or 8) born in an age without buddhas. The riches are five from oneself and five from others. The five riches from oneself are: 1) to be a human, 2) centrally born, 3) with intact sense powers, 4) having unperverted livelihood and 5) faith in the right place. The five riches from others are: 1) a buddha appeared and 2) he taught the Dharma, 3) the teachings remain and 4) have followers and 5)(teachers) who compassionately benefit others [RY]

dmyal gnas - hell realm [one of the 18 hells in the three lower realms ngan song gsum; (syn. with) ngan 'gro'i mthil dang, bde med, 'dod pa'i 'bras bral, sdug bsngal gter [IW]

zhing bcu - ten defects or the ten objects are: 1) The enemy of the Three Jewels, 2) the enemy of the master, 3) The samaya violator, 4) the perverted one, 6. the hostile one, 7. The samaya enemy with a wicked character, 8. The one arriving to the congregation, 9. the harmer of everyone, 10. the three lower realms. The enemies and obstructers are one's own and other's ignorance. These ten should be apprehended by all yogis. In the liberation offering the ignorance is liberated into awareness. [RY]