Investigation of Fire and Firewood
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Chapter 10. Investigation of Fire and Firewood
(Fire) - ((kun skyobs) here meaning as all consuming...and not necessarily as (me), one of khams lnga, the five elements)
1. bud shing gang de me yin na/
byed pa po dang las gcig 'gyur/
gal te shing las me gzhan na/
shing med par yang 'byung bar 'gyur//
1. If firewood were fire, actor and act would be one. If fire were other than wood, it would occur even without wood.
2. rtag tu 'bar ba nyid du 'gyur/
'bar byed rgyu las mi 'byung zhing/
rtsom pa don med nyid du 'gyur/
de lta yin na las kyang med//
2. [Fire] would burn permanently and would not arise from causes for burning. Starting [a fire] would be meaningless. If it were like that, there would also be no act.
3. gzhan la ltos pa med pa'i phyir/
'bar bar byed rgyu las mi 'byung/
rtag tu 'bar ba yin na ni/
rtsom pa don med nyid du 'gyur//
3. Because [fire] does not depend on anything else, it would not arise from causes for burning. If it burned permanently, starting it would be meaningless.
4. de la gal te 'di snyam du/
sreg bzhin bud shing yin sems na/
gang tshe de tsam de yin na/
gang gis bud shing de sreg byed//
4. Concerning this, if one thinks that while burning it is firewood, if it is such only at that time, by what could that firewood be ignited?
5. gzhan phyir mi phrad phrad med na/
sreg par mi 'gyur mi sreg na/
'chi bar mi 'gyur mi 'chi na/
rang rtags dang yang ldan par gnas//
5. Because [fire] is other, it would not connect; if it did not connect, it would not ignite; if it did not ignite, it would not die; if it did not die, it would also remain in possession of its own characteristic.
6. ji ltar bud med skyes pa dang/
skyes pa'ang bud med phrad pa bzhi/
gal te shing las me gzhan yang/
shing dang phrad du** rung bar 'gyur//
6. Just as a woman connects with a man and a man too with a woman, although fire is other than wood, it is fit to connect with wood.
7. gal te me dang shing dag ni/
gcig gis gcig ni bsal gyur na/
shing las me gzhan nyid yin yang/
shing dang phrad par 'dod la rag//
7. If fire and wood eliminated each other, even though fire is something other than wood, it would have to connect with wood.
8. gal te shing ltos me yin la/
gal te me ltos shing yin na/
gang ltos me dang shing 'gyur ba/
dang por grub pa gang zhig yin//
8. If fire were dependent on wood and wood were dependent on fire, of what becomes fire and wood dependently, which would be established first?
9. gal te shing ltos me yin na/
me grub pa la sgrub par 'gyur/
bud par bya ba'i shing la yang/
me med par ni 'gyur pa yin//
9. If fire were dependent on wood, [already] established fire would be established [again]. Firewood also would be [such] even without fire.
10. gal te dngos po gang ltos 'grub/
de nyid la ya ltos nas ni/
ltos bya gang yin de 'grub na/
gang la ltos nas gang zhig 'grub//
10. If a thing (A) is established dependently (on B), [but] if what it depends upon (B) is established also in dependence on that very thing (A), what would be established in dependence on what?
11. dngos po ltos grub gang yin pa/
de ma grub na ji ltar ltos/
ci ste grub pa ltos she na/
de ni ltos par mi rigs so//
11. How can a thing (A) which is established dependently (on B) be dependent (on B) when it (A) is not established? If one asks, "how can establishment be dependent?" It is not reasonable for it (A) to be dependent.
12. shing la ltos pa'i me med de/
shing la ma ltos me yang med/
me la ltos pa'i [[shing[[ med de/
me la ma ltos shing yang med//
12. There is no fire that is dependent on wood; there is also no fire that is not dependent on wood. There is no wood that is dependent on fire; there is also no wood that is not dependent on fire.
13. me ni gzhan las mi 'ong ste/
shing la'ang me ni yod ma yin/
de bzhin shing gi lhag ma ni/
song dang ma song bgom pas bstan//
13. Fire does not come from something else; fire also does not exist in wood. Likewise, the remainder of wood has been shown by gone, not-gone and going.
14. shing nyid me ni ma yin te/
shing las gzhan pa me yang med/
me ni shing dang ldan ma yin/
me la shing med der de med//
14. Wood itself is not fire; fire is also not something other than wood. Fire does not possess wood; wood does not exist in fire; that (fire) does not exist in it.
15. me dang shing gis bdag dang ni/
nye bar len pa'i rim pa kun/
bum snam sogs dang lhan cig tu/
ma lus par ni rnam par bshad//
15. Through fire and wood is explained without exception all the stages of self and the grasped and at the same time jugs, cloth and so on.
16. gang dag bdag dang dngos po rnams/
de bcas nyid dang tha dad par/
ston pa de dag bstan don la/
mkhas so snyam du mi sems so//
16. I do not think those who teach the identity or difference of self and things are wise in the meaning of the teaching.
me dang bud shing brtag pa zhes bya ba ste rab tu byed pa bcu pa'o//