Mount Sumeru

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gling phran brgyad - Eight subcontinents. Smaller continents surrounding Mount Sumeru in pairs flanking each of the four continents: Deha and Videha, Chamara and Upachamara, Shatha and Uttara mantrina, Kurava and Kaurava [RY]

gling bzhi - Four continents. The four continents surrounding Mount Sumeru: Superior Body, Jambu Continent, Cow Utilizing, and Unpleasant Sound [RY]

gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams - Mipham: {gling bzhi ri rab 'dod lha drug tshangs pa'i 'jig rten dang bcas pa la gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams zhes bya} The four continents, Mount Sumeru, the [abodes of the] six desire gods, along with the Abode of Brahma, are called a Four Continent World System. [RY]

rgyal chen bzhi'i ris - the abodes of the Four Great Kings. Mipham: {ri rab bang rim bzhi'i steng ma la, rgyal chen bzhi 'khor dang bcas te gnas, de'i 'og gi bang rim la yas nas mar rim pa ltar, rtag myos dang, phreng thogs dang, gzhong thogs kyi lha rnams yod do, ri bdun gyi kha khyer dang, nyi zla skar ma rnams kyang rgyal chen bzhi'i ris su gtogs pa yin no} the four great kings, along with their retinues, reside upon the fourth terrace of Mount Sumeru. Upon the lower terraces live, listed from above to below, the gods of the Ever-Ecstatic, Garland-Bearers, and Vessel-Bearers. The crests of the seven mountain ranges, the sun, the moon, and all the stars also belong to the abodes of the Four Great Kings. [RY]

rgyal chen bzhi'i ris kyi lha - the gods in the Abode of the Four Great Kings {ri rab kyi bang rim bzhi dang, ri bdun gyi kha khyer dang, go la'i rlung gi gzhi sogs la gnas} reside on the fourth terrace of Mount Sumeru, on the crests of the seven mountain ranges, on the 'wind base of the gola' and so forth [RY]

lcags ri - Iron Mountains. The ring of mountains surrounding Mount Sumeru and the four continents [RY]

'jig rten gyi khams - Mipham: {gling bzhi ri rab 'dod lha drug tshangs pa'i 'jig rten dang bcas pa la gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams zhes bya la de stong la dang po spyi phud stong gi 'jig rten zhes bya'o de stong la bar ma'i stong gi 'jig rten gyi khams dang de stong la stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten zhes bya ste [[[de na]] gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten bye ba phrag brgya ste ther 'bum re yod pa de ni mchog gi sprul sku gcig gi 'dul zhing ngo} The four continents, Mount Sumeru, the [abodes of the] six desire gods, along with the Abode of Brahma, are called a Four Continent World System. One thousand of these are called a First Order Thousandfold World System. One thousand such world systems are called an Intermediate Thousandfold World System. One thousand of these world systems are called a Great Billionfold World System that contains one billion Four Continent Worlds, and it is the domain of influence of a single supreme nirmanakaya. [RY]

'jig rten gyi khams - World-system. A universe comprised of Mount Sumeru, four continents and eight sub-continents [RY]

rtag myos kyi lha - the gods of the Ever-Ecstatic; one of the {rgyal chen bzhi'i ris} on the second terrace of Mount Sumeru [RY]

stong gsum gyi 'jig rten gyi khams - Three-thousandfold universe. The world system of Mount Sumeru and the four continents multiplied a thousand times a thousand times a thousand, adding up to one billion [RY]

stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten - Great Billionfold World System; Mipham: {gling bzhi ri rab 'dod lha drug tshangs pa'i 'jig rten dang bcas pa la gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams zhes bya la de stong la dang po spyi phud stong gi 'jig rten zhes bya'o de stong la bar ma'i stong gi 'jig rten gyi khams dang de stong la stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten zhes bya ste [[[de na]] gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten bye ba phrag brgya ste ther 'bum re yod pa de ni mchog gi sprul sku gcig gi 'dul zhing ngo} The four continents, Mount Sumeru, the [abodes of the] six desire gods, along with the Abode of Brahma, are called a Four Continent World System. One thousand of these are called a First Order Thousandfold World System. One thousand such world systems are called an Intermediate Thousandfold World System. One thousand of these world systems are called a Great Billionfold World System that contains one billion Four Continent Worlds, and it is the domain of influence of a single supreme nirmanakaya. [RY]

dang po spyi phud stong gi 'jig rten - First Order Thousandfold World System; Mipham: {gling bzhi ri rab 'dod lha drug tshangs pa'i 'jig rten dang bcas pa la gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams zhes bya la de stong la dang po spyi phud stong gi 'jig rten zhes bya'o de stong la bar ma'i stong gi 'jig rten gyi khams dang de stong la stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten zhes bya ste [[[de na]] gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten bye ba phrag brgya ste ther 'bum re yod pa de ni mchog gi sprul sku gcig gi 'dul zhing ngo} The four continents, Mount Sumeru, the [abodes of the] six desire gods, along with the Abode of Brahma, are called a Four Continent World System. One thousand of these are called a First Order Thousandfold World System. One thousand such world systems are called an Intermediate Thousandfold World System. One thousand of these world systems are called a Great Billionfold World System that contains one billion Four Continent Worlds, and it is the domain of influence of a single supreme nirmanakaya. [RY]

'dod lha drug gi sum cu rtsa gsum pa - among the six desire gods, the gods in the Abode of the Thirty-three {ri rab kyi steng na gnas} live at the top of Mount Sumeru [RY]

gnod sbyin - Yaksha. A class of semi divine beings, generally benevolent but sometimes wicked. Many are powerful local divinities, others live on Mount Sumeru, guarding the realm of the gods [RY]

rnam rgyal khang bzang - Mansion of Complete Victory, on the summit of Mount Sumeru [RY]

dpal 'byor ri rgyal lhun po tsam gyur pa - my wealth and luxuries equalled Mount Sumeru [RY]

phreng thogs kyi lha - the gods of the Garland-Bearers; one of the {rgyal chen bzhi'i ris} on the third terrace of Mount Sumeru [RY]

bar ma'i stong gi 'jig rten gyi khams - Intermediate Thousandfold World System; Mipham: {gling bzhi ri rab 'dod lha drug tshangs pa'i 'jig rten dang bcas pa la gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten gyi khams zhes bya la de stong la dang po spyi phud stong gi 'jig rten zhes bya'o de stong la bar ma'i stong gi 'jig rten gyi khams dang de stong la stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten zhes bya ste de na gling bzhi pa'i 'jig rten bye ba phrag brgya ste ther 'bum re yod pa de ni mchog gi sprul sku gcig gi 'dul zhing ngo} "The four continents, Mount Sumeru, the [abodes of the] six desire gods, along with the Abode of Brahma, are called a Four Continent World System. One thousand of these are called a First Order Thousandfold World System. One thousand such world systems are called an Intermediate Thousandfold World System. One thousand of these world systems are called a Great Billionfold World System that contains one billion Four Continent Worlds, and it is the domain of influence of a single supreme nirmanakaya." [RY]

gzhong thogs kyi lha - the gods of the Vessel-Bearers; one of the {rgyal chen bzhi'i ris} on the fourth terrace of Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri yi rgyal po - King of Mountains. Same as Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab - Mt. Meru, Mount Sumeru, Mount Supreme, the Universal Mountain. Syn {ri rab lhun po} [RY]

ri rab kyi khong ser - interior of Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab kyi khong gseng - Mount Sumeru's interior cavities [RY]

ri rab kyi khong gseng - the interior cavities of Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab kyi steng na gnas - live at the top of Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab kyi bang rim - terraces of Mount Sumeru [IW]

ri rab kyi bang rim bzhi - the fourth terrace of Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab dang ri bdun mtsho bdun - Mount Sumeru, the seven mountains and the seven lakes [RY]

ri rab bang rim bzhi'i steng ma - the fourth terrace of Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab mi g.yo ba - unmoving Mount Sumeru [RY]

ri rab lhun po - Mount Sumeru. [RY]

ri rab lhun po gling bzhi dang bcas pa - Mount Sumeru and the four continents. The mythological giant mountain at the center of our world-system surrounded by the four continents, where the two lowest classes of gods of the Desire Realm live. It is encircled by chains of lesser mountains, lakes, continents, and oceans and is said to rise 84,000 leagues above sea-level. Our present world is situated on the southern continent called Jambudvipa [RY]

sum cu rtsa gsum pa - the gods in the Abode of the Thirty-three; {ri rab kyi steng na gnas} live at the top of Mount Sumeru [RY]

gser ri bdun - Seven golden mountains. According to the cosmology of the Abhidharma, seven circles of mountains surrounding Mount Sumeru in the center of our universe [RY]

lha min - demigods. Mipham: {lha min ni chu mtshams man chad kyi ri rab kyi khong gseng nas gser gyi sa gzhi'i bar du, steng nas mar, sgra gcan, dkar 'phreng, mgul 'phreng, thags bzang ris te rgyal po bzhi'i ris su gnas pa'o} The demigods live from the water-line of Mount Sumeru's interior cavities down to its golden base. Listing them from uppermost to nether, they reside in the Abodes of the Four Kings called Rahu, White Garland, Necklace and Splendid Fabric. [RY]

lha min ni ri rab kyi khong gseng dang gser gyi sa gzhir thug gi bar du gnas - demigods inhabit the interior cavities of Mount Sumeru down to the golden base [RY]