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#redirect [[Nyingthig Yabshi]]
[[ka nas dag pa'i ye shes]] - primordially pure wisdom. primordially pure wisdom, wakefulness that is primordially pure [RY]
[[kun gzhi]] - [[alaya]] - [[all-ground]]. Literally, the 'foundation of all things.' The basis of mind and both pure and impure phenomena. This word has different meanings in different contexts and should be understood accordingly. Sometimes it is synonymous with buddha nature or [[dharmakaya]], the recognition of which is the basis for all pure phenomena; other times, as in the case of the 'ignorant all-ground,' it refers to a neutral state of dualistic mind that has not been embraced by innate wakefulness and thus is the basis for samsaric experience [RY]
[[skad cig ma'i ye shes]] - instantaneous wisdom / wakefulness [RY]
[['khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes]] - wakefulness free from the threefold concepts [RY]
[[rgyun mtha' ye shes]] - the original wakefulness at the end of the stream [RY]
[[sgrib pa med pa'i ye shes]] - unobscured wakefulness [RY]
[[bsgoms byung ye shes]] - wisdom / original wakefulness resulting from meditation training [RY]
[[nges don]] - [[true meaning]]. The definitive meaning as opposed to the expedient or relative meaning. The teachings of Prajnaparamita and the Middle Way. In his Treasury of Knowledge, [[Jamgön Kongtrül]] the Great defines the true /definitive meaning in the following way: The topics taught to exceptional disciples that the nature of all phenomena is profound emptiness devoid of constructs such as arising and ceasing, and, that the innate real condition of things is by nature luminous wakefulness and lies beyond words, thoughts and description. Moreover, it is the words of the Buddha expounding this meaning as well as the commentaries upon them [RY]
[[mngon par shes pa'i ye shes]] - the original wakefulness of the [[superknowledges]] [RY]
[[rnga g.yab zangs mdog dpal ri]] - Glorious Mountain in [[Chamara]] / [[Glorious Copper Colored Mountain]]. The terrestrial pure land of [[Guru Rinpoche]] situated on the subcontinent Chamara to the south-east of the Jambu Continent. Chamara is the central of a configuration of nine islands inhabited by savage rakshasas. In the middle of Chamara rises the majestic red colored mountain into the skies. On its summit lies the magical palace Lotus Light, manifested from the natural expression of primordial wakefulness. Here resides Padmasambhava in an indestructible bodily form transcending birth and death for as long as samsara continues and through which he incessantly brings benefit to beings through magical emanations of his body, speech and mind [RY]
[[chos sku rang byung gi ye shes]] - self-existing wakefulness of [[dharmakaya]] [RY]
[[chos nyid rnam dag gi ye shes]] - innate pure wakefulness [RY]
[[chos nyid rnam dag gi ye shes]] - innate pure wakefulness, the completely pure wisdom of dharmata [IW]
[[chos nyid 'od gsal]] - [[luminous dharmata]]. The innate wakefulness that is the nature of mind of all sentient beings [RY]
[[chos la bdag med pa'i ye shes rnam par mi rtog pa]] - thoughtfree wakefulness [that sees] the absence of self-entity in things [RY]
[[mched pa]] - 1) (Tha mi dad pa) pervade widely, spread, increase, become many, widen, get bigger, indulge, flare up (about fire), get / fall into, be involved w; 2) [red] diffusive [glow] [Thim rim 'char skabs su [in the case of the signs arising at the time of death/ dissolution] nam mkhar nyi 'od phog pa lta bu [like the light of the sun penetrating the sky] not other from the empty purity of space/ wakefulness [stong sang] dmar lam pa'i snang ba [redness: red diffusive glow, appearance in the bardo] yid shes increases] [IW]
[[gnyid ma byung ba]] - wakefulness, sleeplessness [JV]
[[gnyis med ye shes]] - original wakefulness as [their] [[nonduality]] [RY]
[[gnyis med ye shes]] - [[nondual wakefulness]], [[nondual wisdom]], indivisible wisdom [RY]
[[gnyis su med pa'i ye shes]] - nondual wakefulness [RY]
[[gnyug ma'i shes pa]] - primordial mind, original wakefulness [JV]
[[rtog bral gyi ye shes]] - [[nonconceptual wakefulness]] [RY]
[[rtog bral gyi ye shes]] - non-conceptual wakefulness [IW]
[[lta ba]] - [[View]]. A particular understanding and orientation based on studies of philosophy. In the context of Mahamudra and Trekchö, the view refers to the state of 'ordinary mind' or 'self-existing wakefulness' free from any concept, even of philosophical insight [RY]
[[tha mal gyi shes pa]] - [[ordinary mind]]. Not the ordinary state of mind in an unenlightened person but 'ordinary' in the sense of one's present wakefulness not being fabricated, altered or corrected in any way [RY]
[[thogs pa med pa'i ye shes]] - unobstructed wakefulness [RY]
[[da lta'i shes pa]] - present wakefulness [RY]
[[da lta'i shes pa]] - present wakefulness / awareness, mind of nowness, present mind [RY]
[[da lta'i shes rig]] - present wakefulness [RY]
[[da ltar gyi shes pa]] - the present wakefulness, mind [RY]
[[da rang gi shes pa]] - present wakefulness [JV]
[[don dam pa'i ye shes kyi che ba nyid]] - the greatness of ultimate wakefulness [RY]
[[don dam byang chub kyi sems]] - Ultimate bodhichitta. Same as [[prajnaparamita]], the unity of [[shamatha and vipashyana]], self-existing wakefulness, etc [RY]
[[dran rig]] - awakeness, wakefulness, cognizance [RY]
[[gdod ma'i ye shes]] - original wakefulness [RY]
[[bde stong gi ye shes]] - empty and blissful wakefulness; a bliss-void wisdom [RY]
[[bde stong ye shes]] - wisdom of empty bliss / blissful emptiness; primordial wakefulness that is blissful yet empty [RY]
[[bdra don rtags gsum]] - symbol, meaning and sign. The three principles of symbol, meaning and sign are described in this way: 'Meaning' is the indivisible essence of cognizance and emptiness. 'Symbol' is the pure nature as the mandala of the deity. 'Sign' is what causes realization of that, the application of the aspects of deity, mantra and original wakefulness.  [RY]
[['dus ma byas pa'i ye shes]] - uncompounded wakefulness [RY]
[[rnam par mi rtog pa lhan cig skyes pa shin tu spros pa dang bral ba]] - nonconceptual, innate and utterly unconstructed wakefulness [RY]
[[rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes]] - Nonconceptual wakefulness, Nonconceptual wisdom, non-conceptual wisdom, def. {[[rnam par snang]] [[la]] [[mi rtog pa]]s [[den]] [[ma]] [[zung]] [[ba]] [[zhes bya'o]]}; [[nonconceptual wisdom]] [RY]
[[rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes]] - Nonconceptual / thoughtfree wakefulness. The basic state of mind that is pointed out by the root guru; free from thoughts and yet cognizing whatever is present [RY]
[[sna nam ye shes sde]] - [[Nanam Yeshe]], alias Yeshe Dey of Nanam. Also known as Bandey Yeshe Dey of Shang ([[zhang gi bhan dhe ye shes sde]]). A prolific translator of more than 200 scriptures and a disciple of [[Padmasambhava]], this learned and accomplished monk once exhibited his miraculous powers, attained through mastery of Vajra Kilaya, by soaring through the sky like a bird. Yeshe mean 'original wakefulness.' [RY]
[[snang lugs ye shes]] - wakefulness as the manifest state [RY]
[[pad ma 'byung gnas]] - In his Pond of White Lotus Flowers (p. 19-20) [[Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal]] explains that [[Padmasambhava]] was predicted in the Tantra of the Perfect Embodiment of the Unexcelled Nature, "Eight years after I pass into [[nirvana]], I shall reappear in the country of Uddiyana by the name Padmasambhava and be the lord of the teachings of [[Secret Mantra]]." Following this prophesy, Padmasambhava appeared in this world in the following way: The fully perfected Buddha [[Amitabha]], sovereign of the vajra speech of all the [[buddhas of the three times]], resides in an immense celestial palace composed of the self-display of innate wakefulness in the center of the pure realm of [[Sukhavati]]. Inseparable from the luminous dharmakaya essence of Amitabha's mind, Padmasambhava is an unceasing miraculous display of the natural expression of compassionate energy, a manifestation of outer, inner and secret emanations that appear according to the countless beings to be influenced and to accomplish their welfare. In particular, in this world Padmasambhava appeared as the regent of Buddha Shakyamuni by taking birth from a lotus flower in Lake Danakosha. Through the miraculous display of his amazing deeds he was equivalent to a second buddha for Buddhism in both India and Tibet. On the relative level, in Maratika he appeared to realize the vidyadhara level of life mastery, the unified stage of the path of training, the realization of which is equal to that of a bodhisattva on the eighth level according to the causal vehicles. In the Cave of Yangleshö he acted as if reaching the Mahamudra level of the path of cultivation by the samadhi that illuminates the wisdom mandala of the nine divinities of Vishuddha and thus attained a state of realization corresponding to that of a bodhisattva on the tenth level according to the causal vehicles. In fact, his state of realization is indivisible from that of the buddhas of the three times and possesses the nature of wondrous manifestations that surpass the boundary of ordinary thought [RY]
[[spros bral gyi ye shes]] - wisdom of simplicity, unconstructed wakefulness [RY]
[[spros bral ye shes]] - unconstructed wakefulness [RY]
[[bag yod pa]] - wakefulness, conscientiousness, reverence, fear, self-respect, self-control, chaste, careful [JV]
[[bag yod pa]] - conscientious; Conscientiousness, as one of the eleven virtuous mental states, [apramada] conscientiousness, carefulness, mindfulness, to pay head, alertness, conscientious, enabling to keep vows purely, alertness for non-virtuous deeds, attentiveness, attentiveness, wakefulness [RY]
[[bag yod pa]] - 1) conscientiousness, taking care; 2) be careful, pay heed/attention; 3) greasy/sticky stains; 3) having stains or dirt)/ [be stably mindful of, [one of the 11 virtuous mental states, (apramada) [dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig] applying earnest care toward things to be accepted and rejected, working to establish the good accumulations of samsara and nirvana, mindfulness, enabling to keep vows purely, alertness for non- virtuous deeds, attentiveness, wakefulness] [IW]
[[byang sems]] - [[byang chub kyi sems]] - [[bodhichitta]]. 'Awakened state of mind,' 'enlightened attitude.' 1) The aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. 2) In the context of Dzogchen, the innate wakefulness of awakened mind; synonymous with [[nondual awareness]] [RY]
[[dbyings dang ye shes]] - space and wakefulness [RY]
[[dbyings dang ye shes]] - space and wakefulness, dimension & awareness [JV]
[[dbyings dang ye shes]] - space and wakefulness, space and wisdom [IW]
[['bras bu'i 'od gsal]] - resultant luminosity, the luminous wakefulness of fruition [RY]
[[mi rtog]] - [[nonthought]]. A state in which conceptual thinking is absent. It can refer to nonconceptual wakefulness but usually it is one of the three temporary meditation experiences ([[bliss, clarity and nonthought]]) that is often tainted by subtle fascination and [[attachment]] [RY]
[[mi rtog pa'i ye shes]] - wisdom of nonthought, nonconceptual wakefulness [RY]
[[mi rtog pa'i ye shes]] - wisdom of non-thought, non- conceptual wakefulness/ pristine cognition [IW]
[[mi rtog mi rtog stong sang nge ba]] - the utterly empty experience/ wakefulness of non-thought [IW]
[[zang ka]] - 1) the genuine, unadulterated, true, first class, inartificial. 2) Syn. {zang thal} / {rang ga ma} abbr. of {zang ka thal ma 'byin pa} penetrating wakefulness. 3) Syn {rgya yan} open, free, just so, ordinary simplicity [an Ati term]; free [RY]
[[zang ka thal ma 'byin pa]] - penetrating wakefulness [IW]
[[zang nge thal ler]] - penetrating wakefulness [RY]
[[zangs mdog dpal ri]] - [[Glorious Copper Colored Mountain]]. The terrestrial pure land of Guru Rinpoche situated on the subcontinent [[Chamara]] to the south-east of the Jambu Continent. Chamara is the central of a configuration of nine islands inhabited by savage rakshasas. In the middle of Chamara rises the majestic red colored mountain into the skies. On its summit lies the magical palace Lotus Light, manifested from the natural expression of primordial wakefulness. Here resides [[Padmasambhava]] in an indestructible bodily form transcending birth and death for as long as [[samsara]] continues and through which he incessantly brings benefit to beings through magical emanations of his body, speech and mind [RY]
[[bzo med]] - Nonfabrication. The key point in the training of [[Mahamudra]] and [[Dzogchen]]; that innate wakefulness is not created through intellectual effort [RY]
[['od gsal]] - luminous, lucent, lucid, luminescent, radiant, light. luminous; brilliance, radiant light. radiant clarity 1) luminous clarity, luminosity; brightness, clarity, lucidity, clear light. 2) One of the 28 classes of gods in the {gzugs kyi khams}. the third realm in the {bsam gtan gnyis pa} form realm of the {bsam gtan gnyis pa ba'i}. the 2nd absorption; Prabhasvara,[a class of gods]; 3) luminous wakefulness, cognizance, 6) inner radiance. the radiance or luminosity of mind-as-such, occurring between the waking and the dream states. the Clear Light inner radiance [RY]
[['od gsal]] - luminosity [Of the 28 classes of gods in the {gzugs kyi khams} form realm, the third realm in the {bsam gtan gnis pa} prabhasvara [, and its class of gods) where the gods produce mor luminosity than the lower onesbrightness, clarity, clear light, brilliance, luminous clarity, radiant light, luminous wakefulness, cognizance, inner radiance (of mind-as-such, occuring between the waking and the dream states) luminous, lucent, luminescent, radiant, light] [IW]
[['od gsal ba]] - [[luminosity]], luminous; sheer clarity radiance; radiant, bring light; bright light. 2) lucid wakefulness [RY]
[['od gsal ba nyid]] - lucid wakefulness; luminosity [RY]
[['od gsal ba'i ye shes]] - luminous wakefulness, the knowledge of the Clear Light, a primal awareness of Clear Light; luminous wisdom, the wisdom of luminous wakefulness [RY]
[[ye she]] - wakefulness [thd]
[[ye shes]] - jnana, (exalted, primordial) wisdom, (primal, transcending, original, unitary, authentic, pure, absolute, a priori, genuine, spiritual, ever-fresh, pristine) awareness, wakefulness, pristine cognition, mystic illumination, gnosis, understanding by peak experience, (intuitive, transcending, comprehensive, true) knowledge, SA [[mched pa'i ye shes]], [[mnyam nyid ye shes]], [[me long ye shes]], [[chos dbyings ye shes]], [[bya sgrub ye shes]], [[sor rtog ye shes]], perfect absolute [[divine wisdom]], pristine wisdom, [[primordial awareness]], [[timeless awareness]] [JV]
[[ye shes]] - wisdom, original wakefulness. Basic cognizance independent of intellectual constructs. There are also the [[five wisdoms]], aspects of how the cognitive quality of buddha nature functions: the [[dharmadhatu wisdom]], [[mirror-like wisdom]], [[wisdom of equality]], [[discriminating wisdom]] and [[all-accomplishing wisdom]] [RY]
[[ye shes]] - knowledge, original wakefulness, gnosis, cognition, wisdom, primal awareness, pristine awareness, [[Primordial Awareness]], [jnana]; [[pristine cognition]]. Innate wakefulness, intelligence, self-born awareness, primal awareness, wisdom, one of the {[[phar phyin bcu]]} the [[ten paramitas]], pristine awareness, ever-fresh awareness, exalted wisdom / body, intuition [intuitive wisdom], gnosis, wisdom mind, primal knowledge, jnana. Syn {[[ye gnas kyi shes pa]]}; 'wisdom', [primordial knowing, original cognition, wakefulness, awareness]. Innate wakefulness, Jnana, cognition, knowledge, divine wisdom, ever-fresh awareness, pristine awareness, exalted wisdom / body, primordial wisdom, intelligence, intuition [intuitive wisdom], gnosis, wisdom mind, primal knowledge, jnana, pristine cognition / awareness. [RY]
[[ye shes kyi rang rtsal du bskyong ba]] - sustain as the natural expression of original wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes sgyu 'phrul drwa ba]] - magical net of original wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes 'jug pa]] - the reign of original wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes rnam par mi rtog pa]] - nonconceptual wakefulness, wisdom without concepts [RY]
[[ye shes ma bsgribs pa]] - unobscured original wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes ma chags ma thogs pa]] - unobstructed original wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes 'od gsal ba]] - luminous wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes 'od gsal ba'i dgongs pa]] - luminous realization of innate wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes yangs pa]] - the immensity of original wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes rang gsal]] - self-cognizant wakefulness [RY]
[[ye shes gsum]] - threefold wisdom; three aspects of original wakefulness [RY]
[[rang gis rang rig pa'i shes pa]] - wakefulness that knows itself by itself [RY]
[[rang gnas kyi ye shes]] - innate wakefulness, wisdom exists within [one] [RY]
[[rang byung gi ye shes]] - self-existing wakefulness. self-originated primordial wisdom, self-existing basic intelligence, natural wisdom [RY]
[[rang byung ye shes]] - self-originated primal awareness, self-refreshing pristine awareness, self-arising wisdom, self-existing wakefulness, self-originated wisdom [JV]
[[rang byung ye shes]] - Self-existing wakefulness. Basic wakefulness that is independent of intellectual constructs. self-existing wisdom, self originated knowledge, self originated primal awareness; self-refreshing awareness, self-generating pristine awareness; self-refreshing awareness, self-generating pristine awareness [RY]
r[[ang byung ye shes kyi sku]] - the form of self-existing wakefulness [RY]
[[rang bzhin lhun grub kyi ye shes]] - wakefulness that is spontaneously present in nature; the wisdom of the spontaneously present nature [RY]
[[rang rig ye shes]] - self-cognizing wakefulness [RY]
[[rang gsal lhag ge]] - self-luminous wakefulness [RY]
[[rig pa]] - [[vidya]] 1) {rig pa, rig pa, rig pa} intr. v.; to know, cognize, understand, see, be aware of. 2) intelligence, [[cognition]], understanding, knowledge, [[insight]]. 3) intellectual reasoning, rationality, logic, philosophy, [intrinsically] real, reason, intellect, awareness, insightful; science 4) knowing, nondual mind, pure / sheer presence, awareness mind, wakefulness, intuitive awareness, intrinsic awareness, awakeness, immediate awareness. 5) noun. the knower / cognizer, mind [Syn {[[shes rig]]}. 6) Two of six/eight qualities describing the [[sangha]]. 7) in [[gnas 'gyu rig gsum]] - noticing. 8) mantra [RY]
[[rig pa]] - (Tha mi dad pa 1) seeing; 2) realize, know; 3) mind, awareness; 2) intellect, understanding, intelligence; 3) ground of training/ practice; 4) consciousness as explained in Dharma; 5) know[er], cognize[r], mind [= *{shes rig}*] understand[ing], cognition, knowledge; 6) mantra; 7) intellectual reason[ing], rationality, philosophy; 8) [intrinsically] real; 9) insight[ful], intuitive awareness; 10) learned; 11) pure/ sheer presence; 12) wakefulness, intrinsic awareness; 13) intelligence and openness, precision and sharpness w space, clarity and penetrating transparency, awareness, science, logic [IW]
[[rig pa ye shes]] - [[insight wisdom]], wakefulness of knowing [RY]
[[rig pa'i ye shes]] - [[awareness wisdom]], wakefulness of knowing, insight wisdom; knowledge which is immediate awareness. intrinsic pristine awareness [RY]
[[lam gyi ye shes]] - [[path wisdom]]. The experience of innate wakefulness pointed out by one's master in which full stability has not been reached. Compare with [[fruition wisdom]] [RY]
[[shes pa]] - 1) {shes pa, shes pa, shes pa} intr. v. to understand; know, realize, be aware; cognize. 2) def. {gsal zhing rig pa} cognition, mind, consciousness, wakefulness, cognitive capacity, knowledge, perception, understanding, awareness, 3) Syn {shes rab} awareness 4) to recognize as abb. of {ngo shes pa} 5) Syn {rnam shes} consciousness; thought, mind. 6) to consider, be aware/ conscious (of); distinguish 7) cognitive; (state of) awareness / consciousness; 8) to be able to can, be able to do; know how, verb + shes pa - to be able to, possible to do (verb). 9) Syn {rtogs pa} realized, ex {rang sems bla ma ru} having realized that one's mind is the guru [RY]
[[shes pa]] - noeticness, cognition, cognize, awareness, consciousness, mind, mode of knowing, noetic capacity, cognitive (situation, capacity), conscious process, perceptive functions, comprehend, grasp, master, be aware of, come to understand, can, be able to, know, learn, to sense, perceive, apprehend, wisdom, intelligence, science, learning, knowledge (2 kinds are dbang shes pa, yid shes pa), (10 kinds are chos, pha rol gyi sems, rjes su rtogs pa, kun rdzog, sdug bsngal, kun byung, 'gog pa, lam, zad pa, mi skye ba), to recognize, feelings, attention, wakefulness [JV]
[[shes pa zang]] thal - unimpeded wakefulness [RY]
[[shes pa sing nge ba]] - lucid wakefulness [RY]
[[shes rig]] - 1) Syn {[[rig pa]]} state of mind, [[consciousness]], wakefulness, mind; an awareness which knows. 2) civilization, culture; civilization, culture [RY]
[[sems las 'das pa'i ye shes]] - wakefulness beyond thought; a primal awareness which transcends the mind [RY]
[[so so rang rig gi ye shes]] - individually self-cognizant wakefulness, wisdom of discriminating insight [RY]
[[so so rang rig pa'i ye she]] - wakefulness of individual self-awareness [thd]
[[gsal]] - express; look under noun / adj. / verb. 1) adj. bright, brilliant, dazzling, luminous, clear, lucid, lucent, radiant, distinct. 2) noun. light, luminosity, brilliance, lucidity, luculence, vividness, precision, sharpness, directness, radiance, distinctness, brightness, clarity. 3) verb. to cognize, know, understand, to be aware, cognizant, knowing, wakeful, awake, conscious. Syn {[[ha go ba]]} 4) to appear, show [itself], manifest, appearing [in the form of.] {[['di gsal mdzod]]} appear here, vividly present, apparent {[[da lha nyid du gsal ba]]} apparent at this very moment. 5) energy, dynamic potential. 6) banish, clear away, remove, {rab gsal} to banish the dark ignorance. 7) elucidation, explanation, clarification, confirm {[[don gsal]]} confirm the meaning. 8) are seen clearly, show. 9) visualize {[[gsal btab]] / [['debs]] / [[gdab]]} 10) wakefulness, cognizance. 11) to shine, illumine; luminosity, clarity; visualize; manifest [RY]
[[gsal stong lhang nge]] - vivid wakefulness of luminosity/emptiness [IW]
[[gsal la ma 'gags pa rang gis rang rig pa'i shes pa sing nge ba]] - aware, unconfined and lucid wakefulness that knows itself by itself [RY]
gsal la hrig ge bzhag pa - present in clear and vivid wakefulness [IW]
[[gsal hrig gis phyung]] - brought fourth lucid wakefulness [RY]
[[gsal lhang nge]] - clear wakefulness, clear and vivid; clear and brilliant [RY]
[[has se]] - thought-free wakefulness [RY]
[[hur bton]] - to bring forth wakefulness [RY]
[[hrig ge ba]] - present, wakefulness, acutely awake, vividness, alertly awake, vivid alertness, lucid wakefulness, pellucid, lucid, limpid awakeness. Syn {[[stong gsal]]} / {[['dzin med]]} / {[[lhang nge ba]]} / {[[hang nge ba min pa]]} / {[[wa le ba]]} sharpness; riveting; stark [RY]
[[lhan cig skyes pa'i ye shes]] - coemergent wisdom, intrinsic wakefulness; coemergent pristine awareness, spontaneously born primal awareness / knowledge [RY]
[[lhan cig ye shes]] - intrinsic wakefulness [RY]
[[ar sangs pa]] - primordial wakefulness [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 00:49, 3 April 2006

ka nas dag pa'i ye shes - primordially pure wisdom. primordially pure wisdom, wakefulness that is primordially pure [RY]

kun gzhi - alaya - all-ground. Literally, the 'foundation of all things.' The basis of mind and both pure and impure phenomena. This word has different meanings in different contexts and should be understood accordingly. Sometimes it is synonymous with buddha nature or dharmakaya, the recognition of which is the basis for all pure phenomena; other times, as in the case of the 'ignorant all-ground,' it refers to a neutral state of dualistic mind that has not been embraced by innate wakefulness and thus is the basis for samsaric experience [RY]

skad cig ma'i ye shes - instantaneous wisdom / wakefulness [RY]

'khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes - wakefulness free from the threefold concepts [RY]

rgyun mtha' ye shes - the original wakefulness at the end of the stream [RY]

sgrib pa med pa'i ye shes - unobscured wakefulness [RY]

bsgoms byung ye shes - wisdom / original wakefulness resulting from meditation training [RY]

nges don - true meaning. The definitive meaning as opposed to the expedient or relative meaning. The teachings of Prajnaparamita and the Middle Way. In his Treasury of Knowledge, Jamgön Kongtrül the Great defines the true /definitive meaning in the following way: The topics taught to exceptional disciples that the nature of all phenomena is profound emptiness devoid of constructs such as arising and ceasing, and, that the innate real condition of things is by nature luminous wakefulness and lies beyond words, thoughts and description. Moreover, it is the words of the Buddha expounding this meaning as well as the commentaries upon them [RY]

mngon par shes pa'i ye shes - the original wakefulness of the superknowledges [RY]

rnga g.yab zangs mdog dpal ri - Glorious Mountain in Chamara / Glorious Copper Colored Mountain. The terrestrial pure land of Guru Rinpoche situated on the subcontinent Chamara to the south-east of the Jambu Continent. Chamara is the central of a configuration of nine islands inhabited by savage rakshasas. In the middle of Chamara rises the majestic red colored mountain into the skies. On its summit lies the magical palace Lotus Light, manifested from the natural expression of primordial wakefulness. Here resides Padmasambhava in an indestructible bodily form transcending birth and death for as long as samsara continues and through which he incessantly brings benefit to beings through magical emanations of his body, speech and mind [RY]

chos sku rang byung gi ye shes - self-existing wakefulness of dharmakaya [RY]

chos nyid rnam dag gi ye shes - innate pure wakefulness [RY]

chos nyid rnam dag gi ye shes - innate pure wakefulness, the completely pure wisdom of dharmata [IW]

chos nyid 'od gsal - luminous dharmata. The innate wakefulness that is the nature of mind of all sentient beings [RY]

chos la bdag med pa'i ye shes rnam par mi rtog pa - thoughtfree wakefulness [that sees] the absence of self-entity in things [RY]

mched pa - 1) (Tha mi dad pa) pervade widely, spread, increase, become many, widen, get bigger, indulge, flare up (about fire), get / fall into, be involved w; 2) [red] diffusive [glow] [Thim rim 'char skabs su [in the case of the signs arising at the time of death/ dissolution] nam mkhar nyi 'od phog pa lta bu [like the light of the sun penetrating the sky] not other from the empty purity of space/ wakefulness [stong sang] dmar lam pa'i snang ba [redness: red diffusive glow, appearance in the bardo] yid shes increases] [IW]

gnyid ma byung ba - wakefulness, sleeplessness [JV]

gnyis med ye shes - original wakefulness as [their] nonduality [RY]

gnyis med ye shes - nondual wakefulness, nondual wisdom, indivisible wisdom [RY]

gnyis su med pa'i ye shes - nondual wakefulness [RY]

gnyug ma'i shes pa - primordial mind, original wakefulness [JV]

rtog bral gyi ye shes - nonconceptual wakefulness [RY]

rtog bral gyi ye shes - non-conceptual wakefulness [IW]

lta ba - View. A particular understanding and orientation based on studies of philosophy. In the context of Mahamudra and Trekchö, the view refers to the state of 'ordinary mind' or 'self-existing wakefulness' free from any concept, even of philosophical insight [RY]

tha mal gyi shes pa - ordinary mind. Not the ordinary state of mind in an unenlightened person but 'ordinary' in the sense of one's present wakefulness not being fabricated, altered or corrected in any way [RY]

thogs pa med pa'i ye shes - unobstructed wakefulness [RY]

da lta'i shes pa - present wakefulness [RY]

da lta'i shes pa - present wakefulness / awareness, mind of nowness, present mind [RY]

da lta'i shes rig - present wakefulness [RY]

da ltar gyi shes pa - the present wakefulness, mind [RY]

da rang gi shes pa - present wakefulness [JV]

don dam pa'i ye shes kyi che ba nyid - the greatness of ultimate wakefulness [RY]

don dam byang chub kyi sems - Ultimate bodhichitta. Same as prajnaparamita, the unity of shamatha and vipashyana, self-existing wakefulness, etc [RY]

dran rig - awakeness, wakefulness, cognizance [RY]

gdod ma'i ye shes - original wakefulness [RY]

bde stong gi ye shes - empty and blissful wakefulness; a bliss-void wisdom [RY]

bde stong ye shes - wisdom of empty bliss / blissful emptiness; primordial wakefulness that is blissful yet empty [RY]

bdra don rtags gsum - symbol, meaning and sign. The three principles of symbol, meaning and sign are described in this way: 'Meaning' is the indivisible essence of cognizance and emptiness. 'Symbol' is the pure nature as the mandala of the deity. 'Sign' is what causes realization of that, the application of the aspects of deity, mantra and original wakefulness. [RY]

'dus ma byas pa'i ye shes - uncompounded wakefulness [RY]

rnam par mi rtog pa lhan cig skyes pa shin tu spros pa dang bral ba - nonconceptual, innate and utterly unconstructed wakefulness [RY]

rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes - Nonconceptual wakefulness, Nonconceptual wisdom, non-conceptual wisdom, def. {rnam par snang la mi rtog pas den ma zung ba zhes bya'o}; nonconceptual wisdom [RY]

rnam par mi rtog pa'i ye shes - Nonconceptual / thoughtfree wakefulness. The basic state of mind that is pointed out by the root guru; free from thoughts and yet cognizing whatever is present [RY]

sna nam ye shes sde - Nanam Yeshe, alias Yeshe Dey of Nanam. Also known as Bandey Yeshe Dey of Shang (zhang gi bhan dhe ye shes sde). A prolific translator of more than 200 scriptures and a disciple of Padmasambhava, this learned and accomplished monk once exhibited his miraculous powers, attained through mastery of Vajra Kilaya, by soaring through the sky like a bird. Yeshe mean 'original wakefulness.' [RY]

snang lugs ye shes - wakefulness as the manifest state [RY]

pad ma 'byung gnas - In his Pond of White Lotus Flowers (p. 19-20) Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal explains that Padmasambhava was predicted in the Tantra of the Perfect Embodiment of the Unexcelled Nature, "Eight years after I pass into nirvana, I shall reappear in the country of Uddiyana by the name Padmasambhava and be the lord of the teachings of Secret Mantra." Following this prophesy, Padmasambhava appeared in this world in the following way: The fully perfected Buddha Amitabha, sovereign of the vajra speech of all the buddhas of the three times, resides in an immense celestial palace composed of the self-display of innate wakefulness in the center of the pure realm of Sukhavati. Inseparable from the luminous dharmakaya essence of Amitabha's mind, Padmasambhava is an unceasing miraculous display of the natural expression of compassionate energy, a manifestation of outer, inner and secret emanations that appear according to the countless beings to be influenced and to accomplish their welfare. In particular, in this world Padmasambhava appeared as the regent of Buddha Shakyamuni by taking birth from a lotus flower in Lake Danakosha. Through the miraculous display of his amazing deeds he was equivalent to a second buddha for Buddhism in both India and Tibet. On the relative level, in Maratika he appeared to realize the vidyadhara level of life mastery, the unified stage of the path of training, the realization of which is equal to that of a bodhisattva on the eighth level according to the causal vehicles. In the Cave of Yangleshö he acted as if reaching the Mahamudra level of the path of cultivation by the samadhi that illuminates the wisdom mandala of the nine divinities of Vishuddha and thus attained a state of realization corresponding to that of a bodhisattva on the tenth level according to the causal vehicles. In fact, his state of realization is indivisible from that of the buddhas of the three times and possesses the nature of wondrous manifestations that surpass the boundary of ordinary thought [RY]

spros bral gyi ye shes - wisdom of simplicity, unconstructed wakefulness [RY]

spros bral ye shes - unconstructed wakefulness [RY]

bag yod pa - wakefulness, conscientiousness, reverence, fear, self-respect, self-control, chaste, careful [JV]

bag yod pa - conscientious; Conscientiousness, as one of the eleven virtuous mental states, [apramada] conscientiousness, carefulness, mindfulness, to pay head, alertness, conscientious, enabling to keep vows purely, alertness for non-virtuous deeds, attentiveness, attentiveness, wakefulness [RY]

bag yod pa - 1) conscientiousness, taking care; 2) be careful, pay heed/attention; 3) greasy/sticky stains; 3) having stains or dirt)/ [be stably mindful of, [one of the 11 virtuous mental states, (apramada) [dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig] applying earnest care toward things to be accepted and rejected, working to establish the good accumulations of samsara and nirvana, mindfulness, enabling to keep vows purely, alertness for non- virtuous deeds, attentiveness, wakefulness] [IW]

byang sems - byang chub kyi sems - bodhichitta. 'Awakened state of mind,' 'enlightened attitude.' 1) The aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. 2) In the context of Dzogchen, the innate wakefulness of awakened mind; synonymous with nondual awareness [RY]

dbyings dang ye shes - space and wakefulness [RY]

dbyings dang ye shes - space and wakefulness, dimension & awareness [JV]

dbyings dang ye shes - space and wakefulness, space and wisdom [IW]

'bras bu'i 'od gsal - resultant luminosity, the luminous wakefulness of fruition [RY]

mi rtog - nonthought. A state in which conceptual thinking is absent. It can refer to nonconceptual wakefulness but usually it is one of the three temporary meditation experiences (bliss, clarity and nonthought) that is often tainted by subtle fascination and attachment [RY]

mi rtog pa'i ye shes - wisdom of nonthought, nonconceptual wakefulness [RY]

mi rtog pa'i ye shes - wisdom of non-thought, non- conceptual wakefulness/ pristine cognition [IW]

mi rtog mi rtog stong sang nge ba - the utterly empty experience/ wakefulness of non-thought [IW]

zang ka - 1) the genuine, unadulterated, true, first class, inartificial. 2) Syn. {zang thal} / {rang ga ma} abbr. of {zang ka thal ma 'byin pa} penetrating wakefulness. 3) Syn {rgya yan} open, free, just so, ordinary simplicity [an Ati term]; free [RY]

zang ka thal ma 'byin pa - penetrating wakefulness [IW]

zang nge thal ler - penetrating wakefulness [RY]

zangs mdog dpal ri - Glorious Copper Colored Mountain. The terrestrial pure land of Guru Rinpoche situated on the subcontinent Chamara to the south-east of the Jambu Continent. Chamara is the central of a configuration of nine islands inhabited by savage rakshasas. In the middle of Chamara rises the majestic red colored mountain into the skies. On its summit lies the magical palace Lotus Light, manifested from the natural expression of primordial wakefulness. Here resides Padmasambhava in an indestructible bodily form transcending birth and death for as long as samsara continues and through which he incessantly brings benefit to beings through magical emanations of his body, speech and mind [RY]

bzo med - Nonfabrication. The key point in the training of Mahamudra and Dzogchen; that innate wakefulness is not created through intellectual effort [RY]

'od gsal - luminous, lucent, lucid, luminescent, radiant, light. luminous; brilliance, radiant light. radiant clarity 1) luminous clarity, luminosity; brightness, clarity, lucidity, clear light. 2) One of the 28 classes of gods in the {gzugs kyi khams}. the third realm in the {bsam gtan gnyis pa} form realm of the {bsam gtan gnyis pa ba'i}. the 2nd absorption; Prabhasvara,[a class of gods]; 3) luminous wakefulness, cognizance, 6) inner radiance. the radiance or luminosity of mind-as-such, occurring between the waking and the dream states. the Clear Light inner radiance [RY]

'od gsal - luminosity [Of the 28 classes of gods in the {gzugs kyi khams} form realm, the third realm in the {bsam gtan gnis pa} prabhasvara [, and its class of gods) where the gods produce mor luminosity than the lower onesbrightness, clarity, clear light, brilliance, luminous clarity, radiant light, luminous wakefulness, cognizance, inner radiance (of mind-as-such, occuring between the waking and the dream states) luminous, lucent, luminescent, radiant, light] [IW]

'od gsal ba - luminosity, luminous; sheer clarity radiance; radiant, bring light; bright light. 2) lucid wakefulness [RY]

'od gsal ba nyid - lucid wakefulness; luminosity [RY]

'od gsal ba'i ye shes - luminous wakefulness, the knowledge of the Clear Light, a primal awareness of Clear Light; luminous wisdom, the wisdom of luminous wakefulness [RY]

ye she - wakefulness [thd]

ye shes - jnana, (exalted, primordial) wisdom, (primal, transcending, original, unitary, authentic, pure, absolute, a priori, genuine, spiritual, ever-fresh, pristine) awareness, wakefulness, pristine cognition, mystic illumination, gnosis, understanding by peak experience, (intuitive, transcending, comprehensive, true) knowledge, SA mched pa'i ye shes, mnyam nyid ye shes, me long ye shes, chos dbyings ye shes, bya sgrub ye shes, sor rtog ye shes, perfect absolute divine wisdom, pristine wisdom, primordial awareness, timeless awareness [JV]

ye shes - wisdom, original wakefulness. Basic cognizance independent of intellectual constructs. There are also the five wisdoms, aspects of how the cognitive quality of buddha nature functions: the dharmadhatu wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]

ye shes - knowledge, original wakefulness, gnosis, cognition, wisdom, primal awareness, pristine awareness, Primordial Awareness, [jnana]; pristine cognition. Innate wakefulness, intelligence, self-born awareness, primal awareness, wisdom, one of the {phar phyin bcu} the ten paramitas, pristine awareness, ever-fresh awareness, exalted wisdom / body, intuition [intuitive wisdom], gnosis, wisdom mind, primal knowledge, jnana. Syn {ye gnas kyi shes pa}; 'wisdom', [primordial knowing, original cognition, wakefulness, awareness]. Innate wakefulness, Jnana, cognition, knowledge, divine wisdom, ever-fresh awareness, pristine awareness, exalted wisdom / body, primordial wisdom, intelligence, intuition [intuitive wisdom], gnosis, wisdom mind, primal knowledge, jnana, pristine cognition / awareness. [RY]

ye shes kyi rang rtsal du bskyong ba - sustain as the natural expression of original wakefulness [RY]

ye shes sgyu 'phrul drwa ba - magical net of original wakefulness [RY]

ye shes 'jug pa - the reign of original wakefulness [RY]

ye shes rnam par mi rtog pa - nonconceptual wakefulness, wisdom without concepts [RY]

ye shes ma bsgribs pa - unobscured original wakefulness [RY]

ye shes ma chags ma thogs pa - unobstructed original wakefulness [RY]

ye shes 'od gsal ba - luminous wakefulness [RY]

ye shes 'od gsal ba'i dgongs pa - luminous realization of innate wakefulness [RY]

ye shes yangs pa - the immensity of original wakefulness [RY]

ye shes rang gsal - self-cognizant wakefulness [RY]

ye shes gsum - threefold wisdom; three aspects of original wakefulness [RY]

rang gis rang rig pa'i shes pa - wakefulness that knows itself by itself [RY]

rang gnas kyi ye shes - innate wakefulness, wisdom exists within [one] [RY]

rang byung gi ye shes - self-existing wakefulness. self-originated primordial wisdom, self-existing basic intelligence, natural wisdom [RY]

rang byung ye shes - self-originated primal awareness, self-refreshing pristine awareness, self-arising wisdom, self-existing wakefulness, self-originated wisdom [JV]

rang byung ye shes - Self-existing wakefulness. Basic wakefulness that is independent of intellectual constructs. self-existing wisdom, self originated knowledge, self originated primal awareness; self-refreshing awareness, self-generating pristine awareness; self-refreshing awareness, self-generating pristine awareness [RY]

rang byung ye shes kyi sku - the form of self-existing wakefulness [RY]

rang bzhin lhun grub kyi ye shes - wakefulness that is spontaneously present in nature; the wisdom of the spontaneously present nature [RY]

rang rig ye shes - self-cognizing wakefulness [RY]

rang gsal lhag ge - self-luminous wakefulness [RY]

rig pa - vidya 1) {rig pa, rig pa, rig pa} intr. v.; to know, cognize, understand, see, be aware of. 2) intelligence, cognition, understanding, knowledge, insight. 3) intellectual reasoning, rationality, logic, philosophy, [intrinsically] real, reason, intellect, awareness, insightful; science 4) knowing, nondual mind, pure / sheer presence, awareness mind, wakefulness, intuitive awareness, intrinsic awareness, awakeness, immediate awareness. 5) noun. the knower / cognizer, mind [Syn {shes rig}. 6) Two of six/eight qualities describing the sangha. 7) in gnas 'gyu rig gsum - noticing. 8) mantra [RY]

rig pa - (Tha mi dad pa 1) seeing; 2) realize, know; 3) mind, awareness; 2) intellect, understanding, intelligence; 3) ground of training/ practice; 4) consciousness as explained in Dharma; 5) know[er], cognize[r], mind [= *{shes rig}*] understand[ing], cognition, knowledge; 6) mantra; 7) intellectual reason[ing], rationality, philosophy; 8) [intrinsically] real; 9) insight[ful], intuitive awareness; 10) learned; 11) pure/ sheer presence; 12) wakefulness, intrinsic awareness; 13) intelligence and openness, precision and sharpness w space, clarity and penetrating transparency, awareness, science, logic [IW]

rig pa ye shes - insight wisdom, wakefulness of knowing [RY]

rig pa'i ye shes - awareness wisdom, wakefulness of knowing, insight wisdom; knowledge which is immediate awareness. intrinsic pristine awareness [RY]

lam gyi ye shes - path wisdom. The experience of innate wakefulness pointed out by one's master in which full stability has not been reached. Compare with fruition wisdom [RY]

shes pa - 1) {shes pa, shes pa, shes pa} intr. v. to understand; know, realize, be aware; cognize. 2) def. {gsal zhing rig pa} cognition, mind, consciousness, wakefulness, cognitive capacity, knowledge, perception, understanding, awareness, 3) Syn {shes rab} awareness 4) to recognize as abb. of {ngo shes pa} 5) Syn {rnam shes} consciousness; thought, mind. 6) to consider, be aware/ conscious (of); distinguish 7) cognitive; (state of) awareness / consciousness; 8) to be able to can, be able to do; know how, verb + shes pa - to be able to, possible to do (verb). 9) Syn {rtogs pa} realized, ex {rang sems bla ma ru} having realized that one's mind is the guru [RY]

shes pa - noeticness, cognition, cognize, awareness, consciousness, mind, mode of knowing, noetic capacity, cognitive (situation, capacity), conscious process, perceptive functions, comprehend, grasp, master, be aware of, come to understand, can, be able to, know, learn, to sense, perceive, apprehend, wisdom, intelligence, science, learning, knowledge (2 kinds are dbang shes pa, yid shes pa), (10 kinds are chos, pha rol gyi sems, rjes su rtogs pa, kun rdzog, sdug bsngal, kun byung, 'gog pa, lam, zad pa, mi skye ba), to recognize, feelings, attention, wakefulness [JV]

shes pa zang thal - unimpeded wakefulness [RY]

shes pa sing nge ba - lucid wakefulness [RY]

shes rig - 1) Syn {rig pa} state of mind, consciousness, wakefulness, mind; an awareness which knows. 2) civilization, culture; civilization, culture [RY]

sems las 'das pa'i ye shes - wakefulness beyond thought; a primal awareness which transcends the mind [RY]

so so rang rig gi ye shes - individually self-cognizant wakefulness, wisdom of discriminating insight [RY]

so so rang rig pa'i ye she - wakefulness of individual self-awareness [thd]

gsal - express; look under noun / adj. / verb. 1) adj. bright, brilliant, dazzling, luminous, clear, lucid, lucent, radiant, distinct. 2) noun. light, luminosity, brilliance, lucidity, luculence, vividness, precision, sharpness, directness, radiance, distinctness, brightness, clarity. 3) verb. to cognize, know, understand, to be aware, cognizant, knowing, wakeful, awake, conscious. Syn {ha go ba} 4) to appear, show [itself], manifest, appearing [in the form of.] {'di gsal mdzod} appear here, vividly present, apparent {da lha nyid du gsal ba} apparent at this very moment. 5) energy, dynamic potential. 6) banish, clear away, remove, {rab gsal} to banish the dark ignorance. 7) elucidation, explanation, clarification, confirm {don gsal} confirm the meaning. 8) are seen clearly, show. 9) visualize {gsal btab / 'debs / gdab} 10) wakefulness, cognizance. 11) to shine, illumine; luminosity, clarity; visualize; manifest [RY]

gsal stong lhang nge - vivid wakefulness of luminosity/emptiness [IW]

gsal la ma 'gags pa rang gis rang rig pa'i shes pa sing nge ba - aware, unconfined and lucid wakefulness that knows itself by itself [RY]

gsal la hrig ge bzhag pa - present in clear and vivid wakefulness [IW]

gsal hrig gis phyung - brought fourth lucid wakefulness [RY]

gsal lhang nge - clear wakefulness, clear and vivid; clear and brilliant [RY]

has se - thought-free wakefulness [RY]

hur bton - to bring forth wakefulness [RY]

hrig ge ba - present, wakefulness, acutely awake, vividness, alertly awake, vivid alertness, lucid wakefulness, pellucid, lucid, limpid awakeness. Syn {stong gsal} / {'dzin med} / {lhang nge ba} / {hang nge ba min pa} / {wa le ba} sharpness; riveting; stark [RY]

lhan cig skyes pa'i ye shes - coemergent wisdom, intrinsic wakefulness; coemergent pristine awareness, spontaneously born primal awareness / knowledge [RY]

lhan cig ye shes - intrinsic wakefulness [RY]

ar sangs pa - primordial wakefulness [IW]