General Bibliographical Notes from Matthieu Ricard: Difference between revisions
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General Bibliographical Notes from Matthieu Ricard | General Bibliographical Notes from Matthieu Ricard | ||
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Nyingthig | *[[Nyingthig Yazhi]] ([[snying thig ya bzhi]]) : the most profound cycle of Great Perfection teachings written by [[Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam]]. It contains the [[Khandro Nyingthig]] of Guru Rinpoche, found in terma by [[Pema Ledrel Tsal]], and continued by [[Longchen Rabjam]] in the [[Khandro Yangtig]], the [[Bima Nyingthig]] of Bimalamitra, given in vision to [[Chetsun Senge Wangchuk]] and continued by Longchen Rabjam in the [[Lama Yangtig]]. And the quintessence of all these has been expressed by Longchen Rabjam in the [[Zabmo Yantig]].<br> | ||
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The Heart-drop of the Dakinis (mkha 'gro'i snying thig) is the Dzogchen teaching which were given by Guru Rinpoche to King Trisong Detsen's daughter, Lhacham Pema Tsel (lha lcam padma rtsal) at Samye Chimphu. Consoling the King's despair, Guru Rinpoche revived the princess and gave ther these teachings, after which she passed away. Guru Rinpoche also gave those teachings to Yeshe Tsogyal (ye shes mtsho rgyal) in the Great Gathering Cave of the Dakinis at Tidro in Drigung (the full name of which is gzho stod ti sgro brag dkar mkha' 'gro'i tshogs khang chen mo).<br> | *[[The Heart-drop of the Dakinis]] ([[mkha 'gro'i snying thig]]) is the Dzogchen teaching which were given by Guru Rinpoche to [[King Trisong Detsen]]'s daughter, [[Lhacham Pema Tsel]] ([[lha lcam padma rtsal]]) at [[Samye Chimphu]]. Consoling the King's despair, Guru Rinpoche revived the princess and gave ther these teachings, after which she passed away. Guru Rinpoche also gave those teachings to Yeshe Tsogyal ([[ye shes mtsho rgyal]]) in the [[Great Gathering Cave of the Dakinis]] at [[Tidro]] in Drigung (the full name of which is [[gzho stod ti sgro brag dkar]] [[mkha' 'gro'i tshogs khang chen mo]]).<br> | ||
The Khandro Nyingthig was hidden as gter ma at Dangla Thramo Trak in Dagpo (ldang lha khra mo brag). It was revealed, in 1253, by Pema Ledreltsel (pad ma las 'brel rtsal, 1231-1259) the reincarnation of Lacham Padma Tsel. Pema Ledreltsel had received the prediction for the discovery of the Khandro Nyingthig when he was fifteen and discovered it when he was twenty-two, before passing away at the age of twenty-eight. Pema Ledreltsel reincarnated as Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam (rgyal ba klong chen rab 'byams, 1308-1363), who incorporated these teachings in his Nyingthig Yazhi (snying thig ya bzhi, see Chapter 15, note 76).<br> | The [[Khandro Nyingthig]] was hidden as gter ma at [[Dangla Thramo Trak]] in Dagpo ([[ldang lha khra mo brag]]). It was revealed, in 1253, by [[Pema Ledreltsel]] ([[pad ma las 'brel rtsal]], 1231-1259) the reincarnation of [[Lacham Padma Tsel]]. Pema Ledreltsel had received the prediction for the discovery of the Khandro Nyingthig when he was fifteen and discovered it when he was twenty-two, before passing away at the age of twenty-eight. Pema Ledreltsel reincarnated as [[Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam]] ([[rgyal ba klong chen rab 'byams]], 1308-1363), who incorporated these teachings in his [[Nyingthig Yazhi]] ([[snying thig ya bzhi]], see Chapter 15, note 76).<br> | ||
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*The [[Nine Cycles of Formless Dakini]] (lit. disembodied) ([[lus med mkha' 'gro skor dgu]]), these were received by [[Tilopa]] from the wisdom dakinis at the [[Gondhala Temple]]. The teachings were then transmitted to [[Naropa]], and then partially to [[Marpa]], [[Milarepa]] and their disciples. Later when [[Rechungpa]] went to India he received and brought back to Tibet the entire cycle, which henceforth became part of Rechungpa's lineage, and has been preserved in what is also known as the [[Surmang Nyengyu]] ([[zur mang snyan brgyud]]) from the name of [[Surmang monastery]] in [[Nangchen]], Eastern Tibet, where this tradition has been kept alive. See DZ vol. *** and NG p.305.<br> | |||
The Nine Cycles of Formless (lit. disembodied) | |||
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The nine cycles: see CN 305<br> | The nine cycles: see CN 305<br> | ||
1) smin grol sems kyi rgya bdud<br> | 1) [[smin grol sems kyi rgya bdud]]<br> | ||
2) spyod pa chu la ral gri<br> | 2) [[spyod pa chu la ral gri]]<br> | ||
3) dam tshig rang sems me long<br> | 3) [[dam tshig rang sems me long]]<br> | ||
4) dam rdzas rtogs pa'i nyi ma<br> | 4) [[dam rdzas rtogs pa'i nyi ma]]<br> | ||
5) ro snyoms spyi yi me long<br> | 5) [[ro snyoms spyi yi me long]]<br> | ||
6) bde chen gsung gi rin chen<br> | 6) [[bde chen gsung gi rin chen]]<br> | ||
7) rtsa lung dra mig 'khor lo<br> | 7) [[rtsa lung dra mig 'khor lo]]<br> | ||
8) rang grol phyag rgya chen po<br> | 8) [[rang grol phyag rgya chen po]]<br> | ||
9) | 9) [[rig pa ye shes sgron me]]<br> | ||
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'dul ba rgya mtsho: an important text on the Vinaya written by Je Tsonkhapa. 'dul ba gleng 'bum: a relation of the circumstances that made Lord Buddha to edict the various monastic rules.<br> | *[['dul ba rgya mtsho]]: an important text on the [[Vinaya]] written by [[Je Tsonkhapa]]. | ||
*[['dul ba gleng 'bum]]: a relation of the circumstances that made Lord Buddha to edict the various monastic rules.<br> | |||
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A Short History of Dorje Drag (rdo rje brag) | *[[A Short History of Dorje Drag Monastery]] ([[rdo rje brag]]) :<br> | ||
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bod yul gangs can gyi ljong su snga 'gyur bka' gter gyi chos brgyud 'dzin pa'i gdan sa chen po thub bstan rdo rje brag E wam lcog sgar ba'i chos brgyud dang gdan rabs bcas kyi lo rgyus mdor bsdus) <br> | bod yul gangs can gyi ljong su snga 'gyur bka' gter gyi chos brgyud 'dzin pa'i gdan sa chen po thub bstan rdo rje brag E wam lcog sgar ba'i chos brgyud dang gdan rabs bcas kyi lo rgyus mdor bsdus) <br> | ||
by Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche<br> | by Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche<br> | ||
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Doha Khorsum: (do ha skor gsum) Three mains "songs of realization" told by the Mahasiddha Saraha. The Doha for the King, the Doha for the Queen and the Doha for the Subjects.<br> | *[[Doha Khorsum]]: ([[do ha skor gsum]]) Three mains "songs of realization" told by the [[Mahasiddha Saraha]]. The [[Doha for the King]], the [[Doha for the Queen]] and the [[Doha for the Subjects]].<br> | ||
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Six: Madhyamika Treatises of Nagarjuna (klu sgrub kyi mdzad pa'i dbu ma rigs tshogs drug)<br> | *[[Six: Madhyamika Treatises of Nagarjuna]] ([[klu sgrub kyi mdzad pa'i dbu ma rigs tshogs drug]])<br> | ||
rtsa ba shes rab, rtsod zlog, stong nyid bdun cu pa, rigs pa drug cu pa, zhib mo rnam 'thag, and rin chen 'phreng ba <br> | [[rtsa ba shes rab]], [[rtsod zlog]], [[stong nyid bdun cu pa]], [[rigs pa drug cu pa]], [[zhib mo rnam 'thag]], and [[rin chen 'phreng ba]] <br> | ||
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Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion, Gurupancasika, by Asvaghosa (also known as Aryasura, and other names comtemporaty of | *[[Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion]], [[Gurupancasika]], by [[Asvaghosa]] (also known as [[Aryasura]], and other names comtemporaty of [[King Kanishka]] of the [[Kusan Dynasty]].<br> | ||
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Peak Scripture, (rtse mo,) is one of the three yoga tantras known as dpal rtse dbyings gsum.<br> | *[[Peak Scripture]], ([[rtse mo]],) is one of the three yoga tantras known as [[dpal rtse dbyings gsum]].<br> | ||
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Namdrang Gyatso, : Concepts and categories of Buddhist Philosophy, rnam grangs rgya | *[[Namdrang Gyatso]], : Concepts and categories of Buddhist Philosophy, [[rnam grangs rgya mtsho]],<br> | ||
chos thams cad kyi spyir btang dka' ba'i gnas kyi brjed byang gsal bar ston pa rnam grangs rgya mthso'i gter<br> | chos thams cad kyi spyir btang dka' ba'i gnas kyi brjed byang gsal bar ston pa rnam grangs rgya mthso'i gter<br> | ||
A detailed explanation of the various concepts and categories of Buddist philosophy, by | A detailed explanation of the various concepts and categories of Buddist philosophy, by [[padma rig 'dzin]] ([[sa smad bla ma nyag bla]])<br> | ||
Published by Lama Dodrup Sangyay, Gangtok, Sikkim, 1977<br> | Published by Lama Dodrup Sangyay, Gangtok, Sikkim, 1977<br> | ||
151 ff<br> | 151 ff<br> | ||
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Konchog Chidu (bka' rdzogs pa chen po dkon mchog | *[[Konchog Chidu]] ([[bka' rdzogs pa chen po dkon mchog spyi 'dus]]), <br> | ||
the cycle of teachings focused upon Guru Padmasambhava revealed by | the cycle of teachings focused upon [[Guru Padmasambhava]] revealed by [[rig 'dzin 'ja 'tshon snying po]] (1585-1656).<br> | ||
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Tri Gya (khrid brgya), one hundred meditative instructions from all traditions collected and arranged by Jetsun Kunga Drolchog, 1507-1566. (Can be found in the gdams ngag mdzod)<br> | *[[Tri Gya]] ([[khrid brgya]]), one hundred meditative instructions from all traditions collected and arranged by [[Jetsun Kunga Drolchog]], 1507-1566. (Can be found in the [[gdams ngag mdzod]])<br> | ||
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The Symbolic Graded Path Heap of Jewels ( | *The [[Symbolic Graded Path Heap of Jewels]] ([[pe'i lam rim rin chen spungs pa]]), composed by [[Geshe Potowa]] ([[po to ba]]), 1031-1105, a great [[Kadampa]] Master. Here dpe'i approximately rendered by "symbolic" means that the teachings presented in it are indications leading to the ultimate truth - not yet the ultimate truth itself as it is expounded in the The [[Ultimate Graded Path Blue Lapis Vase]] ([[don gi lam rim be'u bum sngon po]]), also composed by [[Potowa]].<br> | ||
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*[[phar phyin mngon rtogs rgyan]] : [[Abhisamayalankara nama prajnaparamita]] written by [[Asanga]] ([[thogs med]]) <br> | |||
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Debther Gyatso, written by Drag Gon Shabdrung (brag dgon zhabs drung) <br> | *[[Debther Gyatso]], written by [[Drag Gon Shabdrung]] ([[brag dgon zhabs drung]]) <br> | ||
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List of names of Sutras used for references (translation of the names is tentative):<br> | *List of names of Sutras used for references (translation of the names is tentative):<br> | ||
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The Sutra Designed as a Jewel Chest:mdo sde za ma tog bkod pa; (Skt. Ratnakaranda | *The Sutra Designed as a Jewel Chest:[[mdo sde za ma tog bkod pa]]; (Skt. [[Ratnakaranda Sutra]]) (sutra on Avalokitesvara's life).<br> | ||
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Sutra of the Cornucopia of Avalokiteshvara's Attributes, Aryakarandavyuhanamamahayanasutra (mdo sde za ma tog bkod pa) T 116<br> | *Sutra of the Cornucopia of Avalokiteshvara's Attributes, Aryakarandavyuhanamamahayanasutra ([[mdo sde za ma tog bkod pa]]) T 116<br> | ||
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Sutra:White Lotus Sutra, mdo:snying rje pad ma dkar po'i mdo (Skt. karunapundarika sutra)<br> | *Sutra:White Lotus Sutra, mdo: [[snying rje pad ma dkar po'i mdo]] (Skt. karunapundarika sutra)<br> | ||
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Heap of Jewel Sutra /Amas de Joyaux Ratnakuta<br> | *Heap of Jewel Sutra /Amas de Joyaux [[Ratnakuta]]<br> | ||
Great Cloud Discourse, Mahamegha<br> | *Great Cloud Discourse, [[Mahamegha]]<br> | ||
The King of Contemplations, Samadhiraja<br> | *The King of Contemplations, [[Samadhiraja]]<br> | ||
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Ultimate Continuum of the Great Vehicle, theg pa chen po'i rgyud bla ma<br> | *Ultimate Continuum of the Great Vehicle, [[theg pa chen po'i rgyud bla ma]]<br> | ||
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Sum of the Great Vehicle, theg pa chen po'i mdo | *Sum of the Great Vehicle, [[theg pa chen po'i mdo bsdus pa]]<br> | ||
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Compendium of Valid Knowledge, Pramanasamuccharya, | *Compendium of Valid Knowledge, [[Pramanasamuccharya]], [[tshad ma kun las btus pa]], by [[Dignaga]].<br> | ||
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The Six Treatises of the Kadampas (bka' gdams gzhung drug):<br> | *The Six Treatises of the Kadampas ([[bka' gdams gzhung drug]]):<br> | ||
mdo sde rgyan /(some have nyan thos pa'i sa)<br> | [[mdo sde rgyan]] /(some have nyan thos pa'i sa)<br> | ||
byang chub sems dpa'i sa<br> | [[byang chub sems dpa'i sa]]<br> | ||
bslab pa kun btus<br> | [[bslab pa kun btus]]<br> | ||
spyod 'jug<br> | [[spyod 'jug]]<br> | ||
skyes rabs<br> | [[skyes rabs]]<br> | ||
ched du brjod pa'i tshoms<br> | [[ched du brjod pa'i tshoms]]<br> | ||
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The Long-life practice of the Northern Continent, sgra mi snyan gyi tshe sgrub, can be found in the sgrub thabs kun btus, Vol. Ka p. 417, sde dge edition, and in the rin chen gter mdzod, vol. 48 (tshi, of the mtshur | *The Long-life practice of the [[Northern Continent]], [[sgra mi snyan gyi tshe sgrub]], can be found in the [[sgrub thabs kun btus]], Vol. Ka p. 417, [[sde dge]] edition, and in the [[rin chen gter mdzod]], vol. 48 (tshi, of the [[mtshur phu]] edition). This practice was received in a vision of [[Guru Padmakara]] by [[Drigung Chötrak]] ([['dri gung rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa]]), 17th century.<br> | ||
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bka' gdams glegs bam, pha chos, bu chos: "The Scriptures of the Kadampas, Father and Sons". A collection of instructions, questions and answers, stories, songs, prophecies, etc., of Lord Atisha (the father), and his disciples (the sons). Includes 49 sections, 26 for the Father's Dharma, 22 for the Sons' Dharma, and 1 section of miscellanii. <br> | *[[bka' gdams glegs bam]], [[pha chos]], [[bu chos]]: "The Scriptures of the Kadampas, Father and Sons". A collection of instructions, questions and answers, stories, songs, prophecies, etc., of Lord Atisha (the father), and his disciples (the sons). Includes 49 sections, 26 for the Father's Dharma, 22 for the Sons' Dharma, and 1 section of miscellanii. <br> | ||
The Father Dharma comprises: <br> | The Father Dharma comprises: <br> | ||
1) the byang chub sems dpa'i nor bu phreng ba, a short text in verse on the Bodhisattva Path by Atisha; <br> | 1) the byang chub sems dpa'i nor bu phreng ba, a short text in verse on the Bodhisattva Path by Atisha; <br> | ||
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Collection of Madhyamaka Reasoning (dbu ma rigs tshogs)T 3824-8 Nagarjuna<br> | Collection of Madhyamaka Reasoning (dbu ma rigs tshogs)T 3824-8 Nagarjuna<br> | ||
Collections of Meaningful Expressions, Udanavarga (ched du brjod pa'i tshoms) by Dharmatrata /Lord Bouddha?, T 326. Translation, G.Sparham, The Tibetan Dhammapada, London, Wisdom Publications, 1986.<br> | Collections of Meaningful Expressions, Udanavarga (ched du brjod pa'i tshoms) by Dharmatrata /Lord Bouddha?, T 326. Translation, G.Sparham, The Tibetan Dhammapada, London, Wisdom Publications, 1986.<br> | ||
Compendium of Valid Cognition (tshad ma kun btus) T 4203-4 Dignaga <br> | Compendium of Valid Cognition (tshad ma kun btus) T 4203-4 [[Dignaga]] <br> | ||
Eight Transmitted Precepts (bka' brgyad)<br> | Eight Transmitted Precepts (bka' brgyad)<br> | ||
dbu ma la 'jug pa - Introduction to the Madhyamaka T 3861<br> | dbu ma la 'jug pa - Introduction to the [[Madhyamaka]] T 3861<br> | ||
dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab - Prajnanamamulamadhyamakakarika, Root Stanzas on the Madhyamaka entitled Discriminative Awareness, Nagarjuna. V. Fatone, The Philosophy of Nagarjuna, Motilal Barnasidass, 1981. Trans. by D Kalupahana, Mulamadhyamakakarika. Albany :SUNY Press, 1986.<br> | dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab - Prajnanamamulamadhyamakakarika, Root Stanzas on the Madhyamaka entitled Discriminative Awareness, Nagarjuna. V. Fatone, The Philosophy of Nagarjuna, Motilal Barnasidass, 1981. Trans. by D Kalupahana, [[Mulamadhyamakakarika]]. Albany :SUNY Press, 1986.<br> | ||
sgra thal 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud - Root Tantra of the Penetration of Sound.<br> | sgra thal 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud - Root Tantra of the Penetration of Sound.<br> | ||
stong nyid bdun cu pa - Seventy Verses on Emptiness, Sunyatasaptatti, T 3827, by Nagarjuna. Transl. D.R. Komito, Nagarjuna "Seventy Stanzas." published by Snow Lion, Ithaca, NY, 1987.<br> | stong nyid bdun cu pa - Seventy Verses on Emptiness, Sunyatasaptatti, T 3827, by [[Nagarjuna]]. Transl. D.R. Komito, [[Nagarjuna]] "Seventy Stanzas." published by Snow Lion, Ithaca, NY, 1987.<br> | ||
Sutra of the Arrayed Bouquet, Gandavyuhasutra, (sdong po skod pa'i mdo) part of the Sutra of Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas, T 44.<br> | Sutra of the Arrayed Bouquet, Gandavyuhasutra, (sdong po skod pa'i mdo) part of the Sutra of Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas, T 44.<br> | ||
Sutra of Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas, Buddhavatamkara-sutra (sangs rgyas phal po che) T 44. <br> | Sutra of Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas, Buddhavatamkara-sutra (sangs rgyas phal po che) T 44. <br> | ||
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ROERICH, G.N. (trans.), The Blue Annals. 2nd edn. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1976. Translation of Gö Lotsawa Shonu Pel ('gos lo tsa ba gzhon nu dpal), deb ther sngon po.<br> | ROERICH, G.N. (trans.), The [[Blue Annals]]. 2nd edn. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1976. Translation of Gö Lotsawa Shonu Pel ('gos lo tsa ba gzhon nu dpal), deb ther sngon po.<br> | ||
<br> | <br> | ||
LAMA THUBTEN KALSANG et al.: Atisha, a biography of the renowned Buddhist sage. Bangkok: The Social Science Association Press, 1974. New Delhi: Mayayana Publications, 1983.<br> | LAMA THUBTEN KALSANG et al.: [[Atisha]], a biography of the renowned Buddhist sage. Bangkok: The Social Science Association Press, 1974. New Delhi: Mayayana Publications, 1983.<br> | ||
<br> | <br> | ||
H.W. Schumann: Der Historiche Buddha, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1982.<br> | H.W. Schumann: Der Historiche Buddha, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1982.<br> | ||
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Les derniers instants de la vie, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1975.<br> | Les derniers instants de la vie, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1975.<br> | ||
[[Category: | [[Category:Bibliography]] |
Latest revision as of 03:13, 9 May 2006
General Bibliographical Notes from Matthieu Ricard
- Nyingthig Yazhi (snying thig ya bzhi) : the most profound cycle of Great Perfection teachings written by Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam. It contains the Khandro Nyingthig of Guru Rinpoche, found in terma by Pema Ledrel Tsal, and continued by Longchen Rabjam in the Khandro Yangtig, the Bima Nyingthig of Bimalamitra, given in vision to Chetsun Senge Wangchuk and continued by Longchen Rabjam in the Lama Yangtig. And the quintessence of all these has been expressed by Longchen Rabjam in the Zabmo Yantig.
- The Heart-drop of the Dakinis (mkha 'gro'i snying thig) is the Dzogchen teaching which were given by Guru Rinpoche to King Trisong Detsen's daughter, Lhacham Pema Tsel (lha lcam padma rtsal) at Samye Chimphu. Consoling the King's despair, Guru Rinpoche revived the princess and gave ther these teachings, after which she passed away. Guru Rinpoche also gave those teachings to Yeshe Tsogyal (ye shes mtsho rgyal) in the Great Gathering Cave of the Dakinis at Tidro in Drigung (the full name of which is gzho stod ti sgro brag dkar mkha' 'gro'i tshogs khang chen mo).
The Khandro Nyingthig was hidden as gter ma at Dangla Thramo Trak in Dagpo (ldang lha khra mo brag). It was revealed, in 1253, by Pema Ledreltsel (pad ma las 'brel rtsal, 1231-1259) the reincarnation of Lacham Padma Tsel. Pema Ledreltsel had received the prediction for the discovery of the Khandro Nyingthig when he was fifteen and discovered it when he was twenty-two, before passing away at the age of twenty-eight. Pema Ledreltsel reincarnated as Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam (rgyal ba klong chen rab 'byams, 1308-1363), who incorporated these teachings in his Nyingthig Yazhi (snying thig ya bzhi, see Chapter 15, note 76).
- The Nine Cycles of Formless Dakini (lit. disembodied) (lus med mkha' 'gro skor dgu), these were received by Tilopa from the wisdom dakinis at the Gondhala Temple. The teachings were then transmitted to Naropa, and then partially to Marpa, Milarepa and their disciples. Later when Rechungpa went to India he received and brought back to Tibet the entire cycle, which henceforth became part of Rechungpa's lineage, and has been preserved in what is also known as the Surmang Nyengyu (zur mang snyan brgyud) from the name of Surmang monastery in Nangchen, Eastern Tibet, where this tradition has been kept alive. See DZ vol. *** and NG p.305.
The nine cycles: see CN 305
1) smin grol sems kyi rgya bdud
2) spyod pa chu la ral gri
3) dam tshig rang sems me long
4) dam rdzas rtogs pa'i nyi ma
5) ro snyoms spyi yi me long
6) bde chen gsung gi rin chen
7) rtsa lung dra mig 'khor lo
8) rang grol phyag rgya chen po
9) rig pa ye shes sgron me
- 'dul ba rgya mtsho: an important text on the Vinaya written by Je Tsonkhapa.
- 'dul ba gleng 'bum: a relation of the circumstances that made Lord Buddha to edict the various monastic rules.
bod yul gangs can gyi ljong su snga 'gyur bka' gter gyi chos brgyud 'dzin pa'i gdan sa chen po thub bstan rdo rje brag E wam lcog sgar ba'i chos brgyud dang gdan rabs bcas kyi lo rgyus mdor bsdus)
by Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche
- Doha Khorsum: (do ha skor gsum) Three mains "songs of realization" told by the Mahasiddha Saraha. The Doha for the King, the Doha for the Queen and the Doha for the Subjects.
rtsa ba shes rab, rtsod zlog, stong nyid bdun cu pa, rigs pa drug cu pa, zhib mo rnam 'thag, and rin chen 'phreng ba
- Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion, Gurupancasika, by Asvaghosa (also known as Aryasura, and other names comtemporaty of King Kanishka of the Kusan Dynasty.
- Peak Scripture, (rtse mo,) is one of the three yoga tantras known as dpal rtse dbyings gsum.
- Namdrang Gyatso, : Concepts and categories of Buddhist Philosophy, rnam grangs rgya mtsho,
chos thams cad kyi spyir btang dka' ba'i gnas kyi brjed byang gsal bar ston pa rnam grangs rgya mthso'i gter
A detailed explanation of the various concepts and categories of Buddist philosophy, by padma rig 'dzin (sa smad bla ma nyag bla)
Published by Lama Dodrup Sangyay, Gangtok, Sikkim, 1977
151 ff
the cycle of teachings focused upon Guru Padmasambhava revealed by rig 'dzin 'ja 'tshon snying po (1585-1656).
- Tri Gya (khrid brgya), one hundred meditative instructions from all traditions collected and arranged by Jetsun Kunga Drolchog, 1507-1566. (Can be found in the gdams ngag mdzod)
- The Symbolic Graded Path Heap of Jewels (pe'i lam rim rin chen spungs pa), composed by Geshe Potowa (po to ba), 1031-1105, a great Kadampa Master. Here dpe'i approximately rendered by "symbolic" means that the teachings presented in it are indications leading to the ultimate truth - not yet the ultimate truth itself as it is expounded in the The Ultimate Graded Path Blue Lapis Vase (don gi lam rim be'u bum sngon po), also composed by Potowa.
- Debther Gyatso, written by Drag Gon Shabdrung (brag dgon zhabs drung)
- List of names of Sutras used for references (translation of the names is tentative):
- The Sutra Designed as a Jewel Chest:mdo sde za ma tog bkod pa; (Skt. Ratnakaranda Sutra) (sutra on Avalokitesvara's life).
- Sutra of the Cornucopia of Avalokiteshvara's Attributes, Aryakarandavyuhanamamahayanasutra (mdo sde za ma tog bkod pa) T 116
- Sutra:White Lotus Sutra, mdo: snying rje pad ma dkar po'i mdo (Skt. karunapundarika sutra)
- Heap of Jewel Sutra /Amas de Joyaux Ratnakuta
- Great Cloud Discourse, Mahamegha
- The King of Contemplations, Samadhiraja
- Ultimate Continuum of the Great Vehicle, theg pa chen po'i rgyud bla ma
- Sum of the Great Vehicle, theg pa chen po'i mdo bsdus pa
- Compendium of Valid Knowledge, Pramanasamuccharya, tshad ma kun las btus pa, by Dignaga.
- The Six Treatises of the Kadampas (bka' gdams gzhung drug):
mdo sde rgyan /(some have nyan thos pa'i sa)
byang chub sems dpa'i sa
bslab pa kun btus
spyod 'jug
skyes rabs
ched du brjod pa'i tshoms
- The Long-life practice of the Northern Continent, sgra mi snyan gyi tshe sgrub, can be found in the sgrub thabs kun btus, Vol. Ka p. 417, sde dge edition, and in the rin chen gter mdzod, vol. 48 (tshi, of the mtshur phu edition). This practice was received in a vision of Guru Padmakara by Drigung Chötrak ('dri gung rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa), 17th century.
- bka' gdams glegs bam, pha chos, bu chos: "The Scriptures of the Kadampas, Father and Sons". A collection of instructions, questions and answers, stories, songs, prophecies, etc., of Lord Atisha (the father), and his disciples (the sons). Includes 49 sections, 26 for the Father's Dharma, 22 for the Sons' Dharma, and 1 section of miscellanii.
The Father Dharma comprises:
1) the byang chub sems dpa'i nor bu phreng ba, a short text in verse on the Bodhisattva Path by Atisha;
2) the 23 sections of the zhus lan nor bu'i phreng ba, authored by Atisha: a series of instructions to Drom Tönpa Gyalwai Jungney and of spiritual conversions between Atisha and Drom.
The Sons' Dharma comprises:
Collected by legs pa'i shes rab.
Lhassa prints, and 2 volume edition (435 pp. and 427 pp.) by Kalsang Lhundup, Buddhist Temple, Vanarasi, 1973-74. (bka' gdams glegs bam, Collected Teachings and Stories of Lord Atisha and His Disciples on the Precious Practice fo the Bka' Gdams Pa Buddhism).
sle kug bzhad pa'i rdo rje: 5th incarnation of lho brag grub chen. Wrote many volumes related to the mkha' 'gro gsang ba ye shes of smin gling and chos rje gling pa.
Guide to
gsang lam sgrub pa'i gnas chen nyer bzhi'i ya gyal goo-dah-wa-ri 'am 'brog laphyi gangs kyi ra ba'i sngon byung gi tshul las tsam pa'i gtam gyi rab tu phyed pa nyung du rnam gsal
by 'bri gung chung zang VI, dkon mchog bstan 'dzin chos kyi blo gros rnam par rgyal ba'i sde. Drigung Chung Tsang VI, born in 1868.
Composed in 1896.
Udanavarga, (ched du rjod pa'i mtshoms), a Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon compiled by Dharmatrata. The Udanavarga is similar in content and style to the famed Dhammapada found in the Pali canon. It was first translated into English from the Tibetan version of the bka' 'gyur, with notes and extracts from the commentary of Pradjnavarman, by William Rockhill (Trubner's Oriental Series), London, 1883, 1892.
Abhisamayalankara, Translated by E.Conze, Roma, Is.M.E.O., 1954, S.O.R., Vol. VI.
Mahayanasutralankara of Asanga Ed. and translation by J.W. De Jong, Paris, 19 (Buddhica, Premiere Serie: Memoires, t. IX).^ BI MH ST#
Takse Richö (stag rtse ri chos):
Ri chos zab mo grub pa'i bcud len sprang rtsi'i snying po
by stag rtse bya bral ba mi pham phun tshogs shes rab
28 folios
Basic Historical Works:
sba bzhad, chronicle containing histories of the reigns of khri srong de tsan and mu ne tsan po.
Deb ther dmar po written by Tshal pa kun dga' rdo rje in 1346 and deb ther sngon po composed by 'gos lo tsa ba between 1476 and 1478. Deb ther dkar po composed by dge ' dun chos 'phel (The White Annals, translated by Samten Norboo, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1978)
Thub pa'i dbang po'i bstod pa legs bshad snying po, better known as rten 'brel bstod pa, is a praise to the Interdependent Links, in 58 stanzas, composed by Tsongkhapa while doing a solitary retreat at Olkha, in Central Tibet, following a dream in which he meet, Nagarjuna, Shantideva, Chandrakirti, Aryadeva and other great Indian panditas, the chief expounders of the Madhyamika philisophy. At the end of the dream Buddhapalita stood up and blessed Tsongkhapa with a volume of his commentary on Madhyamikalankara. Following this dream Tsongkhapa attained a high degree of understanding of the ultimate reality while reading a verse of Bhudhapalita which says that, "the self is neither different nor identical to the aggregates." The same day, Tsongkhapa wrote this praise to Lord Buddha, the Awakened One who first realized this truth.
Tibetan History (bod kyi srid don rgyal rabs), by Tsepon, W.D. Shakabpa, published by Shakabpa House, Kalimpong, Indian, 1976, Vol. I and II.
Tibet, a Political History, by Tsepon, W.D. Shakabpa, Potala Publications, New York, 1984, pp.369
Potala Publications, Rm. 703, 801 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017 USA
ANCIENT TIBET. Research Material from The Yeshey De Project. Dharma Publishing. 1986.
Ho-Chin Yang: "The Annals of Kokonor", Published by Indiana University, Bloomington, Mouton and Co, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nagarjuna. A Drop of Nourishment for People and its Commmentary, The Jewel Ornament. Translated from the Mongolian by Stanley Frye. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives: Dharamsala. 1981
(lugs kyi bstan bcos bo gos pa'i thigs pa)
Huntington Jr C.W. : The Emptiness of Emptiness, An Introduction to Early Indian Madhymika. University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu. 1989.
Fleming, Robert L., Sr., Robert Fleming, Jr., and Lain S. Bangdel. Birds of Nepal. Bombay: Vakil and Sons, 1979.
Ali, Salim. Field Guide to the Birds of the Eastern Himalayas. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1978.
Vaurie, Charles. Tibet and Its Birds. Londong:H.F & G. Whitherby, 1972.
Polunin, Oleg, and Adam Stainton. Flowers of the Himalaya. New Delhi:Oxford University Press, 1984.
Mierow, Dorothy, and Tirtha Bhahadur Srestha. Himalayan Flowers and Trees. Kathmandu:Sahayogi, 1978.
Pranavananda, Swami. Exploration of Tibet. Calcutta: University of Calcutta. 1950
Pranavananda, Swami. Kailas Manasarovar. 1949. Reprint. New Delhi: Swami Pravananda, 1983.
Snelling, John. The Sacred Mountain. London: East West, 1983.
Johnson, Russel, and Kerry Morgan. The Sacred Mountain Of Tibet, On Pilgrimage to Kailas. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1989.
Hedin, Sven. Transhimalaya: Discoveries and Adventures in Tibet. London. 1909-1913.
Snelling, John. The Sacred Mountain. London. 1983.
Varma, Rommel and Sadhana. Kailasa-Manasarovar:Ascent to the Divine. Switzerland. 1985.
Kawaguchi, Ekai. Three Years in Tibet. Madras. 1909.
An Account of Tibet: The Travels of Ippolito Desideri of Pistoia, S.J., 1712-1727. London. 1932.
International Mapping Unlimited
4343 Thirty-ninth Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
(Landsat-based maps of Bhutan and Nepal)
Sandford International Map Centre
12-14 Long Acre
London WC2E 9LP
(U502 sheets and Schneider maps)
Library Alpina
Via C. Coroned-Berti, 4
40137 Bologna, Zona 3705
(map and books, good catalog)
Michael Chessler Books
P.O. Box 2436
Evergreen, CO 80439
(800) 654-8502
(303) 670-0093
(Scheider series, U502, and others)
Geo Center GmbH
Honihwiesenstrasse 25
Postfach 80 08 30
D-7000 Stuttgart 80
West Germany
(one of the biggest map house)
Swift, Hugh. Trekking in Nepal, West Tibet, and Bhutan. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1989. London: Hodder and Sloughton, 1989.
Ferrari, A. mKhyen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet. Ed. L Petech. SOR 16 (1958)
WYLIE, Turell V.: The Geography of Tibet, according to the 'dzam gling rgyas bshad, Serie Orientale Roma XXV. Rome: Is. M.E.O, 1962.
Candragomin: Difficult beginning. Three Works on the Bodhisattva Path. Translated by M.Tatz. Boston: Shambala. 1985
Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Five Dharma (The Lotus Sutra). Tranlated from the Chinese of Kumarajiva by L.Hurwitz. Columbia University Press, N.Y. 1970
^ MA SU #
Gyalwa Longchenpa: "You Are the Eyes of the World", Translated by Kennard Lipman and Merill Peterson, under the inspiration of Namkhai Norbu. Editions Lotsawa. 1987.
Lotsawa, 175 San Marin Drive, Suite 108, Novato, California. 94 947 USA
Holt, John Clifford. Discipline: The Canonical Buddhism of Vinayapitaka. Delhi: Motilal Barnarsidass. 1981.
Nagarjuna. Seventy Stanza. Translated by David Ross Konito. Snow Lion.
Konchog Gyaltsen (dbal man dkon mchog rgyal mtshan): "History of the Mongols" (rgyal bod sog gi lo rgyus nyung ngur brjod pa byis pa 'jug pa'i 'bab stegs), pp. 480-665 of "Collected Works, Volume 4, New Delhi, 1974. (Reproduced by Gyaltan Gelek Namgyal, Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel Series. Volume 63)
Cha Har Geshe (cha har dge bshes): On Gushri Khan and his descendents (gu shri han gtsang rgayl sogs bcom nas bod kyi rgyal po byas pa dang de'i rigs rgyud sogs kyi brjed byang) and others historical notes on Mongols leaders of Kokonor area, pp.91-104, in Collected Works, Volume 5,New Delhi, 1973. (Reproduced by Chatring Jansar Tenzin)
Works of Minyak Kunsang Sonam, Chökyi Trakpa (Kun bzang bsod nams, chos kyi grags pa):
Volume OM:
bsam gtan dang gzugs med kyi snyoms 'jug gi spyi don legs bshad sgron med, 27 folios.
byams smon gyi 'grel ba rgyal sras rnams kyi thabs mkhas la 'jug pa'i sgo, 11 folios.
zab mo gcod kyi nyams len dang 'brel ba'i smon lam snyems rtog 'khri ba kun gcod, 4 folios.
rje btsun dam pa sangs rgyas kyi rten 'brel brgyad bcu dang 'khyug sbyad la brten pa'i 'byung bzhi'i gtor ma gton tshul, 9 folios.
tshe thar srog bslu'i phen yon 'chi med tshe yi dpal ster, 8 folios.
smon lam, 1 folios.
smon lam, 1 folios.
bshes gnyen bsten tshul gyi smon lam yan dag lam gyi rtsa ba dad pa'i gsos sman, 3 folios.
dkon mchog gsum rjes su dran pa'i mdo'i don rnam par 'grel ba lha rdzas mandarava's mchod sprin, 24 folios.
00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)epk
Volume A:
tshul phrims yang dag par ldan pa'i mdo'i thsig don legs par bshad pa chos kyi ganda'i sgra dbyangs. 266 folios. Print of Derge Parkhang. (Dharma Kirta bka' 'bum )
00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)epk
Volume Hung:
byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'kug pa'i 'grel bshad rgyal sras rgya mtsho'i yon tan rin po che mi zad 'jo ba'i bum bzang, 464 folios.
00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)epk
spyod 'jug shes rab le'u'i spyi don rim pat phye ba zab mo rten 'byung gi de kho na nyid yang gsal sgron me, folios 155.
spyod 'jug shes rab le'u'i gzhung 'grel zab mo rten 'byung gi de kho na nyid yang gsal sgron me, 69 folios.
00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)00:28, 11 January 2006 (EST)epk
rgyal sras lag len gyi 'grel pa gzhung dang gdams ngag zung 'jug bdud rtsi'i bum bzang, (The Vase of Amrita, Commentary on the Thirty Seven-fold Practice) Incorporated in the wood-blocks edition of the rgyud sde kun btus of Derge Parkhang.
% BI GL #
Major Tibetan Presses:
Nationalities Press, Beijing
Cultural Relics Press, Beijing
Sichuan Nationalities Press, Chengdu
Gansu Nationalities Press, Gansu
Qinghai Nationalities Press, Xining
Yunnan Nationalities Press, Yunnan
Tibet People's Press, Lhasa.
Petech, L.: Aristocracy and Government in Tibet 1728-1959. Roma, 1973. (Seria Orientale Roma, LI).
Petech, L.: "Ya-ts'e, Gu-ge, Pu-rang: A New Study". Central Asiatic Journal, vol.24, no.1-2, pp.85-111. 1980
Sweet, Michael: Santideva and the Madhymika: The Prajnaparamita Pariccheda of the Bodhicaryavatara. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Wisconsin. 1977.
Kvaerne, Per. "A Chronological Table of the Bon po--The Bstan rcis of Ni ma bstan 'jin. Acta Orientalia, vol. 33 (1971) pp. 205-82
On the history and contens of the bka' gdams glegs bam :
Two Histories of the Bka'-gdams pa Tradition from the Library of Burmiok Athing, Gonpo Tseden, Palace Monastery (Gangtok, 1977).
Dan Martin: "Pearls from bones: relics, chortens, Tertons and the signs of saintly death in Tibet" in Numen, Vol 41 (1994), Leiden: E.J. Brill. pp. 273-324
Dasgupta, Surendranath: A History of Indian Philosophy. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 1985
Raju, P.T.: The Philosophical Traditions of India. London. George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 1971.
Armor against Darkness, a commentary on the Sutra which Gathers All Intentions (mdo 'grel mun pa'i go cha) by gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes
Collection of Madhyamaka Reasoning (dbu ma rigs tshogs)T 3824-8 Nagarjuna
Collections of Meaningful Expressions, Udanavarga (ched du brjod pa'i tshoms) by Dharmatrata /Lord Bouddha?, T 326. Translation, G.Sparham, The Tibetan Dhammapada, London, Wisdom Publications, 1986.
Compendium of Valid Cognition (tshad ma kun btus) T 4203-4 Dignaga
Eight Transmitted Precepts (bka' brgyad)
dbu ma la 'jug pa - Introduction to the Madhyamaka T 3861
dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab - Prajnanamamulamadhyamakakarika, Root Stanzas on the Madhyamaka entitled Discriminative Awareness, Nagarjuna. V. Fatone, The Philosophy of Nagarjuna, Motilal Barnasidass, 1981. Trans. by D Kalupahana, Mulamadhyamakakarika. Albany :SUNY Press, 1986.
sgra thal 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud - Root Tantra of the Penetration of Sound.
stong nyid bdun cu pa - Seventy Verses on Emptiness, Sunyatasaptatti, T 3827, by Nagarjuna. Transl. D.R. Komito, Nagarjuna "Seventy Stanzas." published by Snow Lion, Ithaca, NY, 1987.
Sutra of the Arrayed Bouquet, Gandavyuhasutra, (sdong po skod pa'i mdo) part of the Sutra of Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas, T 44.
Sutra of Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas, Buddhavatamkara-sutra (sangs rgyas phal po che) T 44.
Trans. T.Cleary, The Flower Ornament Scripture, 3 vols, Shambala, Boulder, 1984.
Sutra of the Lamp of Precious Jewels, Ratnolkanamadharanimahayanasutra, (dkon mchog sgron me'i mdo or dkon mchog ta la la) T 145
The Sublime Pagoda of Precious Jewels, dkon mchog brtsegs pa T 87?
Sutra of Extensive Play, lalitavistara-sutra (rgya cher rol pa'i mdo) T 95.
Seventeen Tantras, see Nyingma School, vol.2 p.264.
- *
Works of mkhan po ngag dga':
ye shes bla ma'i sgnon 'gro'i zin bris 18 ff
ye shes bla ma'i dngos gzhi'i zin bris 41 ff
rdzogs pa chen po bla ma yang tig las gnyis ka'i yang yig ... 109 ff
Works of Je Tsongkhapa and his disciples:
rje rinpoche bka' 'bum
in Vol. kha: sgra mi snyan gyi tshe sgrub, 5 fol.
in Vol. ja: dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i man ngag rim lnga gsal sgron, 312 fol.
in Vol. pa: lam rim chen mo, fol. 523
in Vol. pha: lam rim chung ba, fol. 201
in Vol. ma: spyod 'jug shes rab le'u tikka'i zon 'bris, fol. 32
rgyal tshab rje'i bka' 'bum:
in Vol. nga: byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i rnam bshad rgyal sras 'jug ngogs 165 fol.
ROERICH, G.N. (trans.), The Blue Annals. 2nd edn. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1976. Translation of Gö Lotsawa Shonu Pel ('gos lo tsa ba gzhon nu dpal), deb ther sngon po.
LAMA THUBTEN KALSANG et al.: Atisha, a biography of the renowned Buddhist sage. Bangkok: The Social Science Association Press, 1974. New Delhi: Mayayana Publications, 1983.
H.W. Schumann: Der Historiche Buddha, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1982.
The Historical Buddha, Arkana, Penguin Group, London, 1989.
Gerald Edelman (Prix Nobel), Biologie de la conscience, Ed. Odile Jacob, 1993
Oliver Sacks, L'Homme qui prenait sa femme pour un chapeau, Le Seuil, 1989.
Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India, Delhi, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1962.
A Policy of Kindness, An Anthology of Writings by and About the Dalai Lama, Compiled and edited by Sidney Pittburn, Ithaca, 1990.
André Migot, Le Bouddha, Club Français du Livre, 1960
(Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir)
"From a certain foreign country named Lo had come her father's guru who in hoshan language was described as stunpa (skt Sasta, tib. ston pa). He was the founder of the stupa of Lo ston pa."
See also: M.A. Stein : Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. Westminster : Archibald Constable and Co. 1900. Ref Kaiser Library 7-828A
Ranjit Sitaram Pandit: Rajatarangini. Allahabad: The Indian Press, 1931. Ref. Kaiser Library - 7-827
Michael Maren, The Road to Hell, The Free Press, Division of Simon and Shuster, 1230 Av of America, NY, NY 10026, 1997
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying, Macmillan, New York, 1969.
Les derniers instants de la vie, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1975.