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[[Ralung Monastery]] (<font style="font-size: larger; font-family: Jomolhari">རྭ་ལུང</font> rwa lung)
[[Image:Ralung.jpg|thumb|256px|right|'''Ralung Monastery, 1939''']]
<span class=TibUni14>[[རྭ་ལུངདགོན་]]</span><br> [[rwa lung dgon]]<br> [[Ralung Monastery]] was founded by [[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje]](1126-1216) in 1180. Until the 16th or 17th century Ralung was the principal centre of the [[Drukpa_Kagyu|Drukpa Kagyu school]] in Tibet.


===Throne Holders of Ralung===  
==Early Drukpa Lineage of Ralung==
Chart of the hereditary Palden Drukpa lineage <span class=TibUni14>(དཔལ་ལྡན་འབྲུག་པའི་གདུང་བརྒྱུད་)</span> of Ralung from the founder [[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje]] ([[gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje]]), (1161-1211) the main disciple of [[Lingje Repa Pema Dorje]] ([[gling rje ras pa padma rdo rje]]), (1128-1188), through the "[[Incomparable Nine Lions]]" and the  to the 18th throne holder, [[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal]] (17C.), who moved to Bhutan where he unified the country and established the Southern Drukpa Kagyu school.  Successive [[Ralung_Monastery#Hereditary_Throne_Holders_of_Ralung|throne holders]] are numbered with their names in bold text.

*&nbsp;1. [[Dharma Senge Sangye On]]  ([[dhar ma seng ge sangs rgyas dbon]]) (b.1177-d.1237)<br>
*&nbsp;2. [[Drukpa Zhonnu Senge|Zhonnu Senge]] ([[gzhon nu seng ge]]) (b.1200-d.1266) - became throne holder at the age of 33.<br>
*&nbsp;3. [[Drukpa Nyima Senge|Nyima Senge]] ([[nyi ma seng ge]]) (b.1251-d.1287) - became throne holder at the age of 16.<br>
*&nbsp;4. [[Drukpa Senge Rinchen|Senge Rinchen]] ([[seng  ge rin chen]]) (b.1258- d. 1313) - ''aka'' Pökyapa (spos skya pa). - became throne holder at the age of 30.<br>
*&nbsp;5. [[Drukpa Senge Gyalpo|Senge Gyalpo]] ([[seng ge rgyal po]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of 25.
*&nbsp;6. [[Drukpa Kunga Senge|Jamyang Kunga Senge]] ([['jam dbyangs kun dga' seng ge]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of thirteen.<br>
*&nbsp;7. [[Drukpa Lodro Senge|Lodrö Senge]] ([[blo gros seng ge]]) (b.1345-d.1390) - <br>
*&nbsp;8. <br>
*&nbsp;9. <br>
*10. [[Drukpa Sherab Senge|Sherab Senge]] ([[shes rab seng ge]]) (b.1371-d.1392) - became throne holder at the age of 7.<br>
*&nbsp;11. [[Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen|Yeshe Rinchen]] ([[ye shes rin chen]]) (b.1364-d.1413) - became throne holder at the age of 29.<br>
*12. [[Drukpa Namkha Palzang|Namkha Palzang]] ([[nam mkha' dpal bzang]]) (b.1398-d.1425)<br>
*13. [[Drukpa Sherab Zangpo|Sherab Zangpo]] ([['brug pa shes rab bzang po|shes rab bzang po]]) (b.1400-d.1425)<br>
*14. [[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Kunga Paljor]] ([[kun dga' dpal 'byor]]) (1428-1476) - [[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Gyalwang Drukchen II]]<br>
*15. [[Drukpa Ngawang Chögyal|Ngawang Chögyal]] ([[ngag dbang chos rgyal]]) (b.1465-d.1540)<br>
*16. [[Drukpa Chung Rinpoche Ngakyi Wangpo|Ngakyi Wangchuck]]  (b.1517-d.1554)<br>
*17. [[Drukpa Mipham Chögyal|Mipham Chögyal]] (b.1543-d.1604) <br>
*18. [[Drukpa Mipham Tenpai Nyima|Mipham Tenpai Nyima]] (b.1567-d.1619)<br>
*19. [[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal|Ngawang Namgyal]] (b.1594-d.1651)<br>

===External Links===
<div style="clear:both;"><div style="font-size:xx-small">
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |  GZT | |GZT=Gya Zurpo Tsape }}
{{Chart| |,|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|.| }}
{{Chart|KD| |LN| |LB| |MT| |JT| |GP| |TG| KD=Kalden ''(skal ldan)'' monk|LN=Lhanyen ''(lha gnyan)''|LB=Lhabum ''(lha 'bum)''|MT=Mangtsen ''(smang btsan)'' d. young|JT=Jotsul ''(jo tshul)'' monk|GP=Gomped ''(sgom pad)'' monk|TG='''1. [[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje|Tsangpa Gyare]]'''<ref  group=c>[[Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje]] ''(gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje)'' (b.1161-d.1211)</ref> }}
{{Chart| |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| | | }}
{{Chart|DS| |LT | | CG| DS=2. '''[[Dharma Senge Sangye On|Dharma Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Dharma Senge Sangye On]] ''(dhar ma seng ge sangs rgyas dbon ras)''</ref>|LT=Lhatsen ''(lha btsan)''|CG=Chogo }}
{{Chart| |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| | | }}
{{Chart|ZS| |RP| |LO| ZS=3. '''[[Drukpa Zhonnu Senge|Zhonnu Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Zhonnu Senge]] ([[gzhon nu seng ge]]) (b.1200-d.1266) - became throne holder at the age of 33. </ref>|RP=Rinchen Pel|LO=Lopon Ontag ''(dbon stag)'' }}
{{Chart| | | | | |!| | |,|^|-|-|.| }}
{{Chart| | | |NS| |SS| |SR|NS=4. '''[[Drukpa Nyima Senge|Nyima Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Nyima Senge|Nyima Senge]] ([[nyi ma seng ge]]) (b.1251-d.1287) - became throne holder at the age of 16.</ref>|SS=[[Dorje Lingpa Senge Sherab]]|SR=5. '''[[Drukpa Senge Rinchen|Senge Rinchen]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Senge Rinchen|Pökyapa Senge Rinchen]] ([[spos skya pa seng  ge rin chen]]) (b.1258- d. 1313) - became throne holder at the age of 30. </ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |  |SG|SG=6. '''[[Drukpa Senge Gyalpo|Senge Gyalpo]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Senge Gyalpo|Senge Gyalpo]] ([[seng ge rgyal po]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of 25</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |  | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |  |KS|KS=7. '''[[Drukpa Kunga Senge|Jamyang Kunga Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Kunga Senge|Jamyang Kunga Senge]] ([['jam dbyangs kun dga' seng ge]]) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at age 13.</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{chart| | | | | | | | | | | |LS|LS=8. '''[[Drukpa Lodro Senge|Lodro Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Lodro Senge|Lodrö Senge]] ([[blo gros seng ge]]) (b.1345-d.1390)</ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | |,|-|^|-|.| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | |SS| |YR|SS=9. '''[[Drukpa Sherab Senge|Sherab Senge]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Sherab Senge]] ([[shes rab seng ge]]) (b.1371-d.1392) - became throne holder at the age of 7.</ref>|YR=10. '''[[Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen|Yeshe Rinchen]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen]] ([[ye shes rin chen]]) (b.1364-d.1413) - became throne holder at the age of 29. </ref> }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|v|-|^|-|.| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | |NP| |SZ| |DG|NP=11. '''[[Drukpa Namkha Palzang|Namkha Palzang]]'''<ref group=c> [[Drukpa Namkha Palzang]] ([[nam mkha' dpal bzang]]) (b.1398-d.1425). </ref>|SZ=12. '''[[Drukpa Sherab Zangpo|Sherab Zangpo]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Sherab Zangpo]] ([['brug pa shes rab bzang po]]) (b.1400-d.1438)</ref>|DG=Dorje Gyalpo }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | KP| |LW| |RZ|KP=13. '''[[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Kunga Paljor]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Gyalwang Je Kunga Paljor]] ([[kun dga' dpal 'byor]]) (1428-1476) - [[Drukchen II, Gyalwang Kunga Paljor|Gyalwang Drukchen II]]</ref>|LW=Lhawang|RZ=Rinchen Zangpo }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |NC| |DK|NC=14. '''[[Drukpa Ngawang Chögyal|Ngawang Chögyal]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Ngawang Chögyal]] ([[ngag dbang chos rgyal]]) (b.1465-d.1540). </ref>|DK=[[Drukpa Kunleg]] }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | |,|-|-|-|(| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | |ND| |NW| |NT|ND=Ngawang Dragpa|NW=15. '''[[Drukpa Chung Rinpoche Ngakyi Wangpo|Ngakyi Wangchuck]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Chung Rinpoche Ngakyi Wangpo|Ngakyi Wangchuck]]  (ngag gi dbang phyug grags pa rgyal mtshan)''(b.1517-d.1554). </ref>|NT=Ngawang Tenzin }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |MC| |TT|MC=16. '''[[Drukpa Mipham Chögyal|Mipham Chögyal]] ''' <ref group=c>[[Drukpa Mipham Chögyal|Mipham Chögyal]]  ''(mi pham chos rgyal)''(b.1543-d.1604).</ref> |TT=Tsewang Tenzin }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |TN| |TR|TN=17. '''[[Drukpa Mipham Tenpai Nyima|Mipham Tenpai Nyima]]'''<ref group=c>[[Drukpa Mipham Tenpai Nyima|Mipham Tenpai Nyima]]  ''(mi pham bstan pa'i nyi ma)'' (b.1567-d.1619).</ref>|TR=[[Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye|Tenzin Rabgye]] }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |NN| | |NN=18. '''[[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal]]'''<ref group=c>[[Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal]] ''(zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal)'' (b.1594-d.1651)</ref>  }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | | |!| }}
{{Chart| | | | | | | | | | | |JD| | |JD=Jampal  Dorje }}
=== Hereditary Throne Holders of Ralung ===
* ''Author:'' Yonten Dargye; ''Title:'' History of the Drukpa Kagyud School in Bhutan ''(12th to 17th Century A.D.)'' [ISBN 99936-616-0-0]
==External Links==
* [http://www.drukpa.org/monasteries_centres/monasteries/ralung.html Ralung]
* [http://www.drukpa.org/monasteries_centres/monasteries/ralung.html Ralung]
* [http://www.tbrc-dlms.org/kb/tbrc-detail.xq?RID=G44  rwa lung]  TBRC G44
* [http://www.tbrc-dlms.org/kb/tbrc-detail.xq?RID=G44  rwa lung]  TBRC G44
[[Category:Sacred Sites]]
[[Category:Drukpa Kagyu]]
[[Category:Drukpa Kagyu Lineage]]
[[Category:Tibetan Monasteries]][[Category:Key Terms]][[Category:Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 22:33, 4 December 2010

Ralung Monastery, 1939

rwa lung dgon
Ralung Monastery was founded by Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje(1126-1216) in 1180. Until the 16th or 17th century Ralung was the principal centre of the Drukpa Kagyu school in Tibet.

Early Drukpa Lineage of Ralung

Chart of the hereditary Palden Drukpa lineage (དཔལ་ལྡན་འབྲུག་པའི་གདུང་བརྒྱུད་) of Ralung from the founder Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje), (1161-1211) the main disciple of Lingje Repa Pema Dorje (gling rje ras pa padma rdo rje), (1128-1188), through the "Incomparable Nine Lions" and the to the 18th throne holder, Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (17C.), who moved to Bhutan where he unified the country and established the Southern Drukpa Kagyu school. Successive throne holders are numbered with their names in bold text.

Gya Zurpo Tsape
Kalden (skal ldan) monk
Lhanyen (lha gnyan)
Lhabum (lha 'bum)
Mangtsen (smang btsan) d. young
Jotsul (jo tshul) monk
Gomped (sgom pad) monk
1. Tsangpa Gyare[c 1]
2. Dharma Senge[c 2]
Lhatsen (lha btsan)
3. Zhonnu Senge[c 3]
Rinchen Pel
Lopon Ontag (dbon stag)
4. Nyima Senge[c 4]
Dorje Lingpa Senge Sherab
5. Senge Rinchen[c 5]
6. Senge Gyalpo[c 6]
7. Jamyang Kunga Senge[c 7]
8. Lodro Senge[c 8]
9. Sherab Senge[c 9]
10. Yeshe Rinchen[c 10]
11. Namkha Palzang[c 11]
12. Sherab Zangpo[c 12]
Dorje Gyalpo
13. Kunga Paljor[c 13]
Rinchen Zangpo
14. Ngawang Chögyal[c 14]
Drukpa Kunleg
Ngawang Dragpa
15. Ngakyi Wangchuck[c 15]
Ngawang Tenzin
16. Mipham Chögyal [c 16]
Tsewang Tenzin
17. Mipham Tenpai Nyima[c 17]
Tenzin Rabgye
18. Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal[c 18]
Jampal Dorje

Hereditary Throne Holders of Ralung

  1. Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje) (b.1161-d.1211)
  2. Dharma Senge Sangye On (dhar ma seng ge sangs rgyas dbon ras)
  3. Drukpa Zhonnu Senge (gzhon nu seng ge) (b.1200-d.1266) - became throne holder at the age of 33.
  4. Nyima Senge (nyi ma seng ge) (b.1251-d.1287) - became throne holder at the age of 16.
  5. Pökyapa Senge Rinchen (spos skya pa seng ge rin chen) (b.1258- d. 1313) - became throne holder at the age of 30.
  6. Senge Gyalpo (seng ge rgyal po) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at the age of 25
  7. Jamyang Kunga Senge ('jam dbyangs kun dga' seng ge) (b.1289-d.1326) - became throne holder at age 13.
  8. Lodrö Senge (blo gros seng ge) (b.1345-d.1390)
  9. Drukpa Sherab Senge (shes rab seng ge) (b.1371-d.1392) - became throne holder at the age of 7.
  10. Drukpa Yeshe Rinchen (ye shes rin chen) (b.1364-d.1413) - became throne holder at the age of 29.
  11. Drukpa Namkha Palzang (nam mkha' dpal bzang) (b.1398-d.1425).
  12. Drukpa Sherab Zangpo ('brug pa shes rab bzang po) (b.1400-d.1438)
  13. Gyalwang Je Kunga Paljor (kun dga' dpal 'byor) (1428-1476) - Gyalwang Drukchen II
  14. Drukpa Ngawang Chögyal (ngag dbang chos rgyal) (b.1465-d.1540).
  15. Ngakyi Wangchuck (ngag gi dbang phyug grags pa rgyal mtshan)(b.1517-d.1554).
  16. Mipham Chögyal (mi pham chos rgyal)(b.1543-d.1604).
  17. Mipham Tenpai Nyima (mi pham bstan pa'i nyi ma) (b.1567-d.1619).
  18. Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal) (b.1594-d.1651)


  • Author: Yonten Dargye; Title: History of the Drukpa Kagyud School in Bhutan (12th to 17th Century A.D.) [ISBN 99936-616-0-0]

External Links