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all things listed which have to do with 'emanation(s)' in some form or other:

sku rgyud - descent of the spirit in emanations as in the case of incarnate lamas, scion, descendant of a noble family [JV]

sku dang gsung dang thugs kyi sprul pa - Body, Speech and Mind emanations [RY]

sku sprul - body emanation. See {sku'i sprul sku, sku las sprul pa} [RY]

sku bzhi - The four bodies of a Buddha. 1) {ngo bo nyid sku} Natural Truth Body. 2) {ye shes chos sku} Wisdom Truth Body. 3) {longs sku} Complete Enjoyment Body. 4) {sprul sku} Emanation Body; Four Bodies. Four Buddha-Bodies. The body of reality {chos sku}. or dharmakaya, the body of perfect rapture {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku}. or sambhogakaya, the emanational body {sprul pa'i sku} or nirmanakaya, and the body of their essentiality {ngo bo nyid kyi sku}. or svabhavikakaya [RY]

sku gzugs - [H] 1) body; 2) image, bodily form; 3) health; 4) statue, physical form; 5) the emanational teaching of the Great perfection GD [IW]

sku gsum - three buddha bodies, three kayas trikaya [The body of reality {chos sku} or dharmakaya, the body of perfect rapture {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku} or sambhogakaya, and the emanational body {sprul pa'i sku} or nirmanakaya [gd] [IW]

skye ba sprul sku - born, incarnated nirmanakaya, the emanation body of a buddha by birth. One of {sprul sku rnam gsum}. 3 types of emanation body [RY]

skye ba'i sprul pa - {skye ba'i sprul sku} emanation through conscious rebirth [RB]

khyab 'jug gi 'jug pa bcu - the ten incarnations emanations of Vishnu. 1) fish. 2) {rus sbal} tortoise. 3) wild pig. 4) {mi'i seng ge} a human-lion. 5) {ra ma lha} the god Rama. 6) {mi'u thung} a dwarf. 7) {nag po} the god Krishna. 8) {ki rte tsi} the saint Parku. 9) {sha kya thub ba} Buddha Shakyamuni. 10) {rigs ldan} Kulika [RY]

khyung gi tshwa tshwa - "garuda sparks"; tiny garuda emanations [RY]

khye'u snang ba dam pa - Youth of Sublime Light; an emanation of Vajradhara who taught the 17 Dzogchen tantras to the 1000 buddhas of this aeon; 1) the first of the {rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis} who taught the {sgra thal 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud}. 2) the child with perfect vision. Syn {rang byung ye shes} [RY]

khro chung - small wrathful emanations [RY]

mkha' 'gro 'od 'chang - the dakini Prabhadhara, the emanation of the Suchness aspect of Vajra Varahi [RY]

'khor lo drug - six cakras (gtsug gtor nam mkha', dpral ba bde ba, mgrin pa longs spyod, snying kha chos, lte ba sprul pa, gsang gnas bde skyong), (cakras are: of space at the top of the head, of bliss at the forehead, of delight at the throat, of dharma at the heart, of emanation at the navel, and the cakra which maintains pleasure at the secret place) [JV]

'khor lo bzhi - the four chakras, wheels. 1) {sprul pa'i 'khor lo}. 2) {chos kyi 'khor lo} 3) {longs spyod kyi 'khor lo} 4) {bde chen gyi 'khor lo} II]. the four wheels of practice. 1) {thun pa'i yul na gnas pa} to dwell in a favorable country. 2) {skyes chen bsten pa} to follow a great being. 3) {rang nyid legs smon} one's individual good aspirations. 4) {sngon bsod nams bsags pa} having accumulated merit formerly. III] 1) {snying khar chos kyi 'khor lo} the wheel of phenomena at the heart. 2) {mgrin par longs spyod rdzogs pa'i 'khor lo} the wheel of enjoyment at the throat. 3) {ste bar sprul pa'i 'khor lo} the wheel of emanation at the navel. 4) {gtsug tor du bde chen 'khor lo} the wheel of great bliss at the crown [RY]

gang gis stong pa - 1) what is it empty / devoid of?. 2) emptied out; emanation body [RY]

gar - where; display; an emanation; a dance; 1) dancing, performing in plays / dramas, dance, display. 2) whither, where [RY]

gri bdud - Tridud secondary emanations [JV]

grub thob sprul pa'i sku - emanations of those accomplished practitioners [RY]

grub pa - valid, exist, is, proceed from, a datum, what is there, realized, that which is logically valid, service and attention, realize, accomplish, prove, understand, accomplishments, to be found if inquired into, established, proven, accomplished, saint, existing, success, mustard, SA 'grub pa, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, type of lha, magical emanation, corroborated, realization, realized ones, exist as, existence [JV]

dgongs gter - mind treasure, profound and visionary concealed teachings, mind dharma treasures, treasury of the mind, spontaneous appearance of teachings that were concealed in the transmigrating principle of associates of Padmasambhava for propagation by future emanations, mind termas, spiritual mind treasure, mental treasures [JV]

dgongs pa mi 'dra ba bcu gnyis - 12 different intentions of mind [the four outer contemplations of moving as a spiritual warrior {dpa' bor 'gro ba} of the precious top-ornament {rin po che'i tog} of emanation {rnam par rol pa} and of the basket of books {za ma tog}; the four inner contemplations of entering into all objects, manifesting, the crown-jewel and of the array on the summit of the victory banner {yul kun la 'jug pa, mngon pas snang ba}, {gtsug gi nor bu}, {rgyal mtshan rtse mo yongs su bkod pa}; and the four secret contemplations of pure motion {'gyu ba dag pa} profound appearance {zab mo snang ba} precious light {rin chen sgron me} and excellence {legs pa} refer to Longchenpa, Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle, p 28] [IW]

mgar grub chen - A Tibetan accomplished master who was an emanation of Nagarjuna. Head of a Drigung Kagyü monastery at Nakchuka north of Lhasa [RY]

mgar nag - black ironsmith, important emanation of rdo rje legs pa [JV]

'gag med - 1) unconfined, unrestricted, unceasing, ceaseless; not limited to, unobstructed, freely, unlimited, unhindered, free from obstruction, [able to manifest emanations]. 2) unceasing, {rtsal sna tshogs 'gag med} its strength manifold and unceasing [RY]

'gro 'dul sprul pa - emanations which train living beings [RY]

rgyal ba'i sprul pa - emanation of the [RY]

sgyu 'phrul - magical display; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} magical emanation, incarnation; [RY]

dngos snang - manifest in person, actually manifest; Syn {rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} magical emanation, incarnation; [RY]

dngos sprul - an actual emanation [RY]

dngos byon - appearing in person; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, sprul pa, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} magical emanation, incarnation; [RY]

dngos su 'byon pa - an actual manifestation, incarnation, emanation [RY]

mnga' ris pan chen pad ma dbang rgyal - Ngari Panchen Pema Wangyal; 1487-1542, one of the five tertön emanations of King Trisong Deutsen. Author of Domsum Namnge (sdom gsum rnam nges) which explains the three vows of the Pratimoksha, the Bodhisattva, and the Secret Mantra, and how they interrelate [RY]

rnga g.yab zangs mdog dpal ri - Glorious Mountain in Chamara / Glorious Copper Colored Mountain. The terrestrial pure land (buddhafield) of Guru Rinpoche situated on the subcontinent Chamara to the south-east of the Jambu Continent. Chamara is the central of a configuration of nine islands inhabited by savage rakshasas. In the middle of Chamara rises the majestic red colored mountain into the skies. On its summit lies the magical palace Lotus Light, manifested from the natural expression of primordial wakefulness. Here resides Padmasambhava in an indestructible bodily form transcending birth and death for as long as samsara continues and through which he incessantly brings benefit to beings through magical emanations of his body, speech and mind [RY]

sngags kyi de kho na nyid - thatness of mantra. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

sngags kyi yan lag lnga - Five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity (lha'i de kho na nyid) is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self (bdag gi kho na nyid) is the mandala of body. The thatness of guhyamantra (gsang sngags kyi kho na nyid) is the placement of the seed syllable and the mantra chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation (bzlas brjod kyi kho na nyid) is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption ('phro 'du'i kho na nyid) is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed syllable [RY]

sngags kyi yan lag lnga - five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

chu tig sngon po - sometimes from the N arising planet said to be emanation of Rahu [IW]

cho 'phrul - miracle, jugglery, magic, orthodox magic, rite, magical (illusion, display, trick), magical display, apparitions, miraculous emanations, magical manifestation, magical expression [JV]

chos kyi rnam grangs drug bcu - Sixty Doctrines. The twelve events of the supreme emanation body in the twelve realms each of which possesses the five perfect accomplishments of place, teacher, retinue, doctrine and time [RY]

chos kyi rnam grangs drug bcu - 60 doctrines [12 events of the supreme emanational body op cit in the 12 realms each w the five perfect accomplishments of place, teacher, retinue, doctrine and time] [IW]

chos sku rin po che - Chöku Rinpoche; a precious white statue of Buddha Amitabha. It is one of the five image- emanations of Avalokiteshvara that originated miraculously from the milk lake of the Dakini Land of Kharsha (gar shwa, Lahoul, in northern India). The monastery also housed the white conch and the cauldron of Naropa. These three relics were hidden when the monastery was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, and reinstalled in the new monastery rebuilt since 1981. [MR] [RY]

mchog gi sprul sku - Supreme nirmanakaya. An emanation to appear as a fully enlightened buddha enacting twelve deeds [RY]

mchog gi sprul sku - {mchog gi sprul pa, byang chub mchog gi sprul sku/ pa} emanation of sublime enlightenment/ sublime nirmanakaya [RB]

mchog gi sprul sku stong rtsa - 1,000 supreme emanational bodies [tath gat cintyaguhyanirdesha as cited in bu ston, op cit, pt 2, p 91ff (gd-mk) [IW]

mchog gi sprul sku stong rtsa - 1,000 supreme emanational bodies [IW]

mchog gi sprul sku gsum - three supreme emanations [nyangrel nyima "zer, guru chöwang, and rikdzin godemcen see mkhyen brtse on history, pp 41-42 (gd-mk) [IW]

mchog gi sprul sku gsum - three supreme emanations [nyangrel nyima ozer, guru chowang, and rikdzin godemcen see mkhyen brtse on history, pp 41-42 (gd-mk) [IW]

mchog gi sprul pa - supreme emanation [RY]

mchog gi sprul pa - {byang chub mchog gi sprul sku/ pa} emanation of sublime enlightenment/ sublime nirmanakaya [RB]

mchog sprul - reincarnated lama/ tulku, supreme emanation, nirmanakaya buddha [IW]

'jam dpal gyi 'khor lo bzhi - four centers of ma¤jus'r [secret center connected with the abiding of the mind {gnas kyi 'khor lo} the center of existence connected with the navel {srid pa'i 'khor lo} the cutting center connected with the arms of the deity {gcod pa'i 'khor lo} and the center of emanation connected with the legs and feet of the deity {sprul pa'i 'khor lo}; [IW]

'jam dpal gyi 'khor lo bzhi - Four Centers of Manjushri. These are the secret center connected with the abiding of the mind {gnas kyi 'khor lo} the center of existence connected with the navel {srid pa'i 'khor lo} the cutting center connected with the arms of the deity {gcod pa'i 'khor lo} and the center of emanation connected with the legs and feet of the deity {sprul pa'i 'khor lo} [RY]

'jam dpal gyi 'khor lo bzhi - four centers of ma¤jus'r [secret center connected with the abiding of the mind {gnas kyi 'khor lo} the center of existence connected with the navel {srid pa'i 'khor lo} the cutting center connected with the arms of the deity {gcod pa'i 'khor lo} and the center of emanation connected with the legs and feec{'jal byed tshul bzhi - the four styles of appraisal of the secret mantra texts [the lexical {yi ge} the general/abstract {spyi} the concealed {sbas pa} and the conclusive {mthar thug} [IW]

'jam dpal dgyes pa'i zlos gar - the emanation of Manjushri, lit: "gentle splendour, the emanation of delight" [an epithet for] Manjushri. [mss] [RY]

'jam dbyangs kyi sprul pa - emanation of Manjushri [IW]

'jam dbyangs kyi sprul pa - incarnation, emanation of Manjushri [RY]

'jig rten mchod bstod - mundane Chötö. One of {bka' brgyad} worldly deities of offering and praise. one of the {'jig rten pa'i sde gsum} three categories of worldly deities; offering of praise to worldly emanation deities [RY]

'jig pa'i bskal pa - kalpa of destruction [third of the four kalpas] [After the kalpa of remaining until the period of emptiness, when the inhabitants, sentient beings' emanation in birth as sentient beings interruption begins. Intermediate kalpa at whose end the environment, the world, is destroyed by fire, water, and wind. Syn: bskal pa'i mtha' dang, 'gro ba zhig cher 'jig 'jig bskal, dus bskal, dus mtha', zad bskal, rab thig, rab nub.] [IW]

'jigs byed - bhairava, n. of gshin rje gshed?, n. of yamantaka?, n. of vajrabhairavi, (1 of 8 chos skyong, ferocious emanation of Manjusri ?) bhairava (hindu deity on whom vajrayogini tramples), destroyer [JV]

nying sprul - emanation of the third degree, emanation, incarnation [JV]

nying sprul - re-emanation, re-incarnation, emanation's emanation [IW]

nyid kyi rnam par rol pa - his own emanation [RY]

ting 'dzin bcu gnyis - twelve samadhis. The four outer contemplations of moving as a spiritual warrior {dpa' bor 'gro ba} of the precious top-ornament {rin po che'i tog} of emanation {rnam par rol pa} and of the basket of books {za ma tog} the four inner contemplations of entering into all objects, manifesting, the crown-jewel and of the array on the summit of the victory banner {yul kun la 'jug pa, mngon pas snang ba}, {gtsug gi nor bu}, {rgyal mtshan rtse mo yongs su bkod pa} and the four secret contemplations of pure motion {'gyu ba dag pa} profound appearance {zab mo snang ba} precious light {rin chen sgron me} and excellence {legs pa} [RY]

gter ston rgyal po lnga - Five Kingly Treasure-Finders. The emanations of King Trisong Deutsen who were successively Nyang-ral Nyima Özer, Guru Chöwang, Dorje Lingpa, Orgyen Pema Lingpa, and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [RY]

lte ba sprul pa - 1 of 'khor lo drug, cakra of emanation at the navel, 1 of 'khor lo bzhi, cakra of emanation at the navel [JV]

lte ba sprul pa'i 'khor lo - emanation wheel of the navel, the navel center [RY]

lte ba sprul pa'i 'khor lo - navel emanation chakra [IW]

lte ba sprul pa'i 'khor lo - emanation wheel of the navel, the navel center GD [IW]

thugs rje - compassion, [power] benevolence, kindness [Notes: means both kind and powerful the intention or inspiration to be kind is bka' 'drin this is the fruition of that--the actual action whereas thugs rje is being generous, accommodating, snying rje is more feeling pity or sorry for someone (vctr). {rtsal}, {gdangs}. grace, compassion [h] {snying rje}. mercy, good heart, kind, responsiveness, energy, compassionate energy/quality/expression, karuna. energy, ever responsive energies, merciful with grace, responsiveness, felt reality, resonance, spirituality. quality of the emanational body according to the Great perfection. [Gd-mk]. thanks, the buddha-body of perfect rapture, and the spirituality [Gd-mk]. [tserig]. snying rje. [IW]

thugs spru - mind emanation [RY]

thugs sprul - mind emanation [RY]

thub pa drug - Six Munis. six emanations of Samantabhadra which tame the beings of the six realms [RY]

thu'u kwan grub mtha' - CM: grub mtha' thams cad kyi khungs dang 'dod tshul ston pa legs bshad shel gyi me long zhes bya ba thu'u kun sku phreng gsum pa blo bzang chos kyi nyi mas rab byung bcu gsum pa'i lcags bya lor brtsams. The Indication of the Source and Manner of Asserting All Tenets, the Crystal Mirror of Eloquent Explanations composed in the Iron-bird year of the thirteenth cycle by Losang Chokyi Nyima, the third emanation of Thu'u Kwan. From here, CM goes on to list the topics covered. [mss] [RY]

mthing 'od 'bar ma - Blazing Blue Light. Ting Ö Barma. An emanation of Yeshe Tsogyal who is the consort of Raksha Tötreng [RY]

dug stangs gsum - three postures [according to the penetration of sound {sgra thal 'gyur} ngb vol 10, the posture of the lion which rests in the buddha-body of reality frees 1 from all fears of bewilderment and enables 1 to see with eyes of indestructible reality; the posture of the elephant which rests in the buddha-body of perfect rapture brings about the experience of reality and enables 1 to see with lotus eyes; the crouching posture of a sage which rests in the emanational body emanates reality as appearances, and enables 1 to see with the eyes of reality] [IW]

dus bab kyi sprul - timely emanation [IW]

dus babs kyi sprul - timely emanation [IW]

dri med bshes gnyen - Vimalamitra. A master in the Dzogchen lineage and the crown ornament of five hundred panditas, who had attained the indestructible form of the rainbow body. He received the transmission of Dzogchen from Shri Singha and Jnanasutra. Vimalamitra is regarded as one of the three main forefathers for establishing the Dzogchen teachings, especially the Instruction Section, in Tibet, which he chiefly transmitted to five people: King Trisong Deutsen, Prince Muney Tsenpo, Tingdzin Sangpo of Nyang, Kawa Paltsek and Chokro Lui Gyaltsen. Having translated these extremely profound instructions, he concealed the texts at Samye Chimphu for the sake of future generations. On his departure to the Five-peaked Mountain in China, Vimalamitra made the promise to return once every century in order to clarify and propagate the teachings of the secret, innermost essence, Sangwa Nyingtig. The oral lineage of his teachings on the Instruction Section was continued by Tingdzin Sangpo of Nyang who also concealed one set of the scriptures. one hundred and fifty five years after Vimalamitra departed from Tibet, an emanation of him named Dangma Lhüngyal took out the hidden texts. They are now included in the collection known as Vima Nyingtig, the Heart Essence of Vimalamitra. In his role as lineage holder of Nectar Quality among the Eight Sadhana Teachings, he is counted among the Eight Vidyadharas of India, the receiver of the Eightfold Volume of Nectar Quality. According to this lineage he was born in Elephant Grove, an area in the western part of India. He was learned in both the common and extraordinary topics of knowledge and received teachings on the tantras from Buddhaguhya and many other illustrious masters. Having practiced, he reached the accomplishment of the vidyadhara level of Mahamudra and wrote numerous treatises, mainly on the teachings connected to the Magical Net [RY]

gdul ba rnam bzhi - four kinds of instruction of the supreme emanational body [IW]

bdag gi de kho na nyid - thatness of self. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje - Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje, 1800-1859?. A great master and tertön who was the mind emanation of Jigmey Lingpa [RY]

'dul ba rnam par bzhi - the four kinds of taming [four kinds of taming of the supreme emanational body (taming by the great merit of the buddha-body {sku bsod nams chen pos 'dul ba} taming by the direct perception of buddha-mind {thugs mngon sum pas 'dul ba} taming by inconceivable miraculous abilities {rdzu 'phrul bsam gyis [IW]

'dul ba rnam par bzhi - the four kinds of taming [4 kinds of taming of the supreme emanational body [R] [IW]

'dod pa na spyod pa'i lha'i ris drug - six levels of the gods of desire; {rgyal chen bzhi}, {sum cu rtsa gsum pa}, {'thab bral}, {dga' ldan}, {'phrul dga'}, {gzhan 'phrul dbang byed} the four great kings, the 33, joyful, delighting in emanation, power over others' emanations.] [IW]

'dod lha drug - the six kinds of gods in the realm of desire; {rgyal chen bzhi}, {sum cu rtsa gsum pa}, {'thab bral}, {dga' ldan}, {'phrul dga'}, {gzhan 'phrul dbang byed} the four great kings, the 33, free from strife, joyful, delighting in emanation, power over others' emanations.] [IW]

'dod lha rigs drug - six levels of the gods of desire; {rgyal chen bzhi}, {sum cu rtsa gsum pa}, {'thab bral}, {dga' ldan}, {'phrul dga'}, {gzhan 'phrul dbang byed} the four great kings, the 33, joyful, delighting in emanation, power over others' emanations.] [IW]

'dod lha ris drug - six levels of the gods of desire; {rgyal chen bzhi}, {sum cu rtsa gsum pa}, {'thab bral}, {dga' ldan}, {'phrul dga'}, {gzhan 'phrul dbang byed} the four great kings, the 33, joyful, delighting in emanation, power over others' emanations.] [IW]

rdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje - 1800-1859? - Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje, the mind emanation of Jigmey Lingpa [RY]

rdo rje gro lod - Dorje Drolö, wrathful emanation of Guru Rinpoche [RY]

rdo rje sems dpa'i sprul pa - an emanation of Vajrasattva [RY]

rdo rje'i ging ka ra - the Vajra Gingkara; emanation of Palchen Heruka [RY]

na ro mkha' spyod ma - sakya yidam emanation of Vajrayogini [IW]

gnas ris bcu gnyis - 12 different realms of the emanational body [IW]

gnas ris bcu gnyis - 12 different realms of the emanational body {gdmk fundamentals, pt 2] [IW]

rnam par rol pa - emanation, transcendental playfulness; various actions /pleasures [RY]

rnam par rol pa - emanation, transcendental playfulness [IW]

rnam sprul 'gro don gyi rgyud pa - emanations who care for the well-being of sentient beings [JV]

rnam 'phul - incarnation, miraculous display, emanative [offerings of Samantabhadra], emanation [RY]

rnam 'phrul - emanation [IW]

rnam 'phrul - incarnation, projection, miraculous transformations, emanation, magical manifestation, avatar [IW]

rnam 'phrul - manifestation; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} magical emanation, incarnation; [RY]

rnam 'phrul - emanation, inconceivable appearances, manifestations, sorcery of an undesirable type, incarnation, 1 of 10 stobs bcu [JV]

rnam 'phrul - incarnation, projection, miraculous transformations, emanation, magical manifestation; magical emanation; projection; manifestation [RY]

rnam 'phrul bcu gnyis - the 12 emanations/ avatars [of Vishnu] [IW]

sna tshogs sprul pa - diversified emanations [gd] [IW]

sna tshogs sprul pa - diversified emanations [RY]

pad ma gling pa - Pema Lingpa: 1445-1521. Padma Dechen Lingpa was a mind emanation of the great translator Vairochana [RY]

pad ma 'byung gnas - In his Pond of White Lotus Flowers (p. 19-20) Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal explains that Padmasambhava was predicted in the Tantra of the Perfect Embodiment of the Unexcelled Nature, "Eight years after I pass into nirvana, I shall reappear in the country of Uddiyana by the name Padmasambhava and be the lord of the teachings of Secret Mantra." Following this prophesy, Padmasambhava appeared in this world in the following way: The fully perfected Buddha Amitabha, sovereign of the vajra speech of all the buddhas of the three times, resides in an immense celestial palace composed of the self-display of innate wakefulness in the center of the pure realm of Sukhavati. Inseparable from the luminous dharmakaya essence of Amitabha's mind, Padmasambhava is an unceasing miraculous display of the natural expression of compassionate energy, a manifestation of outer, inner and secret emanations that appear according to the countless beings to be influenced and to accomplish their welfare. In particular, in this world Padmasambhava appeared as the regent of Buddha Shakyamuni by taking birth from a lotus flower in Lake Danakosha. Through the miraculous display of his amazing deeds he was equivalent to a second buddha for Buddhism in both India and Tibet. On the relative level, in Maratika he appeared to realize the vidyadhara level of life mastery, the unified stage of the path of training, the realization of which is equal to that of a bodhisattva on the eighth level according to the causal vehicles. In the Cave of Yangleshö he acted as if reaching the Mahamudra level of the path of cultivation by the samadhi that illuminates the wisdom mandala of the nine divinities of Vishuddha and thus attained a state of realization corresponding to that of a bodhisattva on the tenth level according to the causal vehicles. In fact, his state of realization is indivisible from that of the buddhas of the three times and possesses the nature of wondrous manifestations that surpass the boundary of ordinary thought [RY]

dpal chen thugs sprul - mind emanation of Palchen heruka [IW]

dpal chen thugs sprul - heart emanation of the Great Glorious One [RY]

dpal sprul rin po che - Paltrül Rinpoche (1808-1887). One of the foremost scholars of his time. He was known not only for his scholarship and learning but also for his example of renunciation and compassion. His most famous works include Kunsang Lamey Shellung and his commentary on Tsigsum Nedek, the epitome of the Dzogchen teachings. A great nonsectarian master of the 19th century who was regarded as the speech emanation of Jigmey Lingpa [RY]

spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa - an emanation of Avalokiteshvara [RY]

sprul - created, {yid} mentally. emanated, "incarnated", apparitional, magical, emanating, emanation, nirmanakaya, miraculous, transformed [into], manifested. vi. to change / transform [miraculously]; imp. of {sprul ba} [RY]

sprul sku - (embodied, apparitional, significant) being, (emanation, manifested) body, incarnate, concrete patterns, embodied buddhahood, lama, living buddha, (magical, material) dimension, emanation, authentic existence, bearers of meaning, founding strata of concrete embodiments, SA skyes pa sprul sku, bzo pa sprul sku, mchog gi sprul sku, manifesting body, manifestative expression of the form-body, manifestation body, manifest dimension of awakening, body of emanation [JV]

sprul sku - nirmanakaya; dimension/ stratum of physical emanation; isc. incarnate master [RB]

sprul sku rnam gsum - three kinds of emanation body: [RY]

sprul sku rnam gsum - three types of nirmanakaya, three types of emanational body: natural nirmanakaya, nirmanakaya that tames beings, and variegated nirmanakaya {rang bzhin sprul pa}, {'gro 'dul sprul pa}, {sna tshogs sprul pa}. Emanations of natural expression, emanations which train living beings, and diversified emanations [RY]

sprul sku 'i sku - nirmanakaya, emanation body [IW]

sprul sku'i sku - nirmanakaya, emanation body [RY]

sprul sku'i 'khor lo - emanation wheel/ nirmana-chakra, navel center [IW]

sprul sku'i 'khor lo - emanation wheel / nirmana-chakra, [the navel center] [RY]

sprul sku'i rnam gsum - three kinds of emanational body [Emanations of natural expression {rang bzhin sprul pa} emanations which train living beings {'gro 'dul sprul pa} and diversified emanations {sna tshogs sprul pa} [IW]

sprul sku'i rnam gsum - three kinds of emanational body [IW]

sprul 'khor bcas - emanations w their retinues [IW]

sprul sgyur - emanations, {ston nus} able to manifest, manifested [from the space of primordial wisdom], emanation, {'khor bcas} with their retinues [RY]

sprul sgyur - emanations, manifested [IW]

sprul sgyur rtsal sbyong la goms - become skilled in conjuring emanations [RY]

sprul chen po - great emanation, the Buddha [IW]

sprul ston nus - able to manifest emanations [IW]

sprul rdo rje - the vajra of emanation [RY]

sprul pa - magical creation, emanation, [nirmita]; phantom; divinely emanated artisan; apparitional, magically created appearance, apparition, manifestation, incarnation, emanated, incarnated, rebirth, miraculous, emanating, emanation disciples, incarnate, incarnated, created [magical forms] [RY]

sprul pa - magical emanation, incarnation; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} [RY]

sprul pa - [magical] apparition[al], magically creat[ed appearance], manifest[ation], emanation[ed] [disciples], incarnation[ed][ate], phantom, rebirth, mirac[le][ulous], tulku, nirmanakaya [IW]

sprul pa - apparition, emanation, cause illusions, make magic, create phantoms, appear to change, transform one's self, disembodied spirit, bardo ghost, miracle worker, activate apparitions, miraculous creation, incarnate, miraculous, specification, an incarnation, emanation, miraculous emanations [JV]

sprul pa - emanation x {sangs rgyas kyi sprul pa zhig 'byung ngam gsungs} “Does this presage to coming of an emanation of the Buddha?" he asked [RY]

sprul pa - emanation; phantom [RB]

sprul pa bkyes pa - to send out emanations [RY]

sprul pa 'gyed pa - to let emanations go forth [JV]

sprul pa 'gyed pa - display emanations [IW]

sprul pa 'gyed pa - sending out emanations [RY]

sprul pa sgyu ma - magical emanation [RY]

sprul pa nges par ston pa - to truly display emanations [RY]

sprul pa ston pa - displaying an emanation [RY]

sprul pa dag gis dga' ldan gi gnas la sogs par skye bar kun tu ston pa - teach by means of emanations arising in the Ganden heaven etc [IW]

sprul pa dang pho nya - spiritual emanations [JV]

sprul pa dang yongs su sgyur ba la mnga'i ba - master of emanation and transformation [IW]

sprul pa sdud pa - gather back emanations [IW]

sprul pa rnam bzhi - four distinct modes of emanation [RB]

sprul pa rnam bzhi - four kinds of nirmanakaya; four distinct modes of emanation [RY]

sprul pa rnams kyis ston par byed pa - teaching by means of emanations [RY]

sprul pa sna tshogs pa - various emanations [IW]

sprul pa po - magical emanation [RY]

sprul pa 'phro ba - to send forth an emanation [RY]

sprul pa yang sprul - emanations and re-emanations [RY]

sprul pa'i sku - nirmanakaya; dimension/ stratum of physical emanation; isc. incarnate master [RB]

sprul pa'i sku - {sprul sku} manifested body, nirmanakaya, tulku, incarnation, emanation body. physical emanation [RY]

sprul pa'i sku ston pa bcu gnyis - 12 teachers of the emanational body [IW]

sprul pa'i sku ston pa bcu gnyis - twelve teachers of the emanation body. See {rdzogs chen ston pa bcu gnyis} [RY]

sprul pa'i sku ston pa bcu gnyis - 12 teachers of the emanational body [Refer to fundamentals, pt2, pp 000-000 [gd] [IW]

sprul pa'i 'khor lo - navel center, cakra of emanation unified in the feet, SA 'khor lo bzhi [JV]

sprul pa'i 'khor lo - emanation wheel / nirmana-chakra, [the navel center]. emanation center [RY]

sprul pa'i 'khor lo - 1) emanation chakra/ nirmana-chakra [the navel center]; 2) center of emanation connected w the legs and feet of the deity (/ [gd] [IW]

sprul pa'i gang zag - emanation [RY]

sprul pa'i gang zag - disembodied, emanation [IW]

sprul pa'i rgyal po - kings who were emanations of the buddhas [RY]

sprul pa'i rgyal po'i tshul bzung ba - appeared as an emanation of [RY]

sprul pa'i sgyu 'phrul drva ba - Magical net of emanations [RY]

sprul pa'i sgyu 'phrul drwa ba - Magical net of emanations [RY]

sprul pa'i bstan pa chen po gsum - the three great emanational teachings [IW]

sprul pa'i bstan pa chen po gsum - the three great emanation teachings of body, speech and mind : buddha-body {sku} speech {gsung} and mind {thugs} [RY]

sprul pa'i bstan pa chen po gsum - the three great emanational teachings [according to the great perfection buddha-body {sku} speech {gsung} and mind {thugs} [gd] [IW]

sprul pa'i gnas 'gyur - emanation [RY]

sprul pa'i spre'u - {'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis sprul pa'i spre'u brag srin gnyis} ape-an emanation of the noble Avalokiteshvara and a crag-demoness [RY]

sprul pa'i rdzu 'phrul - miraculous emanations [various transformations] [IW]

sprul ba'i gang zag - unembodied emanation [RY]

sprul ba'i gang zag - disembodied emanation [IW]

sprul gzhi - basic being, emanation basis [RY]

sprul gzhi - Ground of emanation [RY]

spro bsdu - complexity and simplicity; being complex or simple; to complicate or simplify; analysis and synthesis; proliferation and reduction/ subsiding/ resolution (of thoughts/ concepts); shining (forth) and reconverging (of light); isc. multiply and dwindle; isc. emanation and resolution; isc. vacillation/ vacillate/ waver [e.g. garuda is spro bsdu med pa in sky] [RB]

spro ba'i dmigs pa - emanation visualizations [RY]

phung phung 'phro ba - emanation of fire, light etc. [IW]

phrin las gar - an activity emanation [RY]

phro 'du phrin las kyi gzer - the nail of activity which is the emanation and absorption of light rays [RY]

'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi sprul pa - an emanation of the noble Manjushri [RY]

'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi sprul pa rgyal po khri srong lde'u btsan - King Trisong Detsen, an emanation of Noble Manjusri [RY]

'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa rgyal po srong btsan sgam po - King Songtsen Gampo, an emanation of Avalokitesvara [RY]

'phrul - magic of situation, magic, miracle, black art, SA phrul, emanation [JV]

'phrul - 1) jugglery, trick; 2) magic[al illusion], conjuring; 3) miracle, emanation; 4) mischief; 5) technology, mechanics; 6) transformation, manifestation, power; 7) flirtation; 8) confusion [IW]

'phrul - conjuring, flirtation, jugglers, magical deception, magic, miracle, trick, mischief, transformation, miraculous, - manifestation, - power, emanation. {sgyu 'phrul}; ingenious; magic [RY]

'phrul dga' - name of a god realm; Delighting in creation, Emanation Delight, the Nirmanarati [devas], delight in emanation, one of the 28 classes of gods in the {'dod khams} [desire realm]. the Nirmanarati Gods, land of liking emanation, heaven of delight in [one's own] emanation [RY]

'phrul pa - emanation [IW]

'phrul pa 'gyed - send forth an emanation [JV]

'phrul pa'i mig can - having the eyes of an emanation, pigeon [IW]

'phrul mtshan bzhi bcu - forty secondary emanations (of Padmasambhava) [RY]

'phro 'du lu gu rgyud - continuity of emanation and gathering [IW]

'phro 'du'i kho na nyid - thatness of emanation and absorption. One of sngags kyi yan lag lnga [RY]

'phro 'du'i kho na nyid - thatness of emanation and absorption. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

'phro ba rab tu shes pa - complete knowledge of emanation [IW]

ba la ha - the horse Balaha [mythological horse. An excellent horse, srin mo'i gling nas 'gro ba 'dren pa'i the king of horses Balaha, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara] [IW]

byang chub kyi sems kyi rgyu bzhi - the four causes of bodhicitta; 1) rgyal ba'am de'i sprul pas bskul ba encouragement by the voctorious ones or their emanations, 2) byang chub sems kyi phan yon thos pa hearing the benefits of bodicitta, sems can mgon med par mthong nas snying rje'i sems nye bar bzhag pa after seeing sentient beings without a protector arousing compassion, 4) sangs rgyas kyi yon tan mthong nas dga' bas sems bskyed pa having seen the good qualities of buddhahood, producing joy] [IW]

byang chub mchog gi sprul sku - emanation of sublime enlightenment/ sublime nirmanakaya [RY]

byang chub mchog gi sprul pa - emanation of sublime enlightenment/ sublime nirmanakaya [RY]

byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal dbang po sde - {byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal dbang po sde} [terton and emanation of qualties of King trisong deutsen also called gter ston dbang po'i sde] [IW]

byang bdag bkra shis stobs rgyal dbang po sde - tertön and emanation of the qualities of King Trisong Deutsen. also called {gter ston dbang po'i sde} [RY]

bla sprul - 1) [lama and] tulku; 2) emanation of the guru [IW]

blo sbyong thun brgyad ma - mind training for the 8 sessions [of day and night oral instructions of the kadampa geshes. mind training depending on food 1) {zas la brten pa'i blo sbyong dang, 2) breath {dbugs la}, 3) emanations as many as the sands of the river Ganges {lus gangg'a'i bye ma snyed du sprul pa la}, 4) flesh and blood {sha khrag la}, 5) torma {gtor ma la}, 6) elements {'byung ba la} brten pa'i blo sbyong, 7)the mind training of emanatng body as a wish-fulfillng gem lus yid bzhin gyi nor bur sprul te blo sbyong ba, 8) maind traiing with the oral instructions on death as object 'chi ba man ngag blo sbyong bcas dmigs] [IW]

dbang phyug ma nyer brgyad - Twenty-eight Shvara goddesses. Wrathful emanations of the four female gate keepers among the 42 peaceful deities in the mandala of Magical Net; seven for each of the four activities [RY]

dbal mo - class of female deities of the type of, but inferior to, the rgod lcam, some are emanations of srid pa'i rgyal mo [JV]

'byung 'phro - emanation [JV]

man da ra ba me tog - Mandarava. Princess of Zahor and close disciple of Guru Rinpoche. One of his five main consorts. Her name refers to the coral tree, Erythrina Indica, one of the five trees of paradise, which has brilliant scarlet flowers. She is said to be identical with the dakini Niguma and the yogini by the name Adorned with Human Bone Ornaments. In The Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli, Jamgön Kongtrül says, "Born as the daughter of Vihardhara, the king of Zahor, and Queen Mohauki accompanied by miraculous signs, (and because of her great beauty), many kings from India and China vied to take her as their bride. Nevertheless, she had an unshakable renunciation and entered the gate of the Dharma. Padmasambhava perceived that she was to be his disciple and accepted her as his spiritual consort, but the king, fearing that his bloodline would be contaminated, had the master burned alive. When Padmasambhava showed the miracle of transforming the mass of fire into a lake, the king gained faith and without hesitation offered his entire kingdom and the princess. When the king requested teachings, Padmasambhava showered upon twenty-one disciples the great rain of the Dharma by transmitting the tantras, scriptures and oral instructions of Kadü Chökyi Gyamtso, the Dharma Ocean Embodying All Teachings. Thus, the master established the king and his ministers on the vidyadhara levels. Guru Rinpoche accepted her as his consort and in Maratika, the Cave of Bringing Death to and End, both master and consort displayed the manner of achieving the unified vajra body on the vidyadhara level of life mastery. Mandarava remained in India and has directly and indirectly brought a tremendous benefit to beings. In Tibet, she appeared miraculously at the great Dharma Wheel of Tramdruk where she exchanged symbolic praises and replies with Guru Rinpoche. The details of this are recorded extensively in the Padma Katang. An independent life story of Mandarava is found in the collected writings of Orgyen Lingpa. Mandarava was a wisdom dakini among whose different names and manifestations are counted the yogini Adorned with Human Bone Ornaments, (Mirükyi Gyenchen), at the time of Lord Marpa, Risülkyi Naljorma at the time of Nyen Lotsawa, and Drubpey Gyalmo at the time of Rechungpa. Mandarava is also accepted as being Chushingi Nyemachen, the consort of Maitripa, as well as the dakini Niguma. Her compassionate emanations and her blessings are beyond any doubt and since she attained the indestructible rainbow body she is surely present (in the world) right now." [RY]

mi pham rin po che - Mipham Rinpoche. Great Nyingma master and writer of the last century. A student of Jamgön Kongtrül, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Paltrül Rinpoche. Blessed by Manjushri, he became one of the greatest scholars of his time. His collected works fill more than 30 volumes. His chief disciple was Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal. Mipham was a close student of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and regarded as a direct emanation of Manjushri [RY]

mi yi gzugs su byon pa - magical emanation, incarnation; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang} [RY]

gtso 'khor sprul par bcas pa - the principal and retinue w their emanations [IW]

gtso bo bcu gnyis - Twelve main aspects. See 'twelve manifestations' (rnam 'phrul bcu gnyis). They are twelve different forms of Guru Rinpoche as a 'magical net' of emanations to tame beings according to their needs [RY]

rtsal snang - manifestation; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, yang sprul, rol gar, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} magical emanation, incarnation; [RY]

tshar chen blo gsal rgya mtsho - {tshar chen blo gsal rgya mtsho [terton and emanation of sangs rgyas bdun pa rab gsal] [IW]

tshar chen blo gsal rgya mtsho - tertön and emanation of {sangs rgyas bdun pa rab gsal}; 1502-1566; sa skya pa lama alias {tshar chen chos kyi rgyal po} [RY]

mdzad pa bcu gnyis - 12 deeds of the supreme emanational body [IW]

mdzad pa bcu gnyis - 12 deeds of the supreme emanational body [1 remaining in tusita, two descent and entry into the womb, three taking birth, four proficiency in the arts, five renouncing the world, six practising asceticism, 7 reaching the point of enlightenment, 8 vanquishing m ra's host, 9 attaining perfect enlightenment, 10 turning the doctrinal wheel, 11 passing into the final nirv a, and 12 teaching of the duration and decline of the doctrine various enumerations of the twelve are given cf longcenpa, treasury of the supreme vehicle, p 27) (gd-mk) [IW]

mdzad ba bcu gnyis - 12 deeds of the supreme emanational body [one remaining in tusita, two descent and entry into the womb, three taking birth, four proficiency in the arts, five renouncing the world, six practising asceticism, 7 reaching the point of enlightenment, 8 vanquishing m ra's host, 9 attaining perfect enlightenment, 10 turning the doctrinal wheel, 11 passing into the final nirv a, and 12 teaching of the duration and decline of the doctrine various enumerations of the twelve are given cf longcenpa, treasury of the supreme vehicle, p 27) (gd-mk)(tse rig) [IW]

mdzad ba bcu gnyis - 12 deeds of the supreme emanational body [IW]

rdzu 'phrul gyi mngon shes - clairvoyance of magical emanation [RY]

zhing skyong kun dga' gzhon nu - Kagyupa protective deity, particularly associated with Benchen monastery and the Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoches, also known as the special protector of the pure realm of the Buddha Amithaba, Dewachen. Said to be an emanation of the four-armed Mahakala {ye shes kyi mgon po phyag bzhi pa} who, in turn, is an emanation of Chakrasamvara {'khor lo bde mchog}. His seat is said to be {dpal gyi tsa ri tra}, one of the three most important mountains in Tibet. Nowadays the greater part of this mountain is situated in present-day Arunchal Pradesh, a federal state of India [tsd]

gzhan snang - external perception, as seen by others; condition under which the - emanation body is perceived. shared experience, extraneously manifest, the outlook of others, visible to others. external/ other-induced appearance/ apparent phenomenon/ manifestation; appearance as/ of something "other" [RY]

gzhan snang - external perception, shared experience, the outlook of the other, visible to the other [the condition under which the - emanational body is perceived, the perceptual status of the buddha-bodies of reality and perfect rapture, in contrast to that of the emanational body which is extraneously manifest) [IW]

gzhan 'phrul - 1) others' emanations; 2) gzhan 'phrul dbang byed, Paranirmitavasavartin gods, [heaven of], 6th heaven in the realm of desire gods {'dod lha drug} [IW]

gzhan 'phrul - 1) others' emanations; 2) gzhan 'phrul dbang byed, Paranirmitavasavartin gods, [R] [IW]

gzhan 'phrul dbang byed - constantly enjoying pleasures provided, controllers of others's emanations [R] [IW]

gzhan 'phrul dbang byed - constantly enjoying pleasures provided, controllers of others's emanations [1 of 28 classes of gods in the {'dod khams} 1 of the 'dod lha ris drug. the Paranirmitavasavartin gods, [heaven of], 6th heaven in the realm of desire gods {'dod lha drug}. [abode of {bdud skig can} dbang byed ? over enjoyments emanated by others] [IW]

gzhan 'phrul dbang byed - constantly enjoying pleasures provided, one of the 28 classes of gods in the {'dod khams} desire realm, land of controlling other's emanations, the Paranirmitavasavartin gods, [Heaven of]. controllers of other's emanations, the 6th heaven in the realm of desire gods {'dod lha drug} [abode of {bdud sdig can}. para-nirmita-vashavartin; n. of the 6th of the 6 sensual god realms [RY]

zangs mdog dpal ri - Glorious Copper Colored Mountain. The terrestrial pure land of Guru Rinpoche situated on the subcontinent Chamara to the south-east of the Jambu Continent. Chamara is the central of a configuration of nine islands inhabited by savage rakshasas. In the middle of Chamara rises the majestic red colored mountain into the skies. On its summit lies the magical palace Lotus Light, manifested from the natural expression of primordial wakefulness. Here resides Padmasambhava in an indestructible bodily form transcending birth and death for as long as samsara continues and through which he incessantly brings benefit to beings through magical emanations of his body, speech and mind [RY]

zlos gar - emanation [of.], a play, show, drama, theatrical display [R] dance [IW]

zlos gar - emanation [of.], a play, show, drama, theatrical display * dance [IW]

zlos gar - emanation [of.], a play, show, drama, display [RY]

zlos gar - emanation [of.], a play, show, drama, theatrical display [R] dance [one of four branches of shabda vidya, science of external expression interval when songs are repeated after dances strictly OR repeating words and dancing hence theater [IW]

gzigs stangs gsum - three ways of looking [in thogal practice, (upwards, sideways and downwards, which direct the eyes towards the expanse respectively of the buddha-body of reality, the buddha-body of perfect rapture and the emanational body. Longchenpa, Treasury of the supreme vehicle, vol. 2, p. 282] [IW]

gzugs sku gnyis - two buddha bodies of form [the body of perfect rapture {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku}, sambhogak ya, and the emanational body {sprul pa'i sku}, nirm ak ya [IW]

gzugs sku gnyis - two bodies of form; Two Buddha Bodies of Form. The body of perfect rapture {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku} or sambhogakaya. and the emanation body {sprul pa'i sku} or nirmanakaya [RY]

gzer bzhi - Four Nails. These are the four nails which control life-breath {srog sdom gzer bzhi} according to Yoga Tantra, namely, the nail of unchanging intention {mi 'gyur dgongs pa'i gzer} the nail of contemplation on the deity {ting 'dzin lha'i gzer} the nail of mantra which is the nucleus {snying po sngags kyi gzer} and the nail of activity which is the emanation and absorption of light rays {phro 'du phrin las kyi gzer} [RY]

bzo sprul sku - Created nirmanakaya. An emanation of the buddhas for the purpose of converting particular beings. Sometimes statues and scriptures are also included under this type of nirmanakaya [RY]

bzo ba'i sprul sku - emanation of artistry; created nirmanakaya [RY]

bzo ba'i sprul sku - emanation (who benefits) through artistry/ artistic expression; nirmanakaya artist; emanation of artistry [RB]

bzo ba'i sprul pa - emanation (who benefits) through artistry/ artistic expression; nirmanakaya artist; emanation of artistry [RB]

bzo ba'i sprul pa - emanation of artistry [RY]

bzo yi sprul sku - artisan emanation [RY]

bzlas brjod kyi kho na nyid - thatness of recitation. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

'od zer spro bsdus - emanation and absorption of the light rays [RY]

yang sprul - reincarnation; magical emanation, incarnation; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} [RY]

yang sprul - emanation, hosts of emanations, re-emanation, remanifestation, reincarnation [RY]

yang sprul - emanation of the second degree, one emanation going forth from another emanation of an incarnate being, further embodiment of the karma of a lama once recognized as an incarnate being, later sprul sku [JV]

yang sprul - emanation, dakinis w hosts of emanations, Notes. This phrase refers to secondary dakinis, re-emanation, remanifestation, reincarnation, re-emanation, emanations [IW]

yang sprul gang zag - who is the emanation of an emanation [RY]

ye shes sgyu 'phrul grwa ba'i rol gar - manifestation of the magical net of wisdom; [h. for emanation, {rnam 'phrul} [RY]

rang snang - 1) appearances/ experience arising in the mind/ 1's sight, personal experiences, self arising/ -appearances/ -phenomena/ -display, manifestations, / display, subjectivity, 1's own perception/ projections/ appearances/ experiences, outlook, personal phenomena/ experience, manifest in and of itself [the perceptual status of the buddha-bodies of reality and perfect rapture, in contrast to that of the emanational body which is extraneously manifest [gzhan-snang] book 1, p, book 2, p] [IW]

rang byung gi sprul pa chen po gsum - the three great self-appearing emanations: an image of precious substance, the Tantra of the Single Son of the Doctrine {bstan pa bu gcig gi rgyud} and rays of light to liberate beings [RY]

rang bzhin sprul pa - emanations of natural expression [IW]

rang bzhin sprul pa - emanations of natural expression [= {gzungs brnyan longs sku} [IW]

rol gar - [enjoy-showing], display, imposing dance, emanation [RY]

rol gar - display; magical emanation, incarnation; Syn {dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, sprul pa, yang sprul, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa} [RY]

rol gar - [enjoy-showing], display, imposing dance, emanation, music and dance [IW]

rol pa - 1) arrangement, set-up; 2) emanation, manifestation, revelation; 3) play [of experience], display, array, unfoldment, divulgence, expression, materializing, enjoy, presence, excitement [IW]

rol pa bkod pa - display of emanations [IW]

rol ba - (tha dad pa 1 enjoy, live in [a state of] * two eat * three play, laugh, amuse or divert 1's self, play, frolic; 4) emanation, display [IW]

rol ba - (tha dad pa 1 enjoy, live in [a state of] [longs su spyod pa [bde skyid la rol ba,//dga' bar rol ba] two eat [ro brgya rol ba,//sha chang la mi rol ba,//ston mor rol ba,//tshogs rol ba] three play, laugh, amuse or divert 1's self, play, frolic [/rgya cher rol ba,//rtsed 'jor rol ba,//pad mor rol ba,//'khor bar rol nas byang sems kyi spyod par slob pa,//'jig rten du rol ba]; 4) emanation, display [sprul pa,//rdzu 'phrul rol ba,//mi'i gzugs su rol ba] [IW]

shes bya kun khyab mdzod - 96 doctrines of the supreme emanational body [IW]

sa bon spro bsdus bskyed - visualize through the emanation and absorption of the seed syllable [RY]

sangs rgyas mngon gyur - manifest/ display the blessed enlightened emanations/ manifestations of a victorious one [IW]

sangs rgyas sprul pa - buddha emanation [IW]

gsang sngags kyi kho na nyid - thatness of guhya-mantra. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

gsung sprul - speech emanation [RY]

gsung sprul pa - speech emanation [IW]

gsum sprul - emanation of the third degree [JV]

gsum sbrul - third stage in incarnations, emanation of the third degree [JV]

lha tho tho ri snyan btsan - {'phags pa kun tu bzang po'i sprul pa lha tho tho ri snyan btsan} Lha-Thothori Nyentsen, who was an emanation of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra [RY]

lha'i de kho na nyid - thatness of the deity. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]

lha'i de kho na nyid - thatness of deity. The five aspects of Mantra: The thatness of deity is the relative bodhichitta. The thatness of self is the body mandala. The thatness of guhya-mantra is the placement of the seed-syllable and the mantra-chain in the center of the heart. The thatness of recitation is the repetition of the root mantra, essence mantra and quintessence mantra. The thatness of emanation and absorption is the emanating and reabsorbing of light rays from the seed-syllable. [RY]