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[['byud 'gyur]] - material arisen from the; 4) elements, sense object, object of the four physical senses excluding hearing [IW]
[['byud 'gyur]] - material arisen from the; 4) elements, sense object, object of the four physical senses excluding hearing [IW]

[[Category: Key Terms]]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category:E]]

Revision as of 09:33, 13 October 2009

Definitions and use in context:

'byung khams - the elements [earth, water, air, fire, space and awareness, outer and inner] [IW]

'byung khams - the elements [IW]

'byung khams - origin, elements [JV]

'byung khams rnam dag - totally purified elements [JV]

'byung khams ma lus - all the elements [JV]

'byung khungs cha 'dra - apparent source, the elements [IW]

'byung khungs cha 'dra - the apparent source, the elements [like the five divisions. though no things at all really form other things, here it appears as if they do. As the sun rises from the east] [IW]

'byung 'khrugs - turmoil of/ upsetting the elements [outer and inner four elements] [IW]

'byung 'khrugs - turmoil of/ upsetting the elements [IW]

'byung gyur - material things [arisen from] the elements [IW]

'byung gyur - CM: 'byung ba las gyur pa'i dngos po, a thing that has arisen from the elements. [mss] [RY]

'byung 'gyur - evolutes of the elements; Skt. bautika [RY]

'byung 'gyur - [material objects] arisen from elements [RY]

'byung 'gyur - [phenomena] arising from elements [ggd] [RY]

'byung 'gyur - secondary qualities of elements, future, evolutes of the elements, secondary quality, yet to arise [JV]

'byung 'gyur gyi reg bya - tangible objects arisen from the elements [RY]

'byung 'gyur gyi reg bya nyer gnyis - the 22 tangible objects arisen from the elements. [TSE] [IW]

'byung 'gyur gyi reg bya nyer gnyis - 22 textures made from material elements [RY]

'byung lnga - the five elements [JV]

'byung lnga rags pa - five gross elements [JV]

'byung lnga shar - five elements arise [JV]

'byung che - the [great] elements, [IW]

'byung che - 'byung ba che - great elements [RY]

'byung chen - the [great] elements [IW]

'byung chen lnga - the 5 great elements [JV]

'byung bdun - the 7 tangible objects which are elements [IW]

'byung pa - 1) elements; 2) source; 3) come forth/ into existence [IW]

'byung pa - elements, to come forth, source, come into existence [RY]

'byung pa chen po - the [four] great elements, the major elements [RY]

'byung pa chen po - the [great] elements [IW]

'byung pa chen po lnga - five gross elements [IW]

'byung pa chen po bzhi - the four major elements [RY]

'byung pa rim brtsegs - the gradually piled elements [RY]

'byung pa ro snyoms - the equal taste of the elements [RY]

'byung pa'i de bzhin nyid - the suchness of the elements [IW]

'byung po - [harmful] spirit, evil forces, 1) living beings with form established from the four elements 2) <bh'uta:> harmful formless geks and dins [class of beings mainly included in the preta realm, ghost, evil spirits, a spirit, creature, harmful spirits, any being, even a plant bhuta, evil forces] [IW]

'byung po - exposition, elements, beings, creature, demon, evil spirit, 1 of 12 kinds of yi dwags, type of lha, name of a class of spirits that corresponds to the Bhuta of the Indian tradition [JV]

'byung po'i gnas - abode of beings, vishnu, shiva, body as abode of elements [JV]

'byung 'phrod - harmonization of the elements [JV]

'byung ba - come forth, elements, elemental forces, evolution phases, materiality functions, materiality-producing forces (sa, chu, me, rlung, nam mkha'), arise, spring up, emerge, appear, be set free, go forth, set out, was, past tense indicator, mundane sufferings, come about, progressive order, ordinary, physical, derive, emanate, evolve, happen, originate, to derive from, to be released from, to manifest, leave, become involved in, get a sense of, to get involved in, source [JV]

'byung ba - 1) aris[ing]; 2) happen/ come; 3) the elements; 4) five [IW]

'byung ba - {'byung ba, byung ba} intr. v. 1) appearance in the world, element. 2) ordinary, physical. 3) {'byung} 4) source. 5) an emergence, state of being, existence. coming into existence, to come out, to occur, arise, to emerge. elements; element; to originate from; element(al quality); to occur/ happen/ ensue; to come into being/ lead to/ come from; to encounter [hardship] [RY]

'byung ba - 1) aris[ing]; 2) happen/ come; 3) the elements [metaphorically = "5", appearance, arising, element, ordinary, physical, source, an emergence, state of being, existence coming into existence come out] [IW]

'byung ba - ordinary, of the elements [IW]

'byung ba 'khrugs - upsetting of the elements [RY]

'byung ba 'khrugs pa'i 'grams bcos - rites to repair disturbances due to derangement of the elements [JV]

'byung ba gyur pa'i reg bya - tangible objects which are [of] elements [IW]

'byung ba gyur pa'i reg bya - tangible objects which are elements [RY]

'byung ba dgra thog - discordance between the elements [JV]

'byung ba dgra thog song ba - the elements in the enemy relationship [JV]

'byung ba 'gag - karmic breathing tied to the elements will cease [JV]

'byung ba lnga - the five elements. Earth, water, fire, air and space. [sa chu me rlung nam mkha'] [RY]

'byung ba lnga - the five elements [1) sa; chu; me; rlung; nam mkha'. 2) lcags; shing; chu; me; sa. [IW]

'byung ba lnga - the five elements [IW]

'byung ba lnga dag pa'i 'od lnga - the five lights of the five pure elements [RY]

'byung ba che - the elements, [the four gross major elements. earth, water, air, and fire. from these fruition forms "arise" and, and since they are the support of all causally produced forms the supported is of great quantity/size and, since it exists as the solidity and so forth of all form collections it is vast and all-pervading, and, since its existence is of great extent it is "great"] [IW]

'byung ba che - the [great] elements [R] [IW]

'byung ba chen po - elements, great element, the major elements [RY]

'byung ba chen po - the elements [great element, gross element, major elements] [IW]

'byung ba chen po lnga - the five gross / major elements [RY]

'byung ba chen po bzhi - the four major elements, [[[sa]]; chu; me; rlung. [RY]

'byung ba chen po bzhi po dag - the four great elements [sa; chu; me; rlung.] [IW]

'byung ba snyoms pa - equalization of the the elements [power of the external and internal four elements] [IW]

'byung ba thim rim - the stages of the dissolving of the elements [IW]

'byung ba thim rim - the dissolution stages of the elements [RY]

'byung ba thim rim - the stages of the dissolving of the elements [At the time of death the elements of flesh, blood, heat, and breath one by one dissolving is the order of dissolution of the four coarse elements. By the earth element dissolving into water external sign is that the body cannot move and the eye does not see forms, the internal sign is the arising of an appearance like smoke. By the dissolving of the water element into fire, the external sign is that all the body's moist parts become dried up and the ear does not hear sounds. The inner sign is the arising of appearance like a mirage. With the dissolving of the fire element into wind the external sign is that the body's heat subsides and the nose no longer smells scents. the internal sign is the arising of an appearance like fireflies. With wind dissolving into consciousness the external sign is that one cannot collect the breath inwardly and the body does not feel touchables. The internal sign is an appearance like that of a lamp disturbed by wind] [IW]

'byung ba dus kyi 'khor lo - Temporal cycle of the elements [JV]

'byung ba dus kyi lha mo - goddesses of the elements and of time [JV]

'byung ba drug - the six elements [IW]

'byung ba drug - the six elements [the five elements plus wisdom [in Kalachakra system] [IW]

'byung ba drug - six elements [5 + mind] [RY]

'byung ba bsdus pa - composed of elements [JV]

'byung ba bsdus pa'i rgyang zhags - far-reacher composed of elements [RY]

'byung ba phra mo'i bag chags kyi gzugs - the body of tendencies of subtle elements [RY]

'byung ba 'byung ba bzhi - the four major elements, {sa; chu; me; rlung.} [RY]

'byung ba tsha grang - the elements of cold and heat [RY]

'byung ba bzhi - four elements [earth water, fire and air] sa, chu, me, rlung] [IW]

'byung ba bzhi - the four elements. Four Elements. Earth, water, fire and air [RY]

'byung ba rang rgyud - element diagrams of CH divination [representing the discrete entities of the elements] [IW]

'byung ba rang rgyud - Diagrams of Chinese divination representing the discrete entities of the elements [RY]

'byung ba rang sar dengs - elements subsiding into their own place [IW]

'byung ba rim brtsegs - progressive stacking of elements (one above the other) [RB]

'byung ba rim brtsegs - gradually piled/ layered elements [IW]

'byung ba rim brtsegs - progressive stacking of elements (one above the other); gradually piled / layered elements [RY]

'byung ba ro snyoms - equalizing the elements [RY]

'byung ba ro snyoms - the equal taste of the elements [RY]

'byung ba las gyur pa - material objects arisen from elements [IW]

'byung ba'i khams - condition of the elements [JV]

'byung ba'i bcud - the essence of the elements [RY]

'byung ba'i cha snyoms - balance of the elements [JV]

'byung ba'i dwangs ma - {bcud} the essence of the elements. [that which keeps things together, energy] [RY]

'byung ba'i dwangs ma - essence of the elements [that which keeps things together, energy] [IW]

'byung ba'i nus pa - energy of the elements [JV]

'byung ba'i gnod pa dang bral - {bskal pa stong kyang mi 'jig par 'byung ba'i gnod pa dang bral} even in the universal destruction at the end of the kalpa, the four elements cannot harm it [RY]

'byung ba'i rtsis rnams - astrological calculations of the elements [JV]

'byung ba'i rang sgra - natural sound of the elements [JV]

'byung ba'i reg bya bzhi - the four tangible textures of the elements [IW]

'byung ba'i reg bya bzhi - the four tangible textures of the elements [1) hard/ solid 2) moist/ wet 3) hot and consuming 4) rises/ dissipates and moves] [IW]

'byung ba'i reg bya bzhi - the four tangible textures of the elements: 1) {sa zhing 'thas pa} hard/solid 2){brlan cing gsher ba} 3) moist and wet {tsha zhing sreg pa} hot and consuming 4) {yar zhing gyo ba} rises/dissipates and moves. a kind of skye mched of touchables] [IW]

'byung bar ston - communicated through the elements [JV]

'byung 'byur - 1) arisen from the; 4) elements; 2) sense object [excluding hearing] [IW]

'byung 'byur - material arisen from the [four] elements, sense object, object of the four physical senses excluding hearing [RY]

'byung 'byur gyi reg bya - tangible object [from the elements] [IW]

'byung 'byur gyi reg bya]] - tangible object --- from the elements [RY]

'byung med gzugs - the form beyond the [four] elements [RY]

'byung rtsis - astrology of the elements [JV]

'byung rtsis kyi don rnam pa dgu - Nine topics of [Chinese] divination [R](chinese elements {khams} years {lo} numbers {sme ba} trigrams {spar kha} months {zla ba} days {nyi ma} two-hour periods {dus tshod} planets {gza'} and stars {skar ma} [IW]

'byung gzhi - the four elements. [also cf. yong sa'i khungs, rtsod gleng 'byung gzhi, bza' bca'i 'byung gzhi [IW]

'byung gzhi - the four elements *, source, origin [IW]

'byung bzhi - the four elements, [earth, water, fire and wind]. the four material objects, [Syn {'byung 'gyur lnga} excluding {sgra} [RY]

'byung bzhi khungs - source/ origin of the four elements [IW]

'byung bzhi snyoms - 1) equalize the power of the external and internal four elements; 2) person w/o sickness or chronic conditions [IW]

'byung bzhi snyoms pa - 1) equalize the power of the external and internal four elements; 2) person w/o sickness or chronic conditions [IW]

'byung bzhi 'dus pa'i bdag nyid can - have a selfhood gathered from the four elements [IW]

'byung bzhi 'dus pa'i lus - this body, an aggregate of the four elements [RY]

'byung bzhi rim brtsegs - the tiers of the four elements [RY]

'byung bzhi'i sgra don - the nature of the sounds of the four elements [RY]

'byung bzhi'i cho 'phrul - the magical displays of the four elements [RY]

'byung bzhi'i 'jigs pa - dangers of the four elements: earth quake, flooding, fire, storm [RY]

'byung bzhi'i gtor ma - torma of the four elements [a torma clearing away disturbances of the elements of the body. Taught by pha dam pa sangs rgyas, an oral instruction of zhi gcod [IW]

'byung bzhi'i gnod pa - the harm of the four elements [IW]

'byung bzhi'i mtshan nyid bzhi - the four definitions/ characteristics of the four elements [CHN] [IW]

'byung bzhi'i lus - this body, a combination of the four elements [RY]

'byung gzugs - forms of elements [JV]

'byung rim - the layered elements [RY]

'byung rim - levels of elements [RY]

'byung lus - organism built up by the elements [JV]

'byungs ba'i bcud - essence of the elements [IW]

'byud 'gyur - material arisen from the; 4) elements, sense object, object of the four physical senses excluding hearing [IW]